My Hermaphrodite Boss Pt. 05b


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"Untie me this instance."

"Shudup. There is much more as the Four hundred eighty million dollars contract is actually real. GeoMatrix needs those videoconference endpoints and MCUs. Therefore, the CTO chooses a small French firm called VDFCom with annual revenues of twenty million. This could be the end of it but the CTO, let's call him Ethan, shall we? Well, he is greedy as they come. He decides to buy tons of the French firm stocks, knowing that following the mega-deal, those stocks will skyrocket. However, he can't do it himself, using inside information is still an offense in both the USA and France. He needs an outside proxy unrelated to his firm. Enters a fat lawyer."

"Do me, Richard, Do me." Mrs. Lopez screamed

"She owns a small yet successful office in NY and she is just as greedy as the CTO. Together with VDFCom , the French firm, they devise a plan. The CTO promises VDFCom a fat, Four hundred eighty million dollars contract. The fat lawyer will enter as partner to VDFCom in return for a huge amount of shares, currently worthless. When news of the Mega deal break, and VDFCom shares touch the sky, the lawyer and the CTO will secretly share the profits. On a humble assessment I'd say eight million euro each."

"Look Jasmine, I didn't –"

"You didn't what?"

"You don't have proof."

"No kidding. I'll come visit you and Mrs. Lopez in jail." Jasmine rubbed the blue gel on her cock. She then squeezed the tube over Ethan Robins' butt.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ethan shouted.

"Thought you can screw me, didn't you?" Jasmine climbed the bed between Ethan's spread thighs.

"Look, It's true I haven't been totally honest. However, we can still cut a nice deal; you and I. Sofia will tag along with any decision I'll make. Look, come tomorrow to my office and we can discuss this, I'm sure we can settle."

"I want to settle right now or my friends at the Securities and Exchange Commission get a phone call."

"Jasmine, this is hardly appropriate." Ethan squirmed as much as the handcuffs allowed him. "I don't feel this is—"

Jasmine lunged between Ethan legs, burying her monster cock to the hilt in the white butt of GeoMatrix CTO. Ethan scream went through the roof. "You don't feel, eh? I bet you felt that one really good."


"All considered it went better than we thought." Jasmine pulled the champagne cork and it flew in the air. Ruth ducked. Lucky for her, because the missile missed her by an inch.

"Generally speaking, things have gone about as far as they can possibly go, when things have gotten about as bad as they can reasonably get." I always go back to Stoppard, because, well, because I'm a geek, no way around it.

"Bad? We just saved our company, won a mega-contract and evaded a hostile takeover. Pretty good for a single night work."

Myself, Ruth and Jasmine were relaxing in Jasmine's living room after Ethan Robbins left. Sofia Lopez and Richard went home hand in hand. Well, they probably did not go back home, a hotel more likely and Actually, Ethan, limped home rather than walked. It was right after a phone conference, in which he convinced GeoMatrix board to forgo the deal with VDFCom and the takeover and stick to a new contract with our company. It was easier than I thought it would be. Apparently, the suckers were just a Rubber Stamp. Ethan Robbins was the one making the shots.

"He can still press charges, you know." I said. "It's not like he has a Korean girlfriend you can hold hostage or threaten to deport."

"He wont." Jasmine put on a red silk robe over her naked form and poured the bubbly drink into three decorated glasses. "The thought of going to jail scares the shit out of the gutless coward. Even if he can evade going to prison he still needs to explain to his wife and kids what he has been doing at my bedroom in the first place. I told him I have pictures he can show them, in case he lacks in descriptive skills."

"That was fun." Ruth said. "I'm a bit sore, but still, if you have plans for the rest of the night, count me in."

"Me and Jasmine are gonna rob a Federal Bank. Wanna join?" I said

"I'm beat." Jasmine said. "I'm planning on a daring killer cappuccino, a thorough body massage and a warm cuddle."

"That would be a first." I said

"I sure can use both." Ruth said. "If Ian doesn't mind, that is."

"Our hero?" Jasmine blew me a kiss gulped the champagne in one go. "I'm sure he wouldn't. It's not like he's done anything except sitting on his butt."

"You don't know just how taxing brainwork is." I said.

"Well that's too bad." Ruth said. "I figured you wouldn't mind a little reward."

"A what?"

Ruth sipped her glass, as if she was born with it in her hand. She might have fooled me if I haven't seen her performing just an hour ago. "Jasmine hired my services for the entire night. I figured, you, her and me, could go back to the bedroom for a ménage à trois. Unless of course you're too tired." She touched me lightly on my shoulder.

