My First Time Out Ch. 03


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Shayna interrupted and questioned, "Or what?"

"Or I have you escorted to the street and no more free passes to my other establishments. You will be stuck in your hotel room all week," he said.

Without delay Shayna slung the purse over her shoulder and somberly said, "I'll try my best."

Shayna was so high on coke she entered the lounge area with one strategy, don't fall down. She walked over to the crowded bar hoping to order a drink. Every bar stool was occupied and other people were standing waiting to be served.

A good looking guy with salt and pepper colored hair noticed Shayna and said, "I would like to offer you my chair."

"That's very sweet of you, but I only want a drink then I'm off to the dance floor," She said.

"What would you like, he asked?"

"Margarita on the rocks, no salt please," she said.

He waived a $20 bill at the bartender and ordered a drink without delay. He handed the drink through the crowd to Shayna.

Shayna smiled and said, "Thank you. You must be a local, getting served like that."

The gray haired man said, "Yes I'm a local, but it's wisdom."

Shayna stared at him with a frozen face and asked, "Wisdom?"

"Yea, if you tip the bartender a little extra, they don't forget you," explained the gray haired man.

Shayna thought this guy was intelligent and had a good sense of humor. He wasn't even bad looking and acted as if he had money! She figured he could act as her temporary security blanket.

The man asked, "Would you like to sit down Shayna?"

Shayna immediately held her hand to her throat and traced the gold letters on the choker, then blushed and said, "Thank you anyway, but I'm on the way to the dance floor. Maybe if it gets boring over there, I'll be back."

Shayna turned and capered towards the railing that divided the sunken dance floor and the bar area. She lit a cigarette and sipped on the margarita through a thick straw while leaning against the railing. The floor was translucent and the lights were magnificent. She was standing right next to the small set of stairs that was the entrance and exit to the dance floor. As Shayna scrutinized the dancing crowd, her hips subconsciously swayed back and forth to the beat of the music. She took a long drag off the cigarette, looked up at the two-way mirrors where Sir Dom should be, and blew the smoke at him.

All at once she felt warmth on the back of her neck and heard a voice, "I thought you'd be dancing by now," said the gray haired man.

She turned her chin over her shoulder and responded, "No one has invited me."

"Well Shayna, would you care to dance, he said?"

"Not without knowing your name. It's not very fair that you know MY name and I don't know YOURS," she said.

"Jack," he quickly responded.

"As long as your last name isn't Me-off," she giggled.

"Me-off," Jack questioned?"

"You know, then your whole name would be Jack-Me-Off," cackled Shayna.

Jack laughed and invitingly replied, "It's not Me-Off at the present, but my name could change later in the evening."

"I going to finish my cigarette first Jack, then I'll dance," demanded Shayna acting like a stuck up bitch playing hard to get.

Shayna sucked down the margarita swiftly and held her glass to Jack and asked, "May I have another gentleman Jack?"

Jack flagged down the cocktail waitress and ordered another drink for her. He initiated body touching by moving his crotch closer to her swinging ass. Shayna knew she had to "play" Jack to keep his attention and her refuge. She responded to his contact by bending over the railing slightly and pushing her convincing ass into him without missing a beat in the music.

The cocktail waitress finally delivered the margarita. Shayna grazed over her shoulder, tilted her head back, kissed him on the cheek and said, "Thank you Mr. Jack………………..Meoff!"

Jack pressed into Shayna's ass crack even more. She characterized a flashy cock teaser by dancing with both arms in the air while her taut ass brushed against his half-hard cock. Shayna was lost in lust and loved every minute of it.

All at once Jack pointed to the dance floor and said, "Look!! That girl has the same outfit as you! A rubber skirt and halter, and even the clear ankle boots are identical. And….and, your hair color is exact!"

"Interesting. She probably shopped at the same place I did," replied Shayna as she tried to shrug off the attention.

"Is that your twin sister, inquired Jack?"

"Nooooooo. But she IS pretty," Shayna said in a sexy voice.

"By the way, how do girls dance or even walk in those 6" spikes, asked Jack?"

"Verrrrrrrrrrrry carefully," commented Shayna.

Shayna finished her cigarette and grabbed Jack's hand leading him down the steps onto the dance floor. She continued to lead him through the crowd of dancers until they were right next to the couple she was supposed to pick up.

Shayna put on quite a show for the 'identical twin' and her man. Shayna purposely bumped into the man as she danced erotically. She used her hands and facial expressions like a real whore. She turned to face the couple, slightly squatted with her hands on her knees, and ground her inviting ass into Jacks' manhood. Jack wrapped his arms around Shayna as they moved to the rapid beat. Shayna used her most ravishing stare at the couple and positioned the tip of her tongue onto her upper lip. Then she slowly batted her eyes and parted her wine colored lips.

