My Life with Serena


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Mom started to proffer, "You mean..."

I stopped her, "My brother in law could have murdered my wife. As it is he's turned her inside out and upside down. It's a wonder she hasn't been playing in the street naked. God what a bastard!"

Dad asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Dad I don't know. I don't even know if I can get at Tim. He's a slob, but he's smart. I don't know if there's a way anyone can prove he switched her pills. We all know Serena can be stubborn and playful. He could say she did it. And as for the Ecstasy; he could claim I gave it to her."

Mom asked, "What about Serena?"

I replied, "She worries me. God knows I love her. She put on quite a show at the hospital tonight. I'm sure social services will hear about it. Remember I have three underage daughters. Someone could claim she's a danger.

Mom scoffed, "That's ridiculous."

"I know that, you know that, but there's the law, and there are a lot of meddlesome people out there."

Dad asked, "So what are you going to do?"

I answered, "This is troublesome. First Serena knows she's done something terribly wrong. We have a system. When her condition leads to something I find a punishment. I'll have to find some way to punish her so she'll have closure. But right now she's off all her meds. She's really out in left field. I can't leave her alone with the girls until she's back on track."

Mom asked, "I know you won't divorce her."

"Divorce, divorce!" I let my voice go perhaps an octave too high on that. "I could never do that. This wasn't her fault. I blame Tim. Beside I love her. I've loved her probably since I met her. Damn, worse, if I wasn't here for her what would she do? Hell mom they might try to put her away. Heck the girls need her. Alaina and Renee know she's different. Danielle will catch on. They're all good girls. They love their mom."

Dad asked, "So do you have a plan?"

I did, "I think some kind of brief separation. Just long enough to get her medications back up. Then I'll find a way to punish her. Then she and I will take a nice vacation; someplace where just the two of us can get things back to the way they were."

Mom asked, "You're not worried. I mean that things won't get back to the way they were."

"No," I reassured my mom, "Things won't get back to the way they were, they'll be better. I know my Serena. As sick as she is; she's still the best thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't live without her, and I know she feels the same way about me."


What I didn't know was that Serena had been just upstairs. For all my confident assertions she only heard the smallest parts with any clarity. She'd heard the word divorce. She heard the word separation. She'd heard something about things not getting back to the way they used to be.


Serena went back and took a nice hot shower. She came back to the top of the stairs and in a stage whisper told us she was headed for bed.


I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dad looked at me, "What are you going to do about Tim?"

Dad, I haven't decided yet, but I know I've got to do something," I thought about all the prescriptions he's filled just for us. I wondered who else he might have tried to take advantage of.

Just then the three of us all looked outside. A police cruiser, blue lights flashing, pulled up in front of my house. We heard the radio noise; two car doors slammed shut, then the sounds of masculine feet up the sidewalk, and last a purposeful knock on the door.

I looked at mom and dad, "Tim's probably filed charges. If I can't persuade them to let me take them upstairs and speak with Serena, mom, dad I want you to get rid of all the medicines and prescription drugs in the house. Oh but leave the placeboes."

I started toward the front door. My mom shook her head in understanding. I opened the front door, "Yes?"

"Is this the Carpenter residence?"

"It is."

"Dr. Travis Carpenter?"

"Yes sir."

"Please step outside. We have a warrant for your arrest."

I didn't move, "Please come in first."

"Step outside sir."

I stepped outside. While one proceeded to read me my rights the other handcuffed my hands behind my back. As they did so I tried, as calmly as I could to explain the circumstances, "Officers my wife is ill. Would the two of you accompany me upstairs so I might tell her I'll be gone a while, please?" I was praying; please have them say yes.

One looked at the other, "Your doctor Carpenter over at County General?"

"Yes sir, please just a moment with my wife' she's not well."

At first they just looked at each other. Then the one who originally spoke said, "We'll be right behind you. Don't try anything."

"Oh no sir, I won't."

The second officer looked at his partner, "Do you know what you're doing?"

The first officer nodded, "Yeah, I think so."

I slowly walked upstairs. The officers followed right behind. My mom and dad watched silently from the living room.

I got to our bedroom and nudged the door open with my shoulder. I turned and with my head indicated where the light switch was. One of the policemen turned it on.

