My In-Family Fantasy to Remember

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Sexy Sister-in-Law's vibrant body is all I want.
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My sister in law is hot. At family gatherings I have to look the other way or I'll just start to stare and mentally connect the various points of her body as if she were a heavenly constellation. Her body burns with hot spots that captivate the eyes like a galaxy of supernovas. Often I have wished I had a telescope and a view to see her undress, but like those stars thousands of light years away, it was a dream I thought would forever be out of my grasp.

She is older than I am by a few years and has been a teacher for a number of years. I am sure the students in her class have all kinds of fantasies about her. I fantasize about being in her class. The tight jeans that take form around her thin body, the shapely breasts that add to the beauty of any blouse, and the long, dark hair that seems to enhance the enigma of her sexy secrets give her an aura of power that makes one beg for mercy—which I often do alone in my bed in search of relief.

At times I wish I were a woman so I could get away with a few more "incidental" contacts and situate myself with closer proximity during conversations. Oh, the opportunity to put my lips near her ear and whisper sweet nothings while I tried to inhale her sweet scents. Perhaps, on a hot sunny day, I would have the opportunity to rub some lotion on her skin without arousing suspicion of my untoward intentions while arousing every fiber of my being.

The only time I had the opportunity to see her was during those large family get-togethers at holidays. I live close enough to my older brothers to do things like help with large house projects or watch football games, but I usually only saw her during sacred times of celebration—a rotten time to attempt adultery.

Still, when I did see her, the obligatory hugs were fraught as I could never just give her a warm familial hug. My fingers became receptors, trying to sense the slightest change in the contours of her back...was that her bra strap, did her shoulders feel tense, how much pressure can I apply before it's a hold rather than a hug?

While my fingers examined her back, I also paid attention to how close her breasts were to me. Was her embrace close enough to allow me to feel her breasts on my chest? Could I isolate the sensation of her nipples pressed against me? Well, it's no wonder at the end of the hug, I was too nervous to make eye contact. I ended up mumbling something about how nice it was to see her again and quickly found something to eat or drink because my breathing might give away something about me that would make her suspicious. Of course, my behavior probably gave something away, but it might have actually proven her suspicions and that would have been very embarrassing and caustic to the family festivities.

However, I knew that since my brother and she would presently be going through a divorce, even those scant opportunities of copping a feel would be coming to an end unless I thought of something soon.

Thinking of her was invigorating as well as frustrating. She made me aspire for love while being the love that was forbidden. I casually looked at the calendar to see what event I could distract myself with. Coming up was something I never used to think twice about: Nude Day. Usually people who celebrated being nude made me glad most people opted for clothes. You might see something sexy, but it was almost not worth the trouble of finding that needle in a haystack. So much dangling flesh, droopy breasts, and fat takes the sizzle out of what seems like a hot idea.

I, myself, would be another reason folks would probably vote to ban public nudity. I had gotten out of shape, was near 40, balding and had no more illusions of charming a sane, sensible, and sexy woman to my snake. However, an idea began to form and this Nude Day just might be the day that I get a clear view of that captivating heavenly body.

Shannon opened the letter and was definitely surprised. It was a colorful, typed invitation to a Nude Day pool party. And it was from her niece, Carol. She said a bunch of her college friends were going to celebrate Nude Day at one of her friend's homes and she thought Shannon could help chaperone the event (and supply some drinks). Carol explained that Nude Day allowed her to be an exhibitionist without getting into trouble and that it would be a lot of fun. Yet, she did ask Shannon not to share the information with others because only certain people were invited and only they needed to know about it.

Shannon was shocked to think her niece was so loose with her morals, but kids these days have a whole different way of social networking and this was another part of the trend apparently. She didn't think she would be comfortable in such an environment, but she also wanted to take her niece's request seriously. What if things did get out of hand? Actually, it seems most likely they would. Being a school teacher frequently exposed her to the forces of large doses of hormones.

