My Favorite Girl Pt. 01


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"Jason...... oh... fuck," she whispered faintly.

Her hand reached down and clutched my forearm then held it as I pressed in and out of her slippery wetness.

"Shhhhh," I whispered so faintly I don't even think she heard me.

I slipped from her hole and circled her clit feeling the sensitive bud protruding from her hood. I spread her puffy outer lips away from the soft inner ones to expose her clit more and carefully scratched it. She let out a soft whimper and dug her nails into my arm as a wave of pleasure shot through her body.

I circled and scratched it as she now tilted her pelvis into my fingers. I looked at her face and could see her eyes were closed as her mouth hung open. Silent whimpers and gasps escaped as I circled softly below. Her free hand gripped the sheets then released and moved to her tit. She found her nipple and twisted it first then pulled it out as her legs closed then opened from the pleasure.

Her leg bumped my painfully hard cock as she opened and closed them a few times. I pushed it against her leg and held it there hoping she would feel it throbbing and take the hint. Maybe she would stop digging her nails into my arm so hard and return the favor by playing with me. She closed then opened again, trapping my cock under her leg and against the bed for the moment.

I focused on her as I left her slippery and swollen clit. I traced her sex down to her opening and pressed two fingers deep into her center. She let out a more audible gasp this time which I responded to by scratching her walls and shushing her to be quieter.

"Yes...... no, Jason...... fuck...... yes," she whimpered.

I hushed her again as my fingers plunged into her middle. She was soaking, sopping wet now and leaked her desire all over my fingers. There was a river of wetness leaving her body and running from the gap between her legs. I kept splashing in and out of her, listening to her juice drip out. Her fingers continued to pull on her nipple, but she had switched sides and teased the opposite one.

I freed my cock from under her leg again. I pressed it hard into her leg this time as she panted in silence now. She just wouldn't take the hint and dug her nails harder into my arm as I dug my fingers deeper into her pussy. Her legs closed then opened again and pushed my cock against the bed once more.

I dug my fingers deeper now, as deep as they could go until I felt the swollen bean deep inside her walls. I twisted and scratched it then circled it, feeling more wetness leak from her body. The sheets below her had to be soaked by now she was so wet. I could hear the sound it was making as my fingers twisted and touched her spot.

"No, fuck...... cumming...... fuck...... yes."

I hushed her again as her legs opened hard as she started to cum. I could hear the wetness leaving her body as my fingers pressed in and out now. It sounded like somebody splashing their hand in a sink full of water. That's what it felt like too, juice soaked my hand up to my wrist. I also heard the sound of ripping fabric as the strain of her spreading her legs open was too much for her panties to take anymore.

She closed them quickly then opened them fully across the bed. Her one leg was draped over my hip and rested on my side above my stomach. If only my cock wasn't trapped inside my shorts still. All I would have to do is move over a foot and I would be right at her entrance. It would be a simple switch from my fingers to my cock.

I shook the thought out of my head. She would probably never go for that and I didn't have the guts to do that anyway. Even if my cock was out, I wouldn't do that. I respected her way more than that. I slowed my fingers and went to a soft in and out as I felt her cum coat my fingers and leak with each press. I did wish she would have at least touched my cock though.

"Jay," she panted softly. "Fuck, stop please. That was intense."

I let my finger slide from her soaked center. I traced her swollen lips and felt the smooth and wet skin pass under my finger before I rested my hand still touching her wet sex. She reached down and pulled her panties off the one leg that didn't rip and dropped them on my chest.

She rolled from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. I assumed she was going to get something on below so she wouldn't have to sleep naked from the waist down. I grabbed her panties off my chest and felt how soaking wet they were. I couldn't help but take a deep inhale and remember what her pussy smelt like. It smelt just like I had remembered and my cock agreed. It swelled at the scent and was begging for me to give it some relief.

I took in another deep breath of her soak panties before I rolled out of bed myself. I fixed my shorts, so I was decent then headed for my golf bag by the door to hide her panties until morning. I'd make my choice then on what to do with them, but I'd probably throw them away. For now, I needed to hide them from the two other people still sleeping in the bed next to ours.

