My First (Time) Taboo Ch. 43


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I think I felt a little loss. I wondered what life would be like to be "normal" to have a love that I didn't have to hide. I find myself thinking this sometimes, but I always come back to what makes me the most happy and that is where I am now even though I can't share it with most of the world.

So anyway enough of that, it was time for the party. New Year's Eve is a great time and even though we didn't have the pool for fun I knew just having a group of amazing friends over would be awesome. We had invited a lot of people and we had even invited some that we didn't expect to join in the orgy, just because we wanted the night to start off as just a huge fun party. And it was such a great party.

Of course Denise and Lyndsey were invited and they were the first to show. Candice (my mom's ex-girlfriend) and her girlfriend Gabrielle showed up next. We didn't expect them to stay for the orgy of course, though I bet Candice would have. Jessica showed up next and she brought her girlfriend Tabitha. We invited Erin and Monica and they both came and I was surprised. I never expected Erin to show up, but she said her husband hated New Year's parties and so she was happy to get out of the house. What shocked me was that she said her daughter might show up later if her party sucked and if that was okay. Erin's daughter is super sexy. Her names is Lacy and she is this cute little blonde, tiny petite thing with 34C's. My mom has been hitting on her for years behind Erin's back, and I also found out that Monica secretly has the hots for both Erin and Lacy. So I wondered if this night just might get crazy between them. Erin and Lacy are both super ding bats, and sort of oblivious to the world, but also sweet fun people who I think are just great people.

Of course Stephanie and Amanda came. I work with Mandy as I call her and Stephanie is her girlfriend and they have been involved in several of our orgies. Also Melissa, Kelly, Kim, and Sarah who are all my mom's good friends showed up, though they would not be staying for the orgy.

Of course Carmen came, as she is my mom's girlfriend (wow that still sounds weird to say) she would be staying the night and was about to get her eyes opened for sure. And Carol and Kayla showed up later than expected, but I was so happy to see them.

Everyone was dressed up. We were all in dresses mostly and wanted to make this something special. Everyone looked so amazing, and I especially loved Lyndsey's dress which was tight and low cut more than most. Jocelyn was wearing one of mine and wearing it well considering how much shorter she is than me and her butt is a little bigger too, LOL. Jasmine and Wendy were wearing Jill and Kristen's clothes.

So we played games all night and people were drinking and everyone was having a great time. Now Erin was the only woman there not gay, and a couple of my mom's friends were hitting on her, and she didn't even have a clue (it was fun to watch). Then when Lacy did show up, my mom started to flirt with her and Carmen acted all jealous, but I'm not sure if she really was. Either way my mom stopped. Lacy had no clue everyone there was a lesbian, and she seemed to hit it off with my friends pretty well, and especially seemed to enjoy talking with Jocelyn.

All my friends loved Jocelyn, but Jasmine seemed to be a little more stand-offish. I think because she knew what would be coming later and she was incredibly nervous and basically undecided at this point just how far she would go. I actually saw Kristen holding her hand at one point which I thought was adorable.

So then Mandy brings up playing the game that we had last summer when we had to guess people, but my mom shut that down and I think it was because she didn't want a few of the people there getting the wrong (though actually right) idea about what goes on in this house.

I was actually disappointed and said to Mandy, "Maybe later."

So when the ball dropped (and yes we all watched it on TV and toasted with Champaign) everyone seemed to partner up and kissed. Honestly it wasn't until this moment that Erin realized that she was in a house full of lesbians (I mean obviously she knew some of us were). I of course kissed Kristen, which left Jocelyn no partner. I kept an eye on her wondering how she would feel about me kissing Kristen instead of her, and I was shocked to see her lean in as if she wanted to kiss Lacy. Jocelyn had no idea that Lacy wasn't a lesbian, (How would she know? I hadn't told her.) and I had no idea how Lacy would react. Well Lacy didn't kiss her, but she didn't freak out either. Like Erin I don't think she realized just who was and who wasn't a lesbian. Lacy acted surprised and then she seemed as if she took it as a compliment, and Jocelyn didn't seem to be upset so that was good.

It was then that I noticed Carol trying to kiss Monica, but with Erin nearby she refused, and I think that made Carol a little sad, but she leaned over and kissed Kayla and I wondered if Erin knew she was her daughter.

