My Girls Next Door


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I chuckled. Sounded like a fun game. I did notice she had on patterned stockings and garters, so she was probably over the count tonight, too

"Lie back on the bed and loosen your skirt belt."

She did, and squirmed around until I was able to pull all that off in one jerk.

"If we were playing your little game, would the skirt and belt count as one or two?"


"Then your score is six already."

She nodded, a smile spreading across her face with it.

"Oh, look at those legs! And those stockings. Wow! Do I get to take those off?"

"Yes, Matt. Everything except my smile!"

"Oh. How do I do that?"

"Unclip the tops, then gently roll them down and pull them off."

A long time ago I'd seen my mother garter-hook her stockings, so I had a fair idea how it worked. I wasn't too careful with Marti, how or what I touched. Must have felt good because she moaned more and more as I continued.

"There, now. The count is eight, and you still have at least two things left."

I got her out of her garter belt and her panties next, panties which I observed ran a close second to being an out-and-out thong.

"So, this is your scorekeeper speaking. You lose by four items, Mrs. Matheney--oh, sorry, Marti--so what's the penalty for that?"

"I have to suck you off four times, once before you give me anything back."

Am I good for four times, I was wondering. Well, maybe over the course of the whole night.

"So what happens if we have suck-offs left at the end of our night?"

"You won't have. I'll see to that, you can bet! Now get up here on the bed so I can give you your first one, okay?"

Was I going to stall an offer like that? Hell no!

Almost before I got myself onto my bed's playing field, she was on me, close to 69's. She lay on me, her score area on my right shoulder. Only a slight shift to my left and I'd have a face full of whatever she had just north of where her legs came together. Her mouth slid down over my penis, full suction on. Wow!

"Umm," she moaned.

"You like that?" I said.

"Umm huh!" As she nodded, my penis moved to agree.

"Sure feels good here."

She released her suction on me. "I love it," she said. "I'd forgotten how wonderful it is to have a man in your mouth. Best lollipop in the world. I hope Sue did you real good this morning--said she thought so. I don't want you getting off too quick. I want to lick this all night." The suction she returned made me wonder if I'd last any time at all!

In fact, if she kept that up, no time at all was exactly what I'd last.

"You gonna have to slow down, Marti, if you want me to last."

She did, gave me a couple strokes, then released me again. "That better?"

"Yes." I said that with a drawn-out sigh. Maybe now I'd last ten minutes, anyway!

With her hand she cradled my ball sack, massaging my testicles and the cords leading to them, stretching the tender skin enclosing them. Oh, man! That woman knew how to lead a man to the Promised Land! My body tried to rev up, but she slowed down, again took away that delightful suction, and pulled my penis from her mouth with a pop.

"There, Matt," she said. "There's what I'm going to do until you're ready. Oh, and this, too."

I was pretty sure she wrapped her tongue around my penile head, and in doing so, somehow squeezed it.


"Like that, too?"

"Oh, sure do! That's wonderful; you're wonderful."

"Good. I'd hate to think I was only getting a charity fuck."

"So far, no charity. Not even close."

"No charity going this way either."

"Mrs. Matheney... Marti, I mean?"


"You learn that from your husband? Wow!"


"Where'd the rest come from?"

"Do you really want to hear?"

"Maybe not. Only if you want me to know."


I said nothing for a moment. Actually, I'd have had a tough time saying anything coherent right then.

"We both get lonesome sometimes, Sue and me," she said. "Do you mind?"

"No. Why would I mind?" I hoped the tone of my voice said that's your business.

"Sue hasn't gotten lonesome once since she's had you."

"So now you're...?"

The woman on my penis nodded, and my dick nodded with her.

"If you let me, I promise to make you twice as happy," she mumbled when my penis left her throat for a moment.

"Then it's okay? With Sue, I mean? I guess it must be; she sent you home with me."

"Her idea. She can't keep up with you. Doesn't want to lose you just because you wear her out."

I shook my head. I was wearing Sue out? So now Momma would be taking up slack that didn't exist? Well, maybe if I really tried, I could find at least some slack for Marti.