I heard the toilet flush then the water start running at the sink as I pushed her panties inside my golf bag. The sink shut off but the water in the tub started running before she switched it to the shower. What the hell was she doing taking a shower at this time of night?

I tapped on the door lightly. "Emma?"

Nothing, so I tapped just a little louder. "Emma?"

She opened the door just the slightest bit. "Go back to bed."

I tried to speak but she cut me off. "Go back to bed."

The door closed and locked. I cautiously worked my way through the dark room until I crawled back into bed. I laid there and waited and waited but she remained in the bathroom. I don't remember falling asleep again and I didn't feel her climb back into bed with me either.

------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday. ---------------------------------------------------

I woke up just after sunrise this morning. Emma was sleeping peacefully in the bed next to me as I got up. I was kind of curious as to when she actually returned to bed last night. I would have to ask her later once she was awake. I headed into the bathroom and changed before heading out like I had done the previous day. I ate my breakfast bar, hit the gym, then hit the course and started working.

The plan was to work on my short game until Hank showed up. I'd play a round with him and hopefully win again. After that I'd grab lunch at the clubhouse then head back to the room and track Emma down. We'd head to the beach and enjoy some sun and probably discuss what had happened last night. After that maybe we would hit the bar at the pro shop then figure out something else to do from there.

"What the fuck was that last night?" Emma barked at me.

It scared me and made me jump a little that she cussed at me like that. I was down in the bunker practicing, so I quickly climbed out and told her to tone it down.

"Fuck toning it down," she quipped. "What the hell was that last night?"

"Jesus, Emma," I hissed. "You can't make a scene here. Let's go someplace and talk." The three or four other golfers within earshot were looking but not looking our way now.

"I can't believe you did that. And with them in the room right next to us in the other bed."

"Am I missing something here?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, Jason," she scorned. "You know exactly what you did last night."

"I know that, but I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong though."

She finally stopped yelling and leaned in. "You touched my pussy."

"Ok?" I questioned. "And, was that...?"

She cut me off but was still talking softer than before. "What the hell do you mean, and? You touched my pussy."

"I thought you were ok with that because......"

"Obviously, I'm not ok with it you idiot," she cut me off again.

I was starting to get annoyed now. "I'm the idiot?"

"That's what I just said, or did I stutter?"

"First off, that whole situation could have been avoided if you wouldn't have been playing with yourself in the bed next to me. You could have gone to the bathroom and done that."

"You shouldn't have touched me there," she shot back.

"I was following the rules you set yourself yesterday. And, you could have said no."

"I did say no!" she cried in a raspy whisper. "And, I said exposed skin, Jason!"

"You never firmly said no until the end," I shot right back. "And when you did, I stopped."

"But you didn't follow the rules. I said exposed skin."

"Your skin was exposed, Emma. You had your shirt above your boobs and your panties at your thighs. Exposed and exposed. I just happen to touch you there because your hands were up here." I was pointing on my body where I was describing.

"Whatever, Jason," she quipped.

"You whatever, Emma. You have to go. We can't be having this conversation out here. I followed the rules and you never said no. Come find me when you cool off and figure out a way to have a civil conversation with me."

She threw her hands up and stormed off just as fast as she had arrived. Now I was pissed and the center of attention as everyone was still looking my way. The conversation was toned down enough so I think they couldn't hear it, but sound carries in the open. I had to shake it off and refocus on what I was doing.

It continued to bother me as I climbed back down in the bunker and started preparing to take a swing. Maybe I shouldn't have gone straight for her vagina, but she could have said no like she did the night before or right after she came all over the bed. Maybe she was pissed because I touched her with my dick or she ripped her panties. I'd have to sort it out later after she cooled off.

Fifteen minutes later Hank showed up and was ready to take me on again. It was a good thing Emma was not there because he had three others and I was to be the fourth. It was Hank, Bob, Alan and me. There were two separate bets this time. Hank and I had a double or nothing bet from yesterday then he set another one with the other two at five hundred again. I didn't even protest this time, I just went along with it and told myself I would do just as I did yesterday when Jack went to pay me. I waited until Hank was gone then I gave Jack his money back and told him I couldn't accept it.

