My Feather Girl Ch. 01a


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Now Mr. Vegas didn't have to worry about his flight, runs back to Vegas were three times a day, but for Betty and I for a weekend flight it was either too damn early in the morning or late night, and I didn't like either choice. I told them I would stay, but through the weekend leaving Monday, then Betty said the same. They looked at us, but finally relented. It was only two rooms instead of the forty they'd had. And since Mr. Vegas was going to be transferring back here, he bunked with the guy he was going to be renting a room from, so I had the room all to myself!

We did what we could and got ready for the rush tomorrow, set up three rolling carts snagged from the ballroom for work tables, and taped off the isles we still had to work on. And I didn't have to share a car anymore so Betty was relegated to having to ride with me after everyone went back home. Damn what a shame.

I had to run back to the hotel with Debs, she was the primary on the room and I had to shift or sign. Turns out the room was already rented and I had to move. I asked about a room by Hank, and they were available. "With a connecting door?" I asked.

"One side does," the receptionist grinned. "You'd like to be away from that side?"

"Oh no, I want the connecting door. Makes things...easier."

She grinned at me again, "Enjoy your evening."

FUCK YES! Tonight was the night. No cameras to worry about!

By lunch time most of the temps had left for home, it was nice not to be so crowded in there. "So what are we doing for dinner?" I asked her.

"I was going to grab something in the restaurant."

"We could go out, or we could get room service. Then if I happened to find one of those juicy peaches and it squirted all over my face I wouldn't have far to go to clean up."

I grinned at Betty. She had a confused look, then all of a sudden her eyes went wide and she turned the most interesting shade of red. Not pink, RED.

The rest of the afternoon, whenever I had her attention, be it a few feet away or across the floor, I would lick my lips. That is such a pretty shade of red...

I did catch her later, "Yes to room service?"

I got a grin and a nod.


What's with Hank, he really seems to want to put his tongue in my puss. Men don't do that, Zack said it's only in the porn movies to get the women to watch it with their guys.

I got a thumbs up as Betty went to help one of the locals. I went and made a few phone calls to arrange dinner.

Betty was quiet on the way back to the hotel, grinning and blushing when I looked at her. And grinning even more when we got back to the hotel, dashing inside before I had barely stopped the car.

I was in a pretty good mood myself. Tonight I was going to wine and dine Betty. And hopefully we were going to take it to the next step, or two or three. It was all up to her, but if she was willing I was going to do my best to rock her world, at least as much as an average guy could.

I shucked my clothes and headed for the shower. Thinking of having Betty in my arms again tonight, maybe even in my bed. I debated stroking off in the shower, but then went ahead anyway, couldn't get the sight of those soft pink nipples I saw down her dress out of my mind. And of course it would help me hold off later... RIGHT?

I could hear the shower next door, Hank was in there soaping himself. Was he stroking that monster cock thinking about me? I jumped in and began lathering. Cupping my boobs and squeezing and pushing, was this what Hank was thinking about? I could only hope.

I ran my fingers down to my bush and through to my puss. Hank seemed to really be thinking about this. I ran my finger around my clit as my other went to my ass. A finger in my ass was almost as good as a cock, dipping my other finger in my puss, imaging it was Hanks monster cock invading me as he fingered my ass.

Hank liked my boobs, but would he actually squeeze and play, or would he do like Zack said and just go for my ass?

I was close, sooooo close. But tonight I was going to wait for Hank to be inside me. I was going to feel him shoot in me. And I wasn't going to keep him from me. My tiny little nightie was just a strip around my boobs and a strip around my waist. I was going to be fully accessible, as I should.

I dried and primped a little, light powder and a little perfume in all the right spots. Nothing to get in his way of having his way with me.

I heard room service knock next door. I slipped my bottoms on, then my top. I was aching for him to touch me. Even having my silky top slide across my nips had me wet thinking of Hank.

I toweled off a bit and slipped my slacks on, going around the room picking up. I had just slipped my shirt on when there was a knock at the door, 'ROOM SERVICE'. I brought the cart in, checked to make sure my dessert was there, and tipped the bellman. This was going to be good if I got to it. I snagged the strainer I had borrowed from the bar and began scooping the blueberries from the warm topping, leaving just the warm thick juice behind.