Serena sat up. She brushed the sleep from her eyes, "What's going on? Why are they here?"

I looked at the officers, "I'm going to sit beside her on the bed."

They nodded.

I walked over and sat beside her, "You remember when I hit Tim this morning?"

She looked scared, "Yes."

"Tell the officers where I hit him."

"In the nose."

"Yes but where were we when I hit him."

"In our kitchen."

"Why did I hit him?"

She got suspicious; I knew she wasn't ready to confess anything to me. She still gave a good answer, "Because he wouldn't leave."

I said, "Good girl," I went on, "Tim has filed charges against me. These officers have a warrant for my arrest. So I'll be going to the police station with them now."

"You're leaving?"

"Honey I'll only be gone a little while."

"You're leaving me?"

"Serena shut up and listen. I have to go to jail. I'll be gone until either Tim drops the charges or a lawyer gets me out. I might be gone a couple hours. I might not get home till Monday."

She reached forward and grabbed me, "No you can't. You promised."


One of the officers murmured, "Dr. Carpenter."

I tried to separate myself from my wife, "Honey the police officers have to take me with them. It's only for a short time. I promise."

My mom and dad scooted by the policemen. Dad said, "We're here. As soon as they leave I'll call a lawyer."

Serena was getting upset, "Travis, I want to go with you."

I pressed my head on her cheek, "It's only for a short time."

The policemen had moved over next to the bed. One asked, "Is there something wrong with your wife?"

I answered, "She on several medications for her nerves. My brother in law, Tim Austin is our pharmacist. He switched up her meds. That's why she's behaving the way she is right now. When I found him in our kitchen this morning I hit him."

One officer asked me, "Can't you say something?"

"Officer she's very ill."

One officer looked at the other. I was praying, 'Come on this is a small town.'

The first officer looked at me, "How long do you think it will take her to get dressed?"

The second officer looked at his partner, "What?"

The first shrugged his shoulders, "We can't leave her here, and I know the doctor."

The second officer looked at my wife, "We'll be downstairs with your husband. I suggest you get dressed as quickly as you can."

Serena was already out of bed and headed toward the closet. One officer took me by the elbow and started to herd me downstairs.

We got maybe two feet and Alaina stepped through her bedroom door, "Daddy?"

I tried to hide the handcuffs by turning to face her directly, "Sweetie go back to bed. Mommy and daddy are going with these policemen for a little while. Grandmom and granddad are here."

She looked really scared. Serena stepped out. She was dressed in a pretty floral sundress. She'd pulled her hair back in a make shift pony tail. She looked tired but ravishing just the same. She walked to Alaina and placed the palms of her hands on her cheeks, "Mommy's going with the police officers so she can take care of daddy. You stay with grandmom and granddad while I look after daddy."

God, sick or not, I was proud of her. She shooed Alaina back in her room. I heard her whisper, "Don't worry we won't be long."

I heard Alaina, "Promise?"

Serena answered, "Don't I always keep my promises?" Anyone listening could've cut the love in Serena's voice with a knife.

My mom was at Alaina's door, "Come on baby, back to bed."

I thought to myself, 'Thank God Renee and Danielle are both heavy sleepers and God what a great wife and mother.'

Alaina whispered, "Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy."

In unison we whispered back, "Goodnight sweetie."

The policemen ushered the two of us downstairs, and out to the cruiser. They helped each of us in the back seat, and pretty soon we were on our way to the police station. All the way in Serena kept trying to touch me or hold me after some fashion. She tried wrapping her arms around me. I swiveled so that my body prevented it. She pressed her head on my shoulder, and attempted to embrace me around my waist. I told her to put her hands in her lap, and to my surprise she did. But then she quickly leaned forward, grasped my cheeks, and tried to kiss me on my lips. I forcibly managed to turn my head away. She wouldn't quit; she tried to lay her head in my lap. I kept kicking up with my legs until she gave up. I whispered to her, "Serena you know I'm mad at you so sit up straight and act like a lady."

At last, giving me a pouty look, she sat up, very erect, on her side of the back seat.

It was almost impossible for the policemen to not notice my wife's not do furtive attempts to touch me. I told the policemen, "This is all very nice of you."

