My Hot Wife Katie Ch. 27


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As she glared at him, Katie couldn't help but recall the embarrassment of what he had made her do, made her say in front of her husband yet at the same time she found her mouth salivating as she thought back to the way she had taken his wet, sticky seed onto her face.

"As a matter of fact, you can, young man" Phil beamed. "My daughter and I are looking for something nice for me to wear. Am I right, Sweetie?"

Katie turned her head in shock, her mouth half open.

Joel too seemed to be slightly irritated.

"Your...daughter?" he asked.

"That's right! She's got a great taste for fashion and it's not easy picking clothes for someone of my proportions!"

Katie's cheeks flushed with humiliation. She couldn't believe what Phil had just said.

"Er...Our extra larger clothing is in the back. I'll get you some shirts if you wait here, Sir" said Joel as he turned and made his way towards the far end of the store.

Picking up some clothes, he glanced across the room at the odd couple who were hissing and whispering. Mrs. Jackson seemed especially agitated, her beautiful face red as she continued to angrily poke her father's fat chest with her finger several times. The short, obese man didn't seem too bothered though, laughing loudly every now and then.

For the next ten minutes, he spent trying on various outfits that all seemed to look equally ridiculous on his grotesque unshapely body. Joel had to suppress a smile, watching the old geezer strike poses in front of the mirror.

"Alright, Sweetie!" Phil finally cried out "I've made up my mind. Get out your credit card!"

"I'll take these!" he said, handing the clothes to Joel.

The manager went behind the counter and started to ring up the shirts, occasionally glancing up and staring at the sexy wife.

Katie didn't say a word as Joel looked down at the machine. "That will be $345.56" he exclaimed.

The married woman's hands shook as she removed her card from her wallet and handed it to him. His fingers danced around hers but she quickly pulled her hand back to avoid any contact with the young man.

Joel swiped the card. "I'm sorry, this card was declined" he said.

Katie's face reddened even more as she took it back and pulled out another one.

"Try this one" she whispered.

Joel again swiped it and waited a few seconds.


"Is there a problem?" Phil asked, raising his eyebrows asked as he looked at the young man behind the counter.

"We should go" Katie spoke quietly as she took the card back from Joel and slid it back into her wallet, "We'll find you something else at a different store." She flung her purse over her shoulder as she turned to leave the store.

"Wait!" the old man cried, grabbing her arm. "I want these!"

He turned to the clerk, giving him a strange look.

"Can't we work something out?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"What do you mean, sir?" Joel asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, you don't have to act all innocent with me. My daughter told me all about you. How you made her break her marital vow. How you put your penis in her mouth in front of her husband" Phil said, feigning indignation.

"I...I" Joel stuttered, turning red. He envisioned the old man reporting him to the authorities, suing him for sexual harassment. Surely he would lose his job.

"Don't worry!" Phil said, reading his thoughts "I'm pretty sure it was my daughter's fault. Unfortunately, she's quite a slut, you see. But this probably isn't something that comes as a surprise to you."

"I still can't believe you performed oral sex on this strange young man!" he said, turning to Katie, "If your mother found out she would have a heart attack!"

The sexy wife was fuming with anger. She couldn't believe this was happening.

The fat old man repositioned himself in front the counter and leaned against it. "Now, considering your, shall we say...history, is there any way we could get a discount?"

Phil's pudgy finger pointed towards the clothes that were folded on the counter.

Joel was flabbergasted. His mouth hung open. He couldn't believe his ears but knew exactly what he meant.

" depends on what you are offering, Sir. But yeah, I'd consider some sort of discount," he smiled as his eyes shot towards Katie.

"Great! I'd knew we'd find an agreement!" Phil chuckled as a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Stop it!" Katie suddenly cried. She had had enough of being bargained over like a piece of meat.

Turning, she grabbed his arm, "Let's go!"

The old man shrugged out of her grasp and grabbed the strap of her purse, pulling her closer to the counter.

Dorman couldn't help but grin, "We're going nowhere! And how many times have I told you to call me Dad?"

"You promised you would buy me some clothes for the trip." he said, lowering his voice as he shot a glance towards Joel.

"How about a blowjob for the pile?" as he nodded his pudgy face towards the stack of neatly folded shirts on the counter, "She obviously likes sucking cock."