I had about three quarters of it strained when there was another knock on the door. I covered the dish back up and went to answer the door, but no one was there. I heard the knock again and it was coming from the connecting door... what the fuck?

I went to the door and cracked it, then opened the door. "Son of a bitch!"

There was Betty, hair and makeup perfect, but what she was wearing! A six inch wide strip of white around her chest, only held up by the two tiny straps and two nice points telling me she was braless. A little wider strip as a skirt barely long enough to cover her pussy, hanging low on her hips, bare legs and no shoes.

I was coming back up her legs, but wanting to kneel and taste her. "So are you going to invite me in?"

I looked up at her grinning at me, "Huh? Oh yeah! Please!"

I watched her walk in, that 'skirt' swinging nicely.

I made a few steps to follow, stopping to watch her turn. "How?... What?... I mean?..." my questions were stopped by Betty's arms around my neck and her lips on mine.

Mmmm, those soft lips, her tongue battling mine. I wrapped my arms around her bare waist. Her soft skin in my hands, the heat of her body against me, holding her tight, letting my hand explore her bare back. Bringing one hand up under her top and the other down over her barely covered ass was amazing. Betty broke our kiss and kicked her head back moaning as I got a good grip on her ass.

Betty looked back at me grinning, then pushed the shirt I had moments ago pulled on, right back off my shoulders and began running her fingers through my chest hair.

I pulled my arms from her one at a time to let the shirt drop but not letting her go. "So how did you wind up next door?" I asked before giving her nose a quick peck.

"I was the plus one in the room, so when Debs checked out they had to put me somewhere. You mind?" she asked pulling me close for another wonderful kiss.

"Mmmmmm, not at all." I brought my hands up her sides, intending to reach under her top for her tits. But Betty raised her arms to let me take her top off so I just slid it up and off. I looked down at one of the most perfect little pair of tits I had ever seen. They weren't big by any means, probably a healthy A cup, but topped with a soft pillowy bubble gum pink areola about the size of half a ping pong ball and that topped with little eraser sized nipples.

As Betty brought her hands up to cover them, I brought my hand to her to pull one hand down. "They're kinda small..." she said softly.

"They're perfect for you," and they were. Nice petite tits on a nice petite woman. I backed us up to a chair and sat, pulling her to my lap. I pulled her face down for a nice kiss, then broke it and began kissing along her jaw while letting my hand come up to her right tit. Slowly kissing my way across her left shoulder, tipping my head down a bit to kiss down her chest feeling her nipple harden in my palm.

I kept my right hand in the small of her back and pressed back on her right tit to arch her and bring that left tit to my mouth, that soft areola now starting to pucker up a bit. As much as I wanted to dive for it, I somehow managed to kiss my way down under and around before giving in.


As my lips surrounded that tasty treat, Betty put her arms around my head drawing me in for more. I kissed and nibbled and sucked, listening to Betty to get my clues. Feeling her nipple harden and soften as I went back and forth over it and around it.

I did give her a break, sort of. I kissed my way across to her other tit, letting my hand dip to squeeze her ass while the other came up to attend to the tit I had just vacated. "fffuuuuuuuuuu..." Betty whispered as I gripped her ass and sucked her nipple and most of her tit into my mouth.

Her breathing was getting a bit ragged, and she seemed to really like it when I sucked her nipple in hard. But when I accidentally dragged my teeth gently across her nipple, there came the sweetest whimper I had ever heard. I got a nice grip on her ass and nipple, and then all together I squeezed her ass, pinched one nipple firmly, and sucked the other in and nipped at it with my teeth.

"AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEE..." Betty was screaming and spasming against me, her arms wrapped around my head in a death grip. I just kept pinching and squeezing letting my pinkie graze her rosebud, sucking and nipping, reveling in an orgasming woman in my arms.

I kept going as long as I could, but all of a sudden Betty pulled back from my mouth and holding my hand still on her other tit. "No more..." she panted, "you're killing me."

How the fuck is Hank doing that? I can't stop, my puss is running like a river and he's not even in me, just playing and nipping at my little boobs while his finger TEASES my ass.

