My Friend's Daughter: Kristin Pt. 02


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I could tell from afar that she was no longer having fun out there and pushed the guy away. He got up close to her and put his hand on her breast and her ass as she struggled to get away. "I have a boyfriend!" I heard her yell at the guy and managed to extricate herself from his clutches. I nearly intervened but then saw she was OK and the guy had moved on to someone else. Kristin adjusted herself and went back to our table and sat there quietly. That little experiment had gone wrong and I felt like a jerk.

I waited for a second then went over to her, sat down and I could see she was agitated. "You OK?" I asked her innocently. "Not really. When you were gone, I danced with some dude then he got fresh with me and wouldn't let me go. I had to push him away. I'm sorry," she said, and her face went red. I didn't know what to say. "You were right, it's not safe in this city. That guy would have taken advantage of me if we hadn't been in this place. I don't know what I was thinking, I..."

She looked like she might cry and she came and sat on my knee and snuggled up to me. "I'll never do that again, I'm such an idiot. I got carried away," she went on. It's true, she had, but she hadn't deserved to be threatened with assault. "My sweet love," she went on. "Take me back to the hotel and make sweet love to me as if I'm the only woman in the world that you love."

"You are the only woman in the world that I love. No other woman even exists, Kristin," I told her. It was true. She kissed me deeply then pushed her cleavage in my face with a smile. All of my doubts vanished.

Back at the hotel, Kristin in all her exhaustion and emotional state, lay down on the bed and spread out. "Kiss my flower, sweet lover," she said sleepily and I couldn't refuse her offer. I lay down next to her and put my head in amongst the folds of her dress. Finding my way through the fabric, I reached her bare thighs and gave her a kiss. Kristin immediately started letting out loud moans. "Fuck, I'm so turned on, babe. You're driving me crazy," she said as I kissed her legs and made my way to her precious prize.

When my lips reached her pussy, I played around the area with my tongue, taking in her pubic hair and the most intimate parts of her inner thighs. I noted that she had shaved herself almost completely bald and I enjoyed this fresh sensation. She must have done it in the shower after our morning session. When I greedily fed upon her young pussy, her moans and groans reached new heights. It didn't take her long to climax as I flicked and teased her little rose and fingered her tight box. Once again, I found myself in awe of this magnificent creature and wondered what I had done to deserve being in this sacred position.

Kristin started to come and her screams reached hysterical heights. I'd never heard her like this before but I hadn't done anything differently. She was wild. "I need your cock in me now, boy. Give it me, fuck me," she said with some degree of urgency. I still had my pants on so stood up and undressed as quickly as I could. "Hurry up and give it to me," she insisted. She was still fully dressed but her legs were open and her pussy was exposed. She looked great as she lay there, reclined with her arms above her head.

I got on top and penetrated her as quickly as I could. She let out a loud, long moan as I slowly gave her my full length. She kissed me deeply and I sensed wild, animal fury behind her eyes. "Fuck me as hard and fast as you can, lover boy. I mean it. Really fucking give it to me." I started going at it, pacing myself at first, then rising in intensity and ferocity. She started screaming and scratching my back as I penetrated her deeply and harshly. I lifted up her hips to get a better angle and jackhammered her. It wasn't my preferred way of expressing my love for her, but I started to come quickly.

As I climaxed inside her, I penetrated her more deeply and she inhaled sharply. "Oh my god," she yelled. "Your cock! I..." she put her head back in the pillow without finishing her sentence. I collapsed on top of her and she continued to claw away at my back, wriggling around, moaning and groaning. "I'm still coming," she said and she appeared almost possessed. I lay on her as she kept grinding but she calmed down soon enough. "I think I just had a three minute long orgasm," she managed to say through her breathlessness.

I pulled out and held onto her, but she pushed me aside and went to the bathroom. A minute later she stumbled out and fell onto the bed. "Ugh, fuck. I just threw up. I don't feel so well," she said.

"You look strange. You wanna go to the doctor?" I suggested. She had been acting weird since that afternoon and now I wondered if she was ill. She certainly hadn't been herself.

