My First (Time) Taboo Ch. 44


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That's when my mom pushed Lacy's legs up so her knees were by her shoulders and she began to pound her hard. Lacy was noisy. She was yelling a lot, and also seemed scared. I completely understood. Mom has scared the shit out of me a few times, and she hadn't even begun to go that hard yet, but this was very new to lacy. I could tell it felt good though.

Lacy began to cum. Her orgasm was long and when it didn't end for so long, Lacy almost looked panicked. Then like a wave her eyes rolled back and she just started moaning and when her head went to the side drool actually came from her mouth. I was almost nervous that she was having like a seizure or something, but my mom just kept fucking her harder.

I gripped her hand and said, "Lacy, you good."

She squeezed my hand back and just shook her head yes at first, but then she started yelling "yes" over and over. That got me so fricking horny. I looked at my mom and her huge boobs were bouncing around, and I just reached out and squeezed one of them. Lacy lost it. She started cussing and saying my name. I crawled on top of Lacy and started kissing her or putting my breasts to her mouth, though she wasn't able to suck them well, she tried.

Finally after probably having three orgasms, my mom pulled out of her and I settled my pussy lips against hers, which were so engorged. She was sensitive, but I pressed and wiggled against her anyway and that made her kiss me with such intensity. Finally mom entered me. I'm not entirely sure that Lacy knew it right away, but soon enough she did and she just kept saying my name as if asking me a question. I rose up and leaned back into my mom, and her hands settled over my nipples and my enormous breasts spilled out of her hands as she gripped them and pulled me into her by them.

At that point I wasn't thinking about anything, but the moment. I loved it that Lacy was watching my mom fuck me. I loved it that my mom had just had her way with this young girl she had fantasized about for years and that was all I cared about. Plus it felt so good. My clit, my pussy rubbing against Lacy while my mom pounded me from behind. It was so awesome.

Lacy was obviously feeling good too, but she was also confused or maybe even in disbelief that my mom was having sex with me, but with our bodies rubbing together she actually had another orgasm. That made me cum too, just watching her face and hearing her scream out pushed me to a tremendous climax.

My mom slowed way down and was just slowly gliding in and out of my soaked pussy. I started kissing Lacy and she had her hands gripping my back or my ass, just almost frantic, so passionate. I finally leaned back up into my mom again and Lacy put her hands on my breasts and squeezed them saying, "Shit, this is crazy."

My mom's hands went over Lacy's and helped her to massage my breasts. I leaned back and rested my head on my mom's shoulder and she started kissing my neck.

Then Lacy asked, "Does my mom know about all this, about the two of you?"

I looked at her and shook my head no, and my mom said, "It's a secret Lacy. You can't tell anyone what goes on in this house."

She shook her head yes, but I could tell she was still puzzled or confused about something, so I asked her, "Are you okay with what we did Lacy?"

She shook her head yes again, but then she asked, "So who was with my mom that night?"

"Just Carol and Monica," I said. I wasn't entirely sure of everything that happened, but I figured she might at least know the truth about those two.

Lacy was still massaging my boobs, and my mom was too, but their hands were not on top of one another now. It felt really good and I put my hands back on my mom's butt and nestled in against her again.

My mom was still inside of me and she gave me a quick poke, and then said, "Lacy I've had fantasies about you and Erin for just as long as Monica has. You can't blame her for wanting you both, especially since she has been with so many mothers and daughters."

Lacy wasn't sure who all she meant, until my mom reminded her of Carol and Kayla, Wendy, Jasmine, and Jocelyn, and also Jill and Kristen, and of course us. Lacy was so surprised, and yet she seemed okay with it all. Then she said, "So has Monica been with her own daughter?"

We said no and explained that she has no desires to do that. My mom pulled out of me and we laid on either side of her and we talked about everything. Lacy seemed very open, but she said she had no interest whatsoever of doing anything with her own mom, or even seeing her mother with anyone. Mom and I took her for her word and we were both a little disappointed I'll admit. Though we liked it that at least Lacy was cool with our relationship. She asked us to never tell Erin about her being at another orgy, and we realized that she wanted to keep secrets just like us, which was good.

The three of us went down stairs and joined the rest of the party. Monica was quick to get with Lacy again, and I enjoyed watching them, though soon I had someone (Carmen) sitting on my face again so I couldn't see, LOL.

That night I slept with Jill, Monica, and Denise. My mom slept with Lyndsey, Kristen and Carmen, and Lacy went home. I woke up to the sound of Kristen moaning from the next room and when I went over there, sure enough my mom was pounding her up the ass with a strap-on. The funny part was that Lyndsey and Carmen were actually sleeping through the noise. I crawled into bed with them and Lyndsey finally stirred awake. I kissed her and she kissed me, and as always no one kisses like Lyndsey and my head was spinning in no time.

