My Husband Loves to Show Me Off Ch. 02

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A new work outfit. Drinks after work. Ed's encouraging this?
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/30/2022
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A chime rang, followed by a vibration in my thigh as I dug my phone out of my front pocket. The notification bubble read: 1 new message from Hubby. As the phone recognized my face, the notification transitioned into a preview of his text, "Where are you?" I unlocked my phone and read the text message before switching to the camera.

I aimed the camera at the mirror and snapped a picture leveled without an angle. I reviewed the selfie seeing myself standing on the three-inch nude strappy heels. My hips stretched the white midi pencil skirt horizontally. The light fabric showed my black lace thong hanging off my hips. The phone covered most of the black sleeveless shirt I wore on top. I was about to send the picture to my husband when my phone froze. I tried tapping the send button repeatedly, but it wouldn't budge. I didn't know what to do with the thing, so I put it away, hoping it'd fix itself by the time I came back to it.

"All done?" Maria stood with various brands of shopping bags hanging in her right arm.

"Just this," I handed the white skirt, black top, and tan heels to the cashier. It wasn't until we got into the car that my phone started vibrating with notifications multiple times. "Thanks for coming with me, Maria," I exhaled back in the passenger seat.

"You've helped so much with Alex's birthday this coming weekend. How could I not come shopping with my bestie," Maria pulled her shades from the top compartment and put them on as if she were Tom Cruise himself. "I'm surprised, though. You usually don't shop for yourself. I felt selfish in the past when only I would buy clothes. You only bought clothes for Ed and the kids."

"Well, Ed gave me a little play money. Besides, I need to update my wardrobe. I'm trying to look as good as you Maria," I touched her bare shoulder.

"Owwww, Mami! Well, you said you would start working out with me. I already have your diet planned."

I tilted my head and rolled my eyes, "Do I at least get to have donuts?"

"NO!" we laughed hysterically. I hadn't looked at my phone since leaving the dressing room. There were three notifications. Two from Ed. One from my boss. I checked the notification from my husband first.

Hubby: OMG!


Above his response was the selfie I took in the dressing room. I tapped the back arrow once to see what my boss had texted me.

Drew: you look amazing. Hope you wear that tomorrow 🙂

As I scrolled up, the blood in my limbs and face retreated to my heart. It was the selfie. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Maria slammed on the brakes, almost sending our heads through the windshield. I wished I wasn't wearing my seatbelt.


The kids raced inside the house once I pulled into the driveway. My shoulders were hunched over my clenched fists gripping the steering wheel. I rubbed my forehead against the airbag, activating the horn.

"HONEY?!" Ed pulled the door open, grabbing at my shoulders. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I cranked my neck to the sound of his voice as my heavy eyelids cast a dark shadow around my vision. I could only see the beige UGG slippers Ed was wearing. I dropped to the right side and grabbed the shopping bag with the absolute minimum amount of strength necessary to lift it before shoving my husband out of the way. The rubber soles of my shoes dragged against the slurry garage floor. I tripped on the first step but didn't bother catching myself. Something reached out and grabbed me before I nose-dived into the following steps.

"Give me that!" Ed grabbed the bag from my hand and swooped his arm behind my knees and lower back. He lifted me easily and carried me up the stairs as I flailed my arms lifelessly.

"Just kill me now Ed," I curled up into a ball once he laid me on the bed.

"Are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?"

My eyebrows scrunched down, and I squinted at the back of Ed's head, "It's all your fault!" I threw my phone at him. It landed in his lap after bouncing off his barreled chest. I turned and smothered myself in my pillow "read the text messages."

I heard Ed tapping on my phone, navigating the text messages, before seeing his eyes widen. He scrolled up and down and looked at me. "How come you didn't text him back?"

I threw my fist as hard as I could into his arm, "Ed, I'm seriously going to kill you. That's my boss."

Ed just kept looking at my phone. He walked over to the shopping bag and picked up the clothes, displaying them to me. "How come you didn't return it?" the fucking idiot was smiling. I kicked the mattress with both feet as if I were learning to swim while screaming into the pillow. Lizzy overheard me and jumped on the bed beside me, imitating my tantrum.

