My Mom is My Friend's New Gf Ch. 07

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A new twist and Andy's new fate.
7.3k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 12/24/2022
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Author's note: Warning one part in this story deals in attempted suicide. If you are easily upset by this or frightened by it, please note that this is a work of fiction and not real person was harned in these stories. Now onto the story itself.


It's been over two years since I decided to cut all contact with my whore of a mom and the bastard who was my former best friend.

Since then, I've been living in the dorms at the college I applied to and made it through my sophomore year, with good grades to boot. For some reason, this college allows each student to have their own room. Doesn't really matter to me either way in fact.

Though being alone, allows me to reflect on past experiences. My past experiences that now looking back at it, disgusts me. I mean, why I was so...fixated on wanting to date and fuck my own mother. I really don't understand why.

Still though, there are days where I miss my mom's voice and her tight embrace. I wonder if she misses me or even cares about how I'm doing.

She probably doesn't though. But then why did I receive a letter addressed to me from her? Curiously, I opened the envelope and read it's contents.

"You've been invited to witness the union of Jessica and George. Come see us exchange vows of love on Sunday May 14th."

Isn't that...Mother's day? Why would they get married on Mother's day?

A wedding? It's only been two years and they're tying the knot now? Is this supposed to be some sort of challenge? Some sort of test? Telling me to try again once more and succeed? That this time will be different?

Why am I even making this a big deal? I moved on from what I was. Which was a whiney little boy who was obsessed with his mom.

I sighed in frustration.

"Fine I'll go," I convinced myself, "if not to see mom and George's wedding, then to meet my new half-sister."

After all...maybe since I've been gone, mom's been missing me.

God I hope I'm right. I really do.


A taxi dropped me off in front of my old house a few weeks later. It was still a few days before the wedding, so I decided to drop by and visit. I saw mom's car parked in the driveway. Remembering that even if her car was there, I never knew if HE was home with her. I took a deep breath and continued walking towards the front porch. I reached out to ring the doorbell and paused.

Should I really be doing this? I mean I decided to cut all contact with both of them. But yet...they still sent me a invitation. Shows that despite that, she still cared for me.

I pressed the doorbell and waited.

"C-Coming!" came a female voice I recognized, "Just a sec please!"

I then heard the sound of someone walking towards the entryway. My heart was racing in my chest.

The door opens and there stood mom. Slightly disheveled and tired.

"Sorry about that," she explained, "was in the middle of bak-..."

Her voice trails off as her eyes met my face.

"Andy?" she said with confusion in her voice.

"Hey mom," I said.

"This is...unexpected," mom said, "what are you doing here?"

"Is there a problem with me being here?" I asked.

"No," mom said rubbing the back of her head, "just confused is all."

She then smiles at me and steps aside. Ushering me into the entryway.

"Anyway please come in!" she said, "We can talk in the living room."

I stepped inside and she closes the door behind me.

"I just placed Emily down for a nap," she explained as we walked into the living room, "she's quite a handful. Just like her big brother when he was her age."

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on mom," I said, "I wasn't THAT bad was I?"

She sighs and shrugs her shoulders.

"You were quite the mischief maker," mom said, "but you'd always settle down when your father came home."

Mom lowers her head when she mentioned him.

"You haven't been around to see his grave haven't you?" I said.

She hesitates before shamefully shaking her head.

"T-There was never enough time and with Emily teething," she said, "I could never go."

I sighed. She meant that George kept her from going.

"Where is George by the by?" I asked.

"He's working," mom said, "should be home in a few hours."

"Him working?" I scoffed.

"He had this job since last year" mom explained, "just got promoted to cashier about a week ago."

"I'm surprised George can handle money," I joked, "he was always so eager to spend it as soon as he had some."

"Well things change," mom stated, "he has a kid now and half of it goes to buy baby supplies and food for the house. I allow him to keep the remainder if there is anything left."

She then scoots closer to me.

"So why did you decide to come here?" she asked again.

I sighed amd reached into my pocket. Pulling out the wedding invitation and handing it to her.

"What's this?" she asked taking it from me.

"Received that in the mail a few weeks ago," I explained.

"Well this is awkward," mom said, "because I don't remember sending you one."

"So I was right," I told myself, "she hasn't thought about me at all."

"Must have been a mix-up or something," I said, "I mean why would you send me one anyways?"

"Oh sweetie it's not like I didn't want to," mom explained, "it's just that I didn't want to keep you from your studies."

"Uh-huh sure," I thought sarcastically.

"So how are your studies going anyway?" mom asked.

"It's going alright," I said, "getting mostly B's and A's on every subject."

"Well that's good," mom said, "glad you're doing well."

"Yep," I said.

There was a silence between us for a bit. Just then the front door opened. Startling the both of us.

"Honey I'm home!" came a voice I recognized and hated these last two years.

"Well you're home early," mom said getting up to greet him in the hallway.

"Well the manager allowed me to come home early due to how slow it was," George explained.

"Well then I really should thank them shouldn't I?" mom said as she turns into the hallway.

There was the sound of lips smacking together briefly.

