My Fuck Buddy's Friend


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"Good boy," he said. "But I think we need to change the pace. Here, stand up."

A hand reached under my arm pit and helped me to my feet. He led me a few feet over to another spot. Now I was standing on cool, rough cement.

"I'm going to unlock the cuffs now and put on a different pair. Don't move."

He walked away and then back beside me and gripped one wrist and then the other as he undid the handcuffs. He took a minute to rub my wrists. My hands tingled for a few seconds as I wiggled my fingers, but the cuffs hadn't been tight enough to make them sore. Then something else wrapped around my wrists, and I guessed that they were leather bondage-style cuffs. A jingling sound gave me the impression he was running a metal chain of some sort between them. I could sense him climb on something beside me, and with a ch-ch-ch-ch-ch the chain pulled taut, pulling my arms above me. He adjusted something until my arms were fully extended above me, then climbed down. A few feet over from me, something clattered to the floor, and he muttered something under his breath.

As he had done in the lobby, he took some time to just explore my body with hands and mouth, kissing me as his hands returned to my tits and belly, and then to squeezing my buttocks.

He moaned a bit as his hand rubbed the roundness of my belly. Then his hand pulled back and he gave it a quick, stinging slap.

I gasped in surprise as he repeated the slap on the other side of my belly button, a little harder now. Then I could feel him moving behind me and his open palm gently slapped each of my ass cheeks. He paused to rub his cock - now mostly limp again - along my butt and along my asscrack. The he spanked me again, this time hard enough to sting.

I tensed a little. Spanking wasn't really my thing, but I was getting used to it a little as my regular top liked it a lot. Here it felt a little different, though... my fuck buddy only went so far, as he knew I was acquiescing to it to please him... but here I'd given up all control, and there was no reason for this stranger to hold back. And indeed, he kept spanking me harder, and I could feel a little warmth rising up on my butt cheeks.

Then he came back in front of me and gave the same treatment to my gut. "Mmmm... Pink bottom, pink belly. Looks good on you," he said.

Moving around me in circles, doubling and zig-zagging back, he kept it up for a little while, continually smacking my butt and stomach, with occasional slaps as well to my tits and thighs, just to keep me on my toes. At one point, he paused for a moment and must have moved back far enough that I couldn't feel his breath on me, leaving me tense as I waited. Then, suddenly, a finger flicked at my exposed balls, just hard enough to make me wince, and then he started another round of slaps. He kept that up for quite awhile, though pausing now and again to rub his cock on the spots that he had been punishing. It stung, but felt super-sensitive when I felt his hotter flesh against my skin.

And then he stopped and I heard him walking away. He must have left me alone for at least five minutes, enough time to wonder what would happen next, and then enough time to wonder if I could have gotten myself in trouble, letting him take control of me like this.

But eventually he returned. Something round pressed against my lips.

"Drink," he said, and I took a couple swallows from a bottle of water. His hands rubbed my body, gently once more. "You're doing just fine. Are you okay?"

Forgetting the worry that had just been creeping into my mind I nodded. "I'm okay."

"Ready for more? I bet you want to get fucked now."

"Oh my god. I so want to get fucked."

"Okay, I'm going to lower your arms. And then we're going to take you just a couple feet over to the horse."

He climbed up beside me again and released something so that my arms came down in front of me, then he pulled the chain free from the loops on my wrist cuffs. His hand guided me until my knee bumped against something soft, and he helped me climb onto it. I could feel padding under my chest as my knees also found a padded surface lower down, and as I leaned forward, my hands found a surface to rest on. That meant I was basically on all fours with the raised centre bar under my chest and stomach.

He attended to my wrists, and soon both of the cuffs were clipped to an eye hook. And a few seconds later he put similar cuffs on my ankles, attaching them to the horse as well. Now my face and ass were exposed and ready to be used, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

"Well, let's check out your hole," he said once I was secure in place. A few seconds later I could feel something wet against my asshole and I could sense he was rimming me. I sighed in pleasure and let myself relax, enjoying the wet intrusion rubbing up and down my rear entrance. He didn't keep that up for long, but things quickly got better and I felt liquid running down my asscrack moments before he started fingering my sphincter.