The two of us just sort of cuddled as we watched my mom doing Kristen. Lyndsey leaned over and said, "I think they have something special." I just kissed her on the cheek and said, "Yep." There was no denying it. My mom and Kristen do have a special bond, and there was no one else I would rather have my girlfriend fall in love with than my own mom, who I adore. It didn't bother me in the slightest, but I had the feeling that Lyndsey wanted to make me jealous. I think Lyndsey somehow thinks that I will maybe still end up with her someday. You would think with how she is in love with her own sister she could understand how I feel, but who knows maybe I am imagining it all. I do know she loves me, because she told me that morning. I just said it back, and didn't make a big deal about it. I do love Lyndsey and I always will. I love Denise and Jill too, there are just different degrees of love is all.

Okay so now it was Saturday. Lyndsey and Denise stayed for most of the day, but Monica left very early. I don't remember what her excuse was to her family, but her husband knows she is friends with mom and Jill and makes excuses about drinking. I don't think he has a clue, and I'm not even sure how close they are anymore, though I don't mean to say they don't care about one another, she just says they aren't as sexual as they used to be. So anyway we just hung out the seven of us, until finally Lyndsey and Denise took off.

About eight o'clock Monica came back over and she seemed upset. She said that Erin had called her and they had started to argue a bit and then Erin hung up on her. Erin had no clue what happened so I wasn't sure what was going on, but I was feeling super bad, so I just called Erin up without anyone knowing and asked her if she wanted to come over and talk to Monica in private at our house so they could get through this, and that Monica was very upset. I think I made her feel that if she didn't then she would look like the bad person, so she did come over.

The five of us gave the two of them their privacy. They talked for a short while, before nosy me listened in at the door. Monica was telling Erin about her lesbian desires and how she has always been bisexual. I was surprised how calm and casual the conversation was. I sat and listened for a long time, finally Erin sort of threw a small fit about how Monica never should have touched Lacy. That's when Monica said she has been in love with Erin for years. I admired her honesty, and I think Erin was surprised, but she said something like, "So that makes it even worse. Why would you do that then?"

So Monica explained how since Lacy looks like Erin, and she does, that in a way it was her making love to Erin like when they were younger. I thought it sounded pretty stupid, but Erin (who I think is a dingbat) actually seemed to see some validity in it. I mean I'm not saying that Erin was happy, but she somehow seemed to understand, I don't know how. So anyway they just kept talking and talking, and then they brought up making love at our house that night and also about Carol, and Monica had to explain most of what happened as Erin was super drunk.

Then Erin wanted to know what all Lacy did and with who. Monica didn't want to say, but Erin got her to talk, and although she didn't tell her everything she told her most of it. That's when Erin asked Monica if she thought Lacy was a lesbian. Monica said, "I think she's like me. I think she likes both."

Erin asked Monica if she still loved her husband. Monica said she did, but that she also had feelings for Erin. There was like a long pause and I actually thought maybe they were kissing, but they weren't, Erin just didn't know what to say. Out of nowhere Erin says, "How would you feel if I made love to your daughter?" I heard Monica say, "I don't think I'd like that," and that's when the doorbell rang. I jumped, startled, but luckily didn't make any sound. I rushed off to the stairs and went half way down when my mom opened the door and it was Lacy. My mom told her that Erin was upstairs with Monica. It was so funny seeing Lacy's face go through all these thoughts. She first thought that meant they were having sex, but then she seemed terrified that Monica was telling their secrets, but then she just seemed worried when mom told her they were just talking about their friendship.

She said, "Well, I better go home."

To which I said, "Why can't you hang around with Kristen and I. Let's go hang out."

She agreed so we went out. Carmen came along too, so it was a fun foursome. We went bowling and it was a great time. Then we decided just to play it safe and went over to Lyndsey and Denise's house. I texted first just to make sure it was okay. We had a lot of fun, but didn't have sex. I was surprised actually, but nothing happened at all. We did have some serious talks and Lacy asked a lot of serious questions, mostly about Lyndsey and Denise being sisters and in love, and also about how Kristen and I could have relationships with our mothers. She was interested and polite, and I enjoyed the talks. Carmen was great, she related it all from her perspective, and she was so sweet about how she could see how much we loved one another and how happy that made her feel. It was just a great night.

We drove Lacy home, and when we stopped the car, she almost acted like she didn't want to go inside. Then I thought she wanted to kiss us goodbye, but I think it was too awkward. Kristen and I drove home and when we came in Monica was still there. She had spent the evening with our mom's and again no sex, they had just talked. In fact Erin had spent a long time talking with them too. I was happy everyone was getting better. Erin did get upset a little bit that my mom would allow all this to happen at her party. Luckily she didn't know about the night before. But when Erin left mom said that Erin was handling everything a lot better than before.

Lacy didn't come over on Sunday, but she did text me and thank me for a fun weekend and for helping out with her mom. They were definitely doing better.

