My Loving Wife Cheated

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A wife begins an affair with her boss.
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The following story is a work of fiction and does not depict any actual persons or events. Any likeness to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. All parties engaging in sexual activity are of legal age of 18 and consenting adults. This is for entertainment purposes and is not an avocation for the activities contained herein. Please take a moment and vote if you like the story. Thanks


I am not sure why but I found myself, at age 53, drinking coffee in Starbucks feeling on top of the world. I was happy, successful and married to a beautiful woman. What could possibly happen to lose all this?

My beautiful wife, Jan, was a few years younger than me at 47 but didn't look a day over 35. Long legs, large breasts with large puffy nipples, and always perfectly dressed looking like a million dollars. Three years ago Jan had a breast lift which resulted in uplifted breasts but now her nipples were higher and were positioned so they protruded straight out like when she was a teenager. I am not sure if her legs or breasts were her best feature but they are both awesome. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I beheld a lot.

There were two sides to that coin as Jan could dress down if the occasion called for it. She didn't mind getting dirty and sweaty. From working in the yard to backpacking Jan is always ready to go. We trekked near the North Pole, rode camels in the desert at sunrise, hiked the Machu Picchu trail and scaled mountains. One year we backpacked the Grand Canyon. These were all followed by a five-star resort holiday.

She had the most delightful personality of any person I have ever met. She never met anyone that she couldn't charm and she always knew exactly the correct way of saying what you want to hear. I always thought her personality was worth a fortune. There was no lack of conversation when she was around.

She had her degree and was actually a CPA and head of accounting at a large downtown hospital. She worked with staggering amounts of money. The hospital was doing over a billion in business every year all processed through her office. She had a lot of responsibility and often had to work late. I understood that, and realized it just came with the job. I never once questioned her about working late but always tried to be supportive.

We met in college. She was just starting and I was there getting a couple of courses to get my real estate license. For me, it was love at first sight but I had to be very persuasive before I got a date. I knew she had been in relationships and was not a virgin but I never asked about her life before I met her as it wasn't important. We dated exclusively for almost a year before we had sex and that was brought on by a ring and marriage proposal.

We had a lovely wedding and awesome honeymoon. We didn't leave our room for three days and only then because we were worn out. Sex with Jan was unbelievable, she was up to anything that just involved us and was totally pro-active. She wasn't the passive lay there and do nothing type of girl. Sex was always fun and even to this day sex continued to be neither vanilla or ordinary.

Back home from our honeymoon Jan continued with her degree plans although graduating came a little later because of the birth of our two wonderful children. I was making good money and we were able to hire a nanny so she could finish her degree.

She finished her degree and was hired almost immediately by a large accounting firm in Dallas. So our nanny stayed with us until the children were in school.

She worked very hard and was promoted and soon was headhunted by another accounting firm and then finally was hired at the hospital. It seemed like she was promoted every couple of years before she became chief of accounting. That was five years ago and she has remained happily since.

I work as a licensed real estate broker, specializing in commercial property. I work with four different agencies but seem to always have a nice catalog of property not just in Dallas but also in Oklahoma City and Little Rock. Because of this I often have to travel between the three cities.

Our children, Jim Jr. and Mary have been wonderful kids and have made Jan and I proud. Jim has finished college and is working in San Francisco while Mary is still in school here in Dallas and planning a June wedding after finishing her degree in May. I hope Mary will work with me and continue in my business after her wedding. Mary has many of her mom's traits which are very marketable, she will do well.

Back to a year ago in Starbucks. My time is flexible as I don't really keep hours unless I have an appointment. I try to call Jan every day around 4:30 to see what time she will be home and discuss our dinner plans: go out, do take away, or make something at home.

Today was Friday, and Jan and I always go out to eat on Friday night. We have been married 25 years and I could count on one hand the number of times we had not gone out on a Friday night. If we were working, we simply downed whatever we are doing. We rarely took work home but sometimes we had to go back in on the weekend to get something finished. But Friday night was our time. Period!

I had arrived at Starbucks a little too early to bother Jan about dinner so I was going to enjoy a cup of coffee first. I had ordered an Americano and was sipping it while sitting on a stool facing the plate glass window in front of the store. Across the street was the hospital and on my left side was a large parking garage. The hospital was connected by the parking garage by a pedestrian bridge high above the road. There were five exits from the garage and two lanes entering the road which were the exclusive use of people exiting the garage. I wasn't paying particular attention but did notice a large Chrysler 300 exit the garage and came to a stop at a traffic light right in front of Starbucks. What caught my attention was that Jan was in the passenger seat. I thought that was odd because she always tells me of any meetings outside the hospital.

I picked up my phone and called Jan's office and asked to speak to her but was told she had left for the day. So I called Jan. She answered on the third ring. "Jan where are you?"

She replied "I'm in my office snowed under with an important report that has to be finished."

"I am in Starbucks and have come into town to celebrate a big sale and take you to Austin for dinner at our favorite restaurant and afterwards we can spend the night there."

Her only response "I can't tonight but can I get a raincheck?" followed by "are you in Starbucks across from the hospital? I thought you were in Oklahoma City?"

