My Exhibitionist Best Friend Pt. 07

Story Info
Streaks, modeling, and even poker lead to more public nudity.
5.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 03/20/2024
Created 05/27/2020
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Chapter 7

I pulled up to her building at 5:00 on Sunday. The sun would be going down soon. Quickly, she arrived at my car, carrying a little bag that I assumed what the disguise gear. She hopped in and we headed out. She was a little giddy as she pulled the wig and hat out and changed shoes.

"Ok Emily, would you like to know where we are going?" I asked as we drove away.

"Of course. I'm getting all excited already," she eagerly replied.

"Ok well do you know the park over on the west side of town that has the big baseball fields? That's where we are going. And you will find out what to do when we get there, but you are definitely going to be seen."

This park we were going to was perfect for our activities. Half of it was forested and isolated and usually empty and the other half was a set of public baseball fields that frequently had people playing. The plan that I would share with her soon was for her to undress in the isolated area, explore the forest part of the park, and then finish by streaking past a rec league softball game that I knew was happening that night.

We parked, among the other cars, and walked the opposite direction from the lights and the people. Seeing so many cars made her nervous she told me, but I could tell it was excited nervousness. The sun was just going down, so the forested area was dark enough for her to feel comfortable with what was about to happen. We stopped on a hidden side path a couple hundred feet away from the parking lot.

"Ok Emily. Time to start. The first thing you are going to do tonight is just get to experience some time naked in nature. So here in this mostly empty park, I want you to get a solid bit of time to be naked outside. So, time for your clothes to be off."

She nodded and looked around one more time. It was unlikely that anyone would be in this area at this point in the day, they would be over by the fields, but it was still possible. I hoped we would get caught actually. She swiftly stripped and put her clothes in a bag that she then handed to me. She stretched in the chilly night air, gently pushing out her tits towards me. I would definitely not be the only one to appreciate them tonight.

"Ok, I am going to set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes. We are going to just walk around for that full amount of time, and then I'll tell you what's next. If we encounter a person, you have to keep walking and acting natural. No running away," I told her.

"Walking only. Got it. Which way?" she asked.

We wandered through the wooded area, talking some, but mostly not. She was very aware of her surroundings and she successfully just walked. It was a good step for her, to be outside naked so long. It was a small area, so really it was a couple laps around the wooded park. No people unfortunately. On probably lap 4, the timer rang. Time for the next step.

"Times up. Now the next part of what you are doing tonight. Let's walk over to the edge of the trees," I said.

We made the short walk over to the spot where we could see the softball field. There was a game going on just as planned. Total, about 25 people on and around the field. The parking lot was just past the field from where we were.

"See the car from here?" I asked her, pointing in its direction. "I'm going to go stand by the car. Once I'm there, you are going to follow me. That's it. Just walk to the car from here, and we're done."

"So you mean right by that field full of people?" she questioned, knowing the answer.

"Right by the field of people. Honestly this is pretty simple compared to what you've done before. But the important part is walk. Just act as if there is nothing out of the ordinary. You survived without your disguise on Friday at the party. It'll be fine," I said as I started to walk away. This felt like a good step up from the walking I had her do that first weekend with her disguise. Then, not many people saw her. Now a good bit more would. She watched the scene intently as I started to my car.

The forest was just past the right field pole so the total walk was maybe 300-350 feet. Half of that wasn't well lit. She would definitely be seen by everyone, but not really for that long. It was really going to depend on how she walked and how she acted.

I made it to the car and gave a big wave towards the forest. Almost without a pause, I saw her start to walk. She was in the dark, but you could see her if you knew what to look for. She was going slower than I expected. Really strolling as if nothing was wrong.

She continued, and about a third of the way, she was first spotted. It looked like the right fielder noticed the movement and turned to watch. This is the moment where she would really have to decide how to act the rest of the way. Would she take off running or keep the pace? Happily, she kept the slow stroll, but didn't acknowledge the people of the field. By the halfway point, she was in the lights and more of the team had noticed her complete nakedness. She approached the back of the 1st base dugout, and maybe picked up the pace just a bit. There were a couple wolf whistles and yells that you would expect in the situation, and that definitely got the rest of the two team's attention.

