My First (Time) Taboo Ch. 45


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Erin tried to lie. It was embarrassing. She started to say how they were all just talking upstairs, but Lacy said, "You mean you were sleeping with them."

Erin looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Lacy said. "I'm tired of keeping secrets. And I'm glad you and Monica are friends again." Lacy stood up and walked over to Erin while she was saying this. "It's honestly okay mom. I'm happy for you."

I thought Lacy was going to be all preachy or even angry, but she wasn't. Erin and Lacy hugged. The two of them left after saying goodbye and that's when I talked to mom and Jill about my feelings for Jocelyn. They weren't surprised. They knew. Hell, Kristen knew. I was the one who was blind to it.

My mom asked the serious question of how we could ever make it work. We were both very aware how hard that would be, but we weren't going to let it ruin our long weekend together. Then my mom said, "So where does that leave us?"

Jocelyn said, "Patty, I'm not here to steal your daughter away from you. I knew what I was getting into. You don't think I loved that orgy last night?" Everyone laughed. "I know she loves more than just me. I'm just glad I'm one of the people she loves."

It was weird to hear her say that. And I was making plans in my head to make sure she and I could make this work, but I loved it that she was realistic to the situation and also that like Kristen, Jocelyn was very much in the same situation as me.

At around supper time Lacy called back and asked if she could come back over. I told her yes of course, and I decided to make a party of it and I called over Lyndsey and Denise too. They were thrilled to join us and also loved it that they helped with my surprise for the weekend. My mom called over Monica and as Erin was over there she came too, but there was definite tension when she arrived and saw Lacy was there.

Lacy was wearing the same clothes she had on before, but this time without a bra. Her tank-top was so loose that she was showing major side boob. When Erin walked in Lacy didn't say anything. She just hugged Monica.

Well the night went well. We all played games and just hung out as friends and had the best time. Now sure there was flirting, even the occasional grab or kiss, but it wasn't an orgy. It was just friends being friends and it was a great evening for everyone.

That night Lacy did sleep over with Kristen and Carmen in the guest room, and Jocelyn and I stayed up talking all night in bed. Though the next morning I went and brought lacy into our room and the three of us did have sex. I wasn't about to deny Jocelyn of Lacy just because we fell in love, LOL.

Okay so Jocelyn was only there for the weekend, till Tuesday actually. Nothing more wild happened, and although Jocelyn had sex with my mom and Jill one afternoon, and Lacy once when I was at work on Monday, nothing overly wild happened.

As soon as Jocelyn was gone I was missing her. I was making reservations to fly down and visit. It was weird. I was different. I was thinking about her all the time. School was wrapping up and I was super busy though and soon enough school was over. I continued to sleep with Kristen almost every night, though some nights Carmen would come over and they would go to the guest room. When that happened, I rarely joined them. I sometimes slept alone and sometimes with mom and Aunt Jill.

I talked to Jocelyn nearly every day in some form and she told me that she and Jasmine had made love a few more times, but that she and Wendy had done nothing. I was happy she was enjoying herself too, but I was getting nervous to go down there. Her mom wasn't always rational and I wasn't sure if she would be happy that Jocelyn and I were wanting to be together. Especially since we weren't sure yet how we were going to make that happen. So in less than a week after school was over Kristen, Jill, and mom drove me to the airport.

I kissed Kristen goodbye in the airport not caring who saw, and hugged my mom and Jill so tightly. My mom gave me some extra money, and she said call if you need anything and I was off. On the plane I had fun thoughts about doing the mile high club. I even flirted with one of the stewardesses, though I had no intentions of doing anything with her. I was wearing a very skimpy sundress as I wanted to make an amazing impression when I first saw Jocelyn and I was getting stares form a lot of people on the plane. I was sitting next to a nice man who never once flirted with me, though he definitely looked me over more than once.

When I got off the plane I was so lost, but I soon found my bags and then out of nowhere I felt someone's hands go over my eyes from behind. I spun around and it was Jocelyn of course. We hugged so big and just held each other for a while. I didn't even notice Jasmine and Wendy standing there for the first few seconds. Then Jasmine gave me a big hug and then Wendy did too. She was actually just beaming, which made me feel super happy.