But by and by, she let time pass without replying. Eventually, she got a text. It said,

"So, I hope u dcide 2 cum party w/us. XoXo, Carol"

The spelling made her blush, but texts often employed shortened words and she made the assumption that Carol just abbreviated most words no matter the "xxx" implications.

Having decided to accept the invitation, she smiled as she started to text, "I cunt wait..." She told herself she could explain it away as an innocent typo, but before she sent it she corrected the spelling. Nevertheless, she was startled to feel a tingling between her legs which she could not innocently explain away.

While the day approached I stayed busy. I sent other invitations to the football team. These invitations described a school party that would happen in a parent free zone all hours of the night with lots of alcohol and girls. It emphasized the Nude Day aspect, but it also explained it would be appreciated if people applied face and body paint as a way to disguise themselves. Modesty was not the goal, creativity was.

I got a high as I thought of all those black muscular specimens of strength at the party exposed to Shannon, and Shannon exposed to them. Naturally, word of mouth spread, and I became aware cheerleaders were going to be there as well as other popular pupils. The more the merrier.

The day finally arrived on the calendar. I made final preparations at my neighbor's house and thanked my lucky stars they had asked me to house sit while they vacationed. I put out the beer and liquor, chairs, towels, and some body paint accessories for those who would need them. The more people were loose, comfortable, and having fun, the more Shannon should be easy prey.

The students arrived in clusters, a bit nervous at first even if they were the party crowd. I had anticipated some hesitancy. The face paint was to help them overcome their inhibitions by masking their natural appearances. In essence, though naked, they could hide behind pigments of their imagination. .

Additionally, I was serving the drinks and if they asked me for something while they had clothes on, I would tell them as payment they would need to remove their clothes. One piece for one drink, but two pieces for a double. That was just to get them naked. Once they were naked, they could have all they wanted. That was to get them happy and care-free.

The night was going along swimmingly. So much firm flesh, so many taught curves, so many erect nipples and penises. Everybody was wet, and every male was hoping every girl was wet in all the right places before too long. They played many games in the pool, but it was all just to get near to and touch the other sex. That was the end all be all of it all. My smile was as big as my cock watching it all. Then I saw her car pull up. I quickly went inside and texted her with the pre paid cell phone I had used previously to text her using Carol as my alias.

"So, are u cumming 2night or what?"

I saw Shannon freeze in her tracks as she checked the new text. I saw her shake her head, but I think I saw a small grin, too.

Her text in response was, "I'm really close!"

Shannon came in wearing a sheer white top with a hot pink bikini top underneath and a pair of golfing shorts that she might have worn to church without anyone taking a second look. She slowly scanned the crowd, obviously, to me anyway, looking for her niece. Every so often her focus would stay fixed on a body and she would watch and raise her eyebrows, before resuming her search. One of the male students, having spotted her, approached her with a big smile and a cock that swung like a pendulum.

"Hey, don't you recognize me; I'm Cl...," he stopped himself, thinking of the safety of anonymnity. For added effect, he kept his hands at his side, while her hand instinctively reached out for his. For an awkward moment the closest appendage to her hand was his cock, but that was his intention. As her eyes nervously looked down for his hand, she saw her bite her lip as she gazed at his genitalia.

"Can I get you a drink," he asked hopefully.

She nodded, maintaining a downward glance as she did. She followed him to the drinks and asked for a Margarita.

"That'll cost you your shorts," Clark stated with cool authority.

Shannon looked around, and knew she didn't have any reason to argue. The boisterous partiers seemed not to notice as she undid her button and slid her shorts to the ground. She contributed her clothes to the large pile that had accumulated near the side of the house.

The pink bikini bottom grabbed her ass like two well placed hands while the front covered her pussy like a long, tapered tongue. Clark handed her the drink and she turned to the crowd again to see if she would find Carol. She walked along the edge of the pool and splashes accompanied her along the way. Lots of laughter and more splashes reached higher on her body-- obvious attempts to try to get her to shake it off, or trot away, anything to get her to bounce her breasts and shake that ass a little more.

