My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 07


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There were a number of sharks in the water, more than I realized when we were swimming off the boat. Most of the fish stuck close to the reef where they could quickly dart into hiding, but some of the larger fish weren't afraid of swimming along the reef. We saw tarpon, a Goliath grouper, some Nassau grouper, a couple of stingrays, amberjack, wahoo, and pompano. The kids were fascinated by what they were seeing. Lots of oohs, aahs, pointing, and asking 'what's that'.

As we got deeper and closer to the reef, the larger fish gave way to corals, sea fans, anemones, and lots of smaller fish. The biologist talked about the importance of coral to sea life as a protective habitat, and that a lot of coral were dying due to the rise of sea temperatures, and that it took thousands of years for coral to form coral beds where the fish flourished.

"Look, Mommy. There's Nemo," Emma said. She pointed to tiny orange and white fish swimming in the waving tentacles or arms of the anemones.

"I see that," I said.

"That's called a clownfish, and they hang out in the anemones. Anemones sting other fish, but they don't sting clownfish, so they feel safe there," the biologist said.

He also pointed out triggerfish, hogfish, hamlets, wrasse, tangs, chubs, smaller groupers, parrotfish, squirrelfish, angelfish, scorpion fish, damselfish, and puffers, which blew themselves up to look bigger if something approached them. It was tough to see them, and this is where the light he could use to point to something was really useful, so he could point out some spotted eels buried deep in the coral, and spiny lobster.

"If you look over here, you'll see a lion fish. These fish are not native to the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean. They were brought here from the Red Sea, where they are native, by tourists who liked them when they were small, and then released them when they got too big for the aquariums they kept them in. They're beautiful fish, but their spines are very venomous. They have no natural enemies in our waters, so they're expanding prolifically and taking habitat from native species. It's becoming a problem fish, the way Burmese pythons are taking over the Everglades from native species."

In all, we got about an hour tour, and then we resurfaced, and Pen and I were replaced by Robert and Becky.

"How was it?" Becky asked me.

"Amazing. You'll love it. The kids are having a great time and learning so much. Do you stay in this same area?" I asked the driver.

"No, we'll move to another area along the same reef so we can see different things."

"Robert and Pen, I can't thank you enough for doing this for us. This was really special. I imagine you will be rewarded later."

"I love your rewards," Robert said, "if I still have any energy left."

Ben took us back to the boat, where Bonnie and Bill had resurfaced.

"Aha, the lovebirds have risen," I said. "Were your sandwiches cold?"

"Antoine reheated them," Bill said. "Bonnie was mentioning something you said about anal sex?"

So we told Bill about the preparations one should make for anal sex, usually taking about a week or so.

"What was that thing you mentioned with the vibrator?" Bill asked.

"Wait one, and I'll show you."

I went to Robert and Pen's cabin and got the vibrator we'd used last night and this morning. Just to be sure, I washed it again, in case Robert and Becky had used it. Since there were a couple bottles of lube in their nightstand, I got one.

I rejoined the others. "What you want is a vibrator about this size, not too big or too small. We'll call this one 'Just right.' Now when you're having sex doggy style, you apply a little lube to Bonnie's pucker, and to the vibrator. As you're thrusting, and she's all hot and bothered, you turn this on and just rub it over the surface of her starfish. It's just letting her get used to something touching her back door. There's a lot of sensitive nerve endings back there, and the vibrator makes them all feel good. You keep applying it as you're doing your thing, and then when Bonnie has an orgasm, you push it in about an inch.

"I guarantee that will make her orgasm pop when you do that. She'll go a little bit batshit, in a good way, like extra caffeine. Don't remove it yet. Just leave it on and about an inch deep, so she gets used to being penetrated. Give her a couple minutes like that, then start fucking her with it, two or three inches deep. Her next orgasms will come faster and be more intense, plus the vibrations will be affecting your dick too, buzzing away very close to Mr. Happy. It's a real good way to judge how much she might enjoy anal sex in the future."

I gave him the vibrator and lube.