When the song ended, the couple and her man started to depart the dance floor.

Shayna stepped into the path of the blonde and caught a glimpse of her indistinguishable choker that spelled "LEXI", then declared, "Excuse me Lexi, I'm going to borrow your man for a dance."

"Is that SOoooooo, Lexi said arrogantly?"

"Uh Hmmm, and he probably won't even miss you because we look virtually alike," reasoned Shayna.

Lexi glanced at Shayna's choker and replied, "Permission granted Shayna. You GO girl!"

Lexi's man overheard the dialogue and clutched Shayna's hand. The music was lively and Shayna moved every part of her body imaginable. Shayna's arms stretched out toward the ceiling while her tits jiggled and her ass motioned for attention. Suddenly the beat of the music slowed and Shayna found herself in his strong arms.

In the mean time, Jack was trying to pimp Lexi at the railing. Every time Jack would try to say something, Lexi would turn her cheek to the side. She treated him as nonexistent and looked like a snotty little whore. At last Jack departed and left Lexi at the railing alone.

Back at the dance floor Shayna asked wickedly, "Should we make Lexi jealous?"

"I think we already have. Look at her leaning against the railing pretending not to be watching us," said the man.

"What's your name, asked Shayna?"

"PJ," he said.

"And what does PJ stand for, asked Shayna?"

"It's a nickname I was given in high school. PJ stands for pretty jock," he said insolently.

"I know the pretty part is fitting, but I don't know about the jock part," snickered Shayna.

Shayna was becoming aroused as she stared at PJ. The top of his dark brown hair was moussed into a messy wet look and shaved tightly around the sides and back. PJ's clean-shaven facial features were flawless, but it was the little dimple in his chin that would make any model envious. PJ was about 6'4" and his brawny body probably weighed 230 pounds. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him and his cute tush filled the leather pants like they were painted on. PJ's dark short-sleeved knit shirt unfurled his solid upper frame and his biceps puffed out of his tight sleeves.

PJ's chest nestled into Shayna's hardened nipples and she could feel her "clit" stir. He ground his pelvis into her making the "clit" sprout through the hole in her gaffe. Shayna tilted her head back and up as PJ pecked baby kisses all over her perfumed chest. Pre-cum fluid started running down her inner thighs, but she was unworried because PJ made her feel sheltered. Shayna rubbed his broad shoulders and ran her long fingernails on the back of his neck then through his hair. She delicately placed her open palms on his chest and lightly scratched his nipples.

Unexpectedly the exhilaration was interrupted by a voice, "Hey you, break it up," Lexi said as she glared at PJ.

As Shayna's pre-cummy state was broken, she rudely stated, "But we were just getting to know one another!"

"I noticed that. Now I want my man back, desired Lexi!"

"Can't we share, asked Shayna?"

PJ broke into the discussion by saying, "Come with me girls, I'm buying drinks."

Lexi and Shayna sat at a table that overlooked the sunken dance floor while PJ shuffled to the bar. They both looked like bitchy sluts sitting there without conversation. Shayna noticed Lexi's jacket that was draped over her chair. It was a clear, see-through plastic jacket with gold zippers exactly like hers! Shayna recognized Lexi's dirty blonde shoulder length hair had thin platinum blonde braids tinted in purple at the frayed ends. Next Shayna noticed Lexi's makeup colors were a duplicate of hers, even the gold sparkling glitter on her eyelids!

"Why are you staring, Lexi sharply asked?"

"Is this a joke, questioned Shayna?"

"Whatdoyou mean, asked Lexi?"

With a disrespectful attitude, Shayna sassed, "Your clothes, makeup, hair……..even your jewelry is exactly like mine!"

"I kinda noticed that," said Lexi.

"Where did you get them, queried Shayna?"

"A gift. Everything I have on was a gift," Lexi said.

"From PJ, guessed Shayna?"

"No, from a mutual friend of his and mine. And our mutual friend is the person that set up our blind date," explained Lexi.

"Blind………date, stammered Shayna?"

"That's right. PJ and I met here about two hours ago. Our mutual friend sent me a gift box today with a note in it. The note told me to wear the clothes in the box. He also sent me a coupon for a complimentary makeover. I was directed to look like a unique fuck-slut whore. Carefully following the instructions would assure me a definite "score" with this dude," explained Lexi.

"Oh my God Lexi," squealed Shayna!

"What, asked Lexi?"

"You have to hear MY story. Shit, here comes PJ with the cocktails. Let's go to the ladies room and powder up," pleaded Shayna.

