My GF; Fucking & How We Met Ch. 05


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"I'm kidding, Silly Girl. I got you jeans, hoodies, tee shirts, and drawstring pants, all with as many animated creatures as possible." I was all giddy again. New clothes! W00t! "The underwear is sexier than your norm, but that's just for you and me. A little secret for us alone that you're wearing racy silk panties and lacy tiny bras under your standard gray scrubs. That sound fun?"

"Yessss...Only for you, though?"

"Only for me, Beautiful. Now let's get fed." She turned me around and we grabbed sandwiches downstairs before we went to her car. She opened my door for me as she does every time.

"Baby?" I buckled up. Dr. Caldwell encouraged me to ask more questions when confused. "Why do you always get my door for me? We're both girls."

"Yes, Sweetness, but you're a lady." She leaned over and kissed me right on the end of my nose.

"You're not a lady?"

"No, Sweetness. I'm a tiger. That's why you shouldn't be so eager to open doors."

"A what?"

"Nevermind, Cutie. I open doors and pull out chairs for you and do that kind of thing because I want to make sure you know you're appreciated. That's all."

"Okay, Baby. Thanks."

"You're entirely welcome, Kitten." Her hand rested on my thigh. And it was very, very okay.

But back at her house as we pulled in the garage in the Seattle sunset, I did freak.

Her house is beautiful and huge, and in the nice part of the city. I barely made rent on my little studio and she wanted me to move in here? Maybe she wouldn't expect me to pay half? But what would that make me?

"I can't afford to live with you." Why that sentence? Why was that the one that came out?

"How's that, Pretty Girl?"

"I can't - I mean right now I just don't have - I can't afford to live here. I couldn't make rent."

She chuckled, but not meanly. The hand on my thigh squeezed reassuringly.

"I don't pay rent, Cuddles. I have a mortgage and no trouble paying it. You don't need to worry about that."

"But I have to pitch in or I'm a..., right? I'm not a ..., am I?"

"You're my girlfriend, not a roommate or a convenient fuck buddy. I want to come home to you." She nuzzled my hair and ear. "Besides, Beautiful, you cost next to nothing. You eat like a bird and have a stoner wardrobe. The electric bill may go up slightly to keep that laptop running games and cartoons 24/7, but I imagine my pocketbook will withstand it." She gently nipped at my ear while she teased me.

"You don't want me to contribute?"

"Tell you what, Darling. You finish off paying your student loans and save $10,000 as a nest egg first. Then we'll talk about you helping with utilities and stuff. Okay?"

"That'd take me like a year, Baby."

She kissed me playfully.

"Then we'll talk about it in a year. Meanwhile, I'm thinking bath night?"

"With bubbles?!"

"Yes, Dearheart. With bubbles."

I like bubbles.

She led me to the guest bathroom. She set me between the two sinks on the counter and turned on the water in the tub. She took bubble bath from the cabinet, looked over her shoulder at me with a wink, and poured in a ridiculous amount for me.

The steam from the hot water rose in the room, but the tub is really big. I can lay down on the floor of it (when it's empty, of course) and stretch out without touching the walls.

"Sooo, it'll take about twenty minutes to run the bath." My girlfriend puts my hands on her shoulders and puts hers on my hips. "Can you think of anything we can do for twenty minutes, Sexy Girl?"