I grabbed Lizzy and held her close to my chest. "Oh, Lizzy, what am I going to do?"

"What's wrong, mommy?"

I barraged Lizzy's head with kisses, "Mommy doesn't want to go to work tomorrow. Can she stay home?"

"No, mommy," she tapped my nose. "Good girls go to school." It's the exact phrase I said to her whenever she tried playing hookey.

"That's right, honey. Good girls go to school and work!" Ed grabbed Lizzy and held her in his lap. "Lizzy? Can daddy talk to mommy?"

"Okay," Lizzy ran out the door as fast as she came in.

"Why are you stressing so much over this?" Ed's palm trailed down the length of my back. His fingers dug into my trapezius as he used his thumbs to knead out the knots within the muscle. His index finger and thumb squeezed the back of my neck, inching toward the top of my skull.

"Oh my god, honey. That feels so good. Don't stop." I sprawled my arms to my side. His fingers were slowly dancing on the blood vessels underneath my scalp. I winced as he applied light pressure to both sides of my temple. "Jesus. I really needed this." I took a full minute to breathe in and out. Ed worked his way down my neck again, then my shoulders, the teres minor and major, my lats, and ultimately used both his thumbs to press into my L4 and L5 vertebrae dispersing an immense dullness. "Uggghhhh."

"Feel good?"

"Mmmmhmmmm." I turned myself around and lay on the pillow. "Thank you honey."

"Stop being so nervous. The outfit is perfectly acceptable at the office."

"And you would know?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh come on baby. What did Maria think of the outfit?"

"How did you know I was with Maria?" He pulled out his phone and showed me a text message.

Maria: I'm kidnapping your wife. Better not disturb our sacred girl time!!!

"Of course, she blew me up. She said I should dress like this all the time. What do you think?"

His head nearly dislocated from nodding so rapidly.

"You're such a dork," I slapped my husband gently on his broad shoulders. "Do you love me?"

I felt the warmth of his entire body as he embraced me tightly, "More than anything in the world!"

"More than Lizzy?"

Ed rolled his eyes, "You can't ask me that! There's no way I'd betray my baby."

"You're so cute. You're lucky she likes you."

"Likes me?" Ed scoffed.

"I'm just saying. From the outside perspective, someone might think you're trying to return your wife to the sex market. Allowing other men to look at these hips you adore so much. You realize Drew's going to be staring at me all day?" I ran the tip of my finger down his chest, past his nipple, and patrolled his obliques in circles. "He even thinks I purposely sent him that picture." Ed's heart was beating louder and faster. "Who knows? Maybe I did send it to him on purpose. What do you think about that, Ed? What if Drew and I were doing something you didn't know about?"

"I... uhhh..."

"You wouldn't do anything." I moved my fingers from his midsection to the bulge in his pants. "You know what I think Ed? I think you really want another man to fuck your wife." I breathed the accusation directly into his gaping mouth while grabbing his cock harder. "Is that what you want Ed? Tell me!"

"Fuck! Maybe I do," he breathed heavily into my mouth. Our lips met and I forced my tongue into his mouth without restraint. He tried to pull me closer but I broke the kiss and pushed off his chest with all my strength.

"No! You're not getting anything from me all week. You just sit there and watch what I do."


I rolled my eyes, "Yes Lizzy?"

"Come here! Henry's bothering me!"

"Coming boo."


The blaring alarm shrieked shrilly, filling the morning air. After forcing Ed awake, he first walked over to the shopping bag and verified that the outfit I had bought was still there. I told him to feed the kids, get them ready, and take them to school. I heard Lizzy protesting until Ed packed both kids into the car. Ed came up once in the morning, begging to see me in my new outfit. I told him if he asked one more time, I would just stay home for the day and return the clothes. He was obedient after that.

I pulled into the parking lot 15 minutes before 9AM. My knee bounced while sitting in my car as I looked into the mirror again. I felt faint thinking about how the office would react. I opened the door to our office and was greeted by a familiar voice, "Hey Bree," Darcy, the receptionist, paused to look me up and down, "Wow! I love your outfit."

"Thank you," my chest lowered slightly as I exhaled.

"Drew wants to see you sometime today," Darcy handed me a sticky with Drew's writing on it. I rolled my eyes.

