My First (Time) Taboo Ch. 37


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We were a mess going into the hotel. We were all sort of handsy with one another and by the time we got to the elevator I found that I wanted to alter the plan. I wasn't supposed to go into the bedroom with the four of them, but I just couldn't stand not being there. So I told Kristen to kiss Lyndsey and keep kissing her and have her take her to our room. And when she did I stepped over and began to make out with Carol.

I looked over out of the corner of my eye and saw that Kayla was kissing Monica. It was so hot. I sort of wanted to just have an orgy by that time, but I also wasn't sure just how far Monica would go.

So when we went to the rooms, which were side by side, there was this moment of awkward silence. No one really knew how we were splitting this all up. I'll be honest, my plan sort of fell apart probably due to the fact that I didn't have a very good plan to begin with, but to make a long story short, Kristen and Lyndsey went into one room and Kayla and Monica went into another. So I grabbed Carol by the hand and I followed Monica and Kayla.

Monica looked surprised. I think we all looked nervous. I'm not even sure how it happened, but soon I was in the bathroom with Kayla and we were changing into some sexy nighties. I had on this sexy baby doll that I got at Victoria's Secret (if you boys don't know what that means you need to look them up). My boobs were practically falling out of it. (Actually when you are as busty as me either everything is baggy as hell or you are busting out of it. It's honestly not funny, though I suppose it's sexy.) Kayla also had on the most adorable and sexy slip that really showed off her tone body (remember she was a dancer). I had bought it for her years ago, so hot.

So we must have messed around too long, because when we came out the lights were off and sure enough Carol and Monica were in bed together. Not what I had planned, but I just went with it. At first Kayla and I were touching and making out, but then we started whispering, in fact we were also texting Kristen under the covers on my phone. We are so stupid. So out of nowhere I hear Carol let out this loud like grunt/moan. I don't know if she was climaxing or what, but that made Kayla start to giggle, which made me start to giggle and we were doing everything we could not to make a sound, but we were just dying laughing.

We kept trying to come up with how one of us should join them or just anyway to make us all have sex, but I think Kayla was scared and I was actually totally exhausted, and soon it was morning and I never had sex. I woke up and was lying there with my arm nuzzled in next to Kayla's butt. I sort of stretched a little and rolled over and looked over at the next bed. Monica was awake and looking at me. I smiled at her and she winked at me. It was so cute.

I whispered, "Did you have fun last night?"

She nodded but didn't say anything. I sort of leaned up on an elbow and looked over and Carol was zonked out. Monica pointed at me and I looked down and saw that one of my boobs had decided to breathe the fresh air. I gave it a rub and I was going to put it back in, but instead I started massaging it and gave it a lick. Monica seemed to like it, which got my juices flowing (love being watched). Monica pulled her covers down a little and showed me the top of her breasts. That turned me on more than if she would have shown them all to me.

I put my nipple in my mouth and began to suck on it. It felt so good and my hand went instinctively between my legs. I was so wet and my finger slid in so easily. I didn't think I just acted. I slowly pulled the covers back as I slid my legs out of the bed and I tip toed (though for no good reason as the floor was concrete and carpeted, LOL) over to her bed. She sort of looked at me like she wasn't sure what I was doing. I just pulled her covers up and crawled in bed next to and sort of on top of her. Her body looked so great and so much more tan than the last time I saw it. I was rubbing my soaked snatch against her hip and she was fondling my breasts, but she looked incredibly nervous and kept peeking over at Carol.

I whispered, "Trust me she won't care."

"I'm not sure what we have, but I don't want to screw this up. Carol and I have a lot in common and . . ."

I stopped her talking by kissing her and she didn't resist me. I'm guessing she was caught up in the excitement. When we finished I whispered. "I've had sex with Carol a lot. She's had sex with all my friends too."

Monica looked over at Carol again and then back at me, and we kissed once more. My fingers found her clit and she sort of went soft in my hands giving into the passion. I really like Monica. She is just this very confused and sexy woman. I can't imagine what all was going on in her head. I know from talking to her that she has always wanted to have sex with women, but that she does love her husband. Thing is she was acting like she wanted to have a relationship with Carol. I'm not the one to make that decision of course, but I wasn't thinking that would ever happen, and honestly what sort of relationship could that even be? They would never be able to tell their husbands I wouldn't think. I almost felt sorry for her as I have to lead such a secret life as well.