""Try it tonight, then wash it with soap and water when you're done. In a week or so, when she's been prepared by the anal plugs, approach anal sex the same way. A nice good shafting to get started with, a little teasing around the back door entrance, then using lots of lube, go for it. Get just the head in, let her get used to that, then push a little deeper, get used to that. Really, when she starts pushing back against you, you'll know she wants it, and you can start giving her more of the old in and out, speeding up if she seems comfortable, then backing off if she needs more time to get used to it. Once you've gone into her butt, you can't go back into her vagina until you've washed thoroughly. This is a good point for a shower.

"If you're really enjoying the anal sex, and want to do more of it, Bonnie should take enemas first to clean up ahead of time. When she takes an enema and the water comes out clean, you can skip the shower after sex until morning. It's not much different than a pussy then."

"You learned all of this how?" Bill asked.

"Robert and Pen taught me. I'd never had anal sex until they showed me what to do, and only after I was no longer ovulating, so we didn't waste his sperm, but yeah, it felt great. I did it again this morning, and Robert used the little vibe there on my clit while he was plumbing my depths in back. Some primo orgasms from that."

"And you enjoy anal sex as well?" Bill asked Pen.

"I wouldn't have pointed it out to Sam unless I did. It does make for some interesting orgasms. Samantha squirted the first time she had anal sex. I was underneath her at the time, so I was a huge mess. Had a lot of fun though."

"How did you learn so much about sex? Were you a wild child?"

"Bill and his first wife were quite experimental, trying a lot of different things, reading about them before trying them. When Bill and I got married, we tried the things that he and his first wife had enjoyed, and I enjoyed them too. We kept doing them."

"Had you ever had threesomes with anyone before Sam?" Bill asked.

"Neither of us had sex outside of our marriage before Sam. She needed to get pregnant, and Bill was doing everything in his power to make that happen. I was mostly watching Emma while they were together, but Sam didn't think it was fair she was having all the fun when they were together. She suggested that I could still have sex with my husband, and then he could pull out when he was close to orgasm, and make the deposit in her. That's what first got all three of us in the same bed together, and it eventually became a threesome. Turns out we weren't very jealous sharing with each other that way."

"What about the foursomes you're having now," Bonnie asked.

"I guess we were disinclined to add anyone else. Part of it was public perception. We'd had Sam and Ransom sign an NDA so this information wouldn't get out to anyone. Once Ransom spilled his guts and it did get out, it was somewhat embarrassing, but Sam put a real good spin on it at our press conference. Still, if we continued doing this with other people, we'd become even bigger freaks. We were determined to hold the line at Sam, which we can sort of justify because she's having Robert's child because I can't.

"Becky is now a wrench in the works. We're really hoping that all of you will remain quiet about it, and it doesn't get out. Our employees won't speak about it, but you could spoil it for us."

"Why do it, then?" Bill asked.

"Because Sam is like a third wheel in our marriage. She doesn't have any of the protections that I have as Robert's spouse. She can't move in with us until she's divorced on the advice of her divorce attorney. As much as we want her to be, she's not an equal partner, and can't be for some time, if ever. She's turned to Becky for companionship and sex, because she learned she enjoys sex with women, and didn't want to risk some other male giving her a child when it's promised to us. Even if she could live with us, there are times when Robert and I would like to have private time together, and she'd be pushed out on her own. It just seems fair that she has someone she can be with when she's not with us. I prefer Becky to other persons she could choose. I think Robert and I would be devastated if she developed a relationship with another man, we care that much about her.

"Becky is someone we can live with, and gives Sam something she needs," Pen said. "I suppose we could have left them alone this weekend, but Robert and I care very deeply for Sam and Emma. We want to spend time with them, to have Sam in our bed, make love to her. If the only way we could have that this weekend, was with Becky, then that's what we had to do. While it wasn't my first preference, it was something we could live with. There's a lot we could live with for a chance to keep Sam and Emma in our life. Becky is relatively inconsequential as those choices go. I'm perfectly willing to do what I can to keep Sam happy, and if Becky makes her happy, so be it."