Despite the incident this morning I played very well and beat old Hank again but by six this time. He was more than pissed off now having been beaten twice in a row. I hit the clubhouse and had lunch. Jack was back from his morning doctor's appointment and was in need of a fourth guy to play a round in the afternoon. Since my plans with Emma were shot all to hell, I told him to give me twenty minutes to get loose again and I would play another round.

There was no betting and no competition with Hank not there. It was just a casual round with four guys who liked golfing. Hank did come up a few times and I was warned by all of them that he would be after me again tomorrow. I figured that out already and I knew I would be spending the rest of the week defending my title as they put it.

After we finished the round I went right back out to the range and started working again. It's what I did when I was frustrated and needed something to distract myself from whatever was going on in my life at the time. This thing with Emma was going to come to a head and probably by this evening. We would either work it out or not speak to each other for the rest of the trip. I worked for another hour before heading to the bar inside the clubhouse. Doug was there and sent a beer my way.

"Where is your girlfriend at?" he asked.

"Beats me," I sighed. "She decided she didn't want to golf, so I don't have a clue where she went."

He shrugged.

"Can I get some wings?" I asked. "I'm absolutely starving right now."

"How many and what kind?"

"A dozen, bone-in, medium with ranch."

"Fries, rings, anything else?"

"Nope, just the wings."

He went to the computer and started punching in my order.

"Is this seat taken?" Dory asked me.

"It is now," I smiled. "Have a seat."

"Thank you," she replied.

"No, thank you," I offered. "Now I don't have to drink alone."

"Where's your girlfriend?" she asked. "I was ready to play Scrabble today."

"We played last night and I beat her so now she's mad at me," I joked.

"You are beating everybody around here," she smiled. "You're like a one-man wrecking ball. We heard you beat Hank again today."

"Not my best round but neither was it for him," I offered.

"You had quite the fan club last night too," she smiled again.

"I did, I did," I replied with a smile. "I didn't see the club president though."

She laughed now. "I was busy promoting the rematch so I didn't have the time."

"Why is everyone against Hank?" I asked after I stopped laughing.

"Some people just don't have the complete picture of how to act and he's one of them," Doug offered. "Then add having lots of money and never being told no to the equation and that's what you end up with."

"You hit the nail right on the head with that one," Dory laughed.

"What did he do to earn all his money?" I asked carefully.

Doug looked at Dory. "You are going to have to answer that one. I never got the full story on how he got his money."

"Generational wealth," Dory answered. "His grandpa started something then passed it to his dad. His dad turned it into something else and made more money then passed it off to his kids. Hank is one of four kids, but I don't think he's worked a day in his life really. His two brothers are lawyers and his sister is a big-time corporate executive in makeup or fashion. I can't remember which, but she makes more than all of them."

"Maybe she should buy him some golf lessons," Doug joked.

"Wow!" I laughed. "That's harsh."

"Are you purposely avoiding me so we don't have to talk?" Emma asked as she stood behind me now.

"I recall telling you to come find me when you wanted to have a civilized conversation," I replied. "I've been on the course all day long. It wasn't like I was hiding out."

"I see I've been replaced already," Emma hissed.

"I didn't know this seat was taken," Dory replied calmly.

"I told her she could join me," I sighed. "Don't get mad at her too."

"Like I told you...."

"Emma," I cut her off. "Don't come in here looking for a fight. If you want to talk, then let's talk. If you want to fight, then just stop. You were right, I was wrong, I'm sorry I did what I did. I didn't know it was wrong."

"Whatever!" she fumed. "Dad wanted me to come tell you that we are in room 116A now and here's the room key. You are on your own for dinner too."

"What are you doing for dinner?" I asked Emma.

"Having something by myself, thank you very much."

She looked at Dory then back at me. "Have fun with your new friend. I hope you get further with her."

She stormed off again. Dory and Doug were stunned along with the waitress that had just arrived with my plate of wings. She tiptoed over and set them down before hurrying off.