I let her catch her breath while looking over the flushed sweaty woman in my arms. The rise and fall of those little tits, the sheen on her skin, the curve of her shoulder coming up to her neck, those soft lips. I tipped her head down for a soft kiss and picked her up, Betty wrapping her legs around me as I stood.

I laid her gently back on the bed, seeing the glow and smile in her face, her breathing finally getting back to normal. "You know we haven't even eaten, but all of a sudden I'm in the mood for dessert."

Betty looked at me grinning, "Let me guess, you're thinking about a juicy peach, I bet?"

"Oh, now that does sound delicious, you know where I could find one about now?"

"I think I know just the one for you," she responded in a throaty growl.

He's really going to do this...he's not just teasing me.

Betty reached for her skirt. "Here let me.", I said and took the place of her hands sliding it down as she lifted her hips. Her trimmed pussy coming into view as I slid her skirt up her legs. Somehow I'd pictured her shaved, but a nice close trim would do. Thank god she wasn't one of those who did the big bushy natural forest and then wondered why she wasn't getting her pussy licked.

I kissed my way down her legs, slowly separating them as I went. The aroma of her juices urging me on. I could hear her wet thighs separate as I got close, seeing the sheen of pussy juice matted in her little bit of hair, tasting it on her thighs as I got close.

SO FUCKING SWEET! I ran my tongue across her lips letting the tip of my tongue just barely part them. FUCK THIS! I pushed her legs up and wide and drove my tongue in as deep as I could. I think there was a screech, but my mind was elsewhere. Diving in deep and reveling in her juices, sucking and nibbling on her lips, bringing my hands down to spread her delicious pussy.

Zack you lying fucking son of a biiiitch. You are never getting near me again!

I was eating and slurping on her like a starving man, doing my best to catch every drop she gave me. But I wanted more, I slid my fingers in her as my lips moved up to her clit. Feeling for her g-spot as I sucked and nibbled, feeling Betty jump and hearing a shriek as I found it. Running my fingers back and forth, up and down getting a good rhythm going.


And then taking a chance, I nipped at her clit like I did her nipple. JACKPOT! Betty grabbed my head and pushed me hard into her pussy as she began spasming under me. I worked her g-spot a bit, but all that delicious juice running down my hand was going to waste.


I pulled my fingers and dropped my tongue into her pussy while grabbing her clit and squeezing and pulling on it to keep her going. She slowed down a bit, but just the right pinch and squeeze on her clit kept her nectar flowing into my mouth. I may have even got her to squirt a bit from the few surges in her flow.

I enjoyed myself at her dribbling pussy for a bit, but the hands had gone from holding, to a weak pushing. I pulled back and heard a bit of a sigh, and a squeak when I took one last lick before her legs flopped on the bed.

I straightened up, only now noticing the crick in my neck, back and wrist. I made my way to the bathroom and got a warm washcloth to take back to Betty. She grinned and moaned without opening her eyes as I wiped her thighs and pussy, I took a clean corner and wiped her chest and forehead.

All these years only getting a quick finger and poke in my puss before Zack took my ass, all these years wasted...

"Hey..." she said softly looking up at me.

"Hey," I said back before leaning down for a soft kiss, only our lips touching. "I knew there was a reason to always have dessert first." Betty giggled then pulled me down against her chest for another nice long kiss.

Oh this is just so nasty and so good! Hank kissing me after eating my puss, like I could really stop him, my juices still on his lips.

I ran my hand down her side to her hip, putting my fingers under a bit for a bit of an ass squeeze. "Our dinner is getting cold."

"That's what microwaves are for." Betty rolled over slowly and turned me on my back sinking toward my pants. She made quick work of the snap and zipper, sliding shorts and pants down together.

I've got to see this monster...

I watched her taking my cock in her hand, sliding up and down inspecting me. reaching out with her tongue and giving me a few licks before enveloping the head with her mouth. "Oh fuuuuck," as I reached out to grab her ass.

Betty looked over her shoulder at me grinning, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to enjoy yourself, I have a funny feeling I will too." God, where do I come up with these stupid lines in moments like this?