"No, just..." she said and seemed to fall asleep. I watched her to make sure she was OK and kept an eye on her for the rest of the night. She was breathing heavily and seemed feverish but it didn't appear serious. A few hours later, she awoke, said she was feeling better and took a shower. Appearing refreshed afterwards, she sat down next to me and I recognized the old Kristin. "What got into me today?"

"I don't know, honey. You were kind of a freak."

"Yeah. Thanks for sticking with me. But at the market and the club and just now during sex, I...I wonder if I got spiked or something. I remember it all like it was a dream. Totally weird and...not like me. I mean, I would let you fuck me in an alley, but..."

I just held on to her and reassured her. I couldn't disagree, she hadn't been herself today and when I looked back on her behavior and some of the doubts I'd had, it made sense. "Are you OK, honey?"

"I'm kinda freaked out to be honest, but I feel fine. Thanks for fucking me like that though. I have never come so hard or so long. I nearly lost my mind. Did I scratch you?" She had. She looked at my back and gasped. I had a few wounds. "Oh fuck, baby. I...I'm so sorry. Shit," she said and started to cry. She was still emotional.

"It's fine. I don't mind, sweetheart."

"If I did get spiked or something, whatever it was, I never want to do that again, even though the sex was...more intense than usual, it wasn't better. it wasn't the kind of sex I want. Or the kind of relationship I want with you. I don't need extreme danger. You are more than enough thrills for me," she said and gave me a long, loving cuddle. We went to sleep together and in the morning had some extra sweet, soft and slow love making. The rest of the vacation was spent lounging around in the sun and it was glorious.


Back home and back to work, the realization dawned on me that we were due to have our confrontational dinner with her parents where we tell them that we're hopelessly in love despite being of drastically different ages. I was filled with dread, but it was still a week away. In the meantime, Kristin started solidifying her plans to start college next year and I buried my head in work. During the week, we went to the mall to spend the $120 she had earned as Sierra the streetwalker to try and take our minds off the impending night of hell.

Stopping into Victoria's Secret, Kristin went straight for some crazy looking teddies as I stood around awkwardly. As I tried to not look like I was paying too much attention, I saw Kristin's mom Kate shopping about twenty feet from us. I nonchalantly leaned over to Kristin and whispered, "Your mother is here." Kristin stopped what she was doing and hid.

"I'm out of here. We need to split up. You stay here and say you're shopping for...your girlfriend. I'" she said and ducked out unseen. I couldn't help but laugh as I saw her jog out of the store. Then, cool as a cucumber, I turned towards Kate, waved and said hello. She walked over to me and smiled.

"Hey, Michael. What are you doing in here?"

"I'm experimenting with transvestitism, what do you think?"

"Ah, buying something special for your little teeny girly girl?"

I sighed. Kate was obviously not impressed that I was dating a younger woman. Imagine how happy she'll be when she finds out it's her daughter. I made a face and then thought I'd get out of there. "No, I've gone off the idea. Catch you later, Kate," I said and left before she could throw in any more steely barbs. I had a text from Kristin saying to meet at my car, so I headed over. Sitting in the parking lot, I told Kristin what her mother had said.

"Fuck. This isn't going to go well. Unless she knows already, which would explain her anger towards us both."

It made sense. But all the messages I'd received from Bill were completely normal and breezy, so he obviously didn't know. I drove off, feeling altogether worse about this coming dinner. There probably wouldn't be any food eaten, just thrown cutlery and spilled glasses of wine. "Babe, drive to that place off the highway. What's it called. Temptations? Sensations?" she asked.

"The cheesy sex store?"

"Yup, that's the one. Baby's still got a eighty bucks to spend and she wants something kinky."

"Eighty? I went for pussy, not mouth, remember?"

Kristin burst out laughing. "Oh, I remember. Yeah, I spent forty of it already. At the mall when you were battling it out with my mom." I raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "Don't worry, you'll see it tonight when you fuck my brains out," she said and laughed again. We pulled up outside the sex shop, which turned out to be called Flirtations. We both cracked up at the absurdity of it, but I was actually pretty excited.

