My Lover My... UNCLE?! Ch. 02

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​They find they're mutually sex starved but gets complicated.
5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/03/2022
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This is one of the few stories I've written that I strongly suggest you read chapter 01 before reading this. It will make so much more sense.

A young writer struggles to get her career going. She meets an older man, a professor, who is supportive but dealing with a terrible situation. They're both equally needy and find comfort in each other. Soon, they're both in for a big surprise. But can they both get past the shock...

Hope you enjoy the story! Emails are always welcome. DG xo

One year later...


"Mom, can I borrow some paper towels? I just ran out?" I took the steps from the basement two at a time.

"Sure!" I heard her holler from somewhere. I grabbed two rolls out of the closet and ran back to my apartment in the basement.

After the move home from the city, dad helped me fix the basement into an apartment until I could get a job writing to support myself. Dad said the apartment added to the resale value of their house and to stay as long as I wanted. They didn't plan to sell anytime soon.

I got a job teaching creative writing at the local community college, which gave me time to work on my own freelance writing. I was making enough money now to move out but thought I would stay a while more and save.

I packed my computer bag, grabbed a jacket, and walked out the door. It was considered a walk-out basement, which did give me privacy coming and going as well as anyone that visited.

Not that I had many visitors. I hooked up with a few girlfriends from high school and we went out sometimes.

I dated even less. Guys my age were absurdly boring, and any possible relationship ended up going nowhere. I had all but given up on meeting anyone.

I took some classes at the local college and did have a few dates with an older professor. It was pretty good sex, but I compared everyone to John. I left the professor after six dates.

Mom always had me to dinner on Thursday nights if I brought the dessert.

"Spaghetti tonight. Hope you guys are hungry.

"Dad's always hungry," I laughed.

"Hey!" He glowered comically.

"My brother called today," mom said. "He said his wife died a while ago. Said she'd been sick for years."

"And he never called to tell you?" I asked.

"Claire, it has been years since I've seen my brother. I never met his wife so I wouldn't have expected him to call." I nodded. "He's coming for a visit. He has summer off... I think he teaches kindergarten? Not sure though. Anyhow, he'll be here on Tuesday."

"Cool," I said, not much interested in mom's older long lost brother.

Tuesday, I taught night classes and got home late. A strange car was in the driveway. Oh, my uncle is here, I thought. A quick nice to meet you and I could escape to my apartment.

I left my computer case at the basement door and followed the voices into the living room.

"You're home!" mom said. "Come here and meet your uncle."

He stood up and turned toward me. "John?" I know his face mirrored the same shock as my face.

"Claire, how did you know my brother's name is John?"

I looked at mom. My throat constricted and nothing came out.

"You talked about him at dinner the other night," my dad said. I wanted to kiss him for inadvertently covering my gaffe. Instead, I nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Claire. You were just a baby last time I saw you." John regained his composure first, giving me time to do the same.

"I don't remember that." They all laughed. "Sorry but I'm tired. Long day. Sorry to hear about your wife. We can catch up or whatever tomorrow, John?" He nodded and I escaped to the basement.

I heard the steps creaking and my eyes popped open. Three in the morning. I knew who it was. I had enough night lights that he could find his way.

He sat on the edge of the bed. "Claire. My god Claire. You're my niece."

"Yeah, so it seems. What are the odds? Who knew," I said running out of cliches. I don't know why I was so annoyed with him. I didn't leave him my phone number so he couldn't have called if he wanted to.

"We had no way of knowing," he said gravely.

"Well, no, how would we?" I looked at him. He hadn't changed in the last year. In fact, he was even more handsome. More distinguished. His chest was bare, and he only wore sleep pants.

I sat up in bed, the covers slipping. I slept nude.


"What? Not like you haven't seen these tits. Sucked on them. Bit them."

"That was before I knew you were my niece."

"So what?"

"I think what we did is illegal. Incest."

"Oh, for god's sake. I'm an adult and you're an adult right?" He didn't reply. "Two consenting adults." I saw his gaze lower to my tits.

"I just don't think it's right," he murmured, now distracted by my nudity.

"Is that why your dick is sticking out of your pants?" He looked down and tried to close the opening. The hard shaft wasn't about to let that happen.

"It's natural. I see a naked woman and my dick gets hard."