"Mmmm," I moaned. This was one of my favorite things... it always felt wonderful to have someone playing with my ass like this. He worked the finger in and out a few times before I felt myself getting stretched wider, indicating he had added a second finger.

"Our friend told me your ass was well-trained and ready to get fucked really quickly. You must have done a lot of practicing before you were brave enough to let yourself get fucked."

"Yeah, I used my dildos quite a lot."

"Well, I hope you didn't stretch your hole out too much. I don't wanna feel like I'm fucking the Grand Canyon."

A minute later, he must have decided that my hole was ready for use, and he pulled his fingers out, spanking my ass a few more times. Then he came around to my face, rubbing his cock back and forth across my cheeks. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue and without delay he stuffed his cock into my mouth.

He had even more control over me than when I was on my knees, and he hunched forward, forcing his cock into my face. I relaxed my throat and let it slide in. Half-soft as it was, he was feeding the full length of it to me, though I was already struggling not to gag. Just as I was about to cough and hitch, he pulled back, letting me breathe. Then he fucked my face, a few strokes at a time giving me his full shaft before withdrawing to let me breathe. Every time he did this, his cock was getting closer to full erection and it was getting more difficult to take all of him... but to my surprise I managed to keep taking it without feeling like I was going to puke. Finally, he kept it in for one more stroke than I could take and I started to gag, but he let me get my breath before it went too far.

From there he just held his cock in place and let me bob my mouth up and down on it. I could taste my acid-y near-puke every time I worked my way down his shaft, and that was kind of gross, but also hot somehow.

He didn't let the blowjob go as far this time, as he obviously had another destination in mind for his cock. He went around behind me, and I felt more lube dribbling on my hole. He walked back in front of my face as I could sense him moving in front of me,

"Here... I put a condom on. I just wanted to show you so you feel safe." And with that, he rubbed his cock on my lips again. I opened my mouth, and I felt it rubbing along my tongue, and indeed I could feel that it wasn't bare skin. That did make me feel safer, even if there was in irresponsible part of me wishing that I could feel him raw in my ass... wishing he could breed me with his come.

But what he gave me was more than good enough. Moving behind me, his cock rubbed back and forth across my asshole several times, and then there was that surprising moment of penetration, of being taken. I was never sure if it was just my imagination, but it always felt so different when it was a man entering me instead of one of my toys. Even if a real cock was smaller than some of the dildos I liked to use, it just felt so much better, so much more exciting... so much more likely to just hit... that right spot.

I moaned again as he fully entered me, my ass taking his full cock quite effortlessly. Without waiting, he started fucking me, and it was so good. This was everything I wanted. Getting fucked by a man was so amazing... every time it happened my only complaint was that I had waited so long in life to start doing it.

It didn't take long before I started feeling that wonderful glow somewhere behind my belly button. "Oh god," I moaned. "Thank you. Thank you for fucking me."

He gave my ass fairly hard smack, hard enough that it stung. "That's right. You better thank me."

And then I just let it happen. I couldn't move away from his pounding cock, but there was no reason I would want to. I was feeling that warm glow in my belly and, already, in my balls. I vaguely wondered to myself if he was going to make me come... and if he did, how he would feel if it happened so quickly.

Although it turned out I didn't quite get there. As something started climbing and growing inside me, he started spanking me again, even more forcefully than before.

"That's right!" he said, grunting between smacks. "It feels good when your ass tenses up when I spank you. Instead of just laying there and moaning, why don't you make sure you're keeping a better grip on my cock?"

I felt somewhat chagrinned that I had forgotten myself and had put my own pleasure above his. So I gave my head a metaphorical shake to clear it and tried to focus on the sensations I could give his cock.

"Mmm. Yeah. That's better," he said, as he gave me a few more solid spanks, hard enough that my hips involuntarily tried to twist away from him. "Oh yeah... that's sexy," he responded, and gave me several more smacks like that.