"Do you enjoy threesomes?" Bill asked.

"Since I've always enjoyed sex with both men and women, it's my favorite way to have sex. I question if it's for everyone, but it works for us."

"Would you ever have a threesome with two men?"

"No. I would consider that cheating on Robert."

"Even if he had no problem with it?"

"I think I have all I want in a man. Two men wouldn't make it any better for me. Another woman does make it better for me."

Bill nodded thoughtfully. I guess I hadn't learned anything new, but I was happy to see that Pen was so willing to be open about it with others. It did make me feel loved and appreciated.

Ben came back and said, "It's time to get you out to the submersible. They're coming up for the next group."

Bonnie and Bill went with him and he took them out to the submersible, and Becky and Robert came back.

"What did you think, Becky?" I asked.

"I think I need to learn how to scuba dive. That really was remarkable."

"Wasn't it though? It was so much fun, and I didn't even get my swimming suit wet," I laughed. "Are the children still enjoying everything?"

"So much. They might not want to come back. It was 'Becky, look at this, Becky, look at that.' I think they've identified most of the different kinds of fish, and now, they're starting to give them names. They had Nemo for the little clownfish, Martin for the bigger ones, and Dory for the Blue Tangs. Oh, and we saw a sea turtle and he got named Crush, I think it was."

"All names from Finding Nemo," I said. "Pen, do you think you have that movie in your stash. That might be the movie we want them to watch tonight."

"I believe Finding Nemo is one of the titles we picked out."

"So, what did you guys do while we were gone?" Becky asked.

"Telling Bonnie and Bill about anal sex and threesomes," Pen said. "I think they're going to experiment a little tonight. That's the impression I got, anyway."

"I got the same impression," I said.

"With threesomes?" Becky asked.

I laughed. "Anal sex. They were sort of curious about how we made threesomes work though, but that didn't sound like something they were dying to try at the moment. They're still getting their marriage on track. I was happy that Bill thought they were ready for another child. It seems like Bill is ready to forgive her the slip as long as he is confident he can trust her in the future."

"That made me glad too," Becky said. "Billy really seems to be doing good as they've fixed their relationship."

"I agree. He's much more upbeat now."

"I'm sort of curious, Pen," Becky said. "I know Robert isn't really cheating on you, because this is something you agreed to do together. How does it make you feel though?"

"With Sam, I've felt nothing but happiness. With you, it's been a little different."

"How so?"

"How did you feel when you saw Sam having sex with me last night?"

"A little despondent. I was happy she didn't want to leave me all by myself, because it meant she cared for me, but watching her with you was kind of the shits."

"That describes it fairly well for me. Surprisingly to me, because I'm actually married to Robert, I felt worse when you had sex with Sam, than with Robert. Even when you were all alone with him, it didn't bother me as much."

"Don't you think part of the reason for that, is you know Robert is yours and he's never going to leave you," I said. "I'm kind of iffy. You don't know how we're going to end up, so any sign of affection for someone else might be a sign I won't stay with you. You're hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. Becky's in the same predicament in reverse. She likes me, and wants to think of me as more than a friend, but she knows I'm having yours and Robert's baby, and that's a bond she can't compete with. I've told her I care for you both and hope to live with you, because I want to be honest with her, but it's easier to fool herself we can remain together, if she doesn't see me with both of you. Signs of affection towards you, are signs she may end up without me. I think that's the source of the jealousy, not necessarily the sex itself. It's the fear of what might happen for both of you?"

"That's probably true," Pen said. "What do you feel when you see Becky with either of us. Does it bother you?"

"Not really. I'm fairly confident about the way all parties feel for me, and I'm flattered you all want to be with me. As long as we can keep going like this, I think everyone is going to get most of what they want out of this relationship. If you can accept Becky's relationship to me, I have even less reason to want to bail. Becky already accepts my relationship with you, and as long as she accepts that, I won't bail on her. But I also know that she might want more out of her life, than a secondhand relationship with me. I'm prepared for that. If she finds some guy or girl she wants to marry, I can live with it, and I'll always cherish her friendship and what we had together, and if she wants to go, I'll encourage her to look for what's right for her, but it will be her choice, not mine, if she leaves. I'm good. More than good. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I've actually been happy to see her with either of you, because it's my fondest wish that this all works for all of us."