We all talked none stop the whole drive to their house, which was beautiful. Wendy is very wealthy. I had no clue, I mean they always had amazing clothes, but I don't know I didn't realize how wealthy they were. So their neighborhood was gorgeous and just fancy cars and houses everywhere. I mean my mom is pretty well off, but this was a rich neighborhood for sure.

So Wendy actually carried my bags right to Jocelyn's bedroom which was awesome. She seemed to be happy I was there and excepting everything really well. I couldn't have been happier. Dinner was great, we all talked more and everything was going well until Wendy asked, "So do you think you will move down here, Lucy?"

I didn't have an answer for her. Jocelyn and I didn't know when or how we were going to be together. We just knew we were going to be in love. Thing was I noticed that Wendy never even suggested that Jocelyn would move up my way. I was concerned for sure. It didn't dampen anyone's spirits though, and the evening was just super fun. We all watched a movie together, and then Wendy went to bed.

Jasmine hung around with us for about another hour. We talked a little about them and Jasmine was pretty open about their sex. She seemed to be different now. In fact Jocelyn even brought up how she told me about her and Wendy messing around a while back, and Jasmine wasn't at all weirded out by it. She even said, "Yea, occasionally I'll catch mom checking me out too."

Well when Jasmine excused herself to bed, I could tell she lingered a little long and I could tell she maybe wanted Jocelyn to suggest she sleep with us, but Jocelyn didn't and soon the two of us were slipping off to Jocelyn's room and we made love. We weren't very noisy, though we rocked the bed some, and we'd laugh when we did, and we just had a lot of fun.

So the next day she drove me all around and I also met a lot of her friends, which were almost all black. Now I'm not trying to suggest that she is at all racist because she isn't. It's just that growing up North I was surprised to see, at least where I was in the south, that I was the minority, or at least it seemed that way. Every one of her friends were super sweet, guys and girls and we spent the day with a group of them. Jocelyn even introduced me as her girlfriend which up until that point I wasn't sure how open she had become, but it was nice to be able to be myself, and everyone seemed okay with us.

Now there was one rather persistent boy who flirted with me and Jocelyn too, and he wasn't rude, but he did get a little annoying after a while, but I think he was mostly joking around with us, and he knew he wasn't going to get any play.

So that night went about the same as the first, though no movie, and again, Jasmine lingered and Jocelyn even asked me after she left if we should go to her room and surprise her, but I just wanted to be alone with her again, so we didn't. Okay so the next morning was Saturday. I woke up super early and just full of energy, and I wanted to go for a jog. I had a pretty good feel for her neighborhood by then and even though she was nervous for me, Jocelyn stayed in bed while I went for a run. It was hot even though it was early, so I didn't wear much. Some small cotton shorts and a couple sports bras and nothing else. When I was done and walked inside the house I was dripping with sweat. I felt gross and couldn't wait to get into the shower.

I was also thirsty though and need a drink bad. I have no clue what I was thinking, but as I walked into the kitchen I just pulled my bras off over my head and headed straight for the cabinet with glasses and I about jumped out of my skin when I heard Wendy say, "You shouldn't tease me like that."

I didn't scream, but I might have like yelled out for just a fraction of a second. My hand went to my heart and I said, "Oh shit, you scared me."

Wendy apologized, but sort of laughed when she did, and then she stood up from the dining room table and said, "If you and Jocelyn want to live here with me for a while until you can find your own place . . . really as long as you two want. I have plenty of room."

She was getting very close to me and even though my hands were over my nipples, I think she liked staring at my breasts spilling out around them just the same. It was obvious she was horny for me. I wasn't sure if Jocelyn would care or not, but I certainly wasn't going to make a move. Though I did say, "I really love it here. You have made me feel so welcome. You are very sweet, and I am so happy how accepting you've been. I feel really confident moving forward in whatever we decide to do."

I think she wanted to give me a hug, but I was super sweaty so it got awkward for a second. I had even dropped my arms off my boobs and started to move my arms forward and then she sort of disengaged. We both smiled at one another knowing why, but I said, "It's probably best we didn't hug, I'd probably do something stupid."

"What do you mean?" she asked me.

I was staring at her thinking, you are such a liar. You know exactly what I mean. She wanted me to say it. So I called her on it and said, "You must know."

She looked embarrassed, but I think she was faking it. I think she wanted me and she of course wouldn't act on it, but she wanted to know I wanted her too. She shook her head no. I wasn't sure if she meant she didn't know, or what? So I said, "I know deep down you only want my body because you actually want to make love to Jocelyn. I'm afraid I might take advantage of your desires."