Then he changed his pace, leaning forward so his chest was touching my back. Pinning me down, he hunched into me with shorter, deeper strokes, his cock trying to find something buried further inside me. And meanwhile, I felt his teeth nibbling at my shoulders. Gently... and then switching sides... and then not so gently, the bites giving me more pain.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I like your ass," he said, as he heaved into me with even more violence. The hard fucking wasn't causing me any discomfort, but it seemed like he was beyond caring if it did. "Give. Give me... give me your ass," he grunted as he shoved into me. In the tiny remaining analytical part of my mind, the word "sodomy" drifted across my consciousness, and I thought to myself, yes... I'm being sodomized.

I thought that this might be it and that he was going to climax, but suddenly he pushed himself off me, moving back so quickly I could feel every inch of his cock withdrawing from my guts.

"Ugh!" he grunted and moaned for a few seconds. "So good! I almost lost it there, but I don't want to be done fucking you yet, so I need to take a break."

He stood in place, and both of us caught our breaths. I heard that rubbery snapping sound of a condom being pulled off a cock.

"Well," he said. "Maybe it's time to give you a real proper spanking, instead of those gentle taps."

My bottom still felt warm and sensitive from where he had spanked me, and I felt an instant of panic at that, not sure if I could take a harder spanking. He had already gone farther than my regular top had gone.

"Are you ready to keep going? Did you really come here for me to use you, or were you just playing?"

I swallowed, trying to guess what it might feel like to go further. I was sort of glad that my limbs were secured... somehow in my mind it made it easier to accept the idea of what would be coming if I couldn't avoid it. And I wondered... what would it be like to be pushed further than I've gone before?

"I'm ready to keep going. Please use me like a slut."

"Good boy."

His footsteps moved away from me, then returned. A few seconds later there were some whirr-ing sounds in the air behind me, and then there was a white flash of pain as something snapped against my ass.

To the extent that I could think in the flurry of punishment that followed, I guessed that he was beating me with a riding crop or something similar. But of course I never saw it.

The pain was... quite intense. Like harder spanks all concentrated in a smaller point on my buttocks. I winced and moaned, but I managed not to cry out as he gave me a flurry of blows.

Then they stopped, and I felt a soft flap moving across the flesh that had just been punished. It burned, but it also left the slightest hint of something else behind it.

"Well, that looks nice. A red ass is better than a pink ass, don't you think?"

After a few seconds he repeated himself in a louder voice. "Don't you think, boy?" I realized my mind had been... drifting.

"Yes, sir," I managed to get out, just before he gave my ass a couple more lashes.

"Good. I'm glad we're in agreement." The soft flap was moving along my buttocks again, tracing lazy circles, as if investigating the topography and looking for further targets. Then he'd return to action, with another quick flurry of blows, then soft tracings again.

"Oh, I think you're starting to turn me on like that. I bet I'll be ready to fuck you some more soon." A hand reached down and squeezed my balls and cock cage. "And look at how you're leaking! I guess you like this as well!"

I didn't think that my cock was responding to this... I think I was still leaking from the pleasure of getting fucked. Or was I? As his other hand now stroked and squeezed the abused flesh of my butt, I felt my cock twitch in his hand.

"Well, maybe a little more before we move on, right?"

This time I remembered to respond. "Yes, sir."

His hands withdrew; there was more whirr-ing in the air, and then more of the flap moving lightly across my ass. He was teasing me, and as I waited for the next blow to land, I wondered if maybe I was... just slightly? ... being aroused by this.

The pain of the blows that followed mostly chased that thought away. And then he moved lower, lashing at the back of my thighs below my buttocks, and that had a slightly different texture of discomfort. Then the lashes stopped, the flap of the crop again lazily moving along my flesh. It moved up my buttocks, and then down the crack, coming to rest on my dangling balls.

The crop almost tickled as it touched there, and I felt a moment of panic. He must have sensed my body tensing up.

"Oh, what's this? Are you afraid I'll hurt you?"

"Yes sir... I mean, no, sir. I mean..."

He laughed. "Don't worry, boy. I'm not going to cause you any lasting damage. I just want to make you sting a bit."