"I'd rather not." I said in a small voice.

"What?" I think Ruth and Jasmine said it together.

"It's... Don't be offended Ruth. I don't think you can be more sexy. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'd rather not sleep with someone just because she has to, not because she wants to. And I'm not criticizing or anything, Ruth."

Ruth lowered her glass and gave me a smile that melted my heart. "In that case, you shouldn't worry for a second." She moved, no that would hardly describe it, she flowed, I swear she did. Before I knew what was happening her cherry lips were a centimeter from mine, her lithe figure warm and melting on my own aching body. She waited. Her hand touched my hair and trailed a line on my temple and cheek. Her tongue darted out and touched my lips. "You're sweet." She said in a low voice.

I had a fleeting thought of a skinny Korean girl in tight jeans frowning at me. But I'm only human. I leaned forward and tasted her lips.

The world slowed.

Oh my god, but I'll never again look at a cherry without thinking of Ruth's lips. I think I understood at that moment why Samson put up with all the shit Delilah fed him and why King David sent Bathsheva's husband to die in a war. Ruth allowed me to taste her for a few moments and then opened her teeth, just a tiny bit, setting free her little cat tongue. I felt her exploring my mouth, tasting, snapping, flirting with my amazed tongue.

Oh god I wanted to feel every inch of that amazing creature. I pulled back. "You're beautiful." My voice was hoarse with lust. I started kissing her shoulder line like a man possessed. Ruth sighed and arched her neck, allowing me access to the alluring crevice just below her invisible Adam apple.

"What the fuck?" Jasmine screamed somewhere in the distance.

A vise like grip closed on my shoulder and pulled me hard. I winced from the pain and blinked stupidly at my assailant. Jasmine face was hot crimson, I've never seen her so mad.

"What do you think you're fucking doing?"


"Both of you." She shouted.

"A threesome?"

"That looks like a twosome for me if I've ever seen one. I'm gonna kill both of you."

"You fucking lost it Jasmine," I said. "I don't get you. I have no idea what is it you want from me or what on earth she did to you."

"You just waited for a chance to get your hands on that whore. I saw the way you looked at her from the moment she arrived."

"Even if it was true, I don't see how it is your fucking business." I shouted.

"Everything about it is my fucking business." She slammed her fist on the living room table, sending champagne glasses flying.

"I think I'll leave now." Ruth said in a cold voice.

"I think you should." Jasmine's voice was a hundred degrees colder.

Ruth rose and picked up her small purse by the door. She took out a small card, scribbled something fast and pushed it into my hand.

Jasmine pushed the remote. "Get the fuck out of my house."

Ruth gave my boss a stern look, and then she kissed me lightly on the cheek before going out the door without a single word or looking back.

"Very classy, Jasmine." I said. "Makes one wonder how come you have so many good friends." I looked at the card. It was a picture of beautiful cherry lips over a cherry blossom. An escort service card. But on the back side was a personal cell phone number, scribbled in hand writing.

"Give me that." Jasmine snatched the card from my grip. "She is a whore, a hooker, she fucks people for money."

"That doesn't sound so bad compared to some. At least she doesn't intimidate, extort, kidnap and rape people."

"What happened to – I've got a girlfriend?" Jasmine said in a high squeaky voice. "I can't cheat on her. I'm a care bear, my heart is so fucking pure." She strode determined to the kitchen.

I looked at the open door. For a few moments I hesitated then I sighed and followed her to the kitchen. I managed to arrive just in time to see the remains of Ruth's card burning over the stove.

"Oh, that was just so mature of you."

"Shut the fuck up." Her lower cheek was trembling and I noticed tears forming on the corner of her eye.

"God, you're... Oh just forget it." I waved my hand in dismissal. "I'm too tired. Look, don't cry, that's not fair, I can't..."

"I'm not fucking crying." A huge tear left a wet trail down her cheek.

I went up to her and placed my hand on her arm. She pulled back. "Look, Jasmine let's just... Let's just forget about it and go to bed. You always do."

"I always do what?"

"Forget about it." I sighed. "It doesn't matter. Friday I go back home and everything is going back to the way it used to be."

She looked at me. Her face had that little girl look that I now called "the 'it' look". "I thought you liked it here."

"I do. I like doing nothing all-day except exercising and cooking. And disturbing as it may sound I like being with you."

"Why, thank you sweetheart."

"That is when you don't behave like the mayor of Bitchtown."