"Is he in right now?"

Darcy drew her eyes and nudged her head toward his door.

"Fuck," I whispered. I wobbled from side to side, failing to walk in a straight line toward Drew's office. I paused and held my head in place before clearing my throat. "Hey Drew?" I knocked on the door, "It's Brianna. You wanted to see me?"

The door swung open. The tall, lanky Drew Baltimore towered over me. I couldn't help but feel that he was staring directly at my crotch. "Come in, Brianna."

I closed the door behind me and took 9 paces, following him to his desk. I stood idly as there weren't any chairs nearby. "You look wonderful!"


"Is something wrong? You look flushed. Do you want some water?" Drew handed me a small bottle of Fiji water. I practically chugged the thing, clearing my throat once again.

"Drew. The picture I sent was meant for my husband. I have no idea why it went to you. And I do apologize if there was any misunderstanding."

"Oh, that. Don't worry about it. I figured as much." He leaned over and pulled out a folder laying it on his desk. In doing so, a piece of paper flew out and floated to the ground in front of me. I immediately squat down to pick it up. "That's quite the impressive ankle mobility. Do you work out?"

"Huh?" I handed him the paper, "Well, I used to. I'm thinking about getting back into it."

"God knows you don't need it."

"Excuse me?"

"Nevermind. Anyway. How are things going with the church?"

I grasped my hands tightly in front of my stomach. "I thought we finished their order?"

"We did," his attention shifted to the piece of paper. "Looks like they want 100 more shirts."


"Yes, Brianna," Drew laughed. "Why are you so wound up?"

"I guess I was in trouble," I finished an ounce of water left inside the bottle.

"You know your wage is mainly commission. I just wanted to hand you the check personally." He began writing on a blank check. "Here you go," he extended his long arm with check in hand. Just as I stepped forward, the payment slipped from his hand. "Oh, I'm so clumsy. Forgive me." I squatted to the floor, stretching the skirt around my hips and ass. Drew stared me in the eye as I knelt before him to retrieve the check.

"Thank you," I turned to leave his office, but he quickly hopped up from his seat and followed closely behind me. I felt chills all over my body as his hand subtly rested on my lower back. It was only for a second, as if guiding me to the door, but I swear his hand brushed against my ass as he let go. No man had touched me since I started dating my husband. I reached for the doorknob, but before turning it to exit, Drew's long arm appeared over my shoulder, and his large hands clamped down on top of mine.

"You should dress like this more often," he whispered.

"Okay," was all I could mutter. Drew turned the handle with my hand.


I got busy during the day setting up the order I had just sold. My phone kept going off. I assumed it was Ed, but I couldn't check it until it was almost time to go home.

"Alright, team, our newbie just made her first $5,000 sale today. So let's give it up for Brianna," Drew started clapping as our entire team followed. I got a few whistles and hollers, making my body feel weightless.

"So dinner's on her?" Mike asked.

"Now, now. She's still on her first step. Let's not pressure her too much, but C team will get drinks with me tonight." They all cheered again. Everyone started packing up and heading out the door, "You're coming with us, right?" Drew had his arm wrapped around my headrest.

"Let me see if my husband's okay with it." Drew walked off, talking to the rest of the staff.

Hubby: How's your day honey?

Hubby: Are you busy?

Hubby: Do you want me to pick up the kids?

Me: Honey? Yes. Can you pick up the kids today?

Hubby: Of course. How was your day?

Me: Really good. I got my first sale.

Hubby: Congrats!!!

Me: thank you honey. Drew wants me to go out with the team. They're celebrating my first sale.

Hubby: You should go. If you want to.

Me: Everyone's been so nice to me today. I feel like I belong for the first time since I started working here.

Hubby: I got the kids. If you need anything, just call me.

Me: Of course honey. I love you.

Me: I'm probably going to have a few drinks. Are you okay with that? You know how I get when I drink.

Hubby: I trust you baby. I love you.

Me: You're such a good husband. Wait for me. I'm going to give you something special tonight.


