My Fae College Roommate Ch. 02

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Cody and Okimo go outside.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/18/2022
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Cody stepped out of the shower, and started wiping himself down with a towel. Hot water dripped off of his naked body. He was a decidedly average guy, standing at 5'8" on his bare feet. Neither muscular not fat really, his skin was pale, and his brown hair was slightly darker than his eyes. He was just a regular, shy dude, who usually went unnoticed by others. A regular dude, who found himself in the most irregular of situations.

His body was still full of adrenaline and bliss, not to mention feelings of wariness and confusion. Cody Williams, 19 year old communications major at Shelbyfield U, had just received the orgasm of his life from the hands of a fae, who was his new roommate for his sophomore year. An otherworldly creature, originating from a realm between realms, Okimo looked like a drop dead beautiful woman with golden eyes and hair, a constant glowing shimmer giving her features an angelic sheen. Her body was perfect in every way, smooth and hairless, standing well above 6' barefoot on her heavenly spires for legs.

That was what Cody saw. Others, apparently, saw whatever illusion Okimo chose to wear at the time. Cody was 'gifted', whatever that meant. He finished wiping himself down and put the towel away. His hair was still a bit wet, and his cock was at half-mast, apparently getting ready to see his naked, alien roommate again. She had vocally objected to covering herself up during their initial encounter, and Cody had not objected.

He walked into his new dorm room, where his roommate sat cross-legged on her bed, supported by her slender arms. His cock twitched and grew slightly at the sight of her long legs and full, round breasts with their stiff pink nipples. Her golden eyes looked up at him, and she smiled.

"Did you enjoy showering? Why do you do that, anyway?" Okimo asked, always curious about human behaviors. She bounced up onto her feet and walked towards him with her hand on her chin, looking like she was inspecting him. "Why are you covering yourself up with that cloth?"

"The towel? Oh... Just a habit, I guess," Cody answered. He took it off, and his stiffening cock breathed the cool air. "You know how we humans have our taboos and stuff."

"Yes, you mentioned that. And what about my other questions?"

Cody sighed. So many questions. It didn't bother him for the moment, but he could see it getting annoying if she kept it up constantly. "Right," he said. "Let's see... Yeah, I enjoyed the shower, I guess. We do it to stay clean. I don't know if you fae get like, dirty and sweaty, but we have to wash ourselves every now and then."

"I think I understand," Okimo said, prancing around in the room to observe Cody from different angles. "Fae do not get... dirty, but I think I would like to try doing a shower some time."

Cody chuckled. "Sure, you can do a shower in our bathroom whenever you want."

"Really? That's very convenient. Then I don't have to bother planning for one."

"Yeah," Cody said. "It's convenient. We have had running water for uh... thousands of years, I think, so it's no big deal anymore."

"Yes," Okimo nodded. "Many species throughout the realms require water for sustenance. So, many of them have created similar technologies."

Cody found his growing horniness overtaken by curiosity for a moment. "What can you tell me about other realms?" he asked.

"Hmmm... Nothing," Okimo said. "I told you, contact between realms must be done with great care! You shouldn't even know the truth about me!"

"That's fine," Cody said, slightly disappointed at the answer. "Is that like, your prime directive?"


"Never mind."

"Okay... Hey look, you are hard again!" Okimo said, pointing excitedly at Cody's now fully erect penis.

He felt a rush of excitement wash over him. "Yeah, looks like I am. Do you uh... Do you want more cum?"

Okimo licked her lips. "Yes please! Shall I help you extract?" There was a gleeful tone to her voice.

"Yeah, go ahead," Cody said.

Okimo's glowing face beamed with a smile, as she walked up right next to Cody, standing on his right side. He could feel her skin against his body, warm and electric, almost buzzing. The long fingers of her right hand grasped his aching shaft, while she cupped her left hand in front of it. She started jerking. "Like this, right?"

"Just like that." He felt the pleasure radiating from his cock as the fae milked him, and gritted his teeth. He had already finished twice today, yet he was somehow fully hard and rapidly approaching another orgasm already. "Okimo, do you think I could touch you?"

"Would you like that? I guess it would aid with your sperm production process?"

"Yes, very much," Cody said.

"Well, of course you can. I've been touching you a lot, haven't I? Go on!"

