My Fantasies Ch. 06


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I began smiling. I haven't been very lucky with the ladies either, who knows - if I close my eyes I wouldn't know who was sucking my dick, and, heh-heh-heh...with those pouty lips of his, he's probably pretty good at it too! Hahahaha...

Timmy was a big help on moving day both packing and unpacking my car. I was putting away my clothes when he plucked a pair of my underwear from the suitcase.

"Oooooo, what cute little panties!" he teased in his high-pitched squeal while holding them up. "Johnny, I didn't know you're a crossdresser!"

I angrily snatched the undies from him and said, "They're not panties -- they're cotton, string bikini briefs -- I buy them in the men's department!"

He giggled and said, "Sure, Johnny, whatever you say!"


To thank him for his help, I bought a couple nice filets, bakers, and corn-on-the-cob. On our balcony is a good-sized barbecue grill where I'd cook the food. I was cleaning the grill and looking down at the pool area below us. Great view! Lots of people sitting around the pool.

I slowly scanned the scantily clad hard bodies with a twinge of disappointment -- I only counted two women among all the men, not only that, but I swore at one point I saw the two girls kissing -- WTF?

"Ooooo, I see you're enjoying the scenery," Timmy said behind me, startling me. "I know everyone in the building -- if you see a guy you like, point him out and I can tell you if he's seeing someone or not, hahahahahaha..."

I ignored his snarky remark and asked him, "What's with those two girls over there?"

"Ohhh, the blonde is Katie and the brunette is Ann Marie...they live on the first floor right below us...why do you ask?" he said.

"I don't know, but I thought I saw them kissing," I said.

"I'm sure you did, they're very much into each other," he replied. "If you keep watching, you'll see guys kissing each other too!"

He saw the puzzled expression on my face and said, "I thought I mentioned to you that 'The Fletcher Arms' is a gay and lesbian building?"

"No...I think I would have remembered that!" I said sharply.

"Does it make a difference?" he asked.

"Well,, no I guess not," I softly replied.

I looked closer at the young men. Not a fatty or uggo to be seen. All of them good-looking and in great shape.

I laughed and asked him, "How did you manage to get ME into the building?"

When he did not share my laughter, I gave him another puzzled look and asked, "You didn't lie to the landlord and your friends and tell them I'm gay, did you?"

"I didn't tell them anything," he said.

"But they all assume your new roommate is queer, right?" I asked him.

"You know, Johnny," he said with an impish grin, "...I can't control what people choose to think or believe."


Now don't get me wrong, I am an All-American, Red-Blooded-Heterosexual-Man but over the next couple weeks I really enjoyed the attention I was receiving whenever Timmy and I sat in the pool area.

Apparently, I am considered something of a catch by the unattached, single men at 'The Fletcher Arms.' When word spread that me and Timmy were simply platonic friends the real fun began. Good-looking guys stepping over each other flirting and asking me out.

I didn't tell anyone I'm not gay for fear Timmy would get into trouble, and well, uh, I kinda enjoyed it too. I liked being called 'Cutie' and 'Sweetie' and 'Hot Stuff'.

I think Timmy was having fun as well. He bought me an assortment of colorful nylon gym shorts that were so tight and small, they left little to the imagination. Underneath the shorts, he suggested I wear jockstraps.

He then gave me t-shirts so tight and small, my lower belly was completely exposed. He encouraged me to exercise to get rid of my belly fat so I began doing fifty sit-ups in the morning and fifty more before bedtime.

My respect for Timmy grew stronger every day. He was not the faggotty little twink I thought. No, he was smart and insightful, with a funny and sarcastic wit. He kept me enthralled and amused. I did my best to keep up my end of our conversations, but I'm not as sharp as he.

Timmy had many 'special' friends who would spend the night in his bedroom. I always went to bed before he did and sometimes I would hear Timmy entertaining a guest in the living room.

One night I couldn't sleep and heard laughter and talking from the living room then suddenly nothing. Curiosity got the better of me and I quietly opened my bedroom door and peered into the living room.

Oh-my-God...I had a side-view of Timmy standing, his slacks and boxers bunched at his ankles, his friend Teddy kneeling between Timmy's legs his head moving rapidly back and forth on Timmy's cock.

I watched Teddy's mouth take in as much cock as he could then pull his lips back until only the tip of Timmy's cock was in his mouth. I don't know why but I became mesmerized by the scene. I couldn't take my eyes off Timmy's beautiful, glistening wet cock.