"We, could we, I mean w-" Her kiss interrupted my struggle to answer.

~~~"Rhetorical, Cutie." Her skilled hands go to my boobs, thumbs pressing in my nipples like joystick buttons. "I know exactly what I'm doing to this hot body."

I was lifted off the counter and sat on the green divan, where she divested each of us of our clothing too quickly to be believed. Crouching between my legs, her hands clapped onto each of my inner thighs just above my knees. She pushed up and out, so my bent knees made perfect right angles with my body. My bottomcheecks clenched, but my open pussy was completely exposed to her.

Leave it to my wily girlfriend to render me wantonly displayed and then ignore my need just to frustrate me. She kissed each of my knee caps instead. Then inside her hands on the flats of my quaking thighs. Then my belly, my ribs, and the bottom of my boobs. All the while, I was thoroughly aware of the openness of my pussy in the steaming air.

Her hands kept my knees pressed flat against the divan, despite my feeble instinctive efforts to shut my legs. Her tongue and lips explored me at her leisure. It was deliciously, tantalizingly mean of her. And effective.

I begged, shamelessly. Well, maybe not completely shameless. Certainly, I'm not proud of the begging, but she had me splayed and panting for her. Wouldn't you beg for touch?

"Please, please, Baby? I need you now. Pl-u-aaahh, please?"

She murmured something, but didn't look up from licking right above my mons and heading north. Of their own accord, my hands went into her long red bangs and tried to push her down to my actually steaming pussy. I felt her chuckle against my hipbone, but there was no other effect.

"Baby? I uahhh want more. C'mon? Please, please, lick me down there?"

Nothing. She changed nothing in her approach and her teeth were playing in the valley between my breasts.

Desperate, I tried to sit up and touch myself. That she responded to. She went to her feet and bent over me, hands still keeping me spread wide for her. Her breath filled my ear.

"No, Pretty Girl." She gently shouldered me back down to the divan, but her tone was resolute. "You will receive your pleasure on my terms, not yours. So lay yourself back and take it like a good girl. I promise you that it will be better my way, Cutiepie."

I obeyed like a good girl, but her words only aroused me to an even wetter state. Maybe it makes me weak or whatever, but her dominion over me makes me feel safe and sexed at once. From the night we met, I wanted for always to be naked under her love. And I get to. My life is awesome.

In that particular moment though, I couldn't think much passed my need to cum.

"Please then, Baby? Please take me?" Our eyes locked for a split second before I looked down at her hands.

"Damnit," she growled.

My girlfriend went to her knees again. This time, she delved straight into my melting pussy and gave me the attention I asked for from her.

Her long tongue drove deep into me without pause. She stoked my fire, raising the heat with hard fathoming jabs through my wetness and into its source.

I laid back, letting the pleasure she'd promised wash over me as she aggressively frenched me. After some fast strokes and pointed flicks, she slid her tongue back out and down to the base of my slit.

Her tongue found a cranny in a fold there that she attacked in ruthless glee. My thighs jerked and twitched as a corollary.

"Ooooooooohoh! *jerk* Baby, that's *jerk* the *jerk* spot. *Tongue-strumming* Bab-b-b-b-y!"

Her teeth came into play next, grinding on my labia and causing me to feel my heartbeat thundering in my pussylips as well as my clit. The pressure from her teeth brought me to creaming further.

She stopped agitating me with her teeth in order to lap my cream up with her tongue in slow, long slurps of girl juice.

"Fuck you taste good, Sexy. How about I keep licking you up for a while until you cool down naturally?"


Tormentingly, she speed lapped the folds slightly below my clit like a kitten drinking cream.

"Why not, Hotness?" She feigned innocence while her tongue circled my clit, only barely exerting the least pressure possible. "Is there something you'd like to have happen first?"

"Unhhhhhhhhhhh. Yes, yes, yes!"

"What's that, Babykins?"

"Yes, please!"

"No, Cutie." Her tongue, her tongue, her tongue! "What is it that you want to happen to you?" I whimpered, my body trembled, and my poor pussy clenched spastically. Formulating thoughts became near impossible. Luckily, my tunnel vision focused in right where she wanted it.