With that he must have made the tiniest controlled flick of his wrist, and the flap snapped against my scrotum. I bit my lip to cut off a howl. Indeed it did sting, but part of my mind was relieved it wasn't like the deep pain of getting kicked in the balls.

"Oh! That was sexy. I'd really like it if you asked me to do that again."

That was tough. It was hard to ask for that sensation to be repeated, but I was turned on by the clear arousal that had been in his voice. He liked that, and it made me remember how sure I had been when I said I wanted to be used by him.

"Please, sir... please do that again."

"Do what again, boy?"

"Please... please whip my balls again."

"Oh... how kind of you to ask!" The flap was again tickling my scrotum. My balls ached from the tension, and my mind tried to do something, anything, to be ready for what he was about to do to me.

With another snap, the crop slapped my balls, a little harder this time. And this time, I did howl.

And he laughed again. Not a cruel laugh, but a laugh filled with delight. "Well, I guess that turned us both on, but maybe I should put something in your mouth to keep you quiet." With that, he walked around me and shoved his cock in my mouth.

Still trying to recover from the pain, I was operating on instinct as I started sucking his cock. I had enough acuity to note he was fully hard... he had indeed been turned on by getting to punish me like that. As I sucked him, I could feel him leaning over my body, reaching along my back to stroke my buttocks, and play with my asshole, and give a soft slap with his open palm. On the burning flesh that he had just been whipping that produced an incredible effect, like a wash of pain, but again, with something else happening as well.

It felt very nice to have hands rubbing my bottom and fingers playing with my asshole, but I did my best to focus on sucking his cock the best I could. It was probably because of that I lost track of all the hands and fingers on my hindquarters. I felt lube being drizzled on my hole, and I moaned as two, or maybe three, fingers entered me, twisting back and forth. But I managed to concentrate on breathing and sucking and not gagging as the stranger's cock pushed further into my throat.

And then I was being fucked.

The stranger's cock was fucking my face, sliding up and down my tongue. And someone else's cock was now pushing past my sphincter. My mind locked, and my body froze in place.

I heard that delighted laugh again. "Well, Bill, I guess you were keeping quiet over there after all," the stranger's voice said above me. "This boy is clearly surprised."

Then his voice moved closer to my ear. "Don't worry, he's wearing a condom, too."

That helped unfreeze me as my brain rebooted and managed to put together what was happening. I'd been blindfolded since I came in here, so I guess this other guy had been here all along! That realization let off a little grenade in my solar plexus - it meant that he had been watching all along... watching me get fucked, getting spanked.

The idea that someone had been watching while I was blindfolded and getting fucked and punished by a stranger was about the sluttiest thing I could think of. And it turned me on a lot. And now, he was using me as well, which was maybe even sluttier and hotter.

And, I then realized, I was having my first threesome. Wow.

I quickly realized my biggest problem was that I liked getting fucked too much. It made it difficult to focus on servicing the cock in my mouth, and it took an effort of will to not just surrender to the pleasure of getting fucked. But after a couple minutes, I felt like I was handling it better, and getting into a groove, and feeling that wonderful build in my balls starting again.

Of course, at that point, the two guys decided to switch places, so I had to start my concentrating over again. It also meant that I had a brand new unexplored cock in my mouth, and though it was difficult to evaluate it in these circumstances, I managed to work out that he was less girthy than the first guy, and maybe a little longer. Circumcised as well, with his cockhead a little more bulbous and his shaft intriguingly veiny. Unlike the first guy, I could sense his pubic hair at the base of his tool. It was a cock that I'd like to look at and explore in a more relaxed way, but instead it was my job to suck it while his friend was hammering my ass.

They used me together for quite awhile, though there were lots of variations. As they got more excited, they had to switch off more frequently to let themselves cool down, and after that the new guy (who had less than the amazing stamina of my stranger) took a break and instead of fucking me, took over with the crop, whipping my ass and thighs while I sucked his friend. Then they swapped jobs doing that, and I realized how much that this newer guy had been holding back when my stranger's stinging blows started up again.

And then I was being treated to both cocks at once again. And after that, they both stood in front of my mouth, twisting my head back and forth as they took turns stroking their cock into my mouth.