My Little Gem Ch. 02


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I showered, the steam fogging the mirror and the restaurant fading from my mind. Back in my room, the girl's noise and music seemed louder. I went to close my window when Elise glanced up. "Hey Brother, I didn't know you were home! Come on down and take a dip. We won't bite!"

One of her friends said something I couldn't hear. There was laughter, Elise waving her hand to shush them. "Seriously, put on your trunks, come on down."

There were various wines at poolside, not expensive bottles, of which two were empty, dregs in another. Elise, got out dripping and gave me a cheery hug, a seal-like face above sisterly bosoms. The tipsy sister, asking me if I had brought any wine home, boobs rubbing my arm, talking in my ear.

I nodded. I had a stash from the well at work, recorked half bottles no one would miss. I told her where to look in the back of my closet. I either wanted to sit or float just then.

I stepped into the pool as Audrey swam up. "So you're Theron". I nodded, suddenly shy. In the light of the pool, Audrey's two piece hid little, nor did she seem to care. "I'd say Elise' little brother is a cutie pie. Here, gimme hug!" She rose out of the water, breast level, water streaming from her hair as we embraced. She staggered into me, "Oops, sorry, gotta watch my step, you got me, right?"

Indeed I did. My hands held her waist at the flare of her hips by accident, pelvises together. She didn't seem to mind or notice.

She twisted a little, getting her footing and my hand grazed her hips, cold in the water, but rubbery firm. I felt myself respond. Youth.

Luckily, the moment was short lived. Audrey gave me a look before gesturing to a shorter, plump girl in a one piece..

"Theron, this is Bess, my roomie."

Bess smiled her greeting, but said nothing. She went to meet my wine-bearing sister at pool's edge.

They imbibed on my little stash, getting merrier and louder. Audrey made a point of colliding with me again, her body rubbing against mine, all by 'accident'.

Then there I was, in the middle of the pool as the girls took turns diving and swimming between my legs to the other side. Who could hold their breath the longest was the object of the play. It started innocently enough. It was Elise breathing out bubbles as she passed beneath me, surfacing and laughing. Then Bess grabbed my ankle while passing through, then my knee the next time.

Audrey, the consummate swimmer raised the stakes. As the other girls chatted, drinking, she dove towards me as if to pass under, but stopped. Her hand went up my thigh, all the way to the webbing of my trunks to hold me. I jumped, so total was my surprise! A gentle squeeze, and Audrey swam on, surfacing at the wall and glanced back with a smile. Just the shock of her touch had made me rigid.

She did it again, coming up behind me as the others were refilling their cups. Soft boobs against my back and her hand was under my waistband, jacking slow, too slow to go. A whisper in my ear, "Can you make him spit?"

Later, by an hour.

The house was quiet. In the darkness, broken only by the nightlight, I laid abed, my tortured mind reliving Audrey's touch over and over. My hardness tented the covers, yet I strove for rest. I was so tired! My balls were tender, my hand confirmed it. I meant to go no further than to adjust and sleep, but my hand betrayed me. It wandered to my shaft, confirming my hardness, my readiness, my restless need.

Her touch was newfound, a first, and I was so awfully ready.

In betrayal, my other hand pulled the covers down to join in my torment, squeezing my swollen balls, whilst the other traced my maleness from base to tip. I jerked as my fingernails flurried around the helmeted head, making him bob. I sighed, knowing the inevitable outcome, but refused to accept it just yet. This night had been like no other before. A knowing woman had taken me in hand, a quick sorceress' moment when unobserved, nearly forced my eruption.

My mind played it over and over as the breeze blew down the hall, pushing my door more open before abjuring to the outside, rustling the oaks. My hand was her hand now, pulling, tightening the grip as it ascended, almost a milking. And indeed, there was slickness, droplets that I (she) rubbed about the head, making me buck as I sought the sweet spot.

I thought again of Audrey's round ass in my hands and (guiltily) of my sister's soft tits. I'd always wanted to suck them, even back when I didn't know what else to do. There was a thrill now from inside me, each time I stroked. There was more slickness now, running over my thumb, unbidden, greasing my shaft, acknowledging my perversion.

My time was running out. My body responded to the increasing pressure, the very need for release. Still, I guided my hand slowly, drawing out that which was only instants away. Cupping my balls, I squeezed yet again as I jacked. I meant to pull only once, but thrice led to earthly heaven as my thrill became suddenly tempestuous, bursting over the top in waves, defeating my cautions and confirming my basest wants.

