My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 04


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He growled, red faced, ready to pop a blood vessel.

"I'm taking her to my parents tomorrow. so they can see her for a couple of days."

"What are you going to be doing? Are you going to stay there too, or are you going back to the Taft's?"

"Neither. I'll work out, buy groceries, clean up around the house. You never do a damn thing around here. This place would be a pigsty if I didn't live here."

"You're a bitch!"

"You made me what I am today, Rancid; a pregnant bitch who hopes you rot in hell, and don't slam your door when you go to your room."

He slammed his door, the asshole.


I needed to lay a little groundwork the next day. After breakfast, I went to borrow a cup of unneeded sugar from Edith, and I took Emma with me. I warned Emma not to say anything to Edith unless I told her to.

"Can I borrow a cup of sugar from you, Edith?"

"Sure, dear. Come on in. Hi, Emma. You're growing like a weed."

She looked at me and I said she could answer."

"I'm almost three. My birthday is next week."

"My goodness. You're getting to be so grown up."

"I'm pregnant," I said. "Not Ransom's baby. The fellow I talked about managed to knock me up."

"Oh, dear. What does Ransom think about that?"

"It doesn't seem to bother him that much. Tell Miss Edith what you told me about Miss Bonnie, honey."

"Daddy is making babies with Miss Bonnie, Billy's mommy."

Edith gasped. The juicy gossip would be hitting the airwaves soon.

"Of course, you can't tell anyone," I said. "I'm sure Bill would kill Ransom if he found out. He may be a small dicked excuse of a husband, but he sure seems to like the married ladies."

Edith handed me the sugar, eager to get me out of the house.

"Remember. Don't tell a soul," I said.

"Not a peep," Edith said, zipping her lip.

Right. "Thanks for the sugar."

"You're welcome."

She was on the phone before I closed the door behind me.

I picked Becky up at eleven and we went to Chuck E. Cheese, anticipating traffic. We got there a little early, but that was okay.

"Mr. Bill is coming, Emma. I need you to tell him about Miss Bonnie. He's going to be very angry. I want you to ask him not to hurt your daddy. He needs to know about Miss Bonnie though, because she's cheating on him."


Sure enough, Bill Smith was there a little after noon, and I'm sure he was wondering why the hell I wanted to talk to him and why I had my daughter and another woman with me.

"What's this all about?" Bill asked.

"Bill, this is my normal baby sitter, Becky. My daughter has something to tell you, then Becky is going to take Emma away so we have a chance to talk."

"All right."

"Emma, please tell Mr. Bill what you told me about Miss Bonnie."

"Please don't hurt my Daddy, Mr. Bill."

"Why would I hurt your Daddy, honey?"

"My Daddy and Ms. Bonnie were making babies."

"What? How would you know that?"

"She was at my house when Mommy went to visit Becky. Miss Bonnie came over and Daddy was kissing her and rubbing her here." Emma touched her chest. I could see him clenching his fists and getting red in the face. "Then they went into his room and I heard them making babies. Please don't hurt my Daddy."

Bill looked at me. I nodded my head. "Becky, please take Emma and play some games and get her some pizza. She likes plain cheese. I need to talk to Bill. Bill, please sit down. I need to speak with you."

Becky left with my daughter. Bill sat down heavily as if his muscles quit working and all the air had gone out of him.


"I can't speak to the why for Bonnie, sir. As for my husband; he's an immoral, lying, cheating, stealing bastard. Something I only found out in the last few months. I have not personally seen him with Bonnie, and don't have proof, although I might be able to provide it if you need it for a divorce. I don't know when it started with Bonnie. It could have been a one time thing, although Ransom planned to be with her again this past weekend, but he had a work thing, and couldn't. My husband has fucked another married woman, which started over a year ago. Let me tell you a story."

I proceeded to tell him all about my motherfucker of a husband and what he'd done, leaving out Robert's and Pen's names, and everything he'd caused me to do.

"The other married woman my husband had been having sex with, had two hundred thousand dollars of the money he had stolen, and has been arrested and charged. I don't know if Bonnie was given money. Perhaps it was used to get into her pants initially, but I doubt Ransom would have turned all of his money over to other people. I suspect the rest is stashed somewhere where he thinks only he can get to it."

"I'm going to kill him," Bill said.

"Please don't."

"Why not? It sounds as if you hate him too."

"I don't want Emma to lose her father. He's been a good father to her for the most part, although I sometimes wonder if that wasn't a disguise he wore, like the disguise of a good husband, good worker, good employee, because he's been less of a father since all of this happened. But to Emma, it would seem the same, whether it was a disguise or not. I guess if you wanted to hurt him a little, I'd have no real problem with it, but I'd hate to see you arrested, because of what they did. The man I'm having a baby with, is prepared to give you a hundred thousand dollars if you don't kill Ransom, for Emma's sake. If you plan on divorcing Bonnie, he could wait until the divorce is finalized before giving you the money, so it doesn't become marital property that she might receive in a settlement."