It had to be at least six-inches, a good two-inches longer than my own. It wasn't overly thick but Teddy's cheeks were sure bulging out.

Timmy was looking down at Teddy with a smile on his face. Suddenly, he closed his eyes and his moans grew louder and his hips began thrusting his beautiful cock in-and-out of Teddy's

"Ohhhhhhh, yes," he cried out, "yes-yes-yes-YES-YES-YESSSSSSS..."

Teddy took it all in his mouth. I could actually hear him gulping down Timmy's jizz and suddenly, out of no where, I sprung a boner while I wondered what it would be like having Timmy's dick in MY mouth -- what his cum would taste like sliding down MY throat.

I watched in awe as Timmy's dick slid from between Teddy's lips and he quickly and efficiently licked the flaccid penis clean.

I quietly closed the door, peeled off my jockstrap, flopped down on the bed and furiously masturbated to the image of Timmy's beautiful cock which would forever be burned into my memory.


I don't know what is wrong with me? The following day at the pool, my eyes surreptitiously glanced at guys crotches to check out their manly bulges. I decided I would buy a pair of dark sunglasses so I could stare at their junk without fear of discovery.

That night Teddy came over again. I excused myself almost immediately and went to my bedroom. I made a show of closing the door loud enough for them to hear, but then I opened it a crack and waited.

I stood at the door listening to their conversation. I was beginning to feel foolish when suddenly I heard the sounds of kissing. I stuck my head out the door and sure enough they were on the sofa necking and feeling each other up.

Since I was at the end of the dark hallway, I was confident Timmy couldn't see me. Teddy's light petting was becoming more aggressive and I watched his hand rubbing the bulge in Timmy's slacks back and forth -- back and forth.

Teddy kissed him on the lips, whispered something to Timmy, then went to his knees a few feet away. Timmy stood and placed himself close to the kneeling boy giving me another side view of them.

I watched Teddy open Timmy's belt and unfasten the slacks. The moment I saw Timmy's zipper being lowered I sprung a boner and began to breathe heavier. Again, something snapped in my brain -- from then on I fantasized it was ME on my knees pulling down Timmy's slacks and boxers exposing his beautiful, manly cock -- they were MY my hands kneading and stroking his cockflesh and balls -- they were MY lips sliding over the velvety cockhead -- it was MY head bobbing back-and-forth on his cock, taking in as much as I could -- and finally, when Timmy grunted and cried out, it was MY mouth into which he discharged not one -- not two -- not three -- but four long ropes of sperm and semen that I greedily sucked in and swallowed.

I quietly closed my bedroom door, tore off my clothes and frantically masturbated until I shot a huge load myself. To my delight, my prick stayed hard and I stroked and stroked while thinking I could almost taste Timmy's wonderful cock and his salty jizz.

What the hell is wrong with me?


There is a weight room next to the pool that is mainly used by a clique of four muscle-bound guys. When I had first watched them parade thru the pool area I thought their over-developed biceps and chests were rather grotesque, I mean, enough is enough, right? But suddenly I began seeing them differently.

After a workout their bodies were coated in a thin sheen of sweat when they passed by. I found myself ogling them behind my dark glasses. Truth be told, my eyes lingered more on their manly bulges than anywhere else.

One of them, Rocco, would stop a foot away from me and engage me in conversation.

"Hey cutie, when are you and me getting together?" he would say while smirking down at me.

The first couple times I became tongue-tied and blushed and stammered, "Oh Rocco..." all the while staring at the huge bulge in his tiny speedo. I couldn't imagine any man with a 'package' that big.

That night I went online and Googled "big cocks" and furiously masturbated afterwards. I seem to be doing that more and more. Maybe every night.

What is wrong with me?

I watched the muscle-men emerge from the weight room and walk my way. As usual, Rocco stopped before me and glared down at me. I couldn't tear my eyes from his massive bulge.

"Hey cutie, me and the boys are going out and shoot some stick tonight -- why don't you come along -- it'll be fun," he said in his gruff baritone, then added: "It'll be my treat."

For some strange reason I looked at Timmy for approval.

"You might like it," he said. "Besides, Teddy is coming over again tonight anyway."

I smiled up at Rocco and said, "Yeah, sure, okay..."

Getting ready to go out that night I felt as giddy as a school girl.

What the hell is wrong with you, John -- he's a GUY!?