As soon as I had said Jocelyn's name Wendy looked around to make sure no one was there. She didn't deny anything. In fact she said, "It's probably best we don't hug."

"I think you are incredibly strong Wendy," I said. "I think I'm going to go take a shower. I think Jocelyn and Jasmine are still asleep."

"Yes, they like to sleep in late."

"I've noticed," I said. "I bet they will be asleep for another couple hours." As I said that I pulled my shorts down right there in the kitchen. Her jaw about hit the floor. I loved her looking at me, staring at my naked body. I wondered if she would join me in the shower.

"Do you take long showers?" Wendy asked me.

"Sometimes," I said and I walked off with my clothes in hand.

I washed my hair and then my body, and . . . no Wendy. I was disappointed some, but also I was kind of impressed by her. I was thinking, wow maybe I should just move down here. I think this could be the best thing for Jocelyn and me.

I jumped out of the shower after only a little over fifteen minutes convinced she wasn't coming. I toweled off and then hung up my towel and walked back to my room naked wondering if she would be around to take a peek at me again. When I walked into Jocelyn's room I got a shock. Wendy and Jocelyn were making love. Jocelyn was on her back and Wendy was devouring her pussy. Jocelyn saw me right away. I didn't say anything, just stood there staring. Jocelyn smiled at me.

I mouthed (3 times before she understood what I said), "Do you want me to leave the two of you alone."

She shook her head yes. So I left. I listened in the hall for a while, and then I started to masturbate. I peeked in a while later and saw Jocelyn on top of Wendy rubbing their pussies together and Wendy was squeezing Jocelyn's boobs and occasionally sucking them. I was happy for both of them, I just hoped Wendy didn't regret it later and blame me. I honestly hadn't expected her to go after Jocelyn. I thought she'd be making it with me in the shower.

The two of them got a little noisy at one point and then I thought I heard laughing. That made me want to laugh, but I covered by mouth and made sure not to make any noise. However Jasmine woke up and saw me masturbating in the hallway. She said quietly, "What are you doing?"

It still scared me, and I think I jumped, but luckily I didn't make a sound. I put a finger to my lips and stood up and waved her over. She peeked in and then looked back at me with the funniest face, and whispered, "Well I'm not surprised." Then after peaking in one more time she said, "Should we join them?"

I whispered, "I have a better idea, and I started kissing her. She immediately took me to her room and started taking off her clothes. I helped her, and soon we were kissing on the bed. I went down on her, made her cum, and then I fingered her until she did it again. Then after a short rest she said, "Now it's your turn."

But I said we shouldn't. And I explained the entire situation and then I went back to the bathroom to try to fake like I had been in there the whole time, but Wendy walked out of Jocelyn's room before I got there and we looked at one another. There is no way she could have known I had just made love to Jasmine, but she certainly knew I knew about what she had done with Jocelyn.

We stood there staring at one another. I just ended up walking back to Jocelyn's room and Wendy stood frozen as I walked by her and stood in Jocelyn's doorway. "I'm happy for you," I said.

Wendy smiled at me. It seemed like a very sincere smile, and she reached out and touched my hand, but then walked away. I went in and talked to Jocelyn about everything, and she was happy that jasmine got some too. We laid in bed naked together for hours before Jasmine finally came in to get us for lunch. Jasmine of course had to touch both of us as we were getting dressed, and I finally said, "Oh we'll just have to do a threesome tonight." Which got all three of us excited.

I put on another sun dress with no underwear, and the three of us went to go have lunch with Wendy. Jasmine was wearing these super short shorts and with her long legs, they looked even tinnier. Her top was a simple t-shirt, but it was tight and her C-cups looked even bigger than normal. Jocelyn had on a cute skirt, also no underwear, and a tank-top that left nothing to the imagination. I think we were all feeling horny. When Wendy saw us all she said, "Oh my, that's a banquet of a whole other sort." That made me laugh so hard, way more than her daughters, and I have no idea why but I just kept laughing, and I almost felt dumb, but I couldn't stop.

So everything seemed fine while we ate, though everyone seemed a little stressed and quiet and not themselves. Finally near the end of the meal Wendy apologized to her daughters. I don't remember exactly what she said, something about being weak and how she needed to be stronger for them. It was a bit of a downer. So yea nothing more happened that day between any of us. Not even Jocelyn and I made love that night. We just laid in bed and talked.