I just couldn't stop.

I moaned aloud in unguarded want, delirious in my arrival as my fluids jetted, arcing from my spurting cock unbridled. My orgasm was unceasing, forcing my hips to snap off the bed as I continued handing myself rapidly in my self abuse, my cum splattering on my belly...

At last, surcease arrived, the rumbles of my orgiastic violence receding with the reds of my shattered mind fading. I could hear myself gasping still. My heart's hammering lessened slowly as I slumped, spent.

I opened my eyes in the dimness. A sound, a squeak of a floorboard. I glanced towards the hall, catching my breath. I heard a voice, Audrey's, "See? I told you Bess. I knew I could make him spit!"

Then their laughter, receding down the hall. The set up was complete.


That time had replayed in a mental moment. The embarrassment faded with the sound of Gem's girlish voice urging me on, wanting to see me caress myself. But during the time spent in recollection, I did again what I'd done before, as if to revisit the site of my shame. Yes, I did throb in need, slicking myself, utterly ready to copulate and to spend.

Suddenly, I reversed the phone and I caught sight of her flushed visage, her mouth open, panting.

"I love watching you," Her eyes closed slowly, lost in herself. "The way you touch yourself just makes me gush, I swear it! I've never seen a boy do that and the way you do it, whew! it's just so erotic." She moved her phone, the focus shifting south, past her belly to her mons and more particularly the site of her own evident self caress. The butterfly of minutes past was replaced by parted inner lips hanging slackly apart, shining wetly. As I watched, her fingers trailed once again from her entrance, through her wet furrow, arriving at her swollen proud clit. In a low voice, almost too quiet, she said, "Grab yourself boy. Grab it and watch me."

She pulled on her clit, a sisters of fingers squeezing and making her hips jerk in response, "Ooowee! Yes!" Gem rubbed her thumb and forefinger together, then parting them, a viscous clear ribbon spanning the distance, a measure of her arousal. Into the phone, but as if in a middle distance, I heard her say almost gutterally, "I'll show you how I do it. You just squat and watch me!"

Her leg spasmed where it still leaned against the arm of the chair, her puss open in every way to the launch of her further abuse. She trolled her virgin hole, seeking and finding, moistening her questing fingers before she began rubbing in looping circles her most sensitive spot.

My underwear's waistband was tight against the underside of my thick sac, pressing up against my shaft, the one my hand was sliding up and down, tightening at the tip. I gasped as she paused to slap herself and jerking, droplets on the lense.

"Are you jerking off?" She hissed, "Are you going fast, faster than me? Because I, I, Oh God!" She tore her hand away, revealing her labia bright red, contracting, quaking. "Oooo! Oh Theron, I almost, almost came, but I want to wait! Show me you, do it!"

For a brief instant, our phones brought us face to face, both of us gasping, both of us red faced, throbbing with desire, before I propped my phone on my belly against my rucked up shirt. It freed both my hands, to explore and excite, but also to help delay my delivery. She was so enticing and her willful denial of her want had almost forced my spill, all so uncontrollably! With one hand cupping my scrotum, my other was free to glide its course, emboldened, tightening, racing up and down now, faster, harder until...I heard her mewling, sex sounds from a desperate lass.

I could hear her slapping it again, tiny sounds yes, but I knew what they were. Instantly I felt my orgasm upon me, upon me before I wanted it! I stopped, squeezing my base and watched, (and Gem watched!) precum well from my tip, wetting my glans and rolling down my shaft. In despair, I loosened my hold and yet more spurted from me. It wasn't my deliverance but rather my final warning. I dared not stroke even once!

I moved the phone away. I didn't quite hear her. "What?" I said breathlessly.

"That was SO hot! You almost came, didn't you? I saw the, you know stuff come out of you and dribble down, oh! I'm so horny! I wish you were here, I mean, RIGHT NOW!" Gem took an unsteady breath. "I'm not sure what I'd do, but dear God!"

In spite of my condition, I had to laugh, my cock bobbing as my belly muscles contracted. "Well, maybe what we should do-"

"Hold up, hold up! Shit! I heard car doors. They're home!" Her phone showed the ceiling, floor, then there was the sound of the Lazy Boy retracting. Gem's face appeared, flushed, "Hey, I'll have to call you back, Ok?"

I mumbled something in my surprise, forgot what.