Without hesitation and glint in Joel's eye, "It's worth more than that," as the hot wife's mouth hung open in disbelief unable to talk.

Phil glared at Katie. He still couldn't believe what she had told him about how the young man had discovered a video online and blackmailed his snobby rich neighbor into a blowjob.

"Whatever you think it's worth is okay by me" he said slowly.

"Wait a second" said Joel. "Hey Mark," he cried, turning his head to the other employee who was folding trousers at the far end of the store, "You can go ahead and go. I'll take care of these last customers."

"Thanks Joel!" the clerk exclaimed, "I'll see you tomorrow." He walked behind the counter, grabbing his keys and jingling them in his hand before leaving the store.

Joel was giddy with excitement, "Let me lock up quick" he said as he bolted around the counter towards the front door.

"Don't I have a say in this?" objected the sexy wife as she pulled her purse from the old man's grasp, "You can't keep doing this to me!"

She took a step away from him. "I'm not doing this! No fucking way! I'm leaving!"

Phil grabbed her arm around the biceps just as she started towards the door and pulled her closer, knocking her off balance. He squeezed her arm harshly, causing Katie to wince in pain. He gritted his teeth next to her ear.

"Like I had a say in you sending me to prison?" he snarled.

The hot wife tried to pull away from him from his grasp, "I've done more than enough to repay you!"

"I'll tell you when you've done enough, Freckles!" Phil growled.

Joel came walking back up to the counter.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yup," coughed Phil as he glared at Katie.

"No!" the sexy mother cried, "I'm not doing this! I'm not doing anything!"

Joel stopped as his expression changed.

"Maybe it's time I emailed ABC to let them know what a whore they are having on their show. A real life, homemade porn star should make for some good ratings!"

Phil raised his eyebrows as his head tilted towards the young man, "You still have the video?"

Joel paused as though he was punched in the stomach. "Nope. My bitch ex-girlfriend deleted everything from my computer" he said slowly "but that's a whole different story."

Katie gave a triumphant smile, "I guess it never happened then. If you say anything it would be slander, you little shit! Come on, Phil, let's go."

But the fat old man didn't move as he pondered for a moment.

"Young man, can you give us a second?"

Joel smirked as he walked towards the back of the store.

Dorman glared at the sexy wife. "I'll give him everything I have recorded of us and he can send it off to the network."

"Phil!" Katie's smile evaporated as she looked at him in horror "What are you doing?"

The fat man grinned with his yellow teeth exposed, "I want nice things and if I have to use your mouth to get them, so be it!"

Katie stomped her high heeled shoe on the floor, "They are just clothes! I'll buy you some fucking clothes somewhere else!"

He pulled her closer to his fat face that was turning red. A smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth, "These will look really good on me while I'm on TV. I've lived my life always just settling for what was given to me. Now I'm taking what I want."

Mrs. Jackson gritted her teeth and hissed, "Like me, huh?"

She looked him deep in the eyes. This vile, ugly man who had become her lover, her master.

"Is that all I am to you?" she asked softly.

"Whatever it takes," his mouth grew closer to her ear, "You will do what I say. No questions. Understand?" He squeezed her biceps harder with his pudgy fingers.

The hard bodied wife winced in pain, "Please Phil, don't do this. I'm begging you!"

"You are my slut, Freckles! You know you are! Could you imagine Fred and the entire nation's reaction to seeing you get fucked?" She looked deeply into his eyes and knew he wasn't bluffing. He would enjoy watching her getting embarrassed across the nation.

Katie's lips trembled. "I hate you" she whispered.

Phil's belly shook from laughter, "We both know that's not true."

He took another step towards her, his pudgy hand reached out and grabbed the hot wife's sexy ass, his fingers pawing her perfect cheek over her dress.

"You hate me so much that you were willing to give me a hand-job in a public restaurant only half an hour ago" the obese man hissed as he continued to grope Katie's sexy butt "Hate me so much that you haven't let your husband touch you in months just so you can get fucked by me."

The married woman closed her eyes. Butterflies exploded across her body as her skin tingled. Suddenly, the sexy wife couldn't discern if her lips were shaking because of anger or out of excitement.

Her face turned red as her body weakened.