"Here you are girls, two margaritas and an extra shot of tequila on the side," lauded PJ.

The three of them toasted with their shot glasses and gulped the tequila in one breath.

"Shayna and I are going to the powder room," declared Lexi.

"Do you want me to referee, laughed PJ?"

"No, the cat-fight is over," replied Shayna.

When Lexi and Shayna arrived in the deluxe ladies room they noticed oversized stalls each one complete with a toilet, sink vanity and mirror. They entered a stall together and Lexi sat down to pee as Shayna powdered her face and applied extra thick lipstick.

"Before I start my story you're going to need some of this," said Shayna as she uncapped the cocaine container.

"Is that cocaine, inquired Lexi?"

"Uh huh. It will relieve your anxiety by numbing your brain," instructed Shayna.

Shayna lightly dabbed her gold pinky nail into the fluff and cautiously scooped out a small pile. Lexi precariously sniffed the white powder into her system. Shayna could tell Lexi had very little experience with coke.

"Now the other nostril. This time YOU try," tutored Shayna.

Lexi dabbed her gold painted pinky nail into the container and held up a small amount that barely covered the tip of her nail.

"Lexi, you need more than that. I want to see you cover that one-inch long sexy nail with all white! Now hold one nostril and sniff as hard as you can sweetie," coaxed Shayna.

Shayna remembered what Sir Dom told her regarding the effects of cocaine. She didn't want to get overly excited when she enlightened Lexi with facts; therefore, she whiffed up four hits of coke (two in each nostril). Then Shayna started HER story.

When Shayna got to the part of the story about Lexi and PJ, she said, "Then Sir Dom demanded I "hit" on you and PJ."

Lexi looked stupefied and asked, "SIR DOM?"

"Ummmmm yes, Dominique, but he calls himself Sir Dom. He owns this place as well as a strip joint, a sex club, and a tattoo parlor," said Shayna.

"OH MY GAAAAWD," screamed Lexi!

"What, asked Shayna?"

"It's the same guy that………that sent me the outfit and set me up with PJ," blared Lexi.

Simultaneously they looked at each other's ankle boots and up their legs and all the way up to each other's eyes then started to giggle.

"Your going to make me pee my pants," howled Shayna.

"There's the toilet girl. GO," instructed Lexi as she laughed hysterically!

Shayna didn't tell Lexi that she was shemale, so before she sat to pee, Shayna shyly asked, "Would you mind turning your back while I pee?"

"Why, we're both girls. And if you were going to pick me up, I'm sure I would have seen more," exclaimed Lexi!

"Oh shush Lexi, just turn around," appealed Shayna.

After Shayna peed and daintily wiped her "clit," Lexi asked, "Could I have some more coke little sister?"

"Of course. That's why they call it the 'more' drug," informed Shayna.

"What's the gold plated straw for, asked Lexi?"

"It's a snorting tube, but I don't use it because I have claws," said Shayna as she scratched at Lexi's breasts with her long fingernails then giggled.

"Should I try it, asked Lexi?"

"Sure! It will give you a bigger 'hit' than the tiny pile you're used to getting. I just think it looks sexier to scoop with a fingernail," said Shayna.

Lexi grabbed the snorting tube and whiffed at the middle of a big pile. After Lexi inhaled the substance, Shayna had to hold her from falling.

"Oh shit!!!!!! That burns sooooo bad," cried Lexi as she held her fingers to her nose.

"Speaking of burn, there are hotter things in this room sweetie," said Shayna as she twirled in a circle advertising her body.

"I know, you're a doll and I love your outfit Shayna. I think we would make a great team and should play along with Sir Dom," giggled Lexi.

"Let's do. Sexxxxxxxy Lexi," said Shayna as she hugged Lexi forming a devious pact.

"We better get back to the table before PJ comes looking for us," said Lexi.

The identical blonde sluts strutted back to the table looking like two insatiable hookers. They both pulled up a chair on each side of PJ. Lexi and Shayna sipped their margaritas through their straws. They tried to out-do each other as if they were sucking a cock. PJ had one arm around each of them and they laid their heads on his firm chest.

All at once, Shayna announced, "Hey, you two danced together, and I danced with PJ, but I didn't get to dance with Lexi yet."

"You're right," said Lexi!

"You mean you two are going to dance together? Two girls, the way you look on THAT dance floor, asked PJ?"

Lexi instantly bounced to her feet and grabbed Shayna by the wrist and eagerly said, "I'll take that as an invitation!"

When they reached the dance floor, Lexi said, "I'm sooooo high Shayna."