"I'm pretty damn happy," Robert said.

"You should be," I said, "getting to fuck three gorgeous women. You should be praying each night to the Almighty for the blessings he's bestowed on you. You're just lucky we have each other, or we'd fuck you to death."

Robert laughed. "I had a little taste of that, and you're right. I really believe you could fuck me to death."

"Stay in shape, old man. That's all I've got to say."

"I'll second the motion," Becky said.

"Amen," Pen said. "The motion carries."

"You see, we really have nothing to worry about except fucking Robert to death. I think it's his wife's turn."

"Please no," Robert groaned. "I need more time."

"You have until after supper, then you have to do your duty, for God and Country, and your marriage. After you even it up, the girls can entertain themselves while you sleep. I've never tried a daisy chain, and I was thinking it's on my bucket list."

"I tried it once in college, and it should definitely be on a bucket list," Pen said.


When the last group got back from the submersible, we were all laughing like loons. Antoine outdid himself for supper, making crab stuffed grouper, and Cajun style snapper, and we all got some of each, because they were good sized fish, and the kids had fish sticks. It came with au gratin potatoes garnished with chopped green onions, and a fresh salad, served with white wine for all the adult, non-pregnant diners.

After we put the kids in bed with 'Finding Nemo' on, we retired to our cabins, where Pen got the fucking that was owed to her, and all but Robert enjoyed a lengthy daisy chain.

Around ten, we heard Bonnie screaming, "Oh, God, fuck me, Bill. Oh, fuck, that's incredible. I'm cumming so hard. Faster, fuck me faster."

"I'm guessing someone just got a vibrator up the ass for the first time," I said.

"Sounded like it to me," Becky said. "That's exactly the way I sounded when you violated my ass with the vibrator the first time."

"We remember," Pen said.

"How do you remember?" Becky asked.

"We were watching that night. You sounded pretty much just like that."

"Oh, yeah," Becky said. "It turned me on to think that someone else was watching me have sex. That probably added to my butt fucked fervor."

"Kind of like now?" Robert asked, laughing.

"No, you're more of a participant now. It was more voyeuristic. Maybe we should record this for Bonnie and Bill. That would be a turn on."

"Please, no," Pen laughed. "I already feel like a slut."

"But it's a good slutty feeling, isn't it, as opposed to bad slutty?" Becky asked.

"Mmm, it kind of is," Pen said, before diving back between Becky's legs. Becky dived back between mine. It was a good slutty feeling as I went between Pen's. Poor Robert was giving his dick a rest.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Love this story until you got political. It was no use to the story and was uncalled for.

VincepetroneVincepetrone3 months ago

You flipped Bill and Robert again. You did that in the previous chapter . Also, please leave politics out of your wonderful story. Totally unnecessary .

JohnnyDropTableStudentsJohnnyDropTableStudents5 months ago

I am really enjoying this series. Not sure if you're looking for notes so apologies if not. I found these 2 passages that I believe you were referring to Robert but wrote Bill.

"I blew Ben a kiss and taking Bill's and Pen's hands, led them down to join the others, who were currently on the back deck."

"Bill and his first wife were quite experimental, trying a lot of different things, reading about them before trying them. When Bill and I got married, we tried the things that he and his first wife had enjoyed, and I enjoyed them too. We kept doing them."

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

DEAR AUTHOR, not familiar with lengthy previous chapters, but ! I enjoy your writing as always. Came across as a SEXY SOAP OPERA ! Fun, too ! Again, congrats to you and the DEAR EDITORS. - written with no long paragraphs. Dialogue seemed REAL. 5 STARS !

OGHMNWOGHMNW6 months ago

My mistake on it being on Lush as I remembered reading the story. Thanks for the explanation. Now it’s on to part 8

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