Enough attention in fact that one of the very few spectators stood up and approached her. Another girl, probably a girlfriend watching. I was shocked for her at first and expected her to take off in a sprint.

Surprisingly, Emily completely stopped when the girl reached her. From my distance, I could tell they were talking and Emily didn't look afraid at all. I frantically pulled out my phone to take a long distance picture. I knew she would want to see how exposed she looked. After a moment, it looked like they were about to separate, but then Emily did something unexpected. She turned and followed the girl back to the bleachers and sat down! That exhibitionist was going to sit and watch the game, completely naked! She was where everyone on the field could see her, and it looked like she didn't care at all.

I didn't know what I should do, should I stay here waiting or go back up to the field where she was? I waited a minute or two to see what would happen first. After sitting maybe 2 or 3 minutes, Emily got back up and waved goodbye the girl (and the teams) and continued to walk. No need to rush now, everyone had seen her already. When she finally made it to me and the car, she greeted me with a big hug and an excited smile. I wanted to get her in the car before asking her about what just happened, but she immediately exclaimed "Can you believe what I just did?!"

I urged her into the car for us to keep on talking. In the car, I said "That was crazy! What happened? I've got to know what happened with the girl back there."

"Ok so I was so scared when you left me and walked to the car, but I decided that if I hesitated, it would just get worse, so I went for it. The first part was dark so I felt ok, kind of secure. I was trying to just not focus on the people and keep going, but then that girl walked over! I honestly felt like I was shaking when she started talking to me."

"You looked fine. No shaking visible, from my view at least. What did she say?" I responded.

"Good. She of course asked me what I was doing and if I was ok. She seemed worried at first, but I told her that I lost a bet to some of my sorority sisters and that I had to do this. I had been planning for a while to use the sorority excuse if I needed one."

"Good idea," I added. "Maybe I can work that into a plan in the future."

"I told her that I was super embarrassed, but if I didn't walk all the way, I'd have to do something even worse. After standing there just a second, the fear started to go away. God, it almost felt empowering to just be there naked and not care at all. It's some kind of crazy endorphin release. So that's when I had the idea to extend it and keep that feeling going. I told her than part of the bet was to sit down and watch the game for a minute. She laughed, told me I was absolutely crazy for being willing to do that, and invited me to join her. So I did, and I sat on the cold metal bleachers, and I watched the game. I guess actually the game watched me, since basically every eye was on me."

She continued "That moment right there, when everyone was looking, was the best feeling I've ever had. I felt so much power. I felt invincible. I mean, I'm sitting there completely fucking naked at a baseball field and I couldn't do anything about it and no one else could either. It's weird how I've been naked in front of a bunch of people now for other things, but it feels so much intense when I do it like this. Its way scarier, but way way more exciting and fun. I'm going to be rethinking about that moment a lot. So I wanted to stay there forever, but knew that it would definitely start to seem weird if I enjoyed it that much. So I told the girl that I had sat as long as I needed to for the bet, and I finished the walk back to you! That's it!"

"Wow you really are an exhibitionist Emily!" I replied. "Each step we take that gets more extreme, the more surprised I am that you like it. I was afraid that this would be too much, but there you went making it even worse for yourself. You are insane. But I'm glad I get to help you be insane."

"I'm absolutely game for whatever next crazy thing you want me to do Ben!"

"What if I made you do that again without the disguise?" I asked.

"Ok maybe not something like that. Not yet," she replied sheepishly.

That was enough for tonight and we headed back to campus, but her new level of self-imposed exhibition inspired a lot of new ideas. I would have to push her even farther next time.