My admission of what I wanted didn't come fast enough for her though. Her tongue snuck under my hood and stabbed my clit sharply.

"Are you going to answer me, my little trembler, or are you just going to lay there whimpering?"

"Mmmmmni," I whined.

She stabbed again, thrice in rapid succession.

"Articulate, Sweetness." The edge on her voice - more than the badgering of my thumping clit -- made me gather an answer.

"Cum! I wanna cum?!"

"Are you sure, Pretty Girl? Is that what you want?" Her hands held quaking thighs down still and her chin rested on my pubic bone. My girlfriend took a few moments to look over my boobs at me while she awaited my answering to her satisfaction.

"Yes. Please, please make me cum, Baby? I, I need you." Okay, yeah. Shamelessly.

Her manipulation of my naughty bits escalated. I mewled with the renewed stimulation. Her wondrous pink muscle moved with the speed and intent of a genius.

My fingers, toes, arms, and guts twisted with the fierce joy of a coming orgasm. My hips tried to pump. My whole body tensed and expanded, like a balloon overfilled. A few licks to my fluorescent clit and I'd come.

One lick.

Two licks.

Three licks.

It took three licks to get to the center of my tootsie pop.

"Baaaaaaaaabiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" I popped and crumpled onto the divan.~~~

She kept up the tender lapping of my washed pussy for a bit, but then her head popped up.

"Oh, shit."

I lazily scanned over to see that the water had overrun the tub and was pooling on the floor. Even if drowning were a possibility, I'm not sure I could have moved.

My girlfriend ran naked to the tub, shut off the water, and bent over the edge of the tub to pull the stopper and drain some of the water. I peeped at her, seeing a tiny bit of her sexy red bush peek out from between her long, long, long legs as she reached for the stopper. I rightfully hoped that I'd be returning the favor to her from between her legs before the night was out, but - right then -- bubbles.

"Ready for a bath then, Lovergirl? With bubbles."

"Yes, please."

She led me to the tub and held my hand to help me in. The water was warm and all silky from the bubble bath. The tub is cushioned, so I leaned back in comfort. She jumped in beside me, wrapped her arm around me and picked up a remote. With a couple clicks, an episode of Word Girl was projected onto the wall above the divan, because she knows it makes me stupid happy.

After Becky thrashed Toby again, I got in a silly fight mood and blew some bubbles in my girlfriend's face. She splashed me back and we fought a minor water skirmish in her huge tub. My hair was soaked wet when she dunked me. I got her back with a well-aimed dripping loofah to the face.

Our battle ended with her wrapping me up in a constricting bear hug.

"Say 'Uncle,'" she demanded, faux-seriously.

"Never!" I responded in kind. I was in a hot bath with my beautiful girlfriend's wet slippery nipples squeezing into my chest. She never gives me much of a reason to fight back.

Still pinning me, her hands slid up my slick body toward my armpits.

"You can say 'uncle,' Silly Girl, or I can start taking liberties with the tickling?"

"Uncle," I squeaked immediately. I can't withstand the tickles.

My girlfriend inhaled deeply as though attempting to take in the steamy, fragrant air. She caressed the curve of my wet back and growled again, but then released me. I waded warily to the other end of the tub to execute an armistice.

"You like the bath, Kitten?"

"Yes," I punctuated my answer with blowing the bubbles again, but this time carefully not at her.

"I have an ulterior motive. I plan to shave our pubic hair off while we're in here."

"Please, no." I shocked myself a little by saying 'no' to her, but she and Dr. Caldwell had both counseled me that it was important to express what I wanted.

"You don't want me to shave you, Cutie?"

"No, it's not-. You can. I mean if you want to, you can. I just don't want-. I'd rather you didn't-. I mean, I like your..."

"You like my pubes, Gorgeous?" I nearly burst with embarrassment and wanted to sink under the water, but I nodded. Her pubes are curly, silky, red softness that I love to bury my face in.

"Aww. Okay, Cutie. We'll keep mine, but I'm still shaving you. Come here."

She washed me all over with the loofah. (Yes, the same one.) While she scrubbed me everywhere, she was extra meticulous with my goodies. It kind of got my dander up again.