He placed his right hand on her ass. It felt soft and smooth, warm and electric. His left hand found one of her breasts, and started playing with the nipple, rolling it gently between his fingers.

There it was. His legs locked up, and he grabbed on to Okimo's shoulder for support as his body surrendered to the orgasm. Several big ropes of creamy sperm shot out of his throbbing cock, sticking to the palm of Okimo's cupped hand. She giggled gleefully throughout the entire orgasm.

When he was done cumming, Cody grabbed Okimo's wrist and pulled her hand off his cock, which had become way too sensitive for her magical fae grip. "Oh that was great. Thank you, Okimo," he said. He could definitely get used to this.

"Mmm," Okimo said as she licked her palm clean. "Thank you too! This is very good. So... Do you want to guide me through the university now? Are you... satisfied, for a while?"

"Yeah I am," Cody responded. He sat down on his bed and took several deep breaths. "You know, the university is absolutely massive. It will take days to show you everything. But we could get started now, sure."

"That's okay," Okimo said. "Time is not a problem for me."

"Right. Hmmm... How much have you already seen of our world, since you have been here?"

"I have been here for 3 of your days. I've spent most of the time in this room, to be honest." Okimo frowned. "I was feeling very anxious about this visiting, and unsure of what to do." She perked up again. "That's why I am glad to have met you! Usually, encountering a gifted leads to all kinds of problems."

"Anyway," she continued. "I have wandered around outside of this room, observing some of this university and its surroundings, while being invisible to your kind. All I can say is that everything is very confusing to me. Oh, I have also wandered as the girl you saw on the device you pointed at me earlier."

"My phone?"

"Yes, I think that was it. In any case, I wanted to get used to being seen by your kind as one of your own. While it did not make me afraid, it did make me feel uneasy and unsure of myself..."

"I see," Cody said. "You know, feeling uneasy and unsure of yourself actually makes you a lot like us, funnily enough."

"Well, most fae aren't like that..." Okimo frowned again. "They go on visitings and seem to just... know what to do. Any one of us would have made several friends already, or even achieved an influential position in your society. But here I am, hiding away in this room..."

"Are you new to this?"

Okimo... blushed? Her cheeks turned to gold. "No. I have been on countless visitings, to other realms. It's what we do. And I'm just... not very good at it."

Cody stood up with his back straight. He felt a sudden rush of confidence. Finally, he could impress a stunningly hot... not really girl, but still... with his superior knowledge of something that she needed. In this case, being human. Compared to the rest of his kind, he might even be below average at it, but to an alien being on her first 'visiting' to Earth, he was practically a king.

"Don't worry, Okimo!" Cody said, sure of himself. "I will help you. I can't promise that you will fit in, I can't even really do that myself, but I think I can at least help you blend in. So that people don't suspect that you're... not human, you know."

Okimo's golden eyes opened wide. "Oh no! That would be a disaster. Thank you, Cody. Thank you so much!"

"Okay let's see here... First, you need a backstory. We can set up some basics before we go out, but you need to constantly work on it, and add to it. Make sure you remember all the details and stuff, yeah?"

"Yes, that should not be a problem," Okimo said. "As long as you help me make sure the details are... acceptably human." She sat down at the edge of her bed, crossed her legs and placed her hand on her chin. "Can I keep using the name Okimo? There are a few humans who already know me by that. It's also close enough to my true name. It would be nice to keep it."

"Hmm... Sure, but it's a bit of an odd one. People will ask about it."

"I understand. How does your kind receive their names?"

"Usually they are given to us by our parents."

"Parents..." Okimo said. "The humans who produced you, right?"

"Uh, that's right."

"Okay. So, my parents wanted to name me 'Okimo' for some reason."

"It could be a foreign name. Uh, a name from another place on Earth, far away where people are... different?" Cody said. "Hmmm... Maybe not. You sound like a local when you speak."

"Yeah, there's a reason for that..." Okimo hesitated. "What we hear and speak gets translated to and from those around us. There is a mechanism... It's... Bah, all of these things are so hard to explain to other sentients!"

"That's great..." More fae magic that Cody didn't understand. "How about if your parents are hippies, or something like that?"

"What are hippies?"

"Oh boy," Cody said. "Weird people, I guess. They are into a lot of spiritual stuff. And do a lot of drugs. We can talk about that more later, I think. Plus, and I don't want to be mean, but you will probably come off as... strange to people, at least until you really learn how to act. So, that would actually kind of fit."