"Well you can make it up to me later if you like," George said afterwards.

"Easy big guy," mom cooed, "we have company right now."

"Well who could that be?" George teased.

"You'll see," mom teased right back.

They then walked into the living room together. Mom's arm wrapped around his.

It was kinda nauseating seeing how happy she was. How sickening to see her moving on from dad. Disgusting.

"Ah I see that Andy is here," George said as they sat next toeachother, "glad you received the invitation buddy!"

Mom looked at him in confusion.

"You sent it to him?" mom asked, "Why?"

"Well I can't get married without my best man present," George said, "plus you WERE saying you wanted to patch things up between you two."

"Well okay," mom said getting up, "I'm going upstairs to check on Emily. You two boys have fun."

She kissed George in front of me and turns to leave the living room.

"Can't believe I'm going to marry that ass," George said, "So pumped."

I felt my fists clenching up. Oh I so badly wanted to hit him. Just once! Just once!

"Think about the honeymoon," George continued, "I'm going to make sure she doesn't get any sleep."

"Is that all you think about?!" I said, "Sex? She's more than just a piece of meat you know!"

"Dude can you turn it down a few notches?" George said wiggling a finger in his ear afterwards.

I sighed.

"Are you still upset because I'm going to become a permanent part of this family now?" George said, "I thought I'd make a cool stepdad to you."

"News flash asshole," I said through gritted teeth, "I already had a dad. I don't need another."

"Well like it or not I AM marrying your mom and will become your stepdad," George stated, "so I expect you to show some respect towards me."

The stare he gave me afterwards meant that he meant business.

I sighed again.

"I know let's have a nice family outing together?" George said, "The whole family!"

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"Jessica!" George called out.

"Yeah?" mom called from staircase.

"Get Emily up and dressed," George continued, "we're going on a family outing!"

"Oh that's a wonderful idea hun!" mom exclaimed, "I'll get her up now!"


The "outing" in question happened to be going out to eat at a family diner. George was taking every chance to show off mom and him being together. Holding her hand, placing his arm around her waist, Stealthily squeezing her ass as they walked past. Oh the jealousy was real in that diner. Mom even made it more so by announcing to our waiter that they were getting married in a few days. Showing off her engagement ring. A pretty little ring that had a single diamond in it's center.

"George's dad gave it to him," mom said showing it to me, "it was his mother's. Isn't it beautiful?"

Emily was situated between them. Sitting in a booster seat and eating messily from her plate. Mom periodically wiped her mouth and helped her.

Looking at them, was like looking at what my life was like. This was exactly how mom and dad were, when he was still alive.

God how I miss him. I wonder if he's turning in his grave knowing mom is getting married to another man her son's age. Probably more so knowing she got pregnant by him and had his daughter.

"Okay over there sweetie?" mom asked me, "You feel sick or something?"

"I'm...fine," I said forcibly, "it's nothing."

"Clearly it's not," mom said, "something is eating at you."

"Just...the way you're handling Emily," I said, "made me think about how it used to be with dad."

She reaches across the table and squeezes my hand.

"I know sweetie," she said.

"So how's the college life?" George asked, "meet anyone yet?"

"George!" mom said playfully punching his arm.

"What?" he asked chuckling, "It's just a simple question."

"College is okay," I said, "some of the classes are fun even."

"He's been getting mostly B's and A's on every subject from what he told me earlier," mom said, "so proud of him."

Was she? I mean I am putting my all into my studies and getting good grades. So than I can rub it in their faces when I have a good paying job and George is still working as a cashier.

Oh the looks on their faces will be priceless. Then mom will know that I'm a better person than him and move away with me.

Wait...why am I saying that? I don't love mom that way anymore. Yet here I am thinking that.

"Should I tell him the good news or should you?" George asked mom.

"What good news?" I asked.

"Remember when I told you that George recently got promoted to cashier?" mom explained, "Well the manager told him yesterday that he wants him to work at another store a few towns over."

That...would be close to the college?

"What's she's trying to say is," George stated, "is that we are moving closer to my new workplace. Which places us closer to you!"

"Isn't that exciting!" mom said, "I knew my man would do good if he played his cards right!"

She kisses his stubbled cheek.

"So proud of you baby." She continued, "We both are!"

Mom then picks up Emily and burps her. Emily fusses a bit, before letting out the burp. Mom then places her back down in the booster seat.

"Oh I was meaning to ask," mom said, "do you have anywhere to stay at while you're here?"

"Rented a motel room," I said.

"That won't do!" George stated, "You're family! I insist on you staying over at our place."

"What a great idea babe," mom said, "you're old room is left the way it was. Just in case you happened to stop by or something."

They then talked about the wedding and the big move. Emily stared at me from across the table. Smiling at me in fact.


After dinner, we got back into the car and drove around a bit. Mom explaining to me what changed in the last two years and showing me where George worked.

By the time we got back to the house, Emily was sleeping in her car seat. Head drooped to one side. Silently snoring.

"I'll take her upstairs," mom said softly, "you two hang out in the living room."