What I want to do? Hanks not going to tell me what he wants? I know he wants a blow job. Well, even if it is a monster, he's getting one like I have never given before!!

Betty looked at me, a strange look, then a smile. She turned back to my cock and slowly sunk her mouth down over me. Feeling her lips along my cock as she took me in, more than I expected, feeling the head of my cock go slightly into her throat before she came back up. Cupping my balls with one hand, she guided my cock back between her lips taking me in slowly to the edge of her throat.

Hank's so big, I can't take him all the way in. He's hitting the back of my mouth and I'm trying to get it in my throat. I can't get him in, but maybe if I do a little something else he won't be mad.

I wasn't going to last much longer and had to get my mind off the babe between my legs. I adjusted my grip on her ass to let my fingers get to the edge of her pussy, and Betty rotated her hips to give me access. Running my fingers up and down between her wet lips as she ran my cock between hers. Watching her stop and lick up and down like an ice cream cone a few times before taking me in again like she had all the time in the world.

After a few trips into the edge of her throat I was getting close, "Soon," I managed to croak out.

Betty pulled off and licked me, "Where do you want to put it?" then took me in as deep as she had yet.

"Anywhere," I gasped as I felt the head of my cock press into her throat.

ANYWHERE! Hank's not going to make me shoot him on my face?

Betty pulled up off me stroking me with her hand. I was half expecting her to jack me off and looked up to see her looking at me with that strange look again. She leaned down and ran her tongue around the head of my cock making me groan and flop my head back.

This monster is going in my puss, just like in the porn movies!

Next thing I know she's shifting around and throwing a leg over me. I feel her rub the head of my cock between her lips and then sink partially down on me.


I grabbed her waist and groaned again, "can't...hold out...much...longer."

Betty lifted a bit and then slammed herself down on me, enveloping my aching cock in her wet pussy. I couldn't hold out any more. I arched my hips and grabbed her waist and started fucking her from underneath. Thrust after thrust, I started cumming after a few strokes and just kept on going, roaring as I unloaded into her. Feeling Betty fall over on me humping right back against my thrusts...

Betty was on top of me with her head in my shoulder, the tip of my now limp cock trying desperately to stay in her and not succeeding very well. I could feel her slight shuddering on top of me, "Are we still alive?" she whispered.

I've died and went to heaven. Hank is in my puss and filled me, filled me to over flowing as I came around him. My legs and toes are aching, my puss can't quit quivering, starting me up again with any little movement ...and I want him to do it again!

There was a snort and a giggle ruining any chance my cock had of staying in her. I felt her beginning to dribble on me and rolled Betty onto her back, grabbing my shorts to put between her legs to stem the tide.

I rolled up on one elbow to look at her and her eyes were bloodshot and puffy like she had been crying. I cupped her cheek, "Are you okay, did I hurt you?"

Betty smiled and put her hand on mine, "No, I'm okay."

"Then why were you crying?"

Betty grinned at me, "Because I just had the most mind blowing sex of my life," and raised her head for a quick kiss on the lips.

"Oh," then my mind registered what she said. "OH!" with a big grin and her grinning back up at me.

"But I think we need to take a shower before the room downstairs calls to complain about the flooding," Betty giggled, then groaned and held my shorts tight against her pussy. We rolled out, and I did manage not to laugh at her walking to the shower with my shorts clamped between her legs.

"I'm going to walk bowlegged for a year. How soon can we do this again?

It had been a long time since I had showered with a woman, and I found I did miss it so. Running my hands over her while she ran hers over me, feeling her tits and nipples in my palms while never really being able to get a grip on them. The feeling of her hand cleaning and stroking my firm cock while I soaped her bush. Watching her tits jiggle as she shampooed her hair after refusing to let me do it, the globs of shampoo running down her cleavage and hanging onto her nipples as long as possible.

This is better than I ever dreamed it would be. Why haven't I had a shower like this before? All those years with that putz, believing his bullshit. This is what it's supposed to be like, not with some pencil dick like Zack. Oh those fingers in my bush aren't fair...

I rinsed down first, then just watched her, looking her body over, wondering what she'd look like shaved or with a narrow landing strip.