I replied "yes, I am in Starbucks and I didn't have to travel today." I wondered if she knew that I had seen her.

"Can I bring up a cup of favorite coffee along with a salad so you can get on with your report." She hurriedly said something I couldn't understand then she said "one of the girls has left me a sandwich and a soft drink." Jan added "pick something up on the way home for yourself and I will be there as soon as I can."

I checked my find a phone app and saw their car had by now stopped at a rather famous address I knew well, the Hilton Hotel. I said "are you in your office now?"


I replied "I will see you at home if you don't want my company."

"I can get the work finished quicker on my own."

I replied "ok, see you later" and hung up.

I thought Jan and I had a fairy tale life. We didn't lack for money. We both drove expensive cars, paid for by me. We lived in a large rambling ranch style house on five acres. The yard was professionally landscaped and cared for and it looked like a park rather than a home.

Away from work we were always together. To an outsider we were obviously in love and committed to each other. Jan saved every dance for me, never allowing another man to dance with her, even if I told her it was ok. She simply said she didn't want another man's hands on her. She never gave me a reason to even be jealous. I never once thought Jan of being unfaithful, the thought never entered my mind.

I thought our sex life was awesome. We were never afraid to experiment and try new things as long as nobody else was involved. After we were married we had sex daily and sometimes twice. After the children came our daily sex slowed to when we had an opportunity. Two or three times a week. After Mary left we tried to have sex every day. We never talked about bringing anyone else in for sex. I was very much a one-woman man and Jan knew my feelings concerning infidelity.

I was now in my early 50's and was starting to have erection problems and also reaching an orgasm. I talked to my doctor and was given some little blue pills but I was still not capable of recreating the sex we had in our early days. Jan had no problems and seemed always ready to go. I bought a very expensive vibrator and a realistic rubber dildo which always brought Jan to explosive orgasms.

I always enjoy going down on Jan and found myself doing that more than ever. I thought my fingers were magic and combined with my tongue Jan always came, in fact, several times, and her orgasms were always strong.

I tried to get Jan to have sex daily but she said if it was impossible for me then she would do without. She didn't want sex unless I had sex too. So, three times a week we had sex, and for me, it became work, real work to orgasm. I really worked hard to make Jan happy, at least sexually. I felt bad for Jan but she seemed happy and content. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that if Jan wasn't getting enough at home she would find it elsewhere.

I sat there for several minutes feeling just emotionally shattered. I felt like my entire world had crashed around my feet. Several people asked if I was ok. Finally, I just got up and drove home.

I was sitting in the dark when Jan arrived home. "Why are you sitting in the dark?"

"I've had a very bad day and I'm upset! Ok? What is your next question?" We never snapped at each other but I felt justified.

"When you called you said you were excited over closing on a large sale, so why are you now upset?"

"Because I've recently learned of some very disturbing news."

"What could be so bad?"

"If you don't know then you've no reason to ask." I got up and poured a large brandy and took it into the den and sat down. I skipped dinner so the brandy went straight to my head. I sat in the den for perhaps thirty minutes and got up and went to the guest bedroom to sleep. I did nothing but roll and tumble all night. I couldn't get past what she had done to our marriage, but then what if this wasn't the first time? How long had she been cuckolding me? One thing for sure, I would not tolerate being a cuckold. Period.


Jim and I have had a fairy tale marriage. We have never been what I would consider poor. We've been very fortunate and together we brought two wonderful children into this world and they have both been given every opportunity to succeed and they have, I'm proud to say, capitalized on the opportunity.

Jim and I have always shared everything and take advantage of every opportunity to travel and seek new experiences. Whether it is roughing it backpacking or staying in a five-star resort we've always had fun and always look forward to the next adventure.

We both look younger than our age. I recently had a breast lift that actually made my breasts look better than a twenty-year-old. Jim never tires of looking or fondling them. Jim carries a few extra pounds but his face is as young as it was thirty years ago. Aging has been good to Jim.

Sex, once vibrant and exciting, has become a little vanilla for me. Jim has problems with erections and even with the help of his blue pills he has problems with orgasms. He has seen his doctor who just reports it to be an aging problem. He has suggested that Jim join a gym and get more exercise and that might help. Jim, bless his heart, tries effortlessly to keep me pleased. He has bought toys and is always ready to go down on me. He wants to please me every day. Finally, I told him if twice a week is good for him then it would be good for me.

About a year ago, I got a new boss at work, David Alexander. I'm the chief of accounting and have several accountants working under me but my boss is one of four hospital administrators and my section comes under his control.

David started flirting with me the day he started work. At first I found myself flattered that someone over ten years younger than me would find me attractive at my age. He always commented on how I was dressed and seemed to agree with everything I say. His flirting eventually got more expressive and then there were slight touches. I tried to shake them off and finally told him that although I was very flattered I was happily married and did not want his attention. David finally backed off for a few months.

Three months ago he cornered me in my office after work. Thankfully, everyone had gone home for the night. David was very forthright and asked why I turned down his advances. I simply told him that I was happily married and did not want to start anything that would upset my marriage.