She opened her eyes to see Phil staring at her "Just think of all the money you will be saving," he said, withdrawing his hand "Fred will be so proud of you, saving the family so much money!" The fat old man nudged Katie towards Joel who was walking in their direction.

The old man released her biceps.

"I think we have come to an agreement, young man."

Joel smiled widely, "I think she made an excellent decision," he smirked, "those are really nice outfits you selected."

He turned and led them to an office by the changing rooms. Katie looked down the long hallway and remembered the time she had given her husband a blowjob back there and how excited and naughty she had felt with him. That seemed so long ago.

Joel unlocked and opened the door, standing off to the side as he allowed the sexy wife to enter and began to follow her inside. Just as she tried to shut the door, Phil grabbed it and stopped it from closing.

"You don't mind if I come in as well, do you?" he asked.

" want to watch?" Joel asked, incredulously.

"My daughter and I have a...well...unique relationship, so to speak." Dorman grinned.

The young man glanced back and forth between the sexy wife and the fat old man.

"Seriously?" he asked.

The old man didn't need to say anything else. He could tell the sexy wife had a wild side years ago but had no clue she would be an absolute whore.

"Holy shit! No I don't mind! Hell, her husband didn't mind watching either!"

Katie tried to block out what they were saying as she looked around the room. A small desk with a computer was standing on one side while the other wall had a long couch next to a small table with soda cans and other trash on it. Obviously, this was a break room for the employees. A white linoleum floor looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years.

The hot wife's body was flushed with either excitement or anger. She stood in the corner of the room while Phil sat down on the couch.

"Let's just get this over with" she said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible while she tossed her purse on the couch and slowly knelt down on the cold floor.

The young man moved forward. A scowl appeared on his face. The snobby bitch had ruined his relationship with his girlfriend. When she had sucked him off in front of her husband years ago, he had been somewhat restrained but this time would be different. He made a vow to skull fuck the married woman into oblivion. And he wasn't going to stop there.

"Hey now!" Phil leaned forward, "Let's not rush things." Joel turned his head and the old man titled his head towards the other end of the couch. He adjusted himself, enjoying the sexy wife's predicament as Joel shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the other end of the sofa. Phil patted the spot between himself and Joel, "Put it here, Freckles."

"Please, Phil," Katie begged.

"Does my daughter need a spanking?" he threatened.

"Phil!" Katie scolded. "Stop it!"

"Stop being rude in front of your old friend! Get over here," as he again patted the space between them.

The freckled beauty glared at Joel.

"He's not my friend."

She looked at her old lover who was sitting on the couch, stroking his bulging crotch. His voice, his demeanor allowed no objection. It was almost as though he had her in a trance. Katie clenched her teeth and rolled her eyes as she slowly walked over, turning and sitting down between the two men.

The sexy wife bit her bottom lip and her knees trembled while she stared at the fat man's face as if waiting for orders.

"No need for pleasantries or negotiating now" Phil laughed "Go on! Give him a little kiss."

Joel laughed at her father's advice, "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, straightening up and almost jumping in his seat as he turned his head towards the beautiful woman.

Katie gulped, knowing there was no reason to fight or plead. She didn't dare disobey him, for his expression warned her that he was running out of patience with her. Tears of humiliation misted her eyes as she turned her head toward Joel and tilted up her face, pursing her lips for the dreaded kiss from the young man.

Joel leaned toward her, putting his arm around the sexy wife as he placed his lips on hers. She instinctively tried to push him away as she pressed her hands against his hard, muscular chest.

He kissed her roughly and with open mouthed urgency. The tip of his tongue wriggled wormlike between her resisting lips and began insistently nudging her perfect white teeth.

Joel's thumb hooked over the point of her dainty freckled chin and he forced her mouth open. Her senses reeling with shame, Katie opened her mouth slowly and most unwillingly, before her oral cavity was suddenly filled with the slippery, suggestively thrusting tongue of the man young enough to be her son. It caused her to feel sick to her stomach.

However, little by little she melted against him. Soon, she was sucking his tongue hungrily and rolling her mouth against his. Their tongues wrestled back and forth from one mouth to the other. The lascivious sounds of oral suctioning could be heard softly but distinctly in the otherwise quiet room. For a fleeting moment, Katie forgot all about Phil on the other end of the couch. She began purring softly, deep down in her throat.