Her next naked adventure didn't come from me though. On Tuesday afternoon, Zoe messaged both of us on Facebook with a tempting offer. She was scheduled to pose for a class that Thursday afternoon but she was going to be out of town on a studio research trip, at an art gallery a couple hours away. She originally was going to let the other established art class models pick up the class but wondered if Emily would be interested in it. She could tell the professor that Emily was a prospective model for next semester but wanted to try it out first before signing up.

Emily responded immediately. "I'd love to."

I was glad she was up for doing something like that again, I really thought that she should do it full time next semester and hoped that this trial would show her that. I also really wanted to be there to see her again. So I messaged back with a question if there was any way I could also be there with her to watch. Zoe typed for a while, continually giving me the 3 dots for a minute or so before finally replying. "It's kind of a strict thing for no outside visitors to be in classes with nude models. But there might be one way. We'd have to say you were a prospective model too and observing the class before you try it out. Not sure how you would feel about that."

I didn't love it, but I wanted to be there so I accepted the idea of the story and we both confirmed with Zoe that we would be at the class Thursday to replace her.

Two days later, it was just about an hour before the class was to start and I was outside of Emily's dorm so we could walk over together. Luckily the timing worked well with our class schedules so we were not having to skip anything. Emily wore a light sundress with a big jacket and carried a bag over her shoulder. She explained that Zoe had given her some tips, like to not wear anything tight right before the class to avoid lines on her body. The bag contained a robe and a warmer change of clothes for afterwards. She seemed happy and bother free as we walked over, so I asked her "Are you feeling nervous at all about this? I mean you are about to be naked in front of like 20 people for a full hour, I know how much that must be getting you excited."

"Actually not nervous at all! I am excited though," she replied. "It's because I'm not doing anything wrong by being nude today. Just doing my job basically, everyone knows what's about to happen."

Made sense. She needed the taboo and the unexpected. Once we entered the building, I told her that I wanted to take a detour over to the gallery to take a look at something. What she didn't know was that I had made a late night trip up to the building the night before to put something up. Something very revealing.

I had done some editing on that photo I took of her in the gallery the week before and found a way to get it covertly printed on a glossy 11×17 sheet. I had also made a fake title card to put under it with false photographer and model info. And I had put them up on the gallery wall, off in the corner where they didn't stand out. A naked, spread eagle, and faceless photo of Emily was just right there on the wall for anyone to see.

And when she saw it, she gasped the biggest gasp I had ever heard. She lightly hit my arm and asked me if I did that, but of course she knew that already. We both walked closer and looked at it intently and silently. I edited it enough to look like an artsy black and white picture, the kind of thing that the photo students I'm sure were producing, so I don't think it felt out of place even though it was explicit. Finally she said "Holy moly I look good don't I," and laughed. "I love it, thank you. I feel like I'm art!" she continued.

"Of course you are! And you are about to be more art for a class of people once we get upstairs," I replied. We had about 20 minutes before class time so we headed up and found the room.

The art teacher was already there setting up. We approached once we walked in the studio and introduced ourselves as the prospective models that were participating in class today.

"Wonderful. Zoe let me know that both of you have a little experience and know what you are doing. Are we doing both of you together or one at a time?"

"Oh I was just here to observe today," I nervously blurted out, trying to make sure I didn't get involved today more than watching. "Emily was going to do all the modeling today."

"Oh there must have been a misunderstanding with Zoe, I thought she said that both of you would pose. But that should be ok if it is just one of you " she said with an understanding tone. "I will say though that if you are trying to decide if you want to sign up for next semester, it is best to really give it a go. Everyone is nervous at first but finds a way to enjoy it. Let me know if you change your mind."

With that she gave Emily instructions for where to change into her robe and me instructions for where to sit. Emily left into a supply room to change and I waited as the first students began to wander in and claim their easels. This was an introductory charcoals class, mostly art majors but not all.

At 2 minutes before class, when most everyone was there, the professor went back into the closet to grab Emily and get things going. She walked out in just her robe, a big fluffy red one, and barefoot. She had a calm smile on her face for now but she looked around the classroom intently to see the audience that would see her so soon. I thought I noticed a flash of recognition on her face as she scanned the room, but she didn't seem too concerned.