"Theron, I didn't hear you, but call me later, gotta go, bye!"

At the end of the block, I heard the bus pull away and someone yelling a greeting in the middle distance. And in front of my face was an unrequited member, teased beyond belief, shiny with want and still bobbing within a minute of nirvana.

Have you ever had that kind of luck?


I had to focus on my studies. Quarterly tests loomed and I was keen on improving my lot, regardless of connubial possibilities. It was easy to just concentrate on dry outlines, bury myself in the spreadsheets and draw conclusions that would be geophysically acceptable to the postulated queries.

But there was her. Gem. And as that night's ceiling fan spun, with my practice tests completed, I thought of her. It was unwilling, knowing full well that my road to perdition intersected with the accidental erotica that we'd stumbled into.

I wondered what she might be doing in the dark. Before my fantasies spun out of control, I slept, my dreams filled with images, my needs unheeded.


Sunday was silent, save for the torrential downpour that accompanied a cool front. Cars hissed down the streets and gray was the order of the day. I put Earl Klugh on the phonograph, both legacies of a former roomate, did laundry, studied and waited for the phone to buzz.

It never did. As the day went by, the rains ended, but the enveloping mists were gloomy under downcast skies. I decided to eat at the diner before it closed, (6PM on Sundays) and was going down the stairs when I encountered Vicky on her way up. Her long blonde hair was tucked inside her raincoat, hood down, and she grasped the railing when she saw me.

"Vicky! Hey, I was just going out to eat, do you want.." My voice trailed off. As I got closer, I saw the murderous look on her face.

"The fuck were you doin', you pervert! Did you know she RECORDED you?" She whipped out her phone, "I made a copy, so don't lie!" Vicky thumbed through the screen, stabbed the tab and held it out. There was me stroking away in full close up, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"Uh, I guess you don't want to go to the diner, right?" I smiled and shook my head, thinking of all the 'adventures' Vicky had been on while I cooled my heels, no alternatives. But to be honest, my pulse did accelerate. I think it was embarrassment more than anything. Once again I'd been caught doing something very private, or at least only to be shared with someone. Someone like Gem.

"It's not funny, you prick!"

I heard a door open above, probably my neighbor. "Vic. Keep it down. You're making a spectacle of yourself!" I went past her, continuing down to the door leading to the outside, and anonymity.

She followed. "We are through, you and me, Ok? Don't EVER come near our house again. I mean it. And leave Gem alone, don't call her, don't try to see her. I mean it!" Vicky turned on her heel and strode into the mist, her bootheals echoing, fading, leaving me at the curb.

I sat on a stool at the diner, waiting for my dinner, and began to worry about Gem and all the collateral damage. It was hard to think after the confrontation. Despite Vicky's ultimatum, would I get to see Gem again, or was all lost?

What would Vicky do with that video? It dawned on me that she did have leverage, more than I cared to admit.


My work weeks were a blur, between the quarry job and night school three times per week. One off night, I drove home, my lunch bucket propping my arm and I remembered Gem shifting the gears for me. I still wanted to see her. The passing weeks hadn't diminished her shine to my eyes, not just because of the Eros factor, but just because of who she was and how she was. Her kind of person doesn't just happen along and I worried about her. I wondered if she thought of me.

Jenny was getting out her mail in the foyer as I came in. I had my key out and nodded at her, "Hey Jen."

"Theron. You're a rare sight!"

I chuckled, "Work, school, repeat. Makes me a dull boy."

"Mmm. Not completely dull I imagine. That blonde woman seemed to think otherwise." Chuckling, she ascended the stairs while I retrieved my bills and correspondence.

Jenny must have been the one to open the door that fateful stormy Sunday. How much had she heard? I didn't think her a snoop, just the lady with an eighteen month old that I could sometimes hear crying when I was out in the hallway. Her boyfriend drove for a living, I knew that much. He was seldom seen, especially lately. The long haul trucking business is a tough nut.

Saturday brought Jenny to my door. The afternoon was sunny and I'd just finished feeding Harvey the squirrel his lunch.

There she was in a robe, hair wet, dripping onto fluffy slippers. "Help, my faucet broke in the shower..."

Her baby was reaching for little stars and moons on the mobile over his crib as I passed his room, bathroom beckoning, clouds of steam billowing. I got the handle back on enough to turn off the water, but the set screw to secure it had gone missing, likely down the drain.

