My First Year with Austin Ch. 22


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"And the Nine-Inches King is back in shower number 2! Look at him go, you bet this must feel different from showering in prison... However... Check him out, he's just dropped the soap!" The drag queen was living for the show.

I mean, everybody was.

When I told you that Ralph had it natural, I am not kidding. Sergio was the perfect human specimen, and his hairy Latino ass looked great in his jockstraps, yet, Ralph had a raunchier aspect to his character which was drawing you in.

He was truly shameless, never cared about how he looked or how he was perceived, he was just exuding sex and some (very real) big dick energy.

"No... The ex-con ain't spreading his ass cheeks?! I can't believe my eyes... Dear Looooord... Except that he is!" The drag queen was screaming now.

Ralph was displaying his pink asshole to the crowd, washing it thoroughly with the soap at his disposal, sliding a finger or two in that ass to make sure it was all clean.

People were snapping pictures and videos. Ralph pressed his big bum against the glass.

"If you're not into this guy, Aust, I'm really doubting that you're bi." I told my boyfriend.

"I can't barely see him." He yelled through the music blasting in our ears.


I was genuinely confused, they were right there, both Sergio and Ralph's cocks and asses, in plain sight, in the middle of the club.

Austin grabbed my ass firmly.

"I'm too distracted by this one to pay attention to anything else."

"Oh..." I kissed him, or rather made out. "Nice."

I grabbed his ass too and Janice threatened to leave if we were going to go any further than that.

"Don't worry, we're done with sex in public restrooms." Austin dared to say.

Sensitive joke. Maybe it was because this was such a nice week-end and a crazy night but we all laughed about it.

Before their third and final session, I was able to go backstage to congratulate my boys. Look at me, talking like a true pornstars' manager!

They were ecstatic, vibing with the energy of the place. The owner was very happy with their performances too. The both already had a full-time job opened-up if they wanted it.

They were also pumping their cocks to stay hard as we were discussing their career prospects. I suggested to everyone that we would take a look at potential contracts the next day, when the performers would be wearing some sort of clothes.

Ralph could not help himself from hugging me though, yes, with his blatant hard cock pressing against my crotch, staining my pants with his precum.

Was he serious?! I was supposed to ask my boyfriend to marry me about an hour later!

"Thanks, Ty, you've really done it for me. I knew you'd be great at this, mate."

"Ok, ok... Now, get your dick out of my crotch and go back on stage, people are waiting for you."

They were indeed, chanting his name, or rather, his measurements. "Nine Inches! Nine Inches! Nine Inches!"

You bet that Ralph was loving that.

As it was to be expected, the last session was the lewdest of all. This time, Sergio and Ralph squeezed themselves into a single shower tub and they wisely soaped each other up to make sure not to miss a single spot... or crack!

This reminded me of the video I had shot with Carlos, except those two were even more shameless now.

Sergio was really going in there, literally fingering Ralph on stage while he was jerking off. Before he would cum, Ralph returned the favour and fingered Sergio's hole. Hard and nasty! One, two, and then three fingers buried deep inside his anal cave!

It was like they were shooting a live-porn.

Ralph spanked Sergio, asked the audience to beg for more, and he rubbed his large cock against his friend's hairy hole. I was pretty sure he even got inside at some point. Allison seemed to be very okay with that.

This was outrageous. This was downright pornographic and inappropriate... People loved it!

Both performers nutted huge creamy loads on each other's chest with the entire crowd going wild.

Unfortunately, Austin covered my eyes playfully so I did not get to see the explosive finish.

"Come on, babe, I have to look, for professional reasons!" I teased him.

The owner offered us a bottle of champagne to celebrate and we partied in the private area of the club afterwards. The after-party lasted for a little more than we had planned but, trust me, I had not forgotten about the proposal.

And neither had Ralph. At some point, we got together in the restrooms and I gave him the key to my room with my final instructions.

"This is so fucking exciting!" Ralph was all over the place.

"Yeah... It is..."

"Come on, what's up with you?! Man, you're getting engaged tonight!"

"If he says yes! I'm having horrible flashes where it's gonna be very awkward and he won't know how to say no..."

