My Life in the Army


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I decided that I could not go on if I did not lay my cards on the table. I told Anna that I loved her, in fact I knew I loved her from the first time I met her. She took my hand and said she had feelings too but wasn't sure it was love. We had only seen each other a few times and she needed more time.

Why are women more sensible than men? I was talking like a teenage adolescent and Anna was talking like a mature adult!

I told her I had four days to stay and I would make every effort to return as often as I could if she would see me. She simply said she would like that.

We were virtually inseparable the next four days. We took long walks and ate in every restaurant in town (there weren't many). On the last day she took me to meet her parents. Her mom was an invalid but had a sharp mind and we liked each other immediately. Her dad was a little more reserved but we established a good rapport before I left.

That night we sat on her front porch and made out before I said good bye. This was the first time we had seriously kissed and we both wished we had done this sooner. Again, I told Anna that I loved her, and this time she replied with "I love you too!"

I drove by her house on my way out the next morning and we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses. I promised I would be back as soon as I could and as often as I was allowed to leave work. We kissed good bye and I left on cloud nine.

Upon returning to my unit I discovered I would be on the next plane to the states. In fact, Washington DC. I was to meet the president and nobody could tell me how long I would be gone.

Apparently, the administrative glitch that prevented me from getting the Medal of Honor had been overturned and I was to get the award after all.

I sent a long email to Anna explaining what was going on and the uncertainty of when I would return but I assured her I would be back as soon as i could get away. I declared my love for her and asked if she could wait for my return. I told her to watch the news as I might be getting some publicity in the not too distant future.

I emailed Anna every day I was gone but never received a reply. In fact, my emails were returned as undelivered. I tried calling her but couldn't get an answer. I needed to return. I simply could not allow Anna to slip away again.

With my family present, I was dressed in my finest dress uniform with all my decorations and awards when the President hung the Medal of Honor around my neck. He said he had performed this ceremony several times and everyone deserved the medal but I was the ultimate hero in his book. I was humbled but my mind was thinking about Anna. All the network TV stations and a few foreign companies filmed the ceremony and for a day I was on all the network news channels. I wondered if Anna would see me on TV?

For several weeks I was paraded around for people to see and I was on all the late night talk shows. People wanted to see me with the Medal of Honor around my neck.

I requested to be allowed to return to my unit in Germany and was told that I could return to pack up and wait to be reassigned to a stateside unit. As soon as I returned to Germany I asked for a long weekend to see Anna. Permission was granted.

I drove all night and was sitting in front of Anna's house by 0700 the next morning. I didn't want to wake anyone up so I stayed in my car. Finally, after an hour I knocked on the door and Anna's dad answered and explained that Anna was unable to find work and had returned to work in Prague. I was shattered.

I immediately left for Prague, hoping to find Anna. The drive was bad as I had not slept in over thirty-six hours.

Arriving in Prague I immediately went to the massage center hoping to find Anna there. I was told she had already left for the day, having worked throughout the night. Needless to say they would not provide her Prague address or phone number or call her back in to work.

I did not have to return to my unit until the next day so I checked into a hotel and collapsed. Why was this so hard? I woke up in the afternoon only feeling somewhat better. I called room service to order a sandwich and suddenly got a wild hair to try calling Anna one more time but using the hotel phone.

Anna answered on the fourth ring. Upon hearing her voice for the first time in months I was speechless and lost for words and she hung up. I immediately redialed her number and again she answered. "Anna my love, where are you?" Startled by my voice she began crying. I told her not to cry, that I knew she was in Prague and that I also was in Prague and told her which hotel I was staying at. I told her to call a taxi and come to my hotel and I would meet her in the lobby, but come now. She said she had to go to work and I told her that starting from today she was never to set foot in that place again. I would provide for her. I told her to get a taxi and that I would be waiting for her in the hotel lobby.

Anna arrived about twenty minutes later. I was waiting outside and I simply lifted her off her feet and kissed her as only a lover would. She said, "Take me to your room."

We were in each other's arms as soon as I closed the door. Our kisses were full of fire and soon we were on the bed. I told her that I loved her and asked her to marry me. I told her I never wanted to let her out of my sight again.

She didn't say yes but didn't say no either. She said she loved me but didn't know how we could get married with me in the Army. She had seen the newscast of me getting the medal and also knew what I did in order to receive it. She said it was a very dangerous life and was uncertain she could be married to that type of life.

I told her that I was being sent back to the states and would like her, if possible, to come with me but she said she didn't have a passport. Furthermore, I only had six months remaining on my enlistment and I was willing to get out of the Army if that would mean she would be in my life forever. She asked if I was willing to make that sacrifice since the Army had been in my blood for so long. I told Anna that no sacrifice was too large for the woman I love. She simply said, "I'm yours."