After the kiss I sort of leaned up, and Monica and I were both a little surprised when Carol's hand reached out and cupped my boob. My nipple was so sensitive and I reflexively pressed my chest out and sucked in a gulp of air, grinding my clit a little firmer against Monica's hip.

Monica was staring at Carol, and Carol said softly, "Mmmm, are we going to share her, Monica?"

Monica looked at me and I was nodding. No one said anything else for a bit, and Carol leaned forward and began to nibble on Monica's nipple while she continued to play with mine. I loved where this was going. I had all, but forgotten about Kayla until after a while of fondling Monica asked, "What about Kayla?"

I was about to say something, when I heard Kayla say, "Oh don't mind me. I'm enjoying the show." She was actually sitting up on the bed and only Carol had noticed and said nothing. Now Kayla moved over to us and at first just stood behind me and looked down at the three of us. Carol continued to suck on Monica's nipple and squeeze my full breast, and I continued to rub Monica's clit. I kept looking at Monica's face. I could tell she was both consumed with lust and confused about everything that was happening. I decided to take it up a notch and I reached back and pulled Kayla down for a kiss.

I could tell Kayla was a little nervous as the kiss seemed forced, or maybe she was just trying to decide what exactly she would do if anything. Then I stopped kissing her and leaning back into the bed, I pulled Kayla down toward Monica. There was a weird staring contest going on for a very long couple of second, but then Kayla started to kiss Monica. I wish I could have seen it better as hair kind of blocked the view. I couldn't see Carol either, but when Monica and Kayla finally parted, there was Carol still sucking on Monica's nipple.

That's when it got really good. Kayla kept leaning forward as if she was ready to kiss Carol now. Carol took her mouth of Monica's nipple and looked up at Kayla. I could see the conflict, Carol wanting to be with Kayla, but also too scared to do it in front of Monica. There was so much tension, but I thought it was so hot. Then Monica spoke and I'm not sure, but I think it actually made it even more tense than before, "Oh shit, this is just too weird. I don't know if I can do this."

Carol looked away from Kayla and right at me, and I mouthed, "Do it."

But she didn't do it. In fact, she rolled away and said, "I'm sorry, you're right."

I was disappointed, but in no way upset. I totally remembered being terrified when my friends were finding out about my mom and me. But then Kayla surprised the hell out of all of us. She sort of crawled around me over the bed and right up her mom. Carol said, "Kayla don't." But just like Carol, Kayla didn't listen. She first reached out and put her hand on Carol's breast. Her hand lifted it up and squeezed it and Carol's mouth opened and she looked like she was about to cum from just that slightest touch. I'm serious her face looked as if she were about to climax and she let out the cutest little sigh/moan, and Kayla just started making out with her. Holy shit was it hot!

Monica actually said, "No," out loud, like really loudly, but it didn't stop them.

Monica looked at me and I said, "Wow, it's so beautiful." I wasn't acting anymore. I had no plan. I was actually a little dumbstruck at that point. Sure mom and I had done that just recently in front of Candice (my mom's ex-girlfriend) and ended up doing a threesome with her (which had always been her fantasy anyway), but this just seemed so daring. I was overwhelmed. I actually began to cry. Not like gushing, but I teared up and I felt such a strong emotion that I couldn't do anything but stare. I was so happy for both of them and sort of scared for them too. They were on the same strange ride as me, and taking steps that had taking me years to take.

Then next I was almost laughing as Kayla and Carol couldn't seem to get the covers out of the way fast enough. They were frantic to touch one another and I can't even recall who did it first, but they both took turns sucking one another's nipples as their hands darted back and forth from face to breast to pussy. It was the most wild I had seen either of them, other than maybe the first time Carol strap-on fucked Kayla at my party (long story, you'll have to read back and find that one).

Monica wasn't speaking or even moving, she was just staring like me, and soon my finger began to rub on her clit again. When I did she looked at me again and this time whispered, "This is wrong." I noticed she wasn't pulling my hand away from her pussy though.