Either way Erin was suddenly very uncomfortable, I could tell. She was also pretty drunk, very drunk and I wondered if she would flip out or what, so I walked up to her to get a feel for how she was handling this sudden surprise. She seemed to just be flustered, but she was at the point where she was almost slurring her words and I knew she had been drinking more than most.

She made an excuse to go to the kitchen, but she walked into the front sitting room instead. I followed her wondering if she was going to walk out the front door, but she just went into that room and sat down on the couch. So I sat down next to her and started talking to her.

As we talked I could tell she was beyond drunk. I've only seen my mom that drunk a few times. When she was talking to me she kept touching me, not inappropriately if that's even possible, LOL, but just constantly putting her hand on my leg or my shoulder. So just to be sort of funny I started touching her. I was a little nervous, not sure if Lacy would walk around the corner at any minute, but at one point I put my hand on her chest, not on her breasts mind you, but right above them in the center of her chest and I was whispering close to her and making her laugh.

Finally that's when she said, "I had no idea there would be so many . . . you know . . . here. I thought this was going to be just a party. Monica and I are so out of place here."

I thought it was interesting that she didn't mention Lacy and I wondered if she had forgotten she was even here. Right at that point Kristen and my mom were going into the kitchen and they saw me talking with Erin and saw my hand on her. My mom winked at me, and Kristen mouthed, "You go girl."

So I jokingly said to Erin, "Well the orgy doesn't start till later." (Though obviously it wasn't really a joke, but she didn't know that.

Erin didn't seem to be even focusing on me anymore. She did smile when I said that, but I wasn't sure she was even listening, then I realized she was staring at my boobs. I had on a sexy dress and was definitely showing off the girls. I wasn't entirely sure if she had just gotten drunk to the point that she didn't know what she was looking at, or if she was just drunk enough to be checking me out. I started holding her hand and said, "I've always thought you and Monica were attractive, and wondered if you two were a couple before I got to know you."

"Ha, Monica and I," she hiccupped and then laughed and she leaned into me.

I took her hand up and put it on my breast. She got a handful of me, but I am not even sure she knew it. I said, "Very attractive," and brought her hand over the top of my boobs and her eyes suddenly got big realizing what I was doing.

She looked at me and slurred, "If I were your age Lucy and not married . . ."

"What would you do," I asked.

And she vomited. Not on me thank goodness. That would have been so horrible. And also not a lot, but she turned and threw up on the floor next to the couch away from my direction. Well she was embarrassed and apologetic, and I was sort of grossed out. I stood up pretty quick and thought about yelling for my mom, but then thought better of it.

So I just stepped five steps into the entranceway of the kitchen and motioned for mom, and then we quickly went into action. Kristen helped Erin to the bathroom, my mom got air freshener sprayed and sort of stood guard, and I quickly cleaned up the mess. Thankfully we had tile where she threw up so it wasn't too bad. Still I wasn't exactly thrilled it happened. That's right I made Erin vomit by letting her touch my boobs. Not a highlight of the party.

The only person who had a clue what happened was Jill as she could tell just by my mom's face that something was up. So we got that all taken care of, I quick went around and sort of just made my presence known and started to get an idea if anyone was leaving soon, then I rushed upstairs to find Erin brushing her teeth in my bathroom. Kristen was with her and rubbing her back. I told her she could go down stairs and I kept an eye on Erin. She was a mess, and I can't understand why anyone would want to be so drunk that you are in that sort of shape. Though as I really don't drink I'm not one who would understand. So Erin finished and I led her to the guestroom and told her to sleep it off. She kind of argued with me, but she laid down on the bed and soon she was getting comfy.

She was talking to me, not complete nonsense, but I wasn't sure what she was saying. Seeing her lying in bed and looking sexy now that she was cleaned up again, I started to rub my hands on her a bit. I said, "So if you were my age and not married?"

She smiled and took her finger and stuck it down my dress right at the V and between my boobs. I started to take it as a sign, but she said, "You're a pretty girl Lucy, but not my type."

Erin looked so cute saying that. Sort of pouty, spunky. She had this sexy look, and the fact that she wasn't giving into me, made me want her so badly. Erin was wearing a short dress so I just slid my hand up it and brushed across her underwear. She pinched her legs together and twisted away from me and said, "Oh no."

I stopped, but I leaned down and gave her a kiss (just a peck) on the lips, and then said, "You better rest."