"You don't think it's because you remember these tits and what you did to them. My cunt and what you did to it. What I did to your cock and balls?"

"For god's sake, Claire."

"Maybe you remember the passionate kisses we shared. How we were all over each other. Couldn't get enough of each other."

He sighed and I went to my knees. The sheet puddled around my knees, and I was now naked to him.

"You're going to pass up the pleasure we gave to each other just because you discovered I was your niece? I think it would be hot and kinky to call you Uncle John when we had sex."

He frowned and kept dragging his eyes back to my face. I knelt next to him. I know he felt the heat of my body. The scent of me. I smelled his musk. His cock was even more swollen through his pants opening.

I caressed the side of his face. God how I wanted him again. It was as though we hadn't been apart. At least for me.

"Claire," he choked out. I ran my thumb over his lips. My tits were mouth high in this position. My nipples were long and hard.

"Remember how you'd tug my nipples with your teeth. Can you remember how you used to make me moan when you did that? You knew how to turn me on and make me cum just by your hands and mouth on my tits."

"Oh god yeah," he whispered, remembering. I leaned forward, my long nipples just inches from his mouth.

He slowly eased forward, his eyes locked on my breasts. I arched and his teeth latched on and nipped. I moaned and held the back of his head. Not to hold him, but to keep me from swaying. I kissed his head and murmured nonsensical while he took me higher and higher.

I ran my hand down his back. His skin was hot under my touch, and I raked my nails up his back. He groaned around my nipple.

He squeezed my tits together and tongued across both nipples. I began to pant.

"Cum for me Claire," he growled, kneading and squeezing my tits. He bit and pulled, and I huffed harder and faster. Suddenly he wrapped his lips around my nipple and sucked hard and I shot off. My pussy convulsed, and I softly grunted each wave. He held on to me because I began to sway.

"Oh my god," I whimpered. No one ever did it for me like him.

I kissed him and my now longer curls floated down around our faces. I kissed down his neck to his chest. I trailed my tongue down his chest. His cock throbbed harder as I got closer. I licked the head, covered soaked with his precum.

He grunted and held my head. "No Claire. We can't do this."

"What? You just got me off. Why can't I suck your cock?"

"That's different. We just can't." He stood up. His cock lewdly poked straight out the opening of his sleep pants.

"Damn, John. Look at you. You know you want it. Need it."

"I do yeah, but I can't stop thinking that you're my niece."

He turned and walked away.

I found reasons to stay away for the first few days. Eventually, I had to participate with the family. Difficult as it was going to be.

I went up to breakfast finally.

"Pancakes, Claire?"

"Please." I got the syrup and poured myself coffee, avoiding looking at John.

"Your mom tells me you teach writing?" John said.

"Yes, community college," I answered because certainly mom would notice if I ignored him.

"Tell him about your freelance writing, Claire," mom encouraged.

I gave him a disjointed story about teaching and having time to continue writing freelance.

"Nice. Once your writing pays the bills, you can quit teaching if you choose to do that."

I nodded.

Mom sat down with her pancakes, and they began to talk. I added a word now and then to not tip her off.

"Oh, Claire, I haven't seen you since grandma called. She asked your dad and me to come up for a few days because grandpa is having surgery and she thinks she'll need the help. Your dad said I don't have to go, but John says he can take care of himself here. You'll be here too of course. Give you time to get to know each other."

I covered up a cough. "Sure mom, we'll be fine. You go with dad to help." I said and escaped to the basement.

John hadn't been down since that first night. Probably afraid I'd rape him or something, I laughed to myself.

Lucky for him I had my vibrator, which went on double duty since he got here. Just knowing he was in the house made me horny. I guess I had to come up with a plan to seduce him while they were gone. I wasn't going to let him go back to the city without fucking him, that much I knew.

Mom and dad left before dawn, and we were alone. That morning I went up and started breakfast.

"Damn, Claire," he said disapprovingly, his eyes raking over me.

I wore an apron that covered my front, but not my back. I was naked.

"What? I sleep nude. Why not start the day naked?"

I worked at the stove making the eggs and bacon. I knew he was watching my bare backside. I poured a mug of coffee and set it on the table in front of him.