The teacher gave the usual kinds of class introduction announcements and then got to the real point of the day, introducing Emily as the model for the day and laying out the timing of the poses. After just a few more moments of discussion, she announced that it was time to get started, and would Emily take her first pose for the warm up sketch. She unwrapped the robe and let it fall with no hesitation and then stepped up onto the platform, fully naked and fully happy to he letting a class of 20 peers see her everything. She smiled and took it all in.

About 30 minutes later, during a longer break between poses, she came over to me for the first time to talk. I had been loving watching her so much. Any chance to see that naked body was incredible, especially for this long, well lit, and disguise free.

"Having a good time?" I asked as she made it to me.

"Wonderful time so far," she happily replied. "I like this a lot."

"You look happy from here," I told her.

"Sure you aren't going to participate too today? I'll let you do the last pose if you want. All these girls in this room would love to see what you've got going on," she teased.

"Oh no, not for me. I'm not you, I feel terror," I laughed, trying to avoid the topic.

"I promise it is easy and freeing," she said. "You seemed pretty ok with it back at my dorm, and you were good at it. I could use a partner up here I think." I looked unsure still, so she just told me to think about it for next time and walked away, back up to the podium to continue. She tugged the robe away as she walked, freeing herself to the room of artists who watched every inch of her. The last pose ran for 20 minutes, and it was a good one. She was laid back on one elbow with her chest twisted to really emphasize her tits and one leg bent up so that some parts of the room definitely got a full pussy view. I'm sure they all appreciated it for the art, but I appreciated how hot she looked. But then a timer went off and the class and pose ended. Everyone began to quickly pack up as Emily slowly pulled the robe back on, loosely tying it in the front. I hung out at the back as I saw her walk over to the teacher to talk to her about something before heading to the closet to get dressed. As she was talking, I could see that her robe was slowly undoing and providing a scandalous peak at a stripe of skin below.

A few minutes later, Emily emerged from the closet, dressed in jeans and a sweater this time, and joined me as we left the classroom. Before I even had to ask, she told me what she went to talk to the professor about.

"I told her that I wanted to sign up to do this weekly next semester. And that I'm available for fill ins this semester if needed. She said I did a great job and they'd love to have me model. Isn't that exciting! I'm so excited! I loved that class. I need that to happen again." She just kept talking about how excited she was and how happy she was for a solid minute, as if she was hyper on a new naked based form of energy. "Oh and I did also say that you may want to try it out next time I fill in too. Sorry. I had to cover the lie about you being there!"

I felt some fear at that news, but mostly happy that she was so happy. It sounded like she was finally going to start doing what I knew she would enjoy. Now I just hoped that she would still be up for naked adventures with me once she was regularly getting to show off in the safe way she wanted. I'd have to keep pushing her into better and more fulfilling adventures, but that also meant more extreme and dangerous. I just hoped she was ready for it.

I had plans to see her again on Saturday afternoon, but in a different state of dress than I'd been getting used to, because we were going over to the off campus apartment of a friend of Zoe's for a game night. Carol was the host, and Zoe had let us know that she was a fellow art model. We'd been invited but also told to bring any other friends we wanted, so we extended the invitation to Laura, and she accepted. We'd been spending less time with her since the adventures had begun and we felt bad, so we wanted to prioritize hanging out that weekend with her. Laura lived nearby, so she was going to meet us there.

We rode together and on the drive over, Emily nervously said "If there is a good opportunity, I think I'm going to tell her tonight. Do you think that's a good idea?"

I told her I agreed and was glad to hear that she was ready for that. She didn't tell me anything more about how she wanted to do it, but I could see her mind going.

We parked and walked in to about 6 or 7 people already there, including Laura and Zoe, who was introducing Laura to everyone else. The rest of the group were all art students it turned out, and eventually 3 more arrived, bringing the total party to 12. For a while, it was a fun normal game night kind of party. Pizza, games, beer, and a dozen college kids hanging out and having fun.