To which I said, "Look at them. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. That's love."

"It's incest," she said even more quietly than before. I thought it was cute that she didn't want them to hear her disapproval which sort of made me think that maybe she was in conflict with herself about it.

I continued rubbing her and leaned down into her ear and said, "It's not like they can get pregnant from it. They are just sharing their love with one another. I think it's beautiful." Monica was watching them and I sort of felt her press my way as if to distance herself from them. I'm sure she was completely confused at what she should think at this point and with me gliding my finger around her clit wasn't helping her think straight at all. I kissed the side of her face a few times, but she kept watching them, and so I added, "I believe you wanted to have sex with Erin and Lacy." Erin of course is another one of the mom's in our neighborhood and a good friend of Monica's, and Lacy is Erin's college aged daughter. That got Monica's attention. She looked at me with wide eyes. I could tell she was even more confused now. "Wouldn't you like that?"

"That could never happen. I would never do that."

And yea that was that. Monica was done. She didn't throw me out of the bed, but she couldn't wait to get off of it, so I moved. She went into the bathroom and I sat there bemused. Not kidding, Kayla and Carol just continued to have sex like I wasn't there. They were so into it, I'm not even sure if they heard anything we said or even cared. They were grinding their pussies together now and I would have joined them, but I felt like I had to go be with Monica and figure out what she was thinking.

When I went into the bathroom she was just staring into the mirror, still naked. She looked at me and I smiled at her. I closed the door and leaned against the sink counter. We talked. She explained to me how she was having a hard time dealing with all of this and not just the two incestuous lovers that were currently rocking each other into blissful ecstasy. She hated it that she was "cheating" on her husband, even though she had said several times before that she didn't feel like she was cheating, since it wasn't with a man. Obviously she must still feel guilty. Then she went into great detail about how she had been lusting after Erin for years and had had many fantasies about her until Lacy began to blossom and now she had seemed to captivate her mind. She didn't like how she felt when she was hanging out with Erin anymore, as if she was actually making love to her daughter behind her back, and yet she did still have feelings for Erin as well. I just listened mostly, though I interjected an occasional thought when I felt my life circumstances seemed relevant. Thing was, Monica wasn't upset or crying, she was just talking everything out. She was trying to decide what she wanted, and I had definitely been there. For years I had no idea what I wanted.

Finally Monica said, "I guess it comes down to happiness, and not mine. I could never have sex with Lacy, because I could never hurt Erin. I never wanted to ruin the friendship that Erin and I have, or worse have my husband and kids find out that I secretly have desires for women, so I never ever thought about pursuing Erin. Then you and Kristen came along." She smiled really big and that made me smile and we both sort of had a nervous laugh at first and then we really laughed. She reached out to me and I took her in my arms and we embraced, oh wow did we embrace. I loved feeling her body against me. It felt so intimate. She actually shivered for a moment, and that made me want to hold her even tighter. We were quiet for a while and I thought about kissing her, but I could tell she was thinking. She sort of looked off really quickly and then snapped her eyes right back to mine and said, "You two make me happy."

I didn't say anything but my right hand slid down to her very firm rear and I cupped my hand under it.

"Very happy," she said and smiled really big again. "I'll admit I get sort of turned on thinking how you and Kristen sneak around your home and are secret lovers. I love the sneaking too." Then she threw her head back and said, "Holy shit, what am I doing?"

I said, "Being happy."

We kissed a little then and actually ended up taking a shower together (we didn't have sex, but it was very intimate). When we got out and dried off we made out, and then I thought we'd have sex for sure, but she sort of broke it off and said, "I don't even know if I can go out there and look at them."

"Monica, you shouldn't be so hard on them."

"No it's not that, I mean I feel embarrassed," she said.

"They may be too. In fact they probably will need us to help them get through this."

"Oh my, gosh, you're right. I'm so selfish. I can't imagine what must be going on in their minds right now. Maybe they were still drunk from last night, I don't know, but they can't ever go back from this."

I remember those last words she said so clearly, cause that's how I felt the first time with my own mother. I couldn't ever go back. "No, and they shouldn't have to be embarrassed," I said trying to sound confident. "They are just two people who love one another and who shared something special. There is nothing wrong with that."