We went in and of course Kristin was the only chick in there. There were a few dudes looking lonely and most of my excitement evaporated rapidly. "Babe, over here!" she yelled from across the store. I walked over to her and she's checking out these plastic pussies that you can hump. "These are awesome. If I was a dude I would totally get one of these," she whispered in my ear, then put her hand on my dick as she walked around me. "Now, what am I looking for?" she muttered under her breath.

Then, at the top of her lungs, Kristin yelled at the guy behind the counter, "Hey man, where'd you keep the dildos and vibrators?" she looked at me, barely containing an explosion of laughter and I was caught up in her mirth.

"Dildos aisle 3, vibrators aisle 6," the guy responded without an ounce of shame. Good for him. I nodded at Kristin with approval.

"You want this for your own time or for us," I asked her.

"Both. I don't know why but since you started giving it to me, I've been horny all the time. Like, all the time. And you're not always around to please me," she said with a giggle and again, gave my cock a squeeze. I got up behind her and kissed her neck, then put my hand on her tit. I could see her close her eyes and she let out a little moan as I nibbled on her neck and felt her up. "Touch my pussy," she whispered in my ear, and I let my other hand drop to between her legs. She was wearing tight jeans. "Oh my god, I'm so wet. You could probably make me come. Rub me, babe."

I rubbed her and she spread her legs, allowing better access. "Yeah," she said softly and I moved to bite her earlobe and continued feeling up her breast. I looked around and no one seemed to notice what we were up to. "Oh yeah, fuck, I'm..." she said after a few minutes. She grabbed my hand and pushed it hard against her pussy and gasped, then held my hand hard as I felt her body spasm. "Jesus fucking christ..." she said under her breath, then let my hand go. She looked at me with her mouth open and hair falling over her eyes. "I swear, Mr. Bailey. You could just look at me and make me come. You kissed my neck and I was halfway there."

"I love you, Kris," I said and held her tight. "Now, let's get you a big, fat rubber dick for you to stick up your ass." She burst out laughing again, then picked out the one she wanted.


After so much fun and wonderful, life-affirming times Kristin and I had spent together, the day of reckoning came, when we had supposedly invited our respective partners over to meet Kristin's parents Bill and Kate. Kristin and I agreed to arrive together and then it would just be the two of us, of course. At that point, they would either figure it out or we'd have to explain. I doubted whether we'd would actually sit down to dinner, and Kristin was prepared to move in to my place if things got bad. She already had a lot of stuff over there.

At the appointed hour, we pulled up outside their house, and looked at each other. I felt sick, but I also felt complete love for my girl. "You sure you want to do this, Kris?" I asked her. "You could break it off with me and find yourself a nice boy in college and you wouldn't have to go through this," I said, partly joking, but not quite. I needed it to be her decision.

"I know you're only saying that to be sweet, Michael baby. I also know that we were made for each other and I would literally rather die than be apart from you."

"I feel the same, Kris."

"I love you, and nothing that either of them are going to do or say in there makes any difference," she said, resolutely. I nodded.

"OK, let's go," I said, took a deep breath and got out of the car.

We walked up to the house as we had done a thousand times before and let ourselves in. Bill and Kate were in the kitchen, there was soft music playing and I could tell the mood was sombre. "We're in here," I heard Kate's voice say, and we walked through. They looked at us and after a few seconds, Bill still appeared confused.

"Where's Michael? And, er...Jane?" he asked and I felt horrible for him.

"Don't be so fucking stupid, Bill. Use your fucking brain," Kate said, completely red in the face. Kristin and I just stood there like deers in the headlights, until she moved over to me and held my hand. Bill looked down and understood. He too went red in the face then looked at me.

"What is this?" he said angrily.

"Mom, dad. This is Michael. We're..."

"I fucking knew it!" Kate yelled, then stomped her foot. "You fucking asshole," she said softly but harshly, looking at me.

Bill walked towards us, staring me in my eye. He stood a foot away from me and I could tell his blood was boiling. Without warning, he took a swing at me and I didn't move or try to get out of his way. I deserved whatever he wanted to give me and just had to take it. His punch landed on my jaw and the pain was shocking. I didn't fall over but my knees went weak and my eyes blurry. I clutched my face, then stepped back.