"She takes Scrabble way too serious," I said trying to play it off.

"I don't think that has anything to do with it," Dory replied. "What did you do?"

I sighed. "I don't really know. We have this complicated thing going on between us right now and I might have... bent the rules a little.... maybe? I think she might be blowing it a little out of proportion."

"Like...... a hall pass kind of thing while you guys are on vacation or something?" Doug asked.

"Is that a real thing?" Dory questioned.

I sighed again. Of course I knew what the root problem was but I couldn't tell Dory and Doug that Emma was my cousin, we have this game going on where I can touch her if I want to, that I masturbated her last night in bed and she is pissed off about it, and there's obviously some sort of sexual tension between the both of us. Where would I even begin to explain?

The core problem right now was the fact that I did play with her last night, but, I thought I was within the rules. She was exposed since her panties were down, but they weren't off. So, was that not exposed? I'd have to ask the person who made the rules, but she was still pretty pissed off at me at the moment. I picked up a chicken wing and took a bite.

"I don't know," I said after I swallowed. "It's a complicated mess that I'll figure out after I eat. She needs to cool off a little more anyway."

"What were the rules?" Doug pressed.

"I don't really have an answer for that," I said after some thought. "They weren't really rules... they were more like loose guidelines that we talked about casually. We never set anything in stone so...."

"So, you were joking but she was taking it more seriously?" Dory asked.

"I guess," I replied as another wing went down the pipe. "I'll have to apologize when I see her and sit down with her to figure out what the rules really are. I hate it when she's mad at me."

"Hey-hey!" I heard a cheer. "The man of the hour again."

I turned to see two of the guys from last night coming my way and wanting to chat again about my day. Thank goodness for that as I was sweating now trying to dodge Doug and Dory's line of questions. They pulled up a seat next to me and ordered some drinks before we talked about my recent round of golf with Hank. I knew I needed to eat and get out of here to escape them and to find Emma.

I choked down my chicken wings, finished my beer, and chatted for a few minutes before I bolted. I told them I would see them tomorrow as I hit the road and headed for room 116A and Emma. I prepared for the worst as I drove back to the hotel.

She was in the shower when I got back. I was going to take one, but I'd have to wait now. I kicked my pants off and switched into some athletic shorts before sitting on the bed and grabbing my still unread golf magazine. The bathroom door opened a few minutes later as Emma came out with a towel around her head and her body.

She saw me and turned away as she moved towards her bag that was on the floor near the foot of the bed. She was still turned away from me as she opened it up and looked for something to change into. I sighed and decided to break the ice.

"What has gotten into you today, Emma?" I asked calmly. "I know you're mad at me, but you have to explain why you are mad."

I stopped as she turned around but still had her head down. She sat on the edge of the bed and finally looked at me. Tears were running down her face now as she sat there and looked at me. These were not tears of anger or fear, they were honest tears of sadness and sorrow. I tossed my magazine aside and sat on the edge of the bed across from her.

"It's ok, Emma. You can talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

"I'm sorry, Jason," she sniffled. "It's stupid and I'm stupid sometimes, but I get mad and jealous about stupid things and I don't know why."

"You're not stupid," I said calmly.

"Right now, I feel like I am," she replied.

"I don't understand," I said in confusion. "Can you explain what you mean? I thought you were mad at me?"

"I'm jealous of you."

"Me? Why?"

"Because, everything comes so easy for you," she explained. "You're good looking, you can make friends with anyone, you have the girls lined up and waiting for you. You're smart and funny and confident and talented and...... just way better than boring old me who's not good enough for anybody."

"Who says you're not good enough for them?" I asked.

"My last two boyfriends," she sighed and wiped her eyes.

"They were idiots then," I said quickly. "You are pretty freaking sexy if you ask me. Your eyes, your smile, your butt... but your beauty on the inside far surpasses your exterior. You are smart, kind, funny, a great friend who has always been there for me. You have to stop listening to idiots who don't care about the real Emma."

"You're just saying that," she sighed.