"Is it possible Billy isn't even my son?"

"Anything is possible, but Billy looks an awful lot like you. I suspect he's yours. You might want to question Bonnie about details of what she's done. Find out if Ransom gave her money, how long he's been seeing her, if there were any other men. I'd suggest not hurting her either for Billy's sake. As far as I can tell, she's been a good mother, although she does tend to flirt a lot. If it makes you feel any better, I'm hoping Ransom will violate the terms of his agreement and get arrested, and spend the next few years in prison, and I can finally divorce him. I've been masturbating in front of him, hoping he'd attempt to rape me."

"While you're being spied on?"

"Someone else takes over for the security company at prearranged times, so I know it's safe, and then someone waits outside to arrest him before he's actually successful."

"I think I've seen them."

"You probably have. I'm sure they move around so it's not too suspicious, but they just need to be close enough to respond quickly. They don't need to remain right outside my house. They can probably be anywhere in a three block radius."

"And that's where you'd get evidence of Bonnie's infidelity?"

"They store it until I've seen it, then delete it all. I haven't watched Bonnie's, but when I was informed a woman was in my house while my daughter was there, I made Ransom stop and kick her out. I'm sending Emma to my parents for the next couple of days, and I'm going to pull out all the stops tomorrow to try to get a reaction out of Ransom, hoping to get him gone from my life."

"That's why you believed Emma when she said Ransom had been making babies with Bonnie?"

"Yes. Plus, Emma knew I was having sex to 'make a baby' for the other couple, so aware of sex as the operant in making babies, although not what sex consists of except for kissing. I knew that when I was called, he was engaged in sex. The cameras they have installed have low light and infrared capability. He thinks he's fooling the cameras when he turns out the lights."

"I really want to hurt him."

"Don't you think having to suck Bubba's cock in prison and get ass fucked would hurt him enough to satisfy your desire for revenge?"

Bill smiled. "That's starting to get there."

"Look, I don't know what kind of marriage you and Bonnie have had. If Ransom had a single slip with a woman someplace along the line, I might have tried to forgive him for Emma's sake. Knowing he stole almost 1.5 million dollars, and put huge amounts of it in my name so it appeared I might get arrested too, and lose my little girl; I couldn't forgive him for, nor for his carrying on a year long affair with another man's wife. Either of those two things alone would have ended my marriage.

"Maybe that's the only time Bonnie slipped, and you might want to get her to sign some kind of post nuptial agreement that gives you custody of Billy and no alimony if she does it again. Maybe you can never trust her again, or maybe you can get past this for the sake of your son. I don't know enough about you and your marriage, but don't go off half cocked.

"Think about what's best for you and Billy, and not about how you feel right now, having just learned about this. To the extent that my refusal to fuck the bastard may have contributed to his seduction of Bonnie, I apologize. I know he hit on Becky too, and I think some of that is because I've already emotionally and physically left my marriage, and he's trying to get back at me. Maybe that's why he messed with Bonnie, or maybe he's the disgusting animal I already think he is, and he would have done it anyway, but think, before you do anything. If you want to do something to hurt him, do it while Emma is gone. Don't do it in front of her."

"I'll think about it. It might depend on what Bonnie tells me."

"I only have one other favor to ask. Don't tell anyone that Emma was the one who told you. Edith, the busybody across the street, knows now. I had Emma tell her this morning. You can use her as the source of the rumor for your wife's infidelity. So far, I've got Edith thinking I'm going to have a black baby with a black lover, and that Ransom is a cocksucker and an inadequate prick in bed."

"So that's where those rumors came from? I'd dismissed them."

"Oh, they definitely came from me. I've tried to humiliate Ransom in any way I could since this happened."

Bill laughed, the first thing approaching happiness I'd seen on the man since Emma spilled the beans.

"I like you, Mrs. Ford."

"Thank you. You take care of yourself and Billy, Mr. Smith. Good luck to you."

I could tell he was still seething when he left, but he didn't appear to be ready to grasp the bull by the horns immediately. I found Becky and Emma, had some pizza and played some games. Then I took Emma to my parents'; took Becky home and went shopping, making sure to buy some sugar to repay Edith for her loan.

I was putting the groceries away when Ransom got home from work.

"Now Edith is saying you've got a black baby inside of you," Ransom said, having heard some of the gossip already.

"I can't say it's Robert's can I? NDA, remember? I'll start to show and people will start to wonder, since it's safe to assume they no longer believe it's yours. I made it very clear a couple of months ago, I was never having sex with you again."

