My Frenzied Orgasms

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Account of my real experience with a hypnotic audio file.
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This story is my real-life account of a session listening to Frenzied Orgasms, an erotic hypnosis audio file that has provided the most intense solo sexual experiences of my life. It is narrated by Miss Lilith, whose delicious voice relaxes me and lets me blank my mind and accept her inside.

I have learned that she keeps me safe while I yield total control to her. She gives me incredible pleasure, only leading me where I want to go. She then gently brings me back, knowing that I will be returning to her often.

She intends for the file to provide a hands-free orgasm (HFO), but I have to admit that I haven't been strong enough to keep my hands off of myself, as you'll read below. Sorry, Miss Lilith, I'll keep trying. I did chat with a woman who has had HFO experience, and she said that Miss Lilith gave her the most explosive HFOs of her life.

The complete transcript of the audio file is contained below, so you can read it to satisfy yourself that it's not going to cause you any harm. I'm not allowed to include a link to Miss Lilith's page, but if you click on SEND PRIVATE FEEDBACK at the bottom of the story (just above COMMENTS), that will send me an email that I can reply to. Then I can send you the link.


With repeated listenings, I have learned to prepare myself for maximum effect:

  1. I have downloaded the mp3 file and copied it to the Secure Folder on my phone. (I don't want it to be found accidentally.)
  2. I plan a time when I am guaranteed to be alone in the house. I don't want anyone walking in on me and ruining the mood. I moan loudly and uncontrollably during each session.
  3. I need at least 11/2 hours. The audio file goes for 40 minutes, and I have blissed out for as long as 45 minutes after it ends.
  4. I don't drink anything for at least an hour before I start. I made the mistake once of drinking lots of coffee before a morning session, and as the file ended, I found that I had to get up and pee. I did go back to bed, but it detracted from the post-orgasmic bliss-out.
  5. I pee before starting.
  6. I put a towel on the bottom sheet of my bed to soak up the juices I know will be flowing out.
  7. I get my noise-cancelling headphones and their adapter for my phone and plug it in.
  8. I put my phone in flight mode to prevent calls and notifications from distracting me. I block out the world.
  9. I get naked except for a thin t-shirt and also socks if it's cold.
  10. I turn on my room heater if it's cold.
  11. I crawl under the covers, lying on my back.
  12. I put on the headphones, start the audio file, rest my head on the pillow and wiggle around to get comfortable.

The Listening Session

NOTE: Text in normal font is the verbatim transcript of the audio file. My reactions are in italics.

Welcome, Sweetea.

You'll be coming with me on a journey to the land far beyond trance and hypnosis. I'll take you down, under, and past every barrier that exists...and pull you down beneath the deepest waters of enraptured slumber....

All you have to do is listen. Listen to the sound of my voice, the words that I say...and the steady, rhythmic, tick of my metronome. There is nothing else you need to be doing. Nothing else you need to be thinking about.

Yes, Miss Lilith, I am listening.

The longer you listen, the easier it is to focus only on my voice...and the sound of my metronome. In fact, the longer you listen, the emptier your head. The emptier your mind. The fewer thoughts you have. The fewer worries and stresses and tensions. Because it's easy to focus only on the sound of my voice, the words that I say...and the tick of my metronome.

Right now, at this moment, there is nothing else. Nothing I pull you down, down, down into deeper and deeper levels of relaxation. Deeper levels of hypnotic depth. It's really all you want, isn't it? You just want to drop for me. You want to drift down deep, where you don't have to think. Where all you can do is listen and follow. Listen and feel only good and nice and relaxed.

If you you are won't be able to stop from dropping, even if you wanted to. But because you want it soooo very much, it happens easily, gradually, automatically.

I do want it so much. I start relaxing.

As you listen to the sound of my voice and the tick of my metronome...the world can slip away from you. Slipping from your grasp. Slipping from your mind. Vanishing from your thoughts. The world and everything it holds...its past, its present, and its future...simply break apart into tiny little pieces of nothing...and disperse into the void...that is beyond your awareness. Beyond your consciousness. Beyond the place we both inhabit now.