Although the apron was full front, it was cut narrow and each edge was about equal to each nipple. So that when I moved, the apron slid from side to side, revealing lewd flashes of nipple and breast.

He groaned and I ignored him. I turned to plate the eggs and bacon and brought them back to the table, never making eye contact.

"Would you like anything else?" I asked, sitting down at the table. "Me, perhaps?"

"Claire, you know god damn well I want you. It's just that it's not right."

"It's not like you're my brother for god's sake," I grumbled. "What about all the times we've already fucked. We can't take them back."

"We didn't know at the time. Now we do."

I resolutely at my breakfast but planning on my next seductive tact. I wasn't going to give up. I'd break him, soon or later. Problem was that we only had a short amount of time. I had to step it up to make it sooner.

It was a beautiful day and he stretched out on a lounger on the deck to read a book. I cleaned the kitchen and caught up with my laundry. I washed and changed the sheets on all the beds.

"What are you reading? Something smutty?"

He laughed. "You're incorrigible."

I studied him. I believe he had a few more glints of silver in his hair but hadn't changed much in that year. I was pretty much me other than I'd let my hair grow and it was now a mass of long curls.

I'd put on shorts that were so short and tight I'd never wear them in front of my parents. They rode in the crack of my ass to the front making my fat pussy lips bulge. I couldn't mar the look with panties, so left them off. I dug out a white tank top that I hadn't worn since high school when I was smaller with hardly any tits.

I looked in the mirror. It was perfect. The top was so tight across my tits that the tension between my breasts stretched the fabric thin. You could not only see the bumps of my areolas but the shadow of my nipples. I got the hose and began watering the flowers around the deck. At one point, the spray hit the deck boards and blew back on me, soaking the front of my shirt.

I squealed from the cold water, and he laughed. His eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, but I knew from the angle of his head he was watching me.

My shirt was wet and transparent, clinging to my body. The cold water hardened my nipples and they threatened to rip through the old threadbare shirt.

"Were you laughing at me?" I asked in my best menacing voice.

I leaned over in front of him, my tits swayed and I kissed him. At first, he didn't respond, but I was persistent, and he opened his mouth to my marauding tongue.

I kept a lip lock on him while I swung my leg over, straddled him and the lounger, and sat down.

He groaned and his hands went to my ass. The kiss became more passionate. His cock hardened beneath me.

"I've missed you so much, John," I whispered against his lips.

His fingers flexed on my ass as though he was battling wanting to pull me into him or push me away. I slipped my hands under his t-shirt and stroked his hot skin. His hand went under my shirt to rub my back.

I rocked forward. My legs were splayed wide because of the lounger so my open pussy gripped his hard bulge. My shorts worked deeper between my pussy lips. They were swollen and bulged out on each side of the crotch of my shorts.

He looked down as I rocked. His thumbs stroked the soft flesh pushing out.

"God, Claire," he groaned.

I rocked on his cock again and grabbed the hem of my shirt and swiftly pulled it over my head. My nipples were still hard, tight. I arched my back, begging for his mouth.

"Please, they're aching. I need you so much," I moaned painfully. My breasts ached, and my nipples were tight and hurt. They knew his mouth. His touch.

He growled and grabbed a nipple in his teeth. I let out a long vibrating groan as he bit and pulled my nipple. I rocked up, keeping pressure on his cock. On my clit.

Finally, he held both of my tits, gazing at them, kneading them. His mouth went from one to the other. He knew what he had to do. He remembered what I needed. I arched, pushing my tit into his mouth. His breath was hot and heavy, and he put his face between my tits, squeezing them around his face.

"Oh my god," I murmured hoarsely. "I love that."

He hadn't shaved yet and stroked his stubble over the underside of my tits and nipples. I dug my fingers into his wanting him to do that over and over. My pussy soaked my shorts and the front of his shorts.

I needed him so bad, but I knew he was still skittish and couldn't afford to scare him off. I needed him to need me so badly, that he couldn't think. I wanted to leave him aroused so his only thought would be sinking into my cunt again. Coming home.

I wrapped my arms around his head, which was buried in my tits, biting, nipping, and sucking. I trembled as I got closer. I knew I could cum from his manipulation. I kept rocking on his hot cock, still trapped in his pants. I needed him on the edge. Wanting me. Until he finally lost control. If it was today or tomorrow. I'd make him mine again.