She smiled again and closed her eyes. I wasn't entirely sure if she was resisting or not, but I took her for her word and I snuck out of the room and let her sleep.

When I walked down stairs I found Kim, Sarah, Kelly and Melissa saying goodbye to my mom and Kristen at the door. Kim seemed to be flirting with Kristen, maybe hoping she'd ask her to stay, but we knew that wouldn't work out with the plans we had made. Mom didn't want Kim knowing our secrets.

Now we just had to wait for Candice, Gabi, Tabitha and unfortunately Jessica to leave. I know Jess would have been fun, but I also knew she didn't want Tabitha to start down this path we live. Well it was another half an hour before Candice was saying goodbye to my mother at the door. So I gave Gabi a big hug and for some reason I just kissed her. She was shocked, but didn't resist me and when she gave me this look of surprise I said, "Oops, sorry I'm just horny."

She smiled really big and said, "No that's alright."

I didn't really let go of her. I had my hands on her waist and she seemed to be feeling awkward. She said, "Thanks so much for inviting us over. We had a great time."

I said, "I had a great time seeing the two of you. Maybe, I could stop by your place sometime and the three of us could hang out or do whatever."

"Oh wow, okay," Gabi said looking flustered, "maybe, I'd have to check with Candice."

"I'm sure she'd love it."

"Oh, I bet she would love it," Gabi said and looked over at Candice who was still chatting it up with my mom.

I stuck my chest out just a little not to be overly obvious, but also wanting her to notice. "Would you love it?"

"I'm not exactly sure what you're asking me," she said turning as red as the dress she was wearing.

I ignored her, turned to Candice and said, "If you two could hold on just a second I need to show Gabi something we were talking about."

Candice didn't have a clue and she sort of just nodded at me and went back to talking to my mom. I have no clue what they were talking about, but she was engrossed.

I drug Gabi upstairs and she followed me without resisting, but also with some trepidation. I walked her right into my bedroom and shut the door and without a second thought I attacked her. My hands went right to her neck and I pulled her in tight for a kiss. She did resist, not for very long though and she was suddenly making out with me. Gabi is super cute and I just love her skin, and I started to rub her shoulders and then her back while we kissed.

When we came up for air she said, "Lucy, I can't do this."

I pulled my dress down enough for my breasts to pop out the top and she just attacked them without hesitation. She was sucking my nipples and saying stuff like, "You are so big," or "So firm and succulent." I remember that one, because I don't think I've ever been called succulent before.

I said, "Can you imagine the two of you having me as your sex slave for the night."

She just said "Shit," and kept sucking my nipples.

I let her for a bit longer and then I pulled away and said, "We better go downstairs." She looked horribly disappointed, but she agreed.

When we got downstairs, I could tell my mom had been flirting with Candice, because Candice suddenly seemed flustered and was blushing. I'm not even sure if Gabi noticed, or maybe she did and didn't care. Either way they left soon and my and I talked about what had gone on upstairs.

So Jessica left without as wild of a finish, though I did kiss her when Tabitha wasn't looking, and told her I loved her. She said it back and told me to enjoy the night. I said, "I would have more if you could have stayed." She actually kissed me again, and didn't even check to see if Tabitha was looking or not, but she hadn't seen anything.

So now it was go time, I thought, but then I remembered that Lacy was there and so was her drunk mother snoozing upstairs. Lacy was sitting on the couch. Denise and Lyndsey were on one side of her and Jocelyn was on the other. Kristen, Kayla, and Jasmine were sitting on card table chairs across from them and they were all chatting it up. The older crew were scattered around talking to one another, but not altogether. I was super horny at this point, and even though Lacy was around, I wasn't sure I cared anymore. It wasn't like I was going to go make out with my mom right in front of her, but I was ready to have some fun. I leaned over the couch and rested my chin on Jocelyn's shoulder and said, "HI!" super enthusiastically.

Everyone sort of laughed at me and I think Lacy, Jocelyn, and I were the only one's still sober. Jocelyn leaned into me being affectionate, and I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Lacy smiled at us, and then Denise put her hand on Lacy's knee and said, "So no boyfriend, huh?"

"No, no," Lacy said looking distracted. I think her being surrounded by all these lesbians must have had her wondering what any one of us would do. Maybe I was just imagining that she was thinking that, but she did seem nervous for some reason. I gave Jocelyn's boobs a squeeze while Lacy was looking at Denise. She continued, "I mean I like boys I just haven't found the right one."