With each tick of my metronome...with each word that you hear...each sound that I can continue dropping and dropping. Drifting down, down, down. Easily. Automatically. Effortlessly. There's nothing stopping you from falling alllll the way down to the bottom and...beyond. Beyond the surface. Beyond the deepest of the deep.

Down I go, following you to the place I love to be.

Listen as the sound of my metronome enters your mind, flowing easily into the recesses of your perceptions. Filling you up. Pushing all thoughts out. Pushing all tension up and away. Because every tick of the metronome replaces a thought you may have. An idea. A memory. So that with you listen and follow, all that will remain is the tick...tick...tick. As you drift. Drop. Fall. Down. Down. Down.

Each tick of the metronome pulls you down further. Pulling and pulling. Deeper and deeper. Each tick empties you. Each tick eats away at your that by have none left. You're just a receptive, sleepy subject. A suggestible, empty vessel for my suggestions. That's what you wanted, yes? I know it was. You wouldn't be listening otherwise. You wanted to feel this empty and deep. This good. All open and ready. Eager for my voice. Eager for my words.

My mind is emptying. My body is completely relaxed.

And it only gets better from here, because each sound my metronome makes, you allow me deeper inside. You allow me deeper control. All open for me. Letting go of the safety rope. Letting go of all hesitation, all doubt. All defense. Letting go so that you could let me in...just as you've done. Just as you'll continue doing throughout the session. It feels good, doesn't it? Yes, yes it does. It feels so very good to feel my voice enter your mind in the slipstream of the metronome ticks.

You can just feel yourself fall deeper and deeper with each sound that you hear. Knowing that you couldn't possibly even consider resisting. What would be the use? What would resisting accomplish...except the cessation of your building pleasure? The end of your trance.

Deeper I go, starting to feel the pleasant sensations that I have had so many times before with you.

So instead...all you can really even try to think about good it feels to drift deeper down with me. How good it feels to open your mind wider and wider, allowing the sound of my voice and the words that I say to saturate every single one of your my metronome softens you up for me, removing all barriers and defenses and allll resistances that may exist.


Now...I need all your focus to coalesce into a single point of vision...and then I need you to focus that point on the sound of the metronome. The tick tick tick of my contraption. Because the longer you stay focused on the sound, the less you must focus. The more you focus on the sound...the less you can focus. The less you can think. The less you can reason. The less you can remember.

I focus on the metronome, feeling it tick back and forth in my mind, clearing out all thoughts. I'm so placid, so willing to have you take control of me.

Each tick bringing you closer and closer to a completely empty state of mind...with but my voice and my metronome in that head of yours. Each tick pulling you deeper down. Each word pulling you deeper into my power. Deeper into a completely receptive state of being.

Each tick and each word taking your thoughts. Taking your memories. Taking your awareness. And all you can do is enjoy the sensation as I suck it all out. As I take everything that makes you but a malleable point of non-awareness for me to shape and manipulate.

Just listen, sweetea...


To the ticks...


Of the metronome...


Listen to the sound...


Of my voice...


Listen to the words...


That I say...


Allow it all...


To seep into your mind...



So empty, totally receptive to you.

Because the deeper you allow the sounds to penetrate your thoughts...and the deeper you allow my voice to realign your mind...the better you feel...the deeper you drop...and the more aroused you begin to feel.

Ohhhh, the word "aroused" excites me, shoots into my willing body and sends the first wave of pleasure up and down my body. My instinct is to touch myself, but I resist, for now.

Yes, sweetea...aroused. More and more aroused. Because this isn't some sort of mundane metronome found over the counter. No, no, no. This is my metronome. And I don't do "mundane." I don't do "regular." No...when I do it, I do it hot and wet and wild. Just like the pleasure beginning to resonate throughout your mind...leaking into your body. Just like the arousal beginning to stir within your core. Within your thoughts...your fantasies...your memories.


Feel as each tick of my metronome echoes throughout the confines of your mind...and notice how the sounds make their way easily down the paths leading to your entire nervous system...your muscles...and your bones...and your cells. Notice how there's no stopping the pleasure from building. Enjoy the way your mind slips away from the sounds slip all the way into you.

This is just the beginning, sweetea. Just a taste of what's to come. Simply an appetizer. So just listen...