"Not-uh, Sweetness. I'm not trying to get you all hot and bothered here. I'm exfoliating so you won't get any nasties like razor burns or ingrown hairs. Especially for the first few times, no sex or any kind of excessive rubbing after either. So I'm afraid - until tomorrow after work - you'll be in your new silk panties and I won't be."

"I'm sorry, Baby. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. My mind's all dirty."

"You're not dirty, Angel." She tenderly cupped my face with her hands. "There's nothing wrong with wanting carnal love. You deserve physical affection and sexual fulfillment."

"What if-. Is it okay that I fantasize about you?"

"Is it okay that my incredibly hot girlfriend fantasizes about me?" She pulled me in and snoozled me. "Yes, Sexy Girl. That is A OK."

She held me and loved on me for a minute, and then asked the dreaded question.

"What does fantasy-Kay do with you, Sweetcheeks?"

I did sink under the water in mortification at that, but she pulled me right back up.

"Pretty Girl, I just had my tongue buried in your snatch and licked up your vaginal secretions. What can you possibly have to say that will shock me?"

"I, I, I daydream about you stri-stripping out of your clothes." She held me so I couldn't go under again.

"That's not exact a fantasy, Beautiful. That's more like a daily occurrence. I'm entirely okay with getting naked for you whenever you like though. No worries."

"No, I-. In my fantasy you strip out of like stripper-like clothes." I half-expected to get slapped, but she laughed.

"Pole or lapdance, Hotness?"

"B-both." I buried my head in her neck, wishing her hair was dry so I could hide in it. "You're wearing heels and a fedora."

"Mmm. I look damned good in a fedora." She petted me. "Did you put me to music? Because I move very well." She felt me shaking my head no.

"Alright, I'll see to the details then and tomorrow we'll have fantasy night. For now, let's get you shaved, Kitten." I nodded into her neck.

She sat me up on the rim of the tub and lathered between my legs with some kind of foaming lotion that was super soothing. Her deft hands confidently and swiftly used a lady shaver to denude me completely. Then she wiped off all the sudsiness with a warm washcloth and kissed me sweetly.

"C'mon, Cutie." She pulled the plug. I felt sexy being all smooth down there and couldn't help touching myself. "Let's get you in some nice new panties and put you to bed."

Wearing silken panties for the first time didn't help. I kept touching myself, even under the covers with her arms around me.

"Gorgeous, believe me when I tell you that your pretty pussy is tempting me too, but you really need to stop rubbing yourself, okay?"

"Okay." I didn't know what was coming over me, but she did. "I'm sorry, Baby."

"Nothing to be sorry about, Sweetness." Her hand gently caressed below my bellybutton. "That's a natural reaction. But I'll give you a spanking if you don't knock it off."


"Well, no. Not if spanking turns you on, Naughty Girl," she growled, "Not tonight anyway. Now go to sleep, Dearheart, or there'll be tickling."

I went to sleep.


When I come home after work, my cute little girlfriend greets me at the door wearing her new RodeoHs. Mmmm...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is very well written and mercifully devoid of terms like "love canal" or "the twin globes of her ass" and other hokey worn-out dreck you find on nifty.

The sex isn't the primary reason I'm reading this anymore.

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeover 6 years ago

This is so damned sweet and adorable. I wish we all could be loved as Kay does Jennie, and as Jennie loves Kay. This is just so damned sweet and caring, beautifully written and the sex is outstanding and sensual. Thank you for this wonderful series.

IcklepoppetIcklepoppetover 9 years ago
Chapter 6!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very happy you're back writing but can you please stop writing other stories until you've posted chapter 6!?


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
chapter 6?

when is chapter 6? i love this! there needs more.

YoYoBeeYoYoBeealmost 10 years ago
In love with the series now.

"Fuck it. Happy. Secure. Satisfied. From that moment on, she'd be happy, secure, and satisfied. I'd see to it." - The best sentence.

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