"May I caress your back?" I said, not knowing what my next move should be. In my bed--or should I say ON my bed--I had the most attractive, older-than-me MILF I'd ever seen naked. In fact, the only one I'd seen, if you didn't count those who tried wearing girlish swimsuits at the local pool and failed miserably. There was to be no failure in my bed tonight, unless it turned out to be me.

"Anything you want, Matt. Whatever you do, I know it'll be wonderful."


"Sue tells me," she said around a mouthful of me. "You ever had a MILF before? I mean other than Sue?"

"Don't say that. I don't think it's very nice."

"Why not? It's true--at least I hope you won't mind. And we both know I'm a mother, and we know Sue's a mother. So?"

I slowly shook my head. Well, I'd do my best for her, just as I'd done my best for Sue last night.

Chapter 4

"Come in," I said to Sue's daughters who I discovered on my front door stoop one Saturday afternoon. "Please. Come in, Ladies."

They did as I indicated and followed me into my cluttered livingroom.

"And please, sit." I said, pointing at the sofa. They did, Janette first, then Janelle. I gave them my what's up? look.

For a moment neither said anything, but then the tide broke.

"You like me, don't you Mr. Strong?" Janelle said before looking away.

I nodded. That was an easy answer--so far. "Sure."

"I mean, really like me?" There was a lot of hopeful emphasis on the really.

"Yes, really. I can't imagine a young lady your age I'd like more."

She nodded, then looked toward her younger sister. I took the hint.

"And I really like you, too, Janette, just as much. No doubt about it."

Now it was Janette's turn to look away for a moment, but not for long. Then I faced them both, and their response came from both.

"We wish you'd be our daddy, Mr. Strong, 'cause we really like you, too."

Had Sue or their grandmother put them up to this--not that I really minded.

"We'll always try to be really good, Mr. Strong."

"What's this Mr. Strong business, anyway? What happened to me just being Matt?"

"We want to be respectful--to show we're grown up enough to be your daughters."

That stood me back a moment. I supposed I better get serious about my answer.

"Humph." I paused a moment, gathering the thought fragments I'd been having for quite a while now. "But what if? Would you still want me to be your daddy if you did something childish and I spanked you for it?"

Both nodded. Well, I guessed that in itself showed they were years ahead of their calender age--at least right now, and that's all you can reasonably expect from kids. I suppose I smiled a little, although there was far more to this than simply saying yes.

"You like Momma, too, don't you?"

Of course I did--in and out of bed.

"And you like Grandma, too?"

Yes again--in and out of bed, no matter her being older. That woman may have a dozen years on me, but they definitely were good years and she and I had made the most of them since that belated birthday party's night.

Yes, I smiled again. How could I not?

"So," Janelle came to her point with Janette's support close behind, "We think you should marry Momma and come live with us. That's what we want." She looked over at her sister a moment, then back to me. "We want you to be our full-time Daddy. Always."

"What about your mom? What's Sue think about this? You asked her?"

"Don't need to. Or Grandma, either. We can easily see it in their faces after they have a date with you."

I shook my head, not that I disagreed, but to get my thoughts working again. I'll bet few guys ever had their bed-mate's kids propose for her. Wasn't the guy still supposed to do the proposing?

"Please, Mr. Strong--Matt? Momma really likes you. Grandma really likes you, too. If you just liked them even a little, that would be enough. They need somebody--more than just us-- to like them. You could do that, couldn't you? And we'll be the best daughters ever, we promise."

Wow! What could I say? I'm a jerk who just wants your mother and grandmother as bed-partners with no strings? That cute as you two are, I don't want to be your daddy? No matter how good you both try to be? I shook my head slightly, only to see disappointment flicker across those two beautiful young faces.

"Tell you what I'll do. This is a very important decision to make... for me, for your momma, for your Grandma Marti, and for both of you. Let me think about it. And don't tell your mom and grandma you asked me. I don't want to hurt their feelings if I say no."

"Please, Mr.... Matt? Please?"

"I love you both, don't you fear. But now is not the time for begging. Begging tries to get people to do what they know they shouldn't. It's not fair, and I know you're more grown up than that. So let me think about this awhile, then I'll tell you what I decide. We just won't tell Sue or your grandma anything if I decide it would be a mistake. Okay? I don't want to hurt their feelings."