"Spiritual stuff huh," Okimo said, sounding almost suspicious. "Well, that makes sense. Okay."

"There's also the matter of you being a second year student, a sophomore... You must have transferred here somehow."

"From another university, right?"

"Yes," Cody said. He tried to think about other schools he knew about, ones far away on the other side of the college. "Dolving College," he said. "You transferred from Dolving College."

"That's another school, like this one?"

"That's right. It's far away from here, so we shouldn't run into anyone who knows much about it."

"Good thinking!" Okimo said happily. "You're a smart one."

"Heh... Thank you. Okay... What about a last name? Do you have one already?"

"Hmmm... no."

Suddenly, Cody remembered the cute girl who worked at the desk downstairs. She had known about Okimo. "You are already in the school's computer system, somehow. Did you know that? Your full name should be there."

"That makes sense," Okimo said. "I received some assistance with the preparations for my visiting. We... modified your reality, a bit. So that my presence here made sense according to the rules of your society."

"And that includes entering you into the university computer systems? Taxation and social security and all that jazz too, I guess."

Okimo shrugged. "I would think so. Like I said, I'm unfortunately not very skilled at visiting. Some of my fellow fae prepared all that for me." She perked up. "Ah! Of course. I don't have a last name. I'm just Okimo. That should be in your records, too."

"Okay..." Cody said. He supposed that some people simply didn't have last names.

"I think we can figure things out as we go. I trust you! So, where do you want to go?"

"Well, I still need the wifi password. It's... So I can connect that device over there," Cody pointed at the laptop on his desk. "To the... Oh god, the internet. I will explain the internet another time. It's like a network. Do you understand what 'network' means?"

"I think so, yes."

"Okay, great. Anyway, let's go down to the lobby and get the wifi password from the receptionist. I'll do the talking, but be ready to respond if anyone addresses you. Try to be vague, but not rudely so, you know?"

"Okay... I will try!" Okimo stood up excitedly.


"Does it look good now?" Okimo asked. The tall, naked fae twirled around on her bare feet in their shared dorm room, and the girl on Cody's phone screen did the same in her flip-flops. They had decided on a "college off-day casual" look for Okimo to use as an illusion while people could see her. The girl on the screen was a tall blonde who looked almost like Okimo, without all the godliness and otherworldly sparkles. In addition to her cheap plastic flip-flops, she wore a pair of purple leggings and a grey hoodie. While the hoodie hid most distractions on her upper body, the leggings did a great job at revealing the sculptured shape of her endless legs, which were sure to draw eyes onto her.

"I think so," Cody said. "You look like a regular, but really hot, college girl having a lazy day."

"Okay... And how should I look on my non-lazy days?"

"Hmmm... We'll get to that. Are you ready to go?" Cody had dressed himself while Okimo had tried on various illusions, wearing the same old jeans and sneakers, with a fresh blue t-shirt. He still could not see her illusions without using a camera of some kind, which could prove to be an inconvenience.

"I am a little anxious. Promise you'll handle things if I'm not ready?"

Cody smiled, feeling suddenly protective of his goddess roommate. "Of course. I won't let anything happen to you!"

Okimo looked apprehensive. "No, I will be fine, don't worry about that. I doubt any of your kind are even capable of harming me. It's the safety of the realms I'm worried about... I hope I don't screw it up!"

"Right, the realms. Okay, well, let's go then!" Cody opened the door, and stepped out into the hallway. Okimo followed, on light, hesitant steps.


Cody stepped out of the lobby elevator, followed shortly by Okimo, the naked fae. For a moment, he worried that her illusions wouldn't work, and that people would see her true form. There were only a few people in the lobby, and while they did look up at Okimo, they returned to their phones after a few seconds. Phew. Seems like they just saw a hot human girl.

The two walked up to the reception, where the same girl from before was sitting. Young, curvy and juicy, with brown skin, black hair, and big glasses. If only she knew what Cody had been up two since their first encounter. He cleared his throat. "Um, excuse me?"

"Hi! Cody, right? What can I help you with?" She remembered his name! Although, it was a slow day and it had not been long since they last met.

"That's right," Cody said.

"...You're Okimo?" the receptionist said. "Cody's roommate?"

"Yes," Okimo said stiffly.