"As always, you're worrying way too much, my friend. Gimme that key, I'll text you when the room is ready. It's almost midnight, let's get this thing going!"

I kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Ralph. For everything."

I followed the plan. I asked Austin if he wanted to try to win some money playing poker, Allison and Sergio were also happy to join, -- they had no idea about the engagement --, and the four of us went to another casino while Janice and Ralph said they would call it an early night.

"Come on, Ralph, this is your big night! Come with us!"

"Sorry guys, a performer has to get his eight hours night of sleep to stay pretty." Ralph winked at us.

As you can imagine, I was a nervous-wreck at this point. I had never been good at poker, but this night, I was fully missing half of what was happening.

I lost my money of course, but at least, Austin was having fun.

I was looking at my phone every couple of minutes. And then, every thirty seconds. And then, I was glued to my screen waiting for the text to say that the room was ready. I did not notice Austin winning an important game.

Good for him... I was dying inside!

I had enough time to get myself all freaked-out and now, I was convinced that Austin was about to say no. He would not understand where I was coming from. He would get angry, maybe.

What if he brought out Cassie and his "other" family? What if he broke up with me thinking that I was crazy?

The text finally appeared on my screen.

"Room is ready. Good luck."


If I wanted to back out, this was my last chance.

I could tell Ralph to leave everything the same but to take away the ring. This would turn into a romantic surprise and not a proposal.

"Thanks. Game on." I texted him.

The butterflies in my stomach were real. My heart was beating fast.

I was about to do it!

I let Austin finished his game and I dragged him out of the poker room. He was in a bliss, happy to have won some money.

"I want to play another kind of game." I told him to convince him to leave.

He sported his cheeky smile right away and we made out, hardcore, in the elevators bringing us to the top floor of the hotel.

"You seem in a mooood, babe." He was being very handsy, he grabbed my crotch.

"It's been an exciting night, no?"

"For sure... And the night is still young!"

Austin had no idea how much that statement was true.

He was getting the card key to our room. I started trembling, he did not notice.

We walked in. It was getting real. The rose petals. The wine glasses. The candles. The pictures of Austin and I on the nightstand. The little black box with the ring carefully placed in the centre of the bed. The unencumbered view of Las Vegas, the lights, the fountains, the Strip below us.

It was all there.

"What...." Austin started a sentence but could not finish it.

He was stunned.

It definitely was a surprise for him.

I had rehearsed a speech but I was not sure I would be able to deliver. Yet, I was sure of my decision.

I walked to the bed, picked up the ring, and got on one knee.

I was actually doing this! I was asking my college crush, the love of my life, freaking Austin Prat to spend the rest of his life with me. Can you believe this?!

Already, my eyes were teary and my voice was shaking.

"Austin, you have been...."


Austin looked down at me with his piercing blue eyes, they were getting teary too. I could not read his expression.

Was he moved, or was he afraid, or maybe he was simply surprised?

"Austin, the day I met you, I instantly knew that I would never be able to forget you. It was a striking sight, forever printed in my brain. I was an idiot closeted boy, and I was obsessing with my hunk of a roommate. Damn. You were so freaking hot." I chuckled.


"You still are! You look way hotter than before actually! But what I had not realized back then, was how I would be falling for you, how I would slowly find out how amazing you truly are, inside and out, how you would become my best friend..."


Oh no... He did not say that...

My heart stopped for a second but I chose to ignore him.

I was not done with my declaration. He needed to know before making any rash decision.

"Austin, I am falling more in love with you every single day that goes by. Trust me, I know that love is not enough to make this a lifetime thing, I know relationships require work and communication, and compromises, and surely, we will argue or disagree sometimes... But babe, I am sure... I've never been so sure about anything in my life before. You're the one. I..."

"Wait! Stop!" He spoke again.

Hell no!

"Austin..." I pleaded.

He took a few steps back and picked up his jacket. He was shaking as well.

Even in the worst scenarios I had gone through in my head, I had not seen him actually leaving the room, leaving me behind, on my one knee.

I could not believe he would do such a thing! He could not! Right?

He did not.

Instead, he got something out of the pocket of his jacket.

Austin turned around with tears on his cheeks and he knelt down in front of me. He had a beautiful ring in his hand.