The very adult six and seven year old before me nodded. As I shuffled them toward the door, they continued doing their best to convince me they'd be perfect young ladies I'd be proud to have as my daughters.


They didn't let their plan wilt for lack of tending. Two perfect young ladies showed up on my doorstep shortly after I returned from work the following evening.

"Hi, Mr. Strong," Janette said.

"Hi, and remember it's Matt. Right?"

"Is it okay if we say Daddy Matt now?"

I shook my head. "Not yet."

For a second, both girls looked disappointed, but then changed that to whatever you want, Daddy on their faces.

"Come in and sit down. We gotta talk about what it means to be married."

They followed me right in and sat again where I pointed.

"You know that when people get married it's best if they love each other very much, right?"

Both girls nodded.

"And you know that for a man and a woman, loving each other usually means making love, which means having sex. Yes?"

More nods.

"You know what having sex means?"

"Like we saw on the cable TV before Momma and Grandma figured out how to stop those channels."

"Sort of. But that's mostly fake. When two people who really love each other make love, it's so wonderful they can't think of anything better. You believe that?"

"Like you and Momma or you and Grandma do when you have a date, right?"

I could do nothing but nod. It looked as if Sue, Marti, and I had fooled nobody with our through-the-back-fence charade each night.

"I'll want to make love to Sue, if we get married. That's what married people do. They sleep together and make love, lots, when they want--just for the fun of it."

"What about Grandma? You'll want to make love with her lots, too, right?"

I nodded, wondering how I'd explain the questions bound to rise from that.

"There's more to it than that."

Both faces looked up with What? written across them.

"See? Officially in this country a man can marry only one woman at a time; one woman can marry only one man." I looked at those faces. Both said, So?

"And officially you don't have sex with anybody you're not married to. Officially, that is."

"But on TV everybody has sex with everybody they want, don't they?"

I nodded, because it certainly seemed that way nowadays.

"Like you and Momma and Grandma now."

No disputing that after these last several months. I bit my lip and nodded again.

"So what's the problem?" Janette said. The same question shown on Janelle's face.

"It's just... just... some people might say bad things about Sue and your Grandma if we lived in the same house. They might even say I'm bad for you and then take you away from Sue and your grandma and me."

Both faces took on a look of shock. "Really?" Janelle said.

"Unfortunately, it's possible."

"How would they find out?"

"Just seeing us around home, riding together to the grocery store, seeing me hold hands with Sue at the store--which I'd want to, seeing the look in her eyes--yours and Janette's, too--although we only did in public what people in a family do." I didn't mention I'd also want to be holding Marti's hand, too, as we walked, but that was another story at this stage.

"Well, I won't say anything at school."

"That's good."

"Me neither," Janette said, "when I start."


"So then, does that mean you'll marry Mommie?" Janelle said.

"Still thinking it over."



I sent them back home with the complement saying what made this so tough was how much I liked--no, loved--them and Sue and their grandmother. I wanted them to be my daughters, but I didn't want them to get hurt--nor Sue, nor Grandma. I watched them head home, waving their hands at each other as they discussed whatever I'd said that they didn't yet understand. I loved those two more every day--just as I did Sue and Grandma Marti.

Also, the logistics of combining our homes had to be figured out.

For the way I saw this shaking out, Marti's house was simply too small for us all. As they used it now, Sue had the smaller secondary bedroom, Janette and the Jenelle the larger secondary with bunk beds, and Grandma Marti the master bedroom, which wasn't large enough to be all that master. If I moved in with them, where would I live? With my new wife in that tiny room she was in now? With my mother-in-law? Where? And what about Janette and Janelle? They were fast becoming young ladies, and bunk beds in a shared secondary bedroom just wouldn't cut it long term for two young ladies.

No, it made sense that they move in with me--into my old farmhouse.

Not only did it provide more space and more rooms, it also freed up the cash Grandma Marti likely had tied up in her house. She could save it for her retirement, for which I figured she likely had precious little saved ahead.

And important to a do-it-yourself guy like me, I kept my garage-shop available instead of crowding into a dinky 2-car garage like the one attached to Marti's house.