We made love all afternoon and by that I mean love, not just sex. Anna was not a virgin but said she had only ever had one lover while in college, but even that was a short termed affair lasting only a few weeks.

The first time can sometimes be awkward with a new lover but Anna and I felt like we had been doing this for years. We just clicked and were very comfortable with each other. She came very easily and her clitoris was huge and very sensitive and I was able to bring her off several times that afternoon.

We were both worn out by dinner time and I told her I wanted her to pack up and return home. I would send her money every month and provide for all her needs until I could return. I asked why my emails and calls didn't go through to her? Apparently, each country has a different country code and while I knew that, I was still calling using the wrong code for the Czech Republic and emails had to end in CZ and I was omitting that. I felt like a fool.

We promised weekly phone calls and daily emails until I could return. She was to apply for a passport and get everything sorted so she could be with me in the states. I meanwhile, was going to start my paperwork for discharge.

We made love all night and we both had tears in our eyes when I pulled away the next morning in my car. True to our word we emailed each other daily and the following week I was processing into a new unit in the states.

Because of the medal I had been awarded I received preferential treatment everywhere I went. It opened doors that otherwise would have been closed. I had offers of jobs and request for endorsements from every direction. Someone advised me to get a publicist to handle my endeavors.

I remained focused on Anna and was counting the days until I returned to the Czech Republic to meet her. Our emails were intimate and loving. We never lost touch with each other.

Six months passed rather quickly and I was discharged one day and on a plane the next. Anna knew I was coming but not what day. I wanted to surprise her. I had also purchased a very nice diamond ring.

I landed in Prague and after renting a car I was soon on my way to see Anna. These past six months would be the last time I would leave her.

After buying a big bouquet of flowers I found myself on her front doorstep knocking on the door. Anna's dad answered the door and said she was in bed, sick. I immediately asked to see her. The first thing I noticed when I entered her room was the bump under the covers. She was pregnant and had never told me.

Anna woke up and looked at me and smiled. I kissed her and told her I was back, this time to stay. I asked her why she didn't tell me she was pregnant? She started crying and said she wasn't sure it was mine. I was totally crushed by this revelation. Then I asked why, and who?

She said the week before I arrived someone had practically raped her at the massage center. Nothing had been on offer but a hand job but the man physically took over and had sex with her. She was powerless to stop him, even to get a condom on him. She had laid in bed and cried for the next two days and finally went back to work as she badly needed the money. Then the next week out of nowhere I arrived. She said she was terribly ashamed and asked for my forgiveness. She professed her love for me.

Needless to say I was left speechless by these declarations. I didn't know what to do or say but needed time to think. I realized I had gotten out of the Army for her and now she was over six months pregnant with someone else's baby.

I left Anna telling her I was staying in the hotel in town and I needed time to think. That night I did think, over several pints of very good Czech beer. The bartender and I became very good friends.

The next day I returned to see Anna and asked what her plans were for the baby? She said she had planned to keep the baby. I asked if there was any possibility that the baby was mine and she said it was possible but thought her fertile period had been the week prior to our union.

I told her I would be back the next day. That night I was in the bar again nursing a beer when Anna walked in. She said "I want to stay with you tonight." I said "ok but we need to talk and I have more questions."

We went to my room and I noticed Anna had gone to a lot of trouble to look good. She rarely wore makeup but tonight she did and she looked stunning. I asked her to tell me about the experience at the massage center when the guy had unprotected sex with her.

She said "as you know during the massage we are both nude. He quickly became aroused and he was bigger than anyone she had ever seen and that quickly got her aroused as well. She said the man pushed her on her back and began making out with her. She said she was terribly turned on and no she wasn't sending out 'no' signals. She knew it was a mistake but she was unable to say no, her body was shouting yes but her mind was saying no. Her body won. He kissed her, sucked on her big puffy nipples, and fingered her until she had a couple of small orgasms. Then he mounted her and after some difficulty entered her. She said it was painful at first but the pain soon turned to pleasure. He lasted several minutes before he came and she had two more orgasms."

I suddenly realized this was not rape but consensual sex on Anna's part. I did think she gave in too easily otherwise intercourse would not have happened.

Anna begged for my forgiveness.

Anna then said "I was so pleased when you told me to quit and return home. I didn't enjoy the work at all; it was just for the money."

By this time Anna was throwing herself at me. I told her we could not have sex until we were both tested for STDs. She gasped and asked about the baby and I told her if we had it then there was a good chance the baby did too. We slept together that night but did not have sex.

I was still undetermined which path to follow. I deeply loved Anna but felt as I had been betrayed. Part of my heart was just torn off and if the baby wasn't mine then I was in further turmoil.

