My First Married Couple


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I grabbed my stereo and kissed my mom and dad goodbye. I rolled my eyes as my mom again warned me to be careful. Mothers can be soooooo overly protective! I know people think it's strange that I bring home guys for sex when my parents are home but if you really think it through it makes sense. It's simple really, they just like knowing that I'm safe. My dad has always told me that he preferred I do it at home instead of some back seat on a dark road. Besides, unknown to most of my boyfriends, they liked to peek in now and then - mostly to check up on me but like all parents they took pleasure in seeing their daughter enjoying herself.

There were a couple of guys who I'd brought down to the family room while my parents were watching TV. It was really wild to freak them out but one thing I learned early on, college boys can adapt to almost anything if it means getting their cocks sucked!

Chapter 5 - Getting the Room Ready


When I arrived at the hotel I went straight to the suite. Walking thought the double doors I felt a sense of anticipation not to mention just a little bit weird. The room was so peaceful and calm that it was hard to imagine what might be happening here in just hour or so. The place was huge compared to most hotel rooms I had seen and even had a video player for the TV set. I was tempted to turn on the TV but I was afraid they might hear it when they came to the door and that would tip Richard off that something was going on.

I put the CD player out of site in the living room and then I set out my lingerie and stripped off my jeans and blouse. Standing there naked I then walked over to the big window looking out over the hillside. Some guys were jogging up the road leading to the hotel and I wondered if they could see the naked girl standing in the window! It would have been fun just to stay that way and great them at the door stark naked like this but that wasn't our plan so I went back and put on my lingerie.

After slipping it on I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. It was quite the transformation and if anyone who had seen me when I came in the hotel were to compare me to how what I looked now I was confident they would have been amazed! White high heels instead of shoes, my baby doll negligee instead of a blouse, and a sheer robe in lieu of jeans. Hmmmmmm, from "girl next door" to slut in less than five minutes!

I hid my clothes away in the bottom dresser drawer and then fixed up my makeup as well as putting some perfume on - a little bit all over, and I mean ALL over. A touch of lipstick, a little rouge, some eye shadow and liner. Nothing major but just enough to hide the little things we all wish would disappear and enhance the things we like about ourselves.

I looked in the bathroom mirror again and smiled. I was willing to bet Melissa really had no idea what was waiting for them! If she was expecting the "innocent girl next door" I worked so hard to be at church... well was she in for quite a surprise!

Looking around I tried to decide where to wait for them. Remarkably, we had not covered that when we laid out our game plan for the evening. Should he see me immediately or let them come in and get comfortable and then pop the surprise? I decided on the latter. Let him think this was their romantic getaway and then see the look on his face when he realized I was part of the package!

It was time for them to show up and if there was one thing I knew about Melissa, she was always on time. Even though I had made sure I arrived early, it was really more for me than her. Sure enough, on the dot I heard voices outside the door. I scurried to the bedroom as the door unlocked and the two of them entered. I went into the bedroom bathroom and listened, feeling a little naughty as if I was some voyeur listening in on two lovers. Only problem was, it wasn't two lovers as I had expected.

Chapter 6 - Richard and Melissa Arrive


"I still don't know why you spent all this money to stay in a hotel only 20 minutes from home Melissa," I heard Richard griping. "I mean look at this place, you must have spent a fortune for it! Not to mention the sitter for the kids. Damn it, what's into you tonight anyway?"

Poor Melissa! I felt my heart breaking as he went on about how she was always spending too much money. I knew how badly she had wanted for this night to go well and here he was just making a mess of everything she had worked so hard for. Well, small wonder their marriage was on the rocks!

I heard Melissa trying to coax Richard into enjoying the night. "Oh please Richard, I love you and we need this. I just want some romance back in our lives. You use to do the sweetest things for me and now it's just basketball practice, church meetings and work. Honey, I just want my sexy husband back."

"Oh get a grip Melissa," Richard came back to her. "You know that since I started taking those blood pressure pills I can't get it up anymore. C'mon, we have a good life, good kids, good home. What's so bad about that?"