My house, on the other hand, while not as new, was structurally sound, perhaps sounder than most because it had been built back when they still used real lumber, instead of engineered wood --wafer board--which my carpenter friend referred to as compressed wood waste.

My main floor housed a big enough living-dining room, the kitchen which with a little updating would serve quite well for a young mother and her new husband, her mother, and her two, growing, soon-to-be women daughters, a master bedroom and a large secondary bedroom with a bath between, and a second main floor bathroom. The entire second floor had never been finished and as such held the opportunity for two large, new bedrooms, one for each girl, with space for a shared, split bathroom between, and another, more future bedroom just in case.

If I changed the main floor bedrooms just right, my design enlarged #2 bedroom to the size of the master bedroom, yet made the shared bathroom bigger and available to a bedroom from either side.

Once I had the floor plans drawn out, put-up or shut-up time arrived. Or as I thought of it: Ask Sue to marry me time. I mean: What other excuse had I to put off the inevitable I found more appealing every day?

At Sue and Marti's supper table that evening, I rolled out the double-size sheets of paper with my sketches on them and started in. When I looked up, on Janelle and Janette's faces I saw smiles that said I now was more their hero than ever.

"So," Sue said to everyone once I had given a quick run-through. "I assume this means Matt and I are getting married, right?" She looked mostly at her daughters. "You might have asked me."

"Oh, Momma! We know you want to. You smile so silly when you just had a date with Daddy Matt."

Sue shook her head as one does when the truth is too obvious for anyone to deny.

"And what about Grandma?"

"Over here." She pointed at the enlarged main floor bedroom #2.


"And Janelle and I each get a bedroom upstairs, see? No bunk beds, and with our own bathroom, too. Ooh, we just love it!"

"And you two never saw these plans before?"

"We saw his house. Who needs plans?"

"And where's Matt going to live? You haven't even mentioned him."

"Momma," she said in that manner children use to say how can you miss something so obvious. "Here and here." A finger pointed first at the master bedroom, then the enlarged #2 bedroom.

Sue nodded, pulled her lip between her teeth, and said, "Hum."

"So see, Mommie? It all works out great."

Sue shook her head slightly. My heart took a dive. Didn't she like it?

"This wall, here, Matt," she said, pointing to the one separating the two main floor bedrooms back of the bathroom. "Can you put in a double door, or one big door we can leave open, so Mom won't feel so all alone over there when you and I are over here?"

I nodded. There was plenty of length along that wall.

With that she looked up, and her smile said Good with a giant exclamation mark.

"What you think, Mom," Sue said directly to her mother.

The smile that came over her thirty-nine year old face repeated Suzie's Good!

Sue looked back at me and said, "When am I getting married? I suppose I should know that little detail."

"How about tomorrow, Momma?" Janelle said.

"Yeah, Momma. Can you and Daddy Matt get married tomorrow?"



Of course, my house remodel couldn't happen overnight. Even with Sue, Marti, and the girls helping, it took six months for money, labor, and time to gel at a single point. But the interim gave us pause to live with the changes we made before they became etched in granite--or perhaps I should say, solid wood.

We took on the upstairs first, getting the girls' bedrooms finished, along with two bathrooms up there and the extra new bedroom up there. Once completed, Janette and Janelle moved into their rooms and us three adults moved into the spare second floor bedroom. That accomplished, Marti, with help from Sue and her girls, cleaned up her house so it could go on the market. Believe me, I had a basement full of stuff! But we got along, fine. Good thing that third bedroom upstairs was big so the bed I figured out slept Marti, Sue, and me comfortably.

Then came work on the main floor bedrooms and the master bath. Mrs. Matheney's house sold within the first three months so there was no going back. But who wanted to? Janelle and Janette didn't seem to mind the raucous sounds of me with my wife and mother-in-law enjoying family relations in the bedroom just down the hall--or if they did, they kept it to themselves, thinking before too long we'd be down on the main floor, and they'd have a quieter, entire second floor to themselves.

Only once the inevitable question arose. About three months after we started this string of projects, Janelle caught me working in my garage shop one evening between supper and bedtime.

"Daddy Matt?"

"Yeah, Honey?"