"When did you see her to tell her you were pregnant?"

"This morning. I borrowed a cup of sugar. I'll be running a cup back over to her in a few minutes."

"That woman is a total bitch."

"Everyone is a bitch to you, Rancid, because you refuse to take responsibility for your part in this farce. You're the only one responsible for what's going on and all the juicy news that Edith loves to spread. I sure hope you haven't been dumb enough to fuck someone from the neighborhood that Edith would recognize. It will be all over the neighborhood in no time."

Ransom got a worried look on his face.

"You did, didn't you? You fucked someone Edith would know? What a stupid jackass you are. I can't believe you. You'd better hope it wasn't the married one you've been fucking."

He got an even bigger worried look on his face. Priceless. Even if Bill did nothing, Ransom would worry about it for months. I hoped he got an ulcer. As it turned out, there was no waiting for months.

I'd returned Edith's sugar and made myself a Swanson pot pie. I was eating it in the kitchen while Ransom was eating a bowl of cereal in the living room watching TV. I swear the man would starve to death without cold cereal once I stopped cooking for him. It's like he didn't even know how to operate the microwave. There was a knock on the door and Ransom got up to answer it. Apparently, he didn't look through the peephole first or he never would have opened it.

The second the door opened, the words "You Son of a Bitch", were spoken, then there was a soft thud, and an "Oof", and a gasp of pain, followed by another thud and a loud, girlish scream.

"You ever come near my wife again, I'll kill you."

I stepped out of the kitchen, saw my husband clutching his gonads on the floor, and Bill standing menacingly over him.

"Bonnie! For fuck's sake, Rancid!" I said. "If you're going to fuck another man's wife, pick someone whose husband is a wimp, and not a stud like Bill. What an idiot. Sorry you had to get caught up in my shit-for-brains husband's drama, Bill. Are you done with him now, and do I need to take him to a hospital?"

"I don't know. I kneed his nuts pretty hard," Bill said, smiling. "As to whether I'm done with him yet, I haven't quite decided."

"I'm not sure he needs his balls anymore anyway. I certainly don't need them. Are you going to be able to forgive Bonnie?"

"Don't know yet. I'm still thinking about it."

"If you do divorce her, look me up. I might be willing to give you a revenge fuck. I won't contribute to the mess that is our lives now, but who knows. You should go. He might need an ambulance."

"Do you hear me, Shit-for-Brains?" Bill said. "You come within a hundred feet of Bonnie again, I'll end you. Answer me, Fucktard."

Ransom gasped out, "No...Bonnie...ever...again."

"Why you'd even need to be taught this lesson is beyond me, asshole. Have a pleasant evening, Samantha. I just might take you up on that offer."

"You too, Bill. Try to remember why you loved Bonnie in the first place. I can no longer remember why I loved this miserable worm."

Bill smiled and left with Ransom still curled up in the fetal position. I went into the kitchen and got a gallon plastic Ziplock and filled it with ice. I squatted down and handed it to Ransom.

"You should apply it to your balls or you may not be able to get your pants on in the morning. Let me know if you need to go to the Emergency Room."

He took the bag of ice and put it on his balls. I got up and finished my supper. At least he was still alive. About an hour later, he got up and went to the bathroom, where I heard him running water in the tub. I wondered if he'd learned his lesson, or he'd need to be taught any others. I went to bed at eight, reading until ten, when I turned out my light. Ransom was still in the bathroom when I closed my eyes.


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BigDee44BigDee442 months ago

You know, she could protect her money by putting it into a trust for Emma.

IntoblackIntoblack7 months ago

I'm glad to see 'shit for brains' beginning to get his comeuppance!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Enough with all the dialogue with the kid. She's doing the wrong thing by double, involving the kid in her marital problems and sex life. The child will be so screwed up she'll be seeing a therapist for the rest of her life. The wife thinks she knows everything, but knows nothing. Reminds me of my ex.

MrBeck2004MrBeck20049 months ago

Love the dialogue. Very natural and good flow. Great story. One thing, you mention a few times about the lawyer looking for a way out of the contract. It’s a contract. It was not imposed on them, they agreed to it. So they can also agree to amend it however they want.

OGHMNWOGHMNW9 months ago

Congratulations to Sam and Robert on the Pregnancy! A Wonderful chapter filled with love, friendship and pain. The love is between Sam, Penny and Robert. The friendship is between Sam and Becky. Then of course the pain is Samantha and Rancid/Ransom’s marriage and what Mr. Bill did to fuckwad aka Rancid/Ransom’s balls. He likely won’t be able to us them for a few days until the swelling and bruises go away. Emma is a smart and intelligent soon to be 3 year old that’s learning about mature stuff. Thank You and looking forward to reading the next chapters.

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