"Fuck you and your cat."

"I've got a life, girlfriend, family, friends. A life."

Her face was becoming red again "Your ass is still mine. Just cause I've been easy on you for the past few days, doesn't mean we can't go back to how it was a week ago."

"You want that?"

"Just watch me. I ain't your fucking girlfriend I'm your boss."

"So typical. When in doubt, always go back to the secure boss vs. employee thing. Let Ian remember he's at the bottom of the food chain. You know what I think?"

"I couldn't care less."

"I think you don't allow people in your life because you're afraid of a situation where you wouldn't be in full control. You're in a panic at the thought of being vulnerable, even for a second. You prefer to keep everyone at a safe professional distance."

"Thank you very much, Dr. Phil, but I think I'll wait for your prognosis version that comes on soft paper." Her fist clenched.

"Before you hit me-"

"You're this close." She made a sign between her index finger and her thumb, the margin invisible to the naked eye. "Like I said, we can go back to what it's been like, a week ago."

"Well you can't, not anymore."

"Just watch me." She shouted.

"You can't because tonight I've uploaded everything we did into my own private network, way out of anyone's reach. Everything, that's including a hot sex movie, starring Jasmine Richardson and Ethan Robbins, fresh out of your bedroom. Oh, and I attached all the incriminating files. I've collected enough material to cause serious damage to Ethan, Mrs. Lopez and yourself."

"Oh, so my little bunny has grown claws now."

"I had an excellent teacher."I hate it when she smiles like that. It reminds me of a great white shark smiling.

"You think you can beat me at my own game?"

"I don't want to." I raised my hands. "Jesus, why don't you get it? I don't want to hurt you."

"Too late for that."

"I don't want to ruin you. I don't hate you. But tonight I've violated several federal laws and thought nothing of it. I almost, ok that's a lie, I cheated on my girlfriend and thought nothing of it. Me, I did it. I never cross the street if the light is red, I never drive over the speed limit. I'm growing into something like, like..."

"Like me." Jasmine said quietly.

"You said it. No fear, no regrets. I hate what's becoming of me."

"What's so bad in being on top for once? Does it really feel so bad?"

"You're hopeless."

"I don't wish for you to get hurt either," Jasmine stroke my cheek gently. "I care for you too. A lot, in case you didn't notice."

"Look, Jasmine, you had your fun with me. I'll be the first to admit I had my share too. But you're thirty six."

"What's my age got to do with anything?"

"You're thirty six, you're beautiful, you're rich and successful and smart. You're well educated, you're a good conversationalist and you're funny. This-" I pointed at her and then at me. "Doesn't make any sense. I'm seven years younger, my head reaches your shoulder, I earn in a year what you make in a week. We don't match. You got to find someone your own level. You should. Men would stand in line."

"Yeah, right."

"You prefer our kind of arrangement because it makes you feel safe." I closed my hand gently on her fist but she pulled it away. "What can Ian do except be a little bunny? Fluffy and harmless. You're afraid a relationship on equal terms would be too painful."

"It always is." She shouted.

"But that's a chance people take."

Jasmine placed her fist centimeters from my nose, her face a mask of agony. "That's the last time you allow yourself..." She started pacing up and down the kitchen. "Never assume you know me or what I've been through. Never try to get inside my head because- Fuck it. I want you out of my house."


"You heard me, pack your stuff. It's late now, by tomorrow I want you gone. I never want to see your face in here again. I .. Oh, fuck that." She ran out of the kitchen sobbing.

The lady extorted me, caused my girlfriend's mom to be arrested, threatened to ruin my life, humiliated me, raped my ass, coerced me, and that's just on the day when I met her. So why the hell am I feeling like the greatest scumbag alive?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So sad, SO BAD!!!!

Just a sick rape, abuser pathetic story 1 all the way...Hope Jasmine dies a slow painful death along with her cold black heart. A story about Rape and coercion is not a story, it's just trash

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

So engrossed and so sad to see it end

kwkslvrkwkslvrabout 9 years ago

I started reading this just out of curiosity. I am hooked. You are a fantastic writer, the characters are complex and they all have issues of their own and no matter what heading you put this book in, it is just so well written. This could be a mainstream published work; if not for the hermaphrodite part that would make regular publishing houses cringe. Pppleeeeease don't stop writing, about anything at all, l can't stop reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

At last Ian has grown a big set and broken through jasmines shell, strangely I think it's a hollow victory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Stories like these, are the only reason I still come to Literotica. Thank you.

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