Denise slid her hand up Lacy's leg a bit, and asked, "Experimented at all in college?"

Lacy flushed and turning to look at me saw my hands on Jocelyn's boobs and looked back at Denise even more embarrassed than when she had looked away.

Lacy was breathing deeply and her cleavage was rising and falling. It looked so sexy. Just then I wondered why she wasn't wondering where her mother was. I looked at Kristen, and mouthed, "Does she know about her mom?"

Kristen the expert lip reader didn't even catch what I said, and so I had to mouth it twice. Kristen nodded yes and I went back to enjoying Jocelyn's boobs and listening to Lacy explain how she had never done any drugs, or drink, or anything wild at all.

Denise smiled and slid her hand up Lacy's leg just a little further and said, "I meant with a girl."

At this point in time Jocelyn was licking and nibbling at my ear, which was completely sending me into orbit. Lacy again embarrassed turned to look in my direction again, just in time to see Jocelyn's boob pop out the top of her dress with my hand cupped underneath it. She watched my fingers slide around and pinch Jocelyn's nipple. Lacy cussed, and turned away, but now Lyndsey had tugged Denise's dress down and was rubbing her enormous boobs too.

Lacy stood up and she looked around, and I realized about the same time as she did that all the mothers and older woman were no longer around. Kristen stood up and put her hands on Lacy's waist and said, "It's okay, Lacy. Everyone else is already paired up and having sex someplace. It's just us girls here." As soon as she said that I realized that Carmen wasn't around. I had completely forgotten about her. I wondered just what was going on upstairs and if she was having sex with people other than my mom.

Part of me wanted to rush off and find out, but with Lacy freaking out, I knew I had to stay here at least until she either gave in or left.

Lacy said, "I'm feeling really uncomfortable and I think I better leave."

Then Jocelyn pulled away from me and standing up she tugged lacy around by the arm and started kissing her. I was really surprised that she was that confident, and even more so that Lacy gave into her lust and kissed her back. At this point everyone was starting to mess around, but I was nervous that Lacy would get freaked out if she realized just how wild this party was about to get, so I repositioned myself so that when Jocelyn got done kissing Lacy (and it was a long one), that I could silently mouth to Jocelyn to take Lacy to the den. She did and before I went upstairs I got an eyeful of all the girls frantically taking off their sexy dresses while doing their best to touch whoever was near them.

I ran (not walked, but ran) upstairs, and went to my mom's room. When I entered I saw Carmen immediately, though not much of her. She was lying on her side, Jill and her doing a 69, but sideways instead of one above the other. My mother was entering Carmen from behind, but again sideways, with a strap-on dildo. Stephanie and Mandy were lying on the bed and they were grinding (scissoring) one another. Wendy was fingering Jill and occasionally grabbing either Jill or Carmen's breast. It was so hot, but I didn't join. I couldn't believe how Carmen was having sex with all these older women. She was such a slut, I had no idea. Now I know she had gotten pretty drunk as most were, but I still was beyond surprised. I just watched for a moment before going to see where the others were.

I went to my room and no one was there. My eyes got really big and I let out a little squeak realizing what was going on. I rushed over to the guest room and sure enough there was Monica and Carol. Erin was awake (though beyond drunk and I wondered if she even knew who she was kissing). Carol was making out with Erin and Monica had her lips and tongue all over Erin's pussy. (Now I know Erin had brushed her teeth, but I still sort of felt bad that Carol hadn't known she had thrown up earlier.)

So there I was staring and Carol waved me inside, but I just shook my head no and sort of waved my hand, but I stood there watching. Monica had wanted Erin for so long. I was nervous for her right now. This was her big moment, and yet I wondered if she would regret it the next day if Erin had second thoughts.

I left the room and went back down stairs. The first thing I noticed was that Jasmine was licking Kayla's pussy, while Kristen was pounding Jasmine with a strap-on. It was hot, and I rushed over to join them, but when I saw Denise and Lyndsey doing a 69, I instead laid down next to them and started fingering Lyndsey and nibbling on her rear. Lyndsey took a moment to see who was touching her and then went right back to devouring her sister. I played with her butt for a bit, but then I went over to Kayla and kissed her. She was very passionate and breathless, and then she helped me take off my clothes and sucked my nipples for a bit. It felt great, but suddenly I had an urge to go see what was happening in the den.