Monica looked at me nodding, but I could tell she wasn't totally sure she believed that. "I've had fantasies about being with Erin and Lacy together," she admitted.

"I know," I said.

"This just seems too real, too . . . holy shit Lucy."

I held her again and said, "I know. That's how I feel when I look at Kristen. She's my cousin and it's not just sex between us. I love her."

Monica gave me an odd look. She was shaking her head, I wasn't sure if she was disgusted at first or just confused, until she said, "I don't understand. How can you make love to all of us, Kayla, Carol, me and Kristen is with Lyndsey right now? How is all that love?"

She had a good point I guess, so I was just honest with her. "Kristen and I love sex. It's just that simple. We love sharing girls and living wild. We're not total sluts or anything. It's not like we have sex with just anyone. But things like this, I don't know, we just trust one another, and we are happy for one another. Cousins, mothers, daughters, sisters, it's how we show we care, but us two . . . I love her. I really do." I sort of felt on the defensive at first, but I think she sort of understood, though maybe couldn't agree until I said, "I mean you love your husband right?"

She nodded. She nodded and thought really hard, and then looked at me and smiled. "Yea, I do." I'm not sure why, but she suddenly felt very naked. I think I had gotten to her, because she grabbed a towel and covered up, and looked sheepish. I held her hand and we walked out into the room. Kayla and Carol were dressed in their night clothes and fixing up the room. They both froze when they saw us, and I said, "We've been talking."

Then Monica let go of my hand and went up to Carol and said, "I'm sorry I freaked out. I think what you two did was very special." I was smiling and Carol looked at me and then gave Monica a big hug. Kayla went over to them and hugged them both.

That was pretty much the most of it. The four of us talked for a while and then Kristen and Lyndsey joined us for breakfast. When the weekend was over, I think Monica was okay with what happened, but she was definitely not into it. It's been a week and Monica hasn't had time to talk to me much (in other words avoiding me). I think my plan was a failure, but at least I know that I won't be letting her in on our secret. Oh well. That said, the night we got home, mom and Jill told us all about their fun together, and then mom and I ended up showering together.

I know what that means when she asks to shower with me and soon I was on my knees and licking her asshole (which she loves way more than me). When I was doing it, I couldn't help but wonder what Monica would do if she saw us doing this. I slid two fingers inside her beautiful pussy and fingered her while licking her ass until she let out the most amazing moan, quivered for a while and then sort of collapsed to her knees. I wrapped my harms around my mom's enormous breasts and held her under the running water, and I felt very, very happy. I know not everyone can understand this type of life style, but only love could make me lick someone's asshole, LOL. (And yes that was a joke.)

Okay this one is not as long as the last for sure, but hopefully you enjoyed it as much as I loved the experience. I know things don't always work out like I want them to, but I know at the end of the day, I have three women who love me and that is what matters most.

Thanks for reading, with love,


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Lucy_PLucy_Palmost 9 years agoAuthor
New one coming!!!!

I just wrote about my trip and submitted it. Not sure when they'll put it up.



Lucy_PLucy_Palmost 9 years agoAuthor

Now Erin's daughter is another story. She is older and was never a student while I was there. ;)

Lucy_PLucy_Palmost 9 years agoAuthor

No, I haven't even thought about having Monica do anything with her daughter. For one her daughter isn't 18 yet. Also she is a student. Just something i would never do. Plus also I don't think Monica would ever do that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Oh, I like the fantasy idea

That would be cool if you threw in a personal fantasy story here and there. I have read all of your stories so far. I know it would be to risky to for you or your mom to seduce a student or two but it would still be a good fantasy to seduce a straight girl cheer leader or a sexy student with your mom

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Hey Lucy! Big fan!!!!

Hey Lucy! I've been a big fan since your first story and at first I must admit I was skeptical about this as it seemed to good and to much of a fantasy to be true! But your life sounds amazin and I love all thestlries you have shared with us! Thanks so much! I was just wondering if you had any fantasies of you're own? Like do you ever think about the girls on your team like you mentioned in your last part, or maybe the forbidden(ish) desire of seducing a straight girl! Maybe you could write about a fantasy as well as your real life experiences! Anyways thanks again and please reply back!

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