Melissa was getting upset now I could tell from the tone of her voice. "Well, you don't seem to have a problem 'getting it up' watching those porn flicks on cable... yeah I know what you do at night after I go to bed. Well, if that's what it takes then I have a little surprise for you."

That was my cue. I knew the code words were about a surprise for him but all the stuff about impotence and porn was a shock. Damn, what WAS I getting into? Melissa hadn't bothered telling me a few important details! Anyway, I was here so why not go for it so I stepped into the room and saw them standing in the middle of the living area. Richard was facing away from me so it was Melissa who first saw me enter the room. She smiled at me but her eyes widened when she saw how I looked. I'm not sure what she was really expecting but I think I exceeded her wildest expectations. Richard saw her looking at something behind him and he turned around. He saw me and his eyes widened as well but his mouth about hit the floor.

"Kelly???" he stammered, "Is that YOU?" He looked back at Melissa with a face filled with shock and amazement at the same time, "Melissa, just what the hell is going on here?"

Melissa kissed him and replied, "Oh honey, I told you that we needed some spice in our sex life and Kelly has graciously volunteered to help." She looked at him with a sly smile, "Besides dear, I know you think she's hot."

Richard was now totally off balance. On the one hand I know he wanted to stare at me as I walked in closer to them, slowly swinging my hips sensuously and licking my lips. On the other hand he didn't know quite what Melissa was expecting him to do and under any other circumstance he knew she would be smacking him for looking at me like that. I was up to them now and I threw my hair back and ran my hand up his arm.

"It's OK Mr. West," I said in my sexiest voice, "Melissa recently found out I have a bit of a slutty side to me and she thought maybe you might like spending an evening with me. Don't worry, nobody else knows, this is just between us tonight."

Richard was just staring at me with his mouth hanging open. I ran my fingers through Melissa's hair and then slowly down the front of her dress between her breasts. "You know, you have a pretty wonderful wife who really loves you. Not many wives would give their husband such a gift. Now why don't you just have a seat and enjoy..."

Chapter 7 - Putting on a Show For Richard


I pushed him backwards causing him to hit the couch and drop to his knees. Melissa snuggled up next to him with her arm around his neck and her breasts pressed against him but his eyes were fixed on me. I pulled out my stereo and started the CD player. I knew just the song to get him started, I even have the lyrics on my web site. I dropped the robe and carefully stepped up onto the coffee table in front of them like a stripper on stage as the music started and the most sexiest voice began to ask him naughty questions like, "Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" and so on.

I began to slowly gyrate to the music, teasing him and taunting him at the same time. My negligee was so sheer it may as well been off but every girl knew that it was the act of stripping that was far more sensual than merely being naked. I would thrust my hips at him like I was being fucked when the music hit a hard note and his mouth just hung open further as he stared at me.

About halfway through the song I turned away and slowly lowered my panties, not bending my knees so as I got them to my ankles my ass and pussy were in full view for them. I tossed him my panties and he held them in his hands, looking at Melissa as if asking her permission to smell them. Melissa was staring at me too, probably wondering where in the world this sexy slut had come from! She wanted Richard to get hot but I don't think she expected anything THIS hot.

I slowly stripped off my negligee with about minute left in the song and paraded myself in front of them. With thirty seconds or so to go I got off the table and stepped between his legs and started to fondle myself in front of them. As it ended I got on the couch on my knees so I was in his lap and bounced on his crotch as if I were fucking him. Well, he may have been on medication but there was definitely some action going on down there!

The CD music shifted to some soft instrumental music that was just enough to maintain the mood without overpowering everything else like the first song had. I gave Richard a lap dance as I slowly swayed to the music. I grabbed his hands and put them on my hips as I ground my bare pussy into his crotch.

He was wearing pants but I could have sworn I could feel his bulge getting a bit bigger. At first he seemed hesitant to touch me, still not sure what he could do with this naked young girl on his lap while his wife had her arms around him at the same time.

"Oh God," he groaned, "I can't believe this is happening. It CAN'T be happening! Kelly, what would your parents say if they knew about this?"