My ears rang and I shot off the edge. My cunt pulsed and I came. Shuddering in his arms. He held me against him. I rubbed my tits on him soothingly and wondered how much longer he could resist me.

I had no classes to teach that day but needed to work on a story. I left him to his own devices. I doubted he would masturbate, even though I left him with a rock-hard cock. I just hoped my little ploy would work. I knew once he was inside me, all objections would stop. I didn't know where we would go from there, honestly. But one step at a time.

I came up from the basement late afternoon. "What would you like for dinner? I have everything for spaghetti?"

"That sounds good Claire. I'd like that," he said looking up from his work. I knew he was working on his teaching outline.

I smiled and sat down next to him with a book. It was a comfortable silence, and I could feel him relaxing. Getting that old feeling back that we had for our short time together.

He asked me how I taught my writing class, and I went to get my outline. He was impressed and we talked about the differences between our students. I had more adults and he had mostly younger people.

"I think adults would be more serious about it," he said.

"Yes, I think so. They're also using writing skills not just for, say, writing stories, but for their jobs. Or just wanting to improve communication with their bosses and coworkers."

"I think I'd like that," he said thoughtfully. "I love my students, but I do get tired that many are there just to add a course for the semester."

"I get that."

I sat next to him on the sofa, my legs curled under me allowing me to lean into him. I pushed against him when I read something over his shoulder. I brushed against him whenever I could. He grew more contented as time went on. I think he started to see me more as his equal, as before, and less like his niece.

I was leaning against his shoulder, and we were laughing. He turned his head at the same time I did, our lips so close I felt his breath wash my face. Our eyes locked. I placed my hand on the side of his face for a moment before brushing my lips over his.

He moaned and began kissing me back. I wove my fingers through his hair and twisted around to better kiss him. He lifted me and sat me on his lap.

"Mmm yeah," I murmured, kissing him deeply. His cock was already hot and hard against my hip. He was as needy as I, but I knew better than to pressure him. I knew how quickly he could back off.

I put an old t-shirt on after taking off my wet top earlier. His hands went under my shirt and rubbed up and down my back, pulling me into his chest. We ate at each other's mouths. Our fire burned hot but yet I still waited. He needed to lose control. To block everything out of his head until it was just him and I. Locked together.

My phone rang and I groaned. I knew this would break the spell.

"Hi Mom," I answered breathlessly.

"Were you running," she asked laughing. "How are you and John doing?"

"Great, I was getting ready to make spaghetti for dinner." I could see him pulling away mentally, feel him stiffen. I knew he was lost to me this time.

"Good idea. I left more food in the freezer for you, honey. I wanted to tell you we may be gone another day or two. Grandpa needs more help than Grandma thought, and your dad wants to stay around. Just in case, you know."

"Of course. We're fine. No need to rush home."

I ended the call, knowing I had more time, but also knowing I had to kick the seduction up a notch. I kept up the touching as much as possible. Brushed by him, leaned into him, anything I could think it. It was obvious what I was doing. But at least he wasn't rejecting me, so I continued my mission.

John helped me in the kitchen for dinner. He prepared the salad and I buttered up the garlic bread. The noodles and sauce were on the stovetop. We worked well together, and there was much flirtatious touching and brushing. Mostly on my part, but he did respond.

I could tell he was keeping a rein on his emotions. It was when he let his guard down, that he responded in kind, his body close to me, a touch of his hand on me, leaning closer.

I was stirring the spaghetti sauce and it began to boil, splattering out of the pan. I quickly turned it down and jumped back. He was behind me and grabbed my hips to steady me. His hard bulge pressed into me. His chest in my back. His breath was in my ear.

I didn't move and his fingers dug into my hips, pulling me back more. I moaned softly and turned my head. He began to whisper nonsensical things in my ear, rocking his hard cock into me.

"Oh baby," I whispered. "You feel so fucking good against me."

His lips brushed my neck, kissing and sucking. I tipped my head wanting more from him.

The timer went off on the oven, breaking the spell. One last squeeze of his hands and he backed away.

We ate dinner and our actions and words seemed more intimate. We smiled and talked like lovers. He thumbed a spot of sauce off my cheek and let his hand linger.