"Hey teach us a lesson over here in the deep end," a brave voice bellowed from a distance.

At that moment she realized she must have been amongst many of the students of her school and to make matters worse, it was too dark for her to distinguish their facial features with clarity, especially considering they all had been painted with unusual designs.

She continued walking and looking as many voices continued to try to get her attention.

"What you looking for; I got something for you right here."

The alcohol was facilitating their bravado and her body gave the boys a target for their machismo.

Numerous hands were now grabbing at her ankles in an effort to get her close enough to grope other areas. She would kick them away, but not get out of the way. Someone ran by her and tugged the strings on her top and ripped it off while telling the crowd he was going to trade her bikini top in for a case of beer. Quickly she shielded her breasts from view with her arms, but her defensiveness only caused more attention. If she had been naked to begin with, perhaps nobody would have given her such vulgar treatment.

She called out for Carol, but received no reply. She scanned the faces, so many painted faces, yet she still did not recognize anyone. Suddenly one of the boys put her in a bear hug and plunged with her into the pool. As if swallowed by a wave, she instantly found herself totally submerged in the water, and before she could surface she felt numerous hands over her legs and bikini bottoms. She grabbed for them, but only found a tangle of arms blocking her reach. As soon as they were off, she was released and as she breathed air again, she heard a cacophony of laughter.

"These ought to be worth a couple bottles of hard stuff," a black football player suggested.

Loud yells and whistles followed as they tossed the bikini bottom around in a game of keep away. She reached up high once or twice, but she knew it was hopeless. Her hopping caused her breasts to bounce which only excited them more. She felt, in a way, by inciting them she was playing the part of a tease. And then she felt it again. The tingle between her legs. As she cautiously walked through the water, the water gently went between her legs, and she again bit her lip. She didn't really know where to go or what to do, she just kept walking. The sensations alone were all she was aware of.

After a while, some of the students decided to get close enough to walk by her, and rub a shoulder or a leg against her. Then, not wanting to play the part of victim, or sore loser, and burying any reason she had to feel sorry for herself, she decided to join the fun. The next boy that came close, she pushed with both her arms to cause him to dip under. Well, that was all they needed. She wanted to play, play they would.

Much of their activity to a large extent was a daring exercise in foreplay. Soon she was being grabbed, groped, touched and poked in all sorts of places and in many different ways. She felt the slick length of many cocks brush against her ass, legs and fingers. Many times she felt many fingers do just enough to fondle her on her nipples, over her ass and along her inner thighs.

Someone started to throw a beach ball, and as they did, Shannon felt someone come up behind her and grab her wrists. He raised her hands high into the air. Then she felt his legs slide her feet apart...for stability the voice assured her. She felt his thick, fleshy sausage press against her ass and slide up between their cheeks. Then the young man behind her said, "Throw Shannon the ball, she wants it!"

On cue, the ball was thrown high in her direction. The boy lifted her up by her arms to reach it, but it bounced off her hands. As she came down, she was brought close to his chest, and once her toes were on the bottom she felt his cock between her legs, rubbing her vagina.

"Throw it to her again," the voice demanded. "She really wants it!"

This time Shannon caught it with the student's arms still on hers. As she came down, her legs spread out wider—subconsciously or willingly she did not know if she could honestly answer correctly—until again her toes touched the floor. This time, she felt the top of his shaft squeeze into her pussy lips. Shannon squealed with the unexpected jolt that turned her on, but everyone else thought that was because she was happy she caught the ball. She threw the ball, then she guided her arms under the water and placed her fingers around the engorged penis that was poking her pussy between her legs.