One replied, "I only hope we don't get fired."

Serena very confidently reassured them, "You won't. The retired policeman who just died was my father."

One turned and looked back, "Officer Mertzel?"

"Yes sir."

The other smiled, "I thought I recognized you. Now I remember. You're the girl who..."

I interrupted him before he said anything about her special condition, "Yes sir. You see why I'm so glad you let her come along."

He nodded, smiled, and responded, "Oh yeah."

I almost lapsed into tears and silently prayed, 'Thank God for small towns. I'll never leave.'

When we got to the police station the man at the desk was waiting for us. He smiled, "Is that Doctor Carpenter?"

The first officer answered, "Yes it is."

The desk officer chided, "You can take him and Mrs. Carpenter back home. Seems the doctor's mother called her daughter, her daughter spoke with her husband, and he called. He's on his way down to fill out the paperwork to drop the charges."

One officer asked, "Shouldn't we..."

The desk officer answered before he could finish, "No, we checked the phone log and called back, the call was legit."

While one officer was unlocking the cuffs that held my wrists the other offered an apology.

I said, "No sir, you men have been the best."

My wife wrapped herself around my waist, and tried to kiss me again, and I told her again, "You know I'm angry with you," I pulled her arms from my waist but kept my right arm on her shoulder. She rested her head under my chin; that seemed to mollify her for the moment.

Pretty soon we were back in the cruiser and headed back home. I had to hold her in my arms all the way back. She kept murmuring how much she loved and needed me. I saw how uncomfortable her comments and behavior were making the policemen. I'm sure they were convinced everything they'd heard about their deceased officer friend's daughter was true.

I thought, 'Brother what a day and night, but there was a lot still ahead. I was sure we'd get a visit from social services in a few days. I hoped we'd have Serena back close to normal before they got to us. Normal, I wondered what that was. I realized it took a while for her meds to extinct themselves; I bet it would take just as long to be restored. I was still furious with Serena, and even madder at Tim. I'd figured out Serena's punishment. I knew I couldn't expect my mom to take care of Serena and Danielle all day long so we'd need a full time nurse on hand during the days of her medical reabsorption. I'd be there at night, except for possibly weekends. Of course there wouldn't be any separation; that would be senselessly cruel. Damn this had been a busy day, and I knew the fallout was far from over.'


Back home, we were helped from the police car. The officers sat in the car and watched as we walked up the sidewalk. Serena wouldn't let me go. She had her left hand on my right shoulder, while she tried to paw me with her right. There wasn't anything I could do but try to keep her as stable as possible.

She'd been this way several times before. Whenever she was off her meds, or one of her meds stopped working she'd get overly affectionate. I knew the affection was a sign of her profound feelings of insecurity; her fear I'd leave her. I knew, though I was exhausted, I still had a long night ahead of me.

We finally got in the house. Mom and dad looked totally wiped. I told them, "Why don't you two go home now?" I nodded down at Serena, "I'm confident I'll be calling you back sometime tomorrow"

My mom and dad loved Serena like the dickens, but they'd seen it before. They loved me, they loved my wife, and they were crazy about our kids, but they were always concerned. Like me, they lived in dread of the day Serena might slip and there'd be no medication that would put her back together. God I hated Tim for doing this to her; all this, I thought, because he coveted another man's wife. What a bastard!

I helped Serena upstairs to our bedroom. On the way we checked in on our girls; all three seemed to be asleep. Tomorrow was Sunday. I hoped to get my mom and dad to take them to Sunday school and church. Though my parents were Baptists they didn't seem to mind going to our Methodist Church; there wasn't a whole lot of difference between the two, at least I didn't think so. Mom didn't agree; she said all the Methodists did was sing and eat. I had to agree that she wasn't that far from the truth. I know our church never had enough money. When things got real tight someone would call a special meeting, everyone would talk; then someone would suggest a cover dish dinner. We'd have the dinner. There'd be offering plates at every table, and somehow the money turned up. Go figure. I needed that kind of faith now.

I got Serena undressed and in bed. She liked tailored pajamas. I found her a set of shorties, and got her in them. It was a pretty blue set that matched her eyes. God Serena had the most beautiful eyes; they looked kind of vacuous right now, that was because she was so tired and needed her meds.