I spent another day there. Jocelyn and I saw the sites. I won't bore you, but we had a great day. When we came home Jasmine sort of pulled us aside and she said that she confronted Wendy and tried to get her to understand that we weren't upset with her and that everyone was an adult and so on, Wendy ended up apologizing more, for being so weak and so tempted by Jocelyn. I actually was under the impression that Jasmine was a little jealous the way she said that. I mean as weird as that is, but I think she wanted Jocelyn to recognize that Wendy always had desires for Jocelyn more so than Jasmine. I could see it, or at least that's how I took it, but instead Jocelyn just felt bad for me to have to be here for all of this. It was cute how she thought of me first, but I felt a little bad for Jasmine.

Well we had already eaten, but Jocelyn and I sat at the table with Jasmine and Wendy and we all talked. Wendy seemed a lot better, and it was more like the other nights where she just seemed happy for us, and it was like nothing had happened.

Later I went to Wendy and apologized to her for tempting her and I told her it was my fault that she had gone after Jocelyn. I told her I had expected her to be with me in the shower. She kissed me. Not like a passionate kiss, but a very nice loving kiss, and she said, "I've wanted her since she came home from school. I used you as an excuse. I'm the one who should apologize. I don't want to get in the way of you two and I knew what I was doing."

I gave her a hug and said, "I know you feel bad, but she actually thought it was wonderful. She's been wanting you too, so much more than you know. Also I think Jasmine does too, though she won't outright say it. In fact I think she is quite jealous of your affections for Jocelyn."

That took Wendy by surprise. I didn't know for sure, until the next day, but while Jocelyn and I made love that night, Wendy snuck into Jasmine's room and they had sex. Jasmine told us the next day when I was packing to come home. I just never know what to expect from Wendy. I'm not sure she is ever in control of herself, but she is a lot of fun.

Okay so I kissed Jocelyn at the airport like I thought I would never see her again, and I cried a lot, and actually the four of us all cried a lot. Jocelyn just said, "I'll see you soon," but we had no plans at that time.

When I got off the plan I couldn't wait to see my mom and Kristen and sure enough they and Jill were all there to give me support. Jill actually drove us home and I sat in the back seat between mom and Kristen and we all just hugged and snuggled and talked the whole way home.

That night the four of us slept together and we talked for hours. I told them everything and they got me caught up on what I missed, which other than Carmen spending the night a couple times, nothing much happened.

The next morning I rolled over and started snuggling with mom, and soon the two of us were making love. I mostly just sucked her breasts while I fingered her, and then she went down on me, but Jill and Kristen both sucked my nipples and kissed me while mom licked me. I was happy to be home, but missing Jocelyn for sure.

Okay so it's now the middle of June and I have crazy news. Jocelyn is moving to Indiana. She is going to attend college here the next year and she is going to move in with us for a bit, before (DRUM ROLL) she and I move into an apartment together. I know it's fast and crazy, but I LOVE HER. There I said it.

Okay even more time has passed since I wrote this. Jocelyn is coming tomorrow!! I am super excited of course. I will tell you that she, Wendy, and Jasmine had a threesome before she left. She said it was amazing sex and she'd tell me all about it when she got here. That actually happened in the evening, but I guess the next morning her and Wendy made love just the two of them and Wendy was really upset afterwards, but not for the usual reasons, but that she was losing her baby girl as she put it. I'm just thrilled that they finally have gotten to the point where they can show their love like mom and I do. And I wonder what all they will still do tonight and tomorrow morning, LOL.


Okay more on that when I find out more. Sorry for the ups and downs, but life gets interesting. Again thank you all for always being so sweet in your comments and e-mails. I'll write more when there is more (if there is more). I'm looking for a place for us to stay still, so we are going to live with mom for a bit. I'm super excited about the next stage of my life. I can't say for sure that my life will be as exciting as it has always been. I know I don't need that anymore to be happy. I'm not sure I've felt this secure since I fell in love with Nikki Hillsamer in college. And as you all know I stopped writing then for three years. I will say now that I did love Nikki as much, or more than I have ever loved anyone, and she will always be special in my heart. I of course will never stop loving Kristen and my mom, but I feel really great about the love I share with Jocelyn and where I can go with it. I may even show her these stories someday.