Okay so the next week, I did something crazy and slutty. I went over to surprise Candice. I made plans with Gabi and she was completely thrilled to help. I was going to be their slutty maid and clean their house naked. Thing is Candice got home late from work and so while I was waiting Gabi came on to me. She started acting like she was my mom, which just turned me on so bad, and soon enough she was sitting on the couch and my head was between her legs. She kept calling me her little girl and she wanted me to say, "yes, mommy." It turned us both on so badly that we didn't even at first hear when Candice came home. We did stop before she saw us however, and I got to cleaning.

It was fun and Candice seemed to love it. I played the roll well and I even ended up giving the two of them a bath and washing them both. It was super fun. Thing is afterwards they wanted to pay me for cleaning their home. I started to accept and then I refused, because I felt like a prostitute. They argued that it was only for the cleaning, but I didn't take it anyway. On the way home I thought about when I had stripped for Amanda and Stephanie, and how that made me feel confused. I told mom and Jill everything when I got home. Kristen and Carmen were actually out on a "date".

My mom said, "I would have taken the money," but she laughed, so I am not even sure she was serious. Jill thought I did the right thing. Then my mom asked me if I wanted to strip again for people and if I liked and missed it. I actually sat there thinking about that for a bit before answering and said, "I'm not sure I missed it, but yea I do like it."

Jill seemed surprised for some reason, but my mom was turned on. Soon I was stripping for them, and then the three of us made love. It was great, but it actually just got me in the mood to do it for more people and I talked with my mom about it the next day hoping she could arrange something. She reminded me that I was a teacher and how dangerous it was, and I said, maybe if I was far away from here, plus honestly the danger excited me. Over the next month I was on the phone with Carol, Monica, Denise, Lyndsey, Jessica, basically everyone telling them of my desires, but I wasn't having any luck until suddenly my mom came through for me.

Not sure if anyone will remember Sydney, but she was one of the first girls I ever made love to. My mom and Anna (mom's girlfriend at the time) had set us up, but I didn't have feelings for her so it didn't work out. Well she and her current girlfriend were going to get married in Vegas, and Anna was throwing a bachelorette party for her. My mom had actually suggested it to Anna. I think Anna was shocked to say the least, but then she also was excited about the idea. She also knew that Sydney would probably love it. I at first thought I was going to Vegas, but I found out the party was actually going to be the weekend before here in Indiana. WOW! Suddenly I was terrified and thinking maybe I should not do it, but then I found out that the party was going to be in Indianapolis. I still wasn't sure what I should do, but part of me was definitely excited. Kristen actually asked me if I maybe shouldn't do it, and so I thought she was jealous. We had a huge talk about it, but she was more just worried for me more than anything else.

Well that was a few weeks off, so I had time to think about it. Okay so I got a call from Jocelyn and as she is almost done with college for the year, though I still have a month to teach yet, she said she wanted to come and visit. I of course was thrilled. After talking with her I told Kristen and she asked immediately if Jasmine was coming too. It hadn't come up so I didn't know. Next time I talked to Jocelyn I brought it up, and she said she wasn't sure. Then for the fun of it I asked her if Wendy would come again. Jocelyn was less optimistic about that, but she did tell me that her and her mom had gotten flirtatious one weekend when she came home, but that nothing had happened. I was happy for her, especially since she was getting along well with her mom, but also that they were getting closer to being where they had been here.

A couple days later Lacy called me and we just talked for like an hour, and when I told her about Jocelyn coming, she let out the cutest scream and said she had to see her again. I was just as excited to see Jocelyn, and I thought it was cute that Lacy seemed to have such desires for her, even though she says she isn't lesbian.

Okay well that's all for now. Thanks everyone for reading. Lots more has happened, but since it's been a while since I wrote I figured I better just get this out to you.

Love, Lucy.

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Lucy_PLucy_Palmost 8 years agoAuthor
45 coming soon

I finished writing everything. Almost done proof reading, and then I'll submit. Shouldn't be more than a week I'd think. My summer has started out GREAT!!!! I'm as happy as I have ever been. Thanks everyone for being so great!

syreatadivasyreatadivaalmost 8 years ago
Another Great Story

Keep doing what you're doing. I always look forward to "diary entries" which I call them. I have been a fan of your story writing for a long time and I am happy that you will write more this summer.

LenaptLenaptalmost 8 years ago
5*****Stars Again! Thank You!

Another Wonderful and Loving Chapter sweet Lucy!

Again, got my 5*****Stars vote to your wonderful work about yours loving Lesbian Family Stories.

Hope for the Best to you All and looking to the next chapter mmmmm

Thank you for some great and loving wet wet moments of true pleasure Reading yours lovely stories mmmmmm

All the Best!

Aunt Helena

55yo Lesbian Aunt from Portugal

Lucy_PLucy_Pabout 8 years agoAuthor
You got it!

Yea, you obviously realized why my mom was not involved the one night. I try my best not to write about those events. Luckily the four of us sort of all have our cycles roughly together, which is handy. I just avoid those weeks as there is nothing fun at all to write about, LOL. Sorry boys, but it's life for us, don't worry I'll continue to keep that part quiet and not ruin the fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Don't you girls ever get your period?? Lol Love you Lucy_P!!

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