Damn. I thought my heart was going to drop in my stomach. He had gotten me!

"Fuck, Tyler, I really wanted to surprise you. I had a dinner reservation at a great restaurant tomorrow night, I had this whole plan!" He laughed nervously.

I was trembling so hard that he had to hold my hand.


"Of course..." He kissed me. "As you just said, I've been sure for a while that you are the one. I had no idea you were planning this too. I was stressing myself up, waiting for the right time!"

"God, we're stupid." I laughed while crying. "Wait... Does this mean we are automatically engaged; we don't need to ask the question?"

My boyfriend, or should I already say fiancé, gave me his most beautiful smile.

To this day, that moment remains one of the happiest of my entire life.

"Tyler, I met you twelve years ago. Back then, you made me feel things that I did not understand, that I still do not fully understand, to be honest. And then... I was confused and... You left."

"You did not want me!"

"How stupid was I?! For the following ten years, I was looking for a way to recreate what I had felt with you with someone else. Anybody else. But I never could. Of course, it was impossible... because it has always been you. You're so strong, Ty, and you don't even realize it. Life kicks you down, and you always, always, get back up and fight. You're beautiful, you're resilient, you're smart and you're funny. You try to become a better person every day and you have the most delicious butt I've even seen... or eaten."

We both chuckled.

"I love you, Austin."

"I wished I had realized what you meant for me sooner, but now, I've got a lifetime to care for you. We have a lifetime to build something strong together."

Needless to say, I was full-on crying at his point. To be fair, he was too.

"Tyler Braxton, do you want to marry me?"

I took a long deep breath.

"Yes... I do..."

He put the ring on my finger. Pure shot of happiness.

"Austin Prat, do you want to marry me?" I managed to ask him.

He nodded yes.

"Gimme that ring, babe. I want to call you my fiancé and my husband as soon as possible."

We kissed.

The ring fit perfectly. In fact, everything was perfect, better than I had ever imagined.

In the end, the place or the time did not matter that much, or at all. As long as he was there, as long as we were saying yes to each other, I could not ask for anything else.

"How did you get all of this in the room by the way?" He asked when we had settled down, cuddling in the bed.

"Ralph had my key. The poker games, that was just an excuse, you know that I don't give a fuck about that."

Austin grinned.

"Well played, my love."

"Oh! And I almost forgot! There should be a camera somewhere, I asked for Ralph to set one up to record the proposal!"

"Right there." Austin pointed to a camera on the desk.

I checked it to stop the recording but it was not working.

"That idiot did not press play. Or maybe it ran for too much time. It's off."

"Show me!"

I threw the camera at Austin on the bed and he checked the footage.

He had my ring around his finger, that was crazy in itself, but what was really unbelievable was that I had an engagement ring as well!

I had so many questions to ask him about when and how he had made his decision to propose.

"He is an idiot, indeed." Austin commented mindlessly. "Ralph got it mixed-up. The camera was on, but then, he pressed play right before he left the room, and he accidentally turned it off. We have a thirty minutes recording of Ralph setting up the room."

"That's fine, we don't need footage of the proposal. We were probably looking ridiculous anyway, crying like..."

Austin suddenly jumped from the bed.


"What the hell? God, don't scream like that, you scared me!"

"Tyler! He's fucking a girl, on this bed! Right here!"

"No, he did not! What are you talking about?"

He showed me the camera so I could check the recording too.

"That asshole!" Austin was laughing. "The nerves of this guy! He used the key you gave him to bring a girl to the best room of the damn hotel!"

"Why would he do that?"

"Cause he was horny, why else?! She's got nice ass, I can tell you that much, a blond chick."

I was putting two and two together.

I looked more closely at the video.

"Austin... Ralph was supposed to come set-up the room with..."

"...JANICE!" My fiance screamed. "FUCK! That's Janice on the video! Janice and Ralph are fucking!"

Well, that was unexpected!

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was fairly well written, but it was also quite predictable.

Exluke1Exluke16 months ago

What a great beautiful engagement setting and result. It was nice to hear Austin’s apology for the time it took him to figure his sexual attraction Tyler. I’m looking forward to their move and Tyler spending time with Lena and the family they’re going to make. I’m glad

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