Her hand steadied me as I stepped out of the stall, my socks soaked. Her terry cloth robe had gaped, one full round breast pleasured my eyes. She seemed unconscious of the fact as she grabbed a towel off the bar for me. "I didn't mean for you to take a shower with your clothes on, but I didn't know what to do..sorry?"

"It's fine. Glad I could help." I grinned, "Kinda livened up the day, actually."

Down the hall, the baby began to half cry, just little bursts.

Jenny smiled, "He's getting hungry. He knows when it's lunchtime."

After toweling my hair, I looked into the nursery. Jenny held the child to her chest as he suckled. "Ouch Jimmy!" She shifted him to her other breast. "He's starting to get teeth. I don't mind a nibble from time to time, but...whoops! That came out wrong, but you know, biting- not so fun."

I'd never really noticed Jenny as anything but a neighbor down the hall. Pushing thirty, she had a sort of hatchet face, eyes close together, mousy hair and an unknown figure. All I'd ever seen her in was her caregiver scrubs as she buckled her child into the car seat. But her nursing breasts now exposed to me were astonishing in their fullness, the nipples dark and puckered as though aroused. I admit I gave them more than a cursory glance.

She noticed, laughing, teeth white and straight, "There. Now you see what boobs are really for, I mean there not just adornment. They have jobs, right?"

I nodded, "They're gorgeous, they really are!"

Putting her baby down, she drew her robe back around her before looking at me almost shyly. "Why thank you, Theron. You're so sweet!"

Before I left, I gave her my number in case the shower started back up.


I liked the old hardware store. A bell would tinkle when you opened the door and more importantly, they sold new faucet handles with the prerequisite set screw. Not that I was replacing the landlord, but Jenny had been nice to me. I thought to be the plumbing hero to repay her kindness.

That's what I'd have you believe, but also there were baser instincts involved as one might imagine after being confronted with a pair of lovelies. She didn't hide them, there they were!

I wanted to see them again, maybe more than just by chance. Vicky was right about me being perverted. It was just up to me to act normal on the outside.

The normal me was reading exciting facts about concrete design as well as becoming acquainted with the specific gravities and surface saturations when my phone buzzed. It might have been around eight.

"Is it too late to call you?" It was Jenny.

"I'm being a good student" My folder slid from my lap, dumping spreadsheets on the carpet.

"Oh. Well, let me let you go, I didn't mean-"

"No, you're good. Um, I got a new handle for the faucet if you need it. I was going to bring it to you tomorrow maybe?"

"Mmm. You know the way to a woman's heart is with plumbing needs, don't you?" Again that throaty chuckle. "That was off base, sorry. Most of my conversations are with septuagenarians and the hard of hearing and Jimmy only knows two words." She sighed, "But if you want to come over, you could help me put the thing on. I don't want to interrupt your studies though.."

I put my phone on the charger, dug through my tools before setting off from my too quiet abode. The setting sun was shadowing the hallway through the atrium windows when I pressed her doorbell.

She opened the door, bidding me entrance, squeezing my arm in greeting. "Sit anywhere, I just put Jimmy down." She gestured at the open jar of Gerber plum puree on the counter. "He still prefers mother's milk to this."

I grinned, "I'm with Jimmy. Especially on the delivery system."

She grinned back. "You do know how to flatter a girl, doncha?"

She wore a simple black dress,showing longer legs than what I'd imagined. It showed her slender figure, save her ample bosom and she'd pinned her hair in tresses. She had on some eyeliner, maybe a touch of rouge and evinced a hint of husk. Her eyes were dark, gently flanked by tiny crows feet.

"Call it a calculated stunt." I held up the faucet handle. "You want me to put this on real quick?"

"No, you don't have to. I already feel bad enough, making you come to my rescue."

"Ok. You've got tools then?" I produced a tiny wrench.

"Do I look like a mechanic, Theron? Go put it on then. I feel bad, you doing all this. You want some popcorn?" She looked up at me, knowing that that really wasn't the question. It was her way of seeing if I wanted to spend some of the evening with her.

I confess, I was surprised to be back in her apartment, surprised that she wasn't going to rush me off and that she might have some plans to which I wasn't a party. I had big plans, schoolboy me.

"Popcorn sounds good, Jenny." I went down the hall, hearing recorded lullabies in the nursery.

Replacing the faucet was child's play, especially with tool in hand, so to say. She checked the operation after I was done, nodding. The way she acted, you'd have thought I'd salvaged a steamship.