The next morning, we both went to the health center and were tested for STDs. I asked the doctor if it was possible at this stage of the pregnancy to determine who the father was by DNA testing. He said it was but expensive. I told him I didn't care about the cost so he took a sample of the baby from Anna, then a sample from me and sent it off to Prague to be tested. He said the results on the STD test would be available the next day.

Anna and I waited on pins and needles without saying much to each other the remainder of the day. We became strangers around each other.

The next day the health center called Anna and said we were both clear of STDs. Step one down.

Anna wanted me to check out of the hotel and stay at her parent's house. Now that I was discharged from the Army and without a job money was a factor so I agreed, however, we slept in separate bedrooms.

The DNA testing results took a week but the bad news was that I was not the father. I was shattered. I told Anna that I could not raise a bastard child. She cried all night but I did not want to comfort her, in fact I wasn't sure I could have sex with her again. In a way I felt sorry for her but in the back of my mind I knew she could have stopped the guy having sex with her. I knew every time we would have sex I would see the big guy with the huge dick fucking her. I couldn't get past this.

I had given up so much to be with Anna and now I wasn't with her. Weeks passed and we stayed the same, friends but not lovers and everyday Anna's stomach grew larger. I finally came to the point of saying enough is enough and I needed to leave. I told Anna that I could not stay to see the birth of her baby and was going to return to the states.

I made arrangements to fly out the next Wednesday, four days away. Anna was now eight and a half months pregnant and the baby would soon arrive.

The night prior to my departure Anna's water broke. We phoned the doctor, who, by the way was doing a marvelous job taking care of Anna, but was told he was in Prague and because of the terrible storm he was unable to return until the next day. Anna and her parents were now in panic mode. I calmly told them I was a trained medic and could deliver the baby myself. That made them even more nervous, after all, I was a battlefield medic, what did I know about delivering babies?

I got Anna into some dry clothes and got her comfortable on her bed and began to gather the things I needed. Because of my training I always traveled with an a rather extensive first aid kit. I had all I needed to deliver a baby, short of any narcotic pain medicine.

She suffered through seven long hours of labor before I delivered a healthy baby girl. As births go it was actually an easy one for Anna. She had a normal delivery without the need for pain medication. She did need a couple of stitches afterwards though.

The baby girl was a healthy eight pounds and looked just like her mother. I gave Anna the baby and the baby immediately began nursing from her breast.

Anna began crying and wouldn't stop. I asked her what was wrong and she broke down completely and asked me not to leave. She declared her love for me and thought she couldn't live without me. Furthermore, I had delivered her baby.

My heart melted and I told Anna I wasn't going anywhere but we could talk later as she needed to rest. I took the baby from Anna, burped her, put on a diaper and held the baby all afternoon. In a matter of a couple of hours I fell totally in love with the baby. I realized that the baby was part of Anna who I needed in my life more than anything. I would accept the baby as my own. I was still holding the baby when Anna woke up. She had the loveliest smile and I quickly thought, how could I just up and leave the one I love? She asked how long I had been holding the baby and I replied all afternoon.

Anna asked if I was serious when I told her I wasn't leaving her and I said yes. I asked for Anna's forgiveness as I had been simply overwhelmed with the situation. I then took the ring from my pocket and asked Anna to marry me.


Anna and I married and had two more kids of our own and I have raised our first little girl as my own and she will never know that I am not her father. I am still in the medical field but working as a PA. Several large companies offered endorsements for promoting their products and from that Anna and I were able to purchase a house, two cars and finance many years of college. The Medal of Honor is still opening doors and I am often asked to be a guest speaker at events. Public speaking is very lucrative and I make more from that than from being a PA. We are very happy and our love life is beyond fantastic. And to answer my own question: Yes, yes I do believe in love at first sight.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

Didn't see much authentic love or interest from Anna.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanalmost 2 years ago

sex worker stalked by GI buys his bs

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Anna is the Czech equivalent of the Korean “me love you long time, GI” bar girls that get horny soldiers to marry them.

The AH-64 Apache has no cargo or passenger capability, even for emergencies. It is strictly a gunship.

A televised MoH ceremony, even with the President, would unlikely be shown outside the local area. Maybe a short blurb on a 24/7 cable news network, but certainly not in Europe anywhere outside of maybe a short blurb on local AFN (Armed Forces Network).

Too much suspension of disbelief in this story.

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

When he visited the first time and she didn't turn up for dinner .She said she had to look after her mother and didn't ring the hotel because she didn't know his surname.Why didn't she ring and ask to speak to the American staying there,as he would be the only American there.?Also why didn't she report the massage parlour rape?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He was an idiot to stay with her and raise someone else's child.

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