My immediate thought was that I should leave, but then I remembered that I couldn't leave Kristin there. All this happened in the space of five seconds and before I knew it, I was waking as if from a dream and everyone was screaming at each other, except me who stood there in dumb silence.

Kristin was hanging on to me with a tissue on my face because my lip was bleeding. Bill was clutching his hand in pain and Kate had thrown a beautiful looking salad on the floor. I caught indistinct snatches of the argument, but I was still dazed and couldn't gather much beyond the fact that everyone was angry and upset. I felt Kristin's hand tugging on me as she pulled me towards the door, tears streaming down her face.

Lying on my bed later that night, trying to piece the evening together, there wasn't much I remembered beyond that, until driving home. Kristin was pacing up and down the bedroom while I lay there, feeling impotent and empty. "Kris, I'm so sorry," I said.

"Babe. You have nothing to be sorry for. As always, you behaved like a gentleman and my parents...ugh! Fuck them!" she sat down on the bed and started to cry again. I held onto her and we didn't say much more the rest of the night. For the first time since we had got together, we didn't make love, just fell asleep in each other's arms, my face throbbing and my heart aching.

The next morning, we woke up and I felt rough. My face still hurt and, with the events of the night before flooding back, it all felt like some kind of bad dream. I heard Kristin in the kitchen making coffee. I got up and went to her. "Hi sweetie," I said softly, and even in my half-dazed state, I couldn't help but admire her. She was facing away, towards the counter and had little panties on that made her ass look magnificent. I went up behind her, pressed myself against her and kissed her neck. She stopped what she was doing, went limp and emitted a low moan as I cuddled up to her.

"Baby," she said. "How's your face?" She turned around. "Fuck. You're bruised and swollen. And you need a shave," she said, gently kissing my face.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. How are you? Have I ruined everything?" I answered her, feeling remorse.

"If you remember, my sweet man, it was I who instigated this whole thing, pursued you and seduced you. I know you wanted it, but you wouldn't have acted on it if I hadn't made it so impossible for you to resist. You have been nothing but noble and a perfect gentleman during this entire affair," she said, insistently.

"Even when I made you come in the sex store?" I said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. We laughed a little and it made my jaw hurt. "Oww," I said, involuntarily, and held my face.

"Oh, poor baby. That asshole. I can't believe he'd do that. Fuck."

"No, no. I deserved it. It's the price I have to pay. I knew something like that was coming. I wouldn't be surprised if they never spoke to me again, and I wouldn't blame them. Shit. I'll miss them.," I said in an outpouring of emotion.

"My god, you're so sweet. But don't worry, they'll come around. I'm their daughter and they won't disown me. They'll see how happy you've made me," Kristin said, stroking my face lovingly. "In case there's any doubt in your mind, Michael, this has made me more determined than ever. I'm yours now, if you want me."

"Of course I want you. I just got punched by your dad because I want you so much. You're the love of my life, Kris," I said feeling overwhelmed with emotion. She cuddled into me and it didn't take long for the cuddle to turn into sex again. I let the coffee sit in the pot, picked up my girl and carried her back into the bedroom.

"Make love to me," Kristin whispered as she lay on the sheets, spreading herself out like a cat in the sun. All negative thoughts disappeared from my mind as I took her in my arms and kissed her.

I guessed we'd be figuring out the mess we'd made another day.


To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Her parents aren't being close minded, they're looking out for their daughter

FarmerRon1955FarmerRon19553 months ago

Her parents are so closed minded! SUCH a sad turn of events but still easily worth 5 stars!

Doombot80Doombot80almost 2 years ago

It's a shame this ended here. I would have liked to see them get through it together.

Bliss_KeeperBliss_Keeperalmost 3 years ago

I've read the first and second in this series, and much like everybody else, I really would like to read more of this wonderful, amazing, beautiful, and well-written story.

It's not so much as they want more, but need more from the series. There's so much that can still be done, and you've done such a marvelous job that the characters deserve more in their story to further their lives and at least conclude stuff with her mother and father.

shyspudshyspudalmost 4 years ago

absolutely brilliant!

hope you shall write more to it, especially with your "to be continued" unless its a play on words?

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