"MMMMMMM….Me too sexy Lexi," said Shayna as she sniffed some draining coke liquid.

"Why do you keep CALLING me that, questioned Lexi?"

"Calling you WHAT, asked Shayna?"

"You know! SEXY LEXI," said Lexi.

Shayna shrugged and said, "Because you…….you know. I think you're SEXY!"

Lexi got closer to Shayna and whispered in her ear, "Thank you. I think you're sexy too. I don't have many true friends, but I have no doubt that I've found one."

Lexi and Shayna embraced during a fast beat song. Their bodies moved like one as they stared into each other's eyes. Lexi positioned her chin outward and puckered her lips inviting a soft kiss. Shayna responded by flicking Lexi's lips using her tongue. Only seconds later, the two blonde sluts were kissing passionately. Their tongues swirled savagely together as their hands caressed each other. When the music changed to a different song, they concluded the lengthy kiss.

On the way back to the table Lexi asked, "How are we going to get PJ to go to Sir Dom's office?"

"I have a plan, just play along," said Shayna with a wicked evil grin.

Lexi and Shayna got back to the table and before sitting, Shayna said, "PJ, we met the owner of this place. He requested that we join him for a drink in his office."

"The owner, asked PJ?"

That's right! We are so excited, would you like to join us, asked Shayna?"

"I'm not really sure," said PJ.

Lexi piped in and said, "We asked him if we could bring a friend. He said it would be fine."

"Since you and Lexi are an item, I need a date! Besides, I kind of have a crush on him. Also, you can protect us and make sure nothing happens to your sweet blonde girls," tempted Shayna.

"I suppose so," PJ said in an unconvincing tone.

After they finished their drinks, Shayna led the way to the elevator. As they arrived at the open door of Sir Dom's office, Lexi and Shayna walked in together. PJ was behind, prodding them along as if the girls were slaves.

They heard a voice from the far corner that said, "Welcome to my office. Please come in."

In unison, Lexi and Shayna refreshingly said, "Hi there, Sir Dom!"

"Hello ladies. And good evening PJ," said Sir Dom.

After Lexi and Shayna heard Sir Dom say 'PJ,' they both turned around and looked at PJ as if they had question marks on their foreheads.

"Sir Dom and I are old friends," explained PJ.

Sir Dom said, "Actually PJ is a silent partner in all four companies. It began with his money and my brains." "So what do you want with us, inquired Shayna as she pointed to Lexi and herself?"

"I thought you KNEW that I'm a control freak," heralded Sir Dom.

The two blonde sluts nodded their heads yes.

"Let me explain. Both of you are in need of a sugar daddy. Lexi, you were out on the streets without a home until I sheltered you with comfort and a job as a stripper. And you Shayna……Your abstract personality is all fucked up. You're a male that has the mind of a female; consequently, aspiring to become 100% female," said Sir Dom.

"SHAYNA!!!!!!!!!! You revoked that part of the story! You BITCH," yelled Lexi.

Shayna leaned towards Lexi's ear and whispered, "I'm sorry Lexi, but you didn't inform me that you are a stripper either. Plus, I didn't want to scare you off. I saw you as an honest friend, and I guess I wasn't very true to you. Again, I'm sorry."

While Lexi had a tear streaking down her cheek she sniffled, "That's the story of my life. I was beginning to like you Shayna."

Shayna gently wiped the tear from Lexi's face and whispered, "Lexi, I will do ANYTHING for you ANYTIME. First we have to get through this predicament. Remember, we're a team----we even have team outfits."

"K," Lexi said dismally.

Sir Dom interrupted their chat by asking, "Did you sluts get high enough in the powder room?"

"What, questioned Lexi?"

"And, you two were quite a spectacle on the dance floor too," added Sir Dom as he pointed directly at the girls.

"What, questioned Shayna?"

"Watch the screen," he demanded.

Sir Dom pointed to the oversized television screen and clicked on a channel. It was a picture of the powder room stall where Lexi and Shayna had been. He fiddled with buttons on the remote and focused in 'close-up' mode on some coke the girls spilled on the vanity. Sir Dom changed the channel and a picture of the dance floor appeared.

As Sir Dom flashed through the channels he explained, "There are over 50 hidden cameras at the Blue Bayou Club. I can also switch to the other three establishments. In all, we have over 200 hidden cameras at the four places. I can scrutinize employees and observe customers……All at my fingertips."

"How deceiving," said Shayna.

Sir Dom went on to say, "Since you two vixens tried to devise a plan to "play" me, I have arranged specific sexual punishment. I'm going to film the whole scene and keep it on record in the safety deposit box……just in case I need to use it against you!"