I licked his cheek and whispered seductively in his ear, "Mmmmmmm, don't worry about them, Mr. West... I've seen the way you look at me in church... I know you want me.."

Richards eyes looked up to the ceiling and he let out a deep sigh. "OK Melissa," he said softly to her, "Are you SURE this is what you want?"

Melissa pushed up closer to him and replied, "Yes Richard, take her. I brought her here to be yours for whatever you want tonight. Just let me be here with you."

Chapter 8 - Richard Takes Me


I had a sneaky feeling that somehow that last part was probably something Richard would have rather not heard but if that was the price he seemed willing to pay. He leaned forward and started sucking my nipples and his hands moved behind me and grabbed my ass. To my surprise, Melissa actually reached out to touch me as well, running her hand along my bare leg and then up and down my back. It was actually more erotic for this forty year old soccer mom to touch me than her dirty old husband!

It did feel good to have him suck my nipples though and I would never turn down anyone who wanted to play with my ass so I was doing OK for now. I reached down between my legs and put my hand on his crotch. Yep, there was definitely something going on down there!

I unbuckled his pants and unzipped him while he continued to suck on my boobs. Melissa was just running her hands gently all over me as she watched every move I made. As I reached into his underwear, searching for his cock as I looked over at her and saw her wink at me. I slid down off his lap and kneeled in front of him with my hand still holding his cock.

Melissa helped me to take his pants off and he was soon sitting on the couch bare-ass with his shirt still on. I started strolling his cock while Melissa removed his shirt. I was about to start sucking him when suddenly Melissa gasped.

"Hold on Kelly, I forgot something!" She ran to her suitcase and pulled out a video camera. Ahhhhhh, she had forgotten to tape us. Hmmm, too bad she missed my stripper routine! She quickly put up a tripod and started the recorder. She got back on the couch again and smiled at me saying, "OK Kelly, go of it!"

I didn't need any more encouragement to start sucking a cock - any cock for that matter. Richard was going to be a challenge though. I don't know what his medication did to him but it sure seemed to be stifling his erection! By now I would expect any guy I was with to be hard as a rock whereas Richard was not even about half-way there.

Well, I always was up for a challenge and this looked to be a tough one that would test my oral sex skills so I took him in my mouth and felt the softness of his cock. Actually I liked to start with a cock in this condition and then feel it grow and harden in my mouth. Knowing it was my mouth that was making him change was just plain sexy as far as I was concerned.

His crotch was extremely hairy as was most of his body. I also had a feeling he had not showered either before coming over because his crotch odor was really strong - a mixture of smelly sweat with the musky odor that comes when a guy has sex. He tasted ok though which was important and his head was nice and large, another feature I appreciated in a cock. I took his while cock in my mouth and sucked it, running my tongue around it and teasing it.

"Oh god that feels so good!" he gasped in a husky voice.

His cock was actually responding now and I could feel it getting harder and longer with each minute. I had a feeling it was as much the fact that a twenty year old "innocent girl next door" from church was sucking him as it was my skills. Sex was as much mental as physical and I knew that with his condition I could be the best cocksucker in the work but if he wasn't turned on it would not matter. The key was to meet his mental and physical needs so while I was sucking his cock I worked on feeding his emotions as well.

"You like me sucking your cock Mr. West," I said in my little girl voice as I stroked him with my hand. I deliberately called him Mr. West instead of Richard to emphasize our age difference and make him think even more about the fact I was less than half his age. I sucked him a few more strokes and then looked up at him again with a sly smile.

"I bet when you see me in church you wished I would do this to you, didn't you. Mmmmmmm, I saw you looking at my ass last Sunday; you wanted to fuck me didn't you Mr. West?"

I went back to sucking him but I made sure I looked at him the whole time, letting him see my eyes as he felt my mouth on his stiffening cock. He was responding nicely and I wanted him to get even more horny than he was which meant getting more senses involved. I had him listening to me and, of course, feeling my mouth on him, now I had to get him talking.

"Tell me how bad you wanted to fuck me Mr. West. When did you first want me?"