We had a problem. There were seven of us going to the bar but the car only held six.

Rocco spoke up, "Johnny will sit on my lap!" and that was that.

It was a twenty-minute ride and Rocco's hands were busy the whole way.

I regretted wearing the short-shorts Timmy had encouraged. Rocco's hand slowly, and maddeningly stroked my legs and when I tried closing them he forced them apart and caressed my inner thighs. My boner hurt like hell and began leaking pre-cum.

Worse yet, he had a hard-on too and it felt like I was sitting on a huge log.

I was embarrassed but couldn't say anything. I didn't want the other guys to know what was going on.


I was on fire. I beat Rocco the first three games and thought I was invincible.

"Alright cutie, let's make this interesting...fifty-bucks a game, okay?" he snarled in his rich baritone.

"I, uh, I can't afford that, Rocco," I stammered.

He thought for a few seconds then gave me the widest smile. "That's okay, cutie, if you lose you can pay me some other way," he said with a wink of his eye.

"What other way?" I asked.

"Oh, let's just say, if you lose we'll go out and sit in the backseat of the car for awhile, okay?" he said.

"Ohhhh..." I said, finally understanding what he expected from me.

"Do we have a bet, cutie?" he asked.

What the hell, John, he hasn't come close to beating you yet. "Okay, sure," I replied.


I wasn't that upset losing to him, no, it was more about the way he led me out of the bar to the parking lot. His big hand on my ass, pinching and openly squeezing my cheeks in front of everyone. I imagined all the guys were staring and laughing at me.

He opened the back door of the car and practically shoved me inside. When he was close beside me he grabbed my head and pressed his lips to mine. I broke free and tried to distance myself from him but he was too strong.

In the darkness I heard his gruff voice say, "Don't ever pull away from me, you prick tease!"

Prick tease? Huh? What?

He fumbled for something and suddenly I saw the flame of a lighter and he lit a cigarette. When he exhaled I smelled the smoke and knew it was a joint and not a cigarette.

"Here cutie," he said handing me the joint, "...this 'll help you relax."

"Uh, no thanks, I don't smoke," I said.

His large paw of a hand had been gently caressing my neck and hair, but suddenly he squeezed my neck hard. It hurt!

"Listen to me, you snobby little cunt, I won the bet and you're gonna give me what I want -- now take this and inhale deeply!" he said.

His hand tightened around the back of my neck so I took the joint and began smoking it. Once I stopped coughing I inhaled three more times then gave it back to him. The fear subsided; I became relaxed.

"That's good, cutie...we're gonna have some fun haven't been fooling anyone -- I know you stare at my cock and balls every time I walk you're going to get up-close-and-personal with them and you're gonna love it!"

Oh my hell, he knows? I thought I'd been more subtle.

He took my hand and pressed it to his crotch. What the hell is that? He moved my hand back and forth over his massive erection.

"That's good, cutie, keep doing that..." he said once he released his grip on my hand.

This time when he kissed me on the lips I did not pull away. I grudgingly accepted my first kiss with a man.

He was a surprisingly good kisser for such a big man. I admit it -- my prick stiffened immediately inside my briefs.

"You know, cutie, I've thought a lot about being with you..." he said. "I like you and I know you like me...and once I break you in and turn you out I know you're gonna be one slutty little fagboy!"

The hair on the back of my neck stood straight with fear. Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?

"Sweet-thing, open my pants and take out my cock!" he ordered. I felt his finger rubbing my lips and he added: "It's time for your first lesson...don't worry, in a few days I'll have you sucking my cock like a pro!"

When I hesitated he gripped my neck harder and said, "Don't make me hurt you sweetie -- I know you want this as much as I do!"

Do what he wants, John - just get it over with.


On the ride home I was still in a state of shock. I had sucked a man's cock and even allowed him to cum in my mouth. Worse yet, I must have enjoyed it because I shot a huge load of my own inside my briefs, and I knew it had soaked thru the undies and shorts.

How would I explain this to Timmy when he saw it at home?

We were pulling into the apartment complex when Rocco whispered in my ear, "Cutie, the fun's not over with yet -- you're gonna spend the night with me...I promise to be gentle with you when I bust your cherry!"

OH-MY-GOD -- there is no way in hell I could take his horse-cock inside me! What the hell am I going to do now?

I was literally shaking with fear when I got out of the car and Rocco firmly held my hand pulling me beside him. Do I scream out? Do I break loose and make a run for it?