Listen. To. My. Voice. Listen. To. The. Words. Open up. Let me in.


Imagine...for a it would feel if all you could pleasure. Pleasure and bliss. Pleasure and arousal. Pleasure and joy.

Ahhhhh, your words blast into me, making me utter my first moan. Again, I want to touch myself so badly, I can barely resist.

But you don't really have to imagine much...because with each tick and each approach that reality. In fact, you're so very close now that you could taste it. Smell it. Feel it. Sense it in a way that defies logic and explanation.

Because with each sound my metronome makes...each sound that makes its way into your mind and into your body...sends a wave of pleasure rushing across the surface of your flesh...and the innermost parts of your body. The core. The muscles. The nerves. Each tick and each word...striking so sparks of pleasure follow each sound. Sparks of arousal. Sparks of joy and bliss.

You couldn't possibly stop it now, sweetea. You couldn't possibly slow the pleasure down. It's speeding up, now.

[slightly faster metronome with different sound]

A bit faster...a bit harder. Rougher. Hotter. Wetter. Throbbing and pulsating and vibrating. Your skin alight in pleasure...almost as if you were being touched. Stroked. Caressed and massaged. Each tick...each sound...a new wave of pleasure. A new wave of arousal. The pressure building and building. Closer and closer. Deeper and you drop and drift and fall into slumber. The slumber of desire. Lust. Heat.

Ohhh, I can no longer resist. I'm sorry, Miss Lilith, you excite me so much, my hands fly to my little boobs and start rubbing my nipples through my t-shirt, slowly, gently. Your words and my touch ignite my moaning - soft moans every few breaths now.


Feel it, sweetea. Feel it swallow you whole. Sense the pleasure of the sound. Sense the joy of the ticks. The bliss of the rhythm. The steady, perfect, pleasant excitement building and building within you. Within your thoughts. Your mind. Your body. Your core.

Oh yes, I feel it.

Nothing stopping it now. All resistance vanished. All defenses gone. All hesitation forgotten. Just pleasure. More and more pleasure with each sound. Each word. Each second that passes. Each time you hear my voice. Better and better. Hotter and hotter. More and more pleasure...building and building with each sound my metronome makes.

Oh, Miss Lilith, my nipples are so hard now. I'm rubbing them a little harder, a little faster. Pleasure is shooting through me and my moans get louder.

Listen and follow. Listen and follow. Listen and let it all in. Allow the waves of pleasure to build and build, roaming across the entirety of your body. The entirety of your mind.

Listen to the sounds of the metronome...the sounds of pleasure. Because that's what they are. The ticks...of...the...metronome...sounds of pleasure. The sounds of pleasure washing over you. Seeping into you. Each sound better and better as your pleasure builds. As the pressure to cum builds and builds. The desire to orgasm.

Oh, the word "orgasm" makes my body quiver. My moans are uncontrollable now, bursting forth with every exhalation.

The eagerness to reach that edge of ultimate reward. Closer and closer. Building and building with each tick and each sound and each word and each second that passes.

This happens easily. Effortlessly. You can feel it happen in your body. You can notice how you pulsate. How you throb. How you want to grind and touch...but you can't touch. You can't move. You can but listen as the sounds of pleasure race across you in waves and waves. It's all you can think about. All you can know. All you can remember. This moment. The now. The pleasure. Nothing else.

I want to rub my pussy, but I resist, keeping my fingers on my nipples.

Listen... fall... deeper... and... deeper... as... you... drop... and... drift... and... sleep.

So much pleasure. So much joy. Only the sound of my voice. Only the words that I say. Only the sounds of pleasure. The sound of my metronome. The sounds of your bliss.

What else could you possibly need? What else could you possibly want or desire? It's all right here, sweetea. The joy and the bliss and the pleasure. The excitement. The arousal building and building. The pressure building and building.

I need only you. I'm all yours, only feeling the pleasure that your words are injecting into me.

[metronome speeds up again]

The sounds of pleasure coming in faster again. Stronger again. Better and better. Each sound vibrating through your body...cascading down, down, down...awash in arousal. Awash in wet, hot, joyous, perfection. Euphoria. Because each sound...travels into the deepest parts of your body...of your nervous system. And in those deepest those special nerve clusters...where all your pleasant sensations come can begin to feel tiny little orgasms bloom to life. Each time my metronome strikes...tiny little orgasms explode quietly throughout the insides of your body. Your nerves. Your muscles. Your mind.