"Oh you nasty little bitch," he said in a rough tone, "Every guy in church knows you're nothing but a tease and a slut. Running around half dressed on retreats, coming to church without underwear, screwing every boy in your class. I've been wanting you since I saw you in that slutty bikini at church picnic. God I've dreamed so many times of you doing this!"

The more he talked the harder he got. I also noticed the more he talked the more Melissa was looking at him and then me with an odd look on her face. I don't think she had really anticipated that her husband talk about how bad he had been lusting after a young teenager! Well, it was working for Richard as his cock was almost as erect as it was going to be. Just a little more to push him over the edge so I decided to use some of the information I had just gotten from their earlier conversation to my advantage.

"Mmmmmmm, I love your cock Mr. West. Tell me how you masturbate thinking about me. Tell me the last time you came thinking of fucking my tight little pussy."

It was a shot in the dark but I hit the bulls eye. He was indeed a dirty old man!

"Every time I see you in church I think about fucking you," he confessed.

The hornier he got the less inhibited he was becoming in talking about his dirty thoughts and deeds. "You wore that tight blouse last week to youth group with those ridiculously tight jeans. Damn, how did you even get them on? I got so hard that night dreaming of feeling you through that blouse while I fucked you."

"Richard!" Melissa exclaimed.

Evidently things were already going further than she was ready to go but Melissa should have thought about this before she pushed this boulder down the hill. There was no stopping it now and all she was going to do was get rolled over if she did! I stroked his cock as I stood up and then straddled him on the couch. I lowered myself down until his cock was teasing the opening to my pussy.

I wanted him in me badly but I wanted more than just that. I wanted Melissa to see how bad her husband wanted me, how much more he craved my pussy than hers. I wanted her to see why he masturbated at night dreaming of me instead of leaving her alone in bed to fall asleep yet again unsatisfied. I didn't care how she felt. After all, she was the one who asked for this so I didn't feel any sympathy for her at all. I rubbed his cock against my pussy, stroking him to keep him hard.

"You want to fuck me now Mr. West?" I asked as if there was any question about it! "Tell me how bad you want to be in my pussy. Tell me..."

"You fucking little cock-teaser," he groaned, "Sit on my cock dammit, you know damn well I want it. God I've cum so many times dreaming of this moment!'

He grabbed me by the hips and pushed me down onto him. I looked at Melissa and saw she was looking at my wet pussy, watching her husband's cock disappear into my young pussy. She was seeing her husband fucking another girl for the first time in his life - and loving it!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned as he entered me.

I was thrilled to think that I was the first pussy he had ever felt other than his wife's. Technically he was now committing adultery as he was breaking the vows he had made to his wife so many years ago, vows he had been faithful to despite everything in their marriage.

"God your cock feels so big inside of me, fuck me Mr. West, fuck me fuck me fuck me!"

Richard seemed more than happy to accommodate my request. I bounced on his lap, making my bare ass smack on his thighs each time I ground my pussy down on his cock. Melissa was watching each stroke her husband was making in me. I looked at her and told her to sit at the end of the couch. When she did I got off his cock and laid down on the couch with my head in her lap. I put on leg off the edge of the couch and the other I draped over the top of it which left my pussy wide open for him. I looked up at Melissa and smiled at her.

"Tell him to fuck me Melissa, tell him to screw me, to fuck me harder... tell him!" I commanded her.

She hesitated at first but then she looked at her husband with this huge hard-on and a look of pure animal lust on his face. She was seeing him in a way she had not seen in many years, if at all. I wonder if even when they were young if she had ever been able to drive him to this level of sexual hunger and desire. He was going to fuck me now no matter what either of us said but I still wanted to hear her say it.

"Yes Richard," she said softly, "fuck her."

"Louder," I insisted, "Tell him know how bad you want to see him fuck me. Oh Melissa, just look at him stroking himself, look at your husband now."

Melissa hesitated but in the end she couldn't resist me. "Fuck her hard Richard!!" she said in a much louder voice, "Oh please, please fuck her Richard, fuck her for me."