There were six or seven of us when the night started with dinner. From there, things got progressively unclear as I started drinking. Around 11pm, I found myself cheering at a sports bar. The only familiar face in the sea of strangers was the older man standing behind me. He was probably in his mid-50s, with silver gray hair combed back and an extensive beer belly, but dressed in a suit. His face was blasting red from all the alcohol. He looked like Santa. 'What was his name again?' I asked myself. But my brain wasn't able to process anything at that point. I just smiled at him, following the ebb of the crowd.

I blacked out again, and when I came to, I was in a booth sitting on someone's lap with other strangers. I still had a drink in my hand. The club was so dark you could only see where the floor was when the strobing lights zoomed past. A familiar dance track dropped out of nowhere, and I started moving my hips to the beat, closing my eyes. I had forgotten about everything. I couldn't remember the last time I partied, but the swing of my hips came back naturally as I sifted around in this stranger's lap.

At the time, I thought nothing of the hand resting on my upper thigh. Instead, the man moved his hand to the side of my waist so I could move more freely around his lap. "You promised me you'd take a shot," he held the bottle of vodka in his hand.

'Did I?' I grabbed the neck of the cool bottle, taking a swig. It stung on its way down but made me feel even better.

"Let's dance!" I stood up and headed to the dance floor. I started dancing to the bass of the speakers. A familiar hand ran across my waist, holding my body toward his. Whoever he was, he was a good dancer. He moved his hips in sync with mine, sometimes bumping the mound of his cock against my ass. I honestly wasn't thinking about his cock. I just had fun dancing.

"You move pretty well," the stranger said as people from all sides kept bumping into us. He held out his forearm, shielding me from the dancing bodies. He maneuvered me into a more secluded corner and handed me a bottle, "you promised you'd take a shot."

I grabbed the bottle and took another shot of the clear liquid. I tried handing it back to him, "You hold onto it." The only thing I remembered from that point on was dancing, getting into an uber at one point, and falling asleep god knows where.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My wife loves to go out drinking and dancing. We go to a club down the street from our house. I did not feel like going but went anyway. She was having a great time dancing some slow some fast. The group that she was having fun with begin to get very friendly with her she took me they had a bottle at their table and wanted for us to join them over there. I said OK and we did but every time she came back to the table, she was setting more to the other side. I told her it was cool with me she was having a good time. They were 5 of them and only her dancing with them all. I could see she was getting drunk and dance real close to them. They started rubbing her butt and pulling her dress up when they could. I love letting her go if she wants to stop it, she will. One of them was very tall and she would have to look up to him went he talked to her on the dance floor I was talking to the man setting next to me when I look back at her he was kissing her and see was loving it. So, all the men started kissing her too. One of them started to open her dress from the top down I could see top of her chest she came back over to my side and said she was to hot and set down beside me to talk to me about what was going on ask me how far she could go with this I told her as far as she wanted to. When she cool down some, she was right back at it they had her tits out in no time. She told me it was time to go home.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like where this is going, so please continue, and ignore the naysayers. One suggestion though. Please find an editor. There was a few incongruities which should have been caught. For example, Brianna's lying on their bed, having a conversation with Ed, yet somehow she's squinting at the back of his head. She throws her phone at him, hitting him in the chest, meaning that he was indeed facing her.

Another example was "I flailed my arms lifelessly". The word "flailing" indicates an intentional, active, wild moment, in this case, of the limbs. "My arms swung lifelessly" would have made more sense. These types of details can make the difference between a great story, and one which is merely good. Thanks for your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like where this is going, so please continue, and ignore the naysayers. One suggestion though. Please find an editor. There was a few incongruities which should have been caught. For example, Brianna's lying on their bed, having a conversation with Ed, yet somehow she's squinting at the back of his head. She throws her phone at him, hitting him in the chest, meaning that he was indeed facing her.

Another example was "I flailed my arms lifelessly". The word "flailing" indicates an intentional, active, wild moment, in this case, of the limbs. "My arms swung lifelessly" would have made more sense. These types of details can make the difference between a great story, and one which is merely good. Thanks for your work!

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Cuck is advertising available whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Put any future chapters in the fetish category. Wanting another man to fuck your wife is a fetish. Any normal woman would tell her husband to fuck off. But I guess this wife is going to become a hot slut wife and the husband becomes a pathetic cuck.

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