David was very smooth, he said you look like a frustrated wife to me. I bet your husband cannot even get a good hard on. When was the last time you really got fucked? I honestly couldn't remember but didn't reply.

I told him I did not want to listen to trash talk and got up to open the door and see him out when he grabbed me. I tried to push him away but he was so much larger and stronger than me I couldn't move him. He grabbed both hands with one of his and then kissed me. I didn't respond.

Then he grabbed my breasts through my blouse and finally opened it to reveal my bra. He reached inside and grabbed my nipple and twisted and pulled it while still kissing me. I still maintained my resolve.

Finally, David turned me around and I found myself bent over my desk. He pulled up my skirt and pulled my thong aside and started finger fucking me, first just one and then two. His was rubbing my clit while he was finger fucking me. I was now beside myself and like it or not became a willing participant. He brought me to two orgasms before withdrawing his fingers.

His replaced his fingers with his cock. I didn't see it before he rammed it in but that big cock literally took my breath away. I had no idea of the size but I realized I had never in my life been filled like this. Not even the dildo Jim used on me compared to this cock. By now my hands had been released and I was pushing back as hard as he was ramming his dick into me. He just pummeled and pummeled me. I have never been fucked so hard in my life, even before meeting Jim. I felt his cock as it seemed to inflate before shooting his load. He only lasted about five minutes but it was enough time for me to have an out of this world vaginal orgasm. My first ever without manual clitoral stimulation.

I have never had a vaginal orgasm and I was blown through the roof. Wave after wave of ecstasy floated through my body. I was speechless for at least a minute and silently I was so pleased that he had cum because my vagina and clit were so overly sensitive that I could not withstand further stimulation.

The next few moments were a little awkward but I managed to straighten my clothes and David simply asked when we could do this again. I don't know what I was thinking but said my husband would be out of town on Wednesday so maybe after work that day.

That marked the beginning of my affair. Did I feel used? Of course I did. Did I feel guilty? My guilt and remorse were overpowering, especially when I saw Jim. However, what overpowered everything was my desire to be fucked like that again. Not gentle safe loving sex like Jim and I share but the rough dominant, sometimes painful sex that David provided. It just blew me away.

We continued our clandestine affair without any problems until last Friday. We had been very careful. Sex in my office after work or if Jim was away we would treat ourselves to a hotel. I was never terribly late getting home nor did I change the way I dressed. I have always dressed professionally but with sexy underwear. I always wear heels.

Jim was supposed to be in Oklahoma City till late Friday night but apparently he didn't go at all and then in the afternoon, after David and I were on our way to the Hilton, Jim called and wanted to take me to Austin for a special dinner. I begged out but somewhere deep down I felt he had caught on to what was going on, however, I didn't want to admit it. I realize now that I should have gone with Jim.

When I got home, freshly fucked and I'm sure it showed on my face, Jim was sitting in the dark and very angry. He wouldn't tell me what was going on. This in itself, should have sent daggers my way, we shared everything, except that I was having an affair.

Jim eventually turned to a bottle of brandy and got drunk and slept in the guest bedroom.


Finally, I got up from a very troubled night of little sleep. I showered and staggered into the kitchen for coffee. Jan was sitting at the table and spoke first.

"Good morning, how did you sleep in the spare bedroom?"

"I slept awful if you must know, I don't think I even got an hour's sleep."

"Can you share what's troubling you so much?"

I looked at her as if I was completely dumbfounded by such a dumb question before I responded. "Jan, is there anything you would like to share with me?"

"What do you mean? Are you angry because I had to work on a Friday night and we didn't go out to dinner?"

"When did work become more important than family? We've always downed whatever we were doing on Friday night and had a night out. Maybe work has become more fun than spending time with me. Who is he?"

She gave me a puzzled look and obviously didn't want to answer. She became fidgety and got up and started a new pot of coffee trying to avoid the question.

"I saw you. I even called your office and was told you were gone for the day. I know you went to the Hiltonn, game over. How could you do such a thing to us? To me? To our family? I thought we meant more to each than some cheap affair?"

"I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen. I have been fighting it for over a year and in the end I was weak and my body responded and I became lost. His name is David Alexander, my boss. We tried to be careful so you would never find out. I am so deeply sorry."

"First of all, you well know my feelings on infidelity, our marriage is over. I have never in my life been so hurt as I am now. My heart feels like someone stuck a dagger in it. I have been betrayed by my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, my wife. We have always shared everything. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I think this would ever happen. At this point, I am not even sure if I want to continue living, if we didn't have children I know what path I would choose."

Jan, by know was crying hard. She saw the pain I was in but I didn't need her pity. Finally, she got some control and asked: "is there anything that I could do to make our marriage repairable?"

"The simply answer is, no, but at this time I'm not coherent and cannot think this through, however, there might be some steps you can do to regain your dignity. First of all, the affair has to end, now. You need to file a sexual harassment case against your lover as it appears he took advantage of you, both of you might lose your jobs because of that but it is the right thing to do. Finally, you need to quit your job and then file against the hospital. You're a CPA and won't have problems getting a good job."

She thought a moment, "I am not sure if could agree to all that." I got up to leave the kitchen, "where are you going?"