"Huh. I guess I just assumed you were a... never mind, it doesn't matter. Anyway, what do you guys need?"

"What's the wifi password?"

The receptionist reached down and pulled out a printed slip of paper with some letters and numbers on it. "I should just start giving these automatically whenever someone new shows up. You learn and you live, huh?"

"New on the job?"

"Yeah," the receptionist said. "And a slow start, at that. My manager is off, so I'm all by myself."

"Cool, cool," Cody said. "Well... good luck with that. I guess I'll be seeing you around."

The receptionist looked up at Okimo with suspicion in her dark eyes. "Yeah... Later," she said.

Cody grabbed the paper slip, and walked off towards the exit with Okimo close by. He felt a sense of relief wash over him, and realized how fast his heart had been beating. That could have gone much worse, he thought.

"How was that?" he asked Okimo as they left the dormitory building. "You didn't really say much." There weren't any people in sight, so he figured they could talk freely for a bit. Would he ever get used to seeing this beautiful, towering, naked goddess, while everyone else saw... a human?

"I figured not saying much is in my best interests, at least for now," Okimo said. "Until I get better at acting like you. Your kind, I mean."

"Cool, cool. No worries," Cody said, as casually as he could. "So, around here we have a few more dorm buildings like the one we live in. Then there's that building over there," he pointed at a large building with several floors, covered in a glass roof and walls through which many bookshelves and desks were visible. "It has a library and a café. Then, there's the small park area next to it. Which do you want to see first?"

"Oh... I don't really know what those are. I'll let you decide."

"Okay... How about the café, then? It's a place where people go to eat, drink, and hang out. You can buy... sandwiches and coffee and stuff. You'll see."

"I think I know!" Okimo said, perking up on her tippy toes and smiling. "Other realms have places like that, where the inhabitants go to purchase sustenance for some kind of currency. I am usually able to create currency illusions, so I can buy what I want!"

Cody winced. "Hmmm... Not a good idea," he said, thinking about the trouble that counterfeit fae money would cause if caught in circulation. "Besides, I don't think they even accept cash."


"Cash is when you pay using physical currency. We mostly use, uh, electronic currency now. Using small plastic cards."


"It's all connected to your bank account... Oh man. That's gonna take a while to explain. Let's just go, you'll see how it works."

Okimo shrugged lightly. "If you say so. I trust you."


The café was located on the first floor of the building, separated from the rest of the floor by waist-high walls. It was a slow day, with just a few guests scattered among the tables, most reading or using their laptops. In the middle of the area was a long counter, with rows of pastries and sandwiches behind glass, and the cashier machine. Behind it, assorted appliances for cooking and making coffee, as well as a fridge with a glass door containing cold drinks.

"Do you want to eat anything? Maybe have a coffee?" Cody asked Okimo, who was standing next to him at the entrance to the café area. One of her arms was below her lovely, round breasts, supporting the other, whose hand was on her chin as she curiously scanned her surroundings.

"Hmmm... I don't know. I'll try whatever you're having!"

"Alright," Cody said. "Let's just get some coffee then."

The two walked slowly up to the counter, Cody feeling another wave of anxiety as he worried about all the... extraordinary things that might happen. His heart started beating faster as they got close to the cash register. Behind it was a tall, handsome guy, with a full beard and his thick, shiny, golden brown hair up in a man-bun. He smiled with his deep brown eyes right at Okimo, his thin t-shirt revealing a body that most would call "ripped".

"Hey there! Welcome! What can I get ya?" the guy asked Okimo as if Cody did not exist. She did not respond.

"We'll just have some coffee," Cody said. "Uh, two lattes, please."

"Sure, buddy," the man-bun barista answered without looking at him.

Cody felt uneasy as the guy turned around to make their drinks, pouring coffee and milk from big pots into a pair of large cups. "So, where are you from? Did you just enroll here?" he asked while he worked, presumably of Okimo.

Cody poked Okimo's hip lightly, the brief touch of her warm skin riling up a quick burst of arousal and... comfort. She didn't say anything. "I think he's talking to you," Cody said, with noticeable snark.

"Oh. I transferred from Dolving College," she said.

The barista turned around with their drinks, his eyes fixated on Okimo. "Dolving, huh? Great town, never been there though. Hey, welcome to Shelbyfield, huh? You'll love it here! Yeah... So, I'll be here. If you need anything, just let me know!"