Ahhh, I feel the tiny orgasms. I need more now. I reach down and lift my t ‑ shirt, uncovering my boobs with their rock-hard nipples. My thumbs slowly rub the tips of my bare nipples, shooting your pleasure deep into me.

These small orgasms...countless and beyond fantastic...can only grow in power and length...each time my metronome strikes true. Each time you hear it tick. Each time you hear the sound of pleasure. The sound of joy. The sound of bliss. There is nothing else. There can be nothing else right at this moment. Nothing exists but the sound of pleasure. But for the pleasure growing in your body. Your mind. the sounds quicken...and the tempo changes...and the pleasure intensifies with each strike...each tick...each explosion...everything goes all but blank...the sounds of my metronome echoing inside that empty head of yours...bouncing around and round.

The tiny little orgasms that bloom with each sound of pleasure can begin to spread and multiply. Spreading into every available space of your being. Multiplying with each strike of the metronome. Feeling better and better. Deeper and deeper.

I'm panting and moaning at the top of my lungs now. My thumbs rub my nipples hard and fast. My body is nothing but a receptacle of your pleasure. I can feel my pussy drip, my clit throb with desire for you.

Your body becoming nothing but a receptacle for pleasure and joy and bliss. Your mind becoming nothing but the very concept of arousal...of excitement...of lust and eagerness and heat. Wet, hot, throbbing heat.

You cannot escape the pleasure anymore. You cannot escape the sound of my voice. You don't want to. You've never wanted to. You just want the sound of pleasure to bring you closer and closer to orgasm. Closer to that edge of no return. So it shouldn't surprise you when that very thing...happens. Right now. Right here. As you edge closer and closer to that blissful eruption of pleasure. As the tiny little orgasms multiply with each tick. Spreading and spreading and growing stronger. More and more arousal with each sound. Each word. Each tick. Each piece of pleasure you can feel and accept.

There is nothing else but for joy, now. Nothing else but for bliss. But for euphoria. Blissful euphoria made of pleasure and arousal. Just like your mind is at this very moment. Just like what's coursing through your body. That searing heat. That pressure, wanting out. Wanting to erupt and explode.

Yes, so close to exploding, the pressure immense.

[metronome speeds up again]

And as the tempo changes once come closer and closer and closer to that edge. So very close. Almost feels as if it wouldn't take anything to jump over...and into a river of bliss. A river of pleasure. A river of orgasms and blissful eruptions. It wouldn't take much at the sound of pleasure beats against your mind. Your body. As it strikes deep and true into your core. Your thoughts. Thoughts which are now just...pleasure. Pleasure and joy. Pleasure and bliss. Bliss and arousal. Arousal and euphoria.

[metronome gets louder, with more penetrating reverberation]

And as the sound erases everything but the thrill of the moment. The blissful, joyful, bliss of arousal. Of...lust and desire. Longing...and thirst.

Lose yourself to the sound of pleasure. To the sound of my voice. My words. Lose yourself in the river of carnal it washes over you in waves and waves and waves of orgasmic you come closer and closer to that orgasm. To cumming without touch. To leaping off that edge.

Ahhh my constant moans are the sounds of my pleasure.

Doesn't it just feel so fucking perfect, sweetea? So close. So much pleasure. Throbbing and pulsating. Wet and hot. So very close...the orgasm so very close. Each sound of my metronome bringing you closer and closer to cumming. Closer to orgasm. Each sound bringing you twice as close, now. So close that it would only take a single word from me. A single word that it's okay to cum. That it's okay to take flight on the winds of ultimate pleasure...ultimate arousal...ultimate bliss.

Ohhhh, Miss Lilith, I can't help it. I'm so sorry. My hand drops down to my mound, rubbing it madly. Then two fingers plunge deep into my pussy, fucking it wildly, then spreading its juice over my mound, between my pussy lips and over my clit. Again and again, I lubricate my clit. Then I fuck myself with one finger while pressing my palm on my mound, pressing on my clit.