I decided I needed a shower. I took a quickie, slipped on a pair of Bermuda shorts and started back downstairs. I had some planning to do.

Just as I was about to leave the bedroom Serena whispered, "Aren't you coming to bed?"

I stood at the portal and answered, "No, I've got some things to do."

She sat up and held out her arms, "Please, I need you tonight."

I answered, "No, I'm mad at you."

She slumped back on her pillow, "Travis I want you."

I reflected back on what I'd seen that morning, "Why don't you call Tim?" I knew that was a mean thing to say. I knew he'd plotted, schemed, and drugged his way at her panties, but she'd still refused to acknowledge what she'd done. I could see she was getting all watery. Pretty soon it'd be Niagara Falls over there.

She murmured, "You're not being fair. Nothing happened that mattered."

That pissed me off. I could feel my blood pressure rising, "Nothing mattered? It mattered to me. I'm your husband, remember? Remember back when? I got you first! You were a virgin! You were my virgin girl! Up until today I was your one and only. Now what the fuck am I," I needed to cool down. I knew this wasn't doing anybody any good, but I had to get it off my chest, "God Damn it Serena! I haven't been with or even near anyone else since I met you. You've been my one and only. I've never even looked at another woman; not that way. Jesus Serena. Eighteen years! Eighteen years! For eighteen years it's been you and me, morning, noon, and night! We're the cuddliest, lovingest, most affectionate couple we know. Jesus we've kissed and hugged and loved almost every God damn day since we got married. Other couples who don't know us think we're newlyweds! For Christ's sake just yesterday, I mean Friday you were on my lap and I was inside you at that very table. Then Tim had his dick out in front of you yesterday morning. Friday night we'd put the girls to bed early so we could make out on the sofa. Has it been that long? Remember? You did me, then I did you! Then what? Then I come home from work a little early yesterday and find you almost face fucking Tim Austin, that worthless piece of shit my sister married!

She rolled on her side, "I know you hate me."

She was so predictable. I knew what her next line would be, and...

"You're going to leave me I know it."

I was just too fucking tired, "Yes I'm leaving you. I'm going downstairs and try to decide what I'm going to do with you," I stepped in the hall and closed the door. I hadn't lied. That was exactly what I intended to do. I knew first I'd have to find a nurse, a companion for Serena for the next several days until I got her some new meds and they started to kick in. I'd need someone who'd not only watch her, but someone willing, for a price, always for a price, to look after the girls. I figured that would be at least three weeks. I needed to visit Tim. I'd decided to give him the option of getting the fuck out of our lives, or face a lawsuit, that was the main reason why I told my mom to leave the placeboes where they were.

Once I worked out my plans I went in the living room, turned on the television, and laid back on the sofa. I'd figured I'd watch a little something till Serena was asleep; then I'd go upstairs. It didn't happen that way. As soon as my head hit the sofa I was out like a light.


The next thing I remembered was the sound of my pick-up truck as it pulled out of the driveway. I checked my watch. It was 8:00. I ran upstairs. Damn it! She was gone! I grabbed my cell phone and called my mom and dad. If this kept up it would kill them. Mom got it on the first ring. She must have known, "Hello mom. Serena's left in my truck. Can you get over here, and can I borrow your car? I have to find her before she does something stupid."

She replied, "Be a minute honey."

Then I thought of something, "Yesterday when you got all the pills together, did you get Serena's Xanax?"

"No, they were placeboes too, weren't they?"

"Just hurry over mom."

I ran to the bathroom and checked her side of the medicine cabinet. All the placeboes were gone, but so were the Xanax. The Xanax weren't fakes. Shit! I knew my girl. She'd tried something like this before. She'd gone behind the pool house with a whole bottle of sleeping pills. We'd had a fight about something, and she decided to pretend to get even. She'd left note of course, and she'd waited until she knew I was home. Some suicide huh? Of course I caught her. I'd yelled and hollered, and then we'd gone upstairs and made love. I took her out to dinner and made her promise not to do anything so stupid again. She was sick sure, but she wasn't stupid. She'd made sure the girls were with Corinne. Danielle hadn't been thought of yet. In fact that might have been one of the things that got her to thinking about another baby; that and a lot of other things.