Suddenly, the miracle of miracles happened: just as we passed my apartment, Timmy opened the door.

"Hey guys," he called out. "Have a good time?"

"Oh yeah," smiled Rocco. "Johnny and I had a wonderful time!"

Timmy stopped and squinted at my face. He must have seen the fear in my eyes. "Well, c'mon inside," he said to me.

Rocco said, "Nah, the night is still young -- Johnny and I are going to have more fun!"

Timmy blurted out, "Johnny, your mother called -- there's some sort of an emergency back home -- she said to call her as soon as you got home!"

Oh my hell -- Timmy is saving me!

"Oh shit," I heard Rocco mutter beneath his breath and when he released my hand I almost ran into the apartment. I didn't say a word to Rocco.


It was the one-month anniversary of when we first realized our feelings for each other and I wanted to show Timmy how much I loved him.

I was on my knees wearing only my pink, see-thru panties. My head was slowly bobbing back-and-forth on his wonderful cock -- my tongue never leaving his hot flesh; I savored his manly aroma and taste. When I knew he was close, I sucked him faster and harder and when he ejaculated four loads into my mouth, I swallowed it all with great pride and love.

As I cleaned his cock with my tongue, I looked up at him, batted my eyes and said, "I love you, Timmy - Happy Anniversary!"

He smiled down at me and said, "I love you too, sweetie."


We walked to the pool hand-in-hand. I was so happy to be with such a wonderful man I was simply glowing.

Guys all around us were staring with grins and smirks on their faces. They could obviously see how much in love we were...either that or they were admiring my pink halter top and tiny pink nylon gym shorts.

I saw Rocco walking towards us. He stopped and chatted with Timmy.

When they finished talking, Timmy said to the big man, "Johnny is wearing a new pair of panties -- would you like to see them?"

Rocco chuckled and said, "Sure, of course!"

Timmy nodded at me and I lowered the gym shorts to my knees exposing my pink panties to anyone who cared to look.

Rocco said, "Very pretty!"

"Thank you, " I said.

They talked a few more seconds then Rocco left us. Timmy nodded at me and I raised the gym shorts back into place.

I thought: They just winked at each other -- what was that all about? Oh well, as Timmy would say, "Don't worry your pretty little head over anything, sweetie!"


It Takes One to Know One

Rick and I were on our second drink at the third bar we'd stopped at.

In the first week we worked together, we became drinking buddies. We both liked to go bar-hopping a few nights a week after work so we had a mutual interest. Now four-weeks later we are best friends. I am open-minded - I don't care that he is gay.

I'm kind of an introvert and was grateful he loves to talk. I'm even more grateful I like listening to his stories. He is smart and funny and now I am comfortable with him enough I can talk like we've been friends for years.

"Johnny," he said, "what do you think about when you masturbate?"

I was accustomed to his bluntness -- he doesn't have much of a filter -- he'll pretty much say whatever is on his mind.

I chuckled and said, "Oh, you know, women, the usual things...why, what do you think about?"

I let him take my hand but was in for the shock of my life when he guided it to his crotch and pressed it firmly to his erection. I pulled my hand away like it was on fire.

"What the hell are you doing?" I exclaimed. "Why would you do that?"

He smiled at me. I couldn't believe what he'd done and yet remained so calm.

"Oh, don't play innocent with me, sweetie...I've seen how you look at me," he said.

I protested, "I don't look at you any different than anyone else! What makes you think I'm into guys?"

"Sweetie, it takes one to know one," he said with an impish grin.

"I am not your 'sweetie' -- stop calling me that -- and you're wrong -- I like girls!" I said.

"Johnny, who are you trying to fool? We've been going out for over a month now and I have never seen you approach a girl -- much less talk to one!" he said.

"Rick, no, uh, I'm shy -- you know I have a hard time talking with girls -- you and I have discussed it!" I frantically explained.

"Aren't you getting tired of living a lie? Why go on with your charade? Johnny, you can be yourself with me -- I can help you..." he said sincerely.

"Rick, no..." I said frustrated.

"Look around here, Johnny, do you see any girls? You never even looked for any -- we've been here a half-hour and you never figured out this is a gay bar? I know the pain you're going thru trying to hide your secret from your family and friends...sweetie, I like you -- I like you a lot -- I want to help you live a normal life...I promise, no one will ever know what you and I do in private, okay? Would it hurt you to find out once and for all?" he asked me. "