Both, his cock and her pussy, were actually aching with pleasure. She rubbed his sturdy staff to try to convey a "thanks but no thanks" message and took it out. Then she tried to give it a little slap to warn it to stay away, but under water it was more like a seductive stroke, and his cock felt appreciated. A few moments later, Shannon made her way to the edge of the pool and lifted herself out while the boy watched, trying to decide what to do.

Shannon went inside. It was quiet and nobody else was around. I could have enjoyed the view forever of her, but I had more to do and this was the moment. After she loudly said Carol's name again, I approached her. I feigned surprise once we made eye contact. As I had on swim trunks and a shirt, she immediately tried to cover herself. I acknowledged her embarrassment with an innocent sounding query, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

She was speechless. Just then, the black player who was getting into her in the pool came in. Moisture dripped off his pressurized cock as he stood there. He looked at her with nothing but lust. His chest was heaving. His cock was throbbing. He was not smiling. In fact his hands were down by his sides clenched into fists.

"Shannon," I said, "come with me or go with him."

"I'll go with you, of course," Shannon said not with much assurance.

"That's not what I said. Come with me or you can go with him."

She paused and thought for a moment. "Cum with you? Is that what you mean?" she asked with consternated understanding.

I nodded. Then with a defeated nod of her head, she agreed.

After I told the player to have another drink and find a cheerleader, I took Shannon to another room. Inside, I directed her to lay down and then got the bottle of suntan lotion from the nightstand. Though totally unnecessary indoors at night to be protected from the sun, it was absolutely necessary for my happiness. Touching her would no longer be a fantasy. It would be a memory. I undressed and took my time rubbing it all in everywhere.

"Happy Nude Day, Shannon" I whispered into her ear with desire drenching my voice.

I breathed in every succulent scent as I sucked and licked her from her areolas to her clitoris.

Then I took out some lotion for my cock and slid it in and out of her until I was hitting her as deep as I could possibly go and getting rhythmic responses from her—willingly or not. After much sweat was pumped out of me, I pumped loads of my heated juices into her. It may have been my imagination, but her skin seemed to glow with the radiance of a newborn star by the end of that night.

Still, I wasn't sure what the future would have in store for me until the morning. She approached me in a manner that seemed half dazed or half numb and I grew more tense as she came to a stop within prime slapping distance of me. Her hand reached up and my eyes closed, bracing for a serious impact. Instead, her hand reached around the back of my head, and she pulled me closer. I remained motionless until after she pressed her lips into mine, and said as if in confession, "I'm glad I came last night."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Am I the only one who picked up on the age? "I, myself, would be another reason folks would probably vote to ban public nudity. I had gotten out of shape, was near 40, balding". In chapter nine he says he is 40. Is he 40 or a kid in school? It didn't make much sense after that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Rushed Endind

far too rushed at the end. Ruined what could have been a good story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You do tend to repeat yourself, don't you!

Also, your spelling needs some attention.

However, I do agree with you about the shortness of the denouement, given the length of the build-up.

peebudypeebudyalmost 13 years ago
good, just good

your story was great right up to the end, when after all that build up, with great tension and detail, you dispatch their ultimate coupling in two quick paragraphs? then you expect the reader to buy that in the morning she's in love?

there was so much there to work with. her pleading with him not to follow thru on his desires. him convincing her that this was a perfect was to get back at his bastard brother who she was divorcing. or threatening to push her back into the party to test her luck with the horny black stud.

it's a shame the story ended like premature enaculation rather than the sexual creshendo you seemed to be building toward. better luck next time.r all that build up, with great tension and detail, you dispatch their ultimate coupling in two quick paragraphs? then you expect the reader to buy that in the morning she's in love?

there was so much there to work with. her pleading with him not to follow thru on his desires. him convincing her that this was a perfect was to get back at his bastard brother who she was divorcing. or threatening to push her back into the party to test her luck with the horny black stud.

it's a shame the story ended like premature enaculation rather than the sexual creshendo you seemed to be building toward. better luck next time.

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