As the kiss went on, the hot mother gradually accepted the situation and began licking back tentatively at the young man's tantalizing tongue. Uttering a whimper of surrender, she threw her arms around him, sucking down hungrily on his now appealing taste organ.

"There now, that wasn't so bad after all, was it?" Joel asked, when he finally came up for air.

Katie's body was numb as she shook her head, saying in a tiny dull toned voice that was barely audible "No."

Phil laughed. "Bad? It looked to me like she was starting to enjoy it. How about one for Daddy?"

He drew her away from the young man and started noisily kissing the sexy woman himself.

The young manager eyes widened as he moved on the sofa as he watched the fat man's chubby hands surround the back of his beautiful daughter's head as he held her and kissed her passionately.

Time stood still for Katie. It just didn't seem real what was happening to her. It had to be a nightmare. Surely it was impossible for her to enjoy being passed back and forth between two men who were both giving her passionate French kisses. But there was no denying the fact that she enjoyed it. It was simply awful of her but she couldn't seem to help it. Phil released her and nudged her towards Joel as she again pressed her lips against his as she continued to be kissed by both men.

"You know I was finger banging her in the food court," Katie heard Phil saying while she was being embraced by the young manager "Why don't you reach under her skirt and see if she is still wet?"

The young man didn't have to be coaxed. He rammed his tongue all the farther down her throat. Ignoring her piteous little noises of protest and feeble struggling to protect her virtue, he wedged his hand between her tightly clenched-together thighs and started working it up toward her groin.

Katie had no choice in the matter however as Phil came to the aid of his new young friend. With his strength, it required small effort for him to grasp Katie's dimpled knees and spread them apart.

"Ooohhhhhhh" she wailed as Joel's hand darted under her skirt and made contact with engorged clitoris.

"Holy shit!" Joel exclaimed.

Katie shut her eyes in mortification and clenched her small hands into fists of helpless rage as she felt the man who had first blackmailed her years ago paw her perfectly trimmed sex hole.

"She wet?" Phil asked.

"She's soaked," Joel gasped.

"Please don't," Katie whined as she gazed imploringly into his eyes.

Tenderly Phil clasped the brunette wife's head between his hands. Her cheeks were flushed with desire. Her brown long hair was in a state of enticingly sensual disarray. Her thin pink lips were puffy with passion. Tears of shame hung at the comers of her eyes, but her eyes themselves had that glassy look of lust about them. "You're a beautiful little slut," Phil whispered, a split second before he drew her mouth to his and kissed her sweetly but with passion.

She melted all over him. Emitting a sigh of submission to this man who had physically abused her and was now apparently going to share her with the young manager. He was ugly and despicable yet he brought her to sexual heights she had never experienced before. Katie flung her arms around his neck and allowed him to suck in her will as well as her tongue.

Shivering with the lust of wicked intentions, she clung to Phil and kept up the tongue-entwined kissing as he, too, began feeling her up. Without any control of her body she spread her legs and allowed the two men to stroke and caress her as they would. Her hard body tingled as they ran their hands over her thighs and rubbed up against the narrow strip of sheer, secretion-soaked panties which was the only thing protecting her private portal from them now.

Both men worked their fingers into her panties. First one then another fingertip found the sweet opening of her slippery slot and they both started probing into her at the same instant.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," she sighed, her lips breaking free of Phil's as she gave in to the sensation of melting weakness and let her head fall back against the back edge of the couch.

They each had placed a finger inside her vagina. It felt so different, but so good, as the two men finger-fucked her simultaneously. Sometimes they stroked in unison but most of the time one knobby-knuckled finger was sliding into her as the other one was being pulled out, and getting both the push and the pull sensations at the same time was enough to drive the married mother out of her mind.

"Like it?" Phil asked.

"Uh-huh!" Katie breathed, "Yesss, baby."

"Remember, call me Daddy," Phil softly spoke into her ear.

"Yessssss, Daddy!" moaned Mrs. Jackson as she turned her mouth back towards Phil's.

Joel and Phil took turns kissing her as they double-masturbated Katie's twitching pussy. Before they quit, each of the men had two fingers in her, stretching her brunette muff to the point where they had her whimpering with the pain of the rough treatment being given her tender pussy. When they finally pulled their fingers out of her and left her alone momentarily, Katie just sat there panting for breath and trembling all over.