She kisses George's cheek before ascending the stairs. George stares at her ass.

"I'm going to hit the hay myself," he said, "got alot of things to do tomorrow."

He then follows afterwards. I could hear them talking as they went into Emily's room. I sighed as I went upstairs to my old room. It was exactly the same. Though my bed looked messy and there was a stale sweaty air about the room.

"They probably fucked in here a few times," I thought in disgust, "probably didn't bother with airing out my room afterwards."

I opened my window and a cool breeze blew in. Just then, there was a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I called out.

The door opens and in walks mom. Wearing a silky form fitting bathrobe.

"You doing okay sweetie?" she asked as she walked over to my window.

"Yeah just peachy," I said sarcastically.

"George told me about your exchange with him," she continued, "it seems that even after two years apart you still don't approve."

"You got that right," I said, "I didn't even approve when you two started dating."

"Not this again," mom sighed placing her face in her palm, "how many times do I really have to say this to you? It was my choice. I love him."

That statement stung. She loved him?

"You have to get it already," mom continued, "he completes me. Just like your father did. It's rare to find someone like that you with."

The way she said "click with" made it clear to me that she and George were doing stuff behind my back way before they started dating. Did mom think the way George does now?

She turns to leave, I instantly grab at her hand. Stopping her in her tracks. She places her hand over mine. My heart was racing. Why? Why was it racing?

"You don't need to say it," mom said softly, "I know."

She turns back around and faces me. Pulling me into a tight hug. My face buried in her soft cleavage. Inhaling her scent slowly. My arms wrapped around her back.

"You missed getting hugs like this didn't you," she said kissing the top of my head.

I nodded my head. My hand inching it's way towards her ass. Just this once. Let me indulge myself just this once.

"Do you still think about me that way?" she asked afterwards.

"Would I be lying if I said I didn't?" I said muffled.

"Knew you still did," she said.

My hand kands on her big fat ass. Oh the squishiness if it in my palm was unreal.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" mom said.

"Nothing," I said.

"Then why is your hand on my ass then?" she asked.

I instantly removed it. Fearing I was to be scolded for doing that. Instead, she grabs it and places it UNDER her bathrobe.

"Is this better?" she asked, "You and George are just so perverted. He likes my ass too."

Oh course George would like her ass too, I mean who wouldn't? My mom has a great body.

"You can squeeze it if you want to." she said.

I pulled my head out of her cleavage and stared at her.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me," she said, "you can squeeze my ass if you want to."

She then places a finger over my lips and winks.

"But just for tonight okay?" she said.

What did she mean by that? Was she allowing me -her own son- to squeeze and fondle her ass? Was I being tested? Is George recording this somehow?

I squeezed my palm on her right cheek. The sensation of it in my bare hand was...more than I could handle. Was mom's ass always this soft and fat?

"Does my fat ass feel good in your hand?" she asked, "You can be honest."

"It's so squishy," I said.

I felt myself getting hard. Mom giggles.

"Well looks like someone woke up to play," she said, "should I help you with it?"

"Am I finally going to lose my virginity?" I told myself, "Fucking awesome!"

I felt her hand reach towards the front of my jeans. Then the sensation of her reaching inside my boxers and grabbing at my shaft.

"Hmm yeah not what I thought you'd be," mom said.

I didn't care if she was comparing my dick size to George's. I knew my size could never top his. I'm just going to enjoy this for right now.

"Feels so good," I said.

"Does it?" mom teased, "Tjen maybe you'd like to get comfortable."

She pushes me back onto my bed. Then leans between my legs and starts tugging off my jeans. Her hand renewed it's slow movement on my shaft.

"What about George?" I asked, "Wouldn't he be weirded out by this if he caught us?"

"Oh don't worry about that," she said, "he won't."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I thought to myself, "Is he secretly watching the whole thing?"

She increases her stroking. Her breasts jiggling in her robe.

"Somehow I doubt that," I said, "if it were me in his shoes, I'd wouldn't let you out of my sight."

"So you'd be the jealous type huh?" she sighed, "Didn't expect you to be."

"I'm not jealous," I said, "why would I be jealous?"

Mom giggles and disrobes. Showing me her fully naked body. She even trimmed her pubic area. Making it look like a landing strip.

"Because George got to have me first before you did," she said huskily.

I said nothing as she mounts me.

"I'm really sorry for being such a bad mother to you Andy," she continued softly, "would you allow me to make you feel better?"

All I could do was nod my head as she grabs my shaft and guides it towards her pussy. Then stops briefly to rub my tip against her clit.

"Am I about to lose my virginity finally?" I thought, "To my own mother no less?"

Then she looks at me and presses down on it. Both of us letting out moans, well me more than her.

"Do you forgive me?" she asked breathlessly, "Do you forgive your whore of a mom?"

Why was she degrading herself? Was this supposed to turn me on or something?

"Water under the bridge," I stated.

"Hmm I'm not sure that you really do forgive me," she pouts, "guess I better work harder on my apology to you."

With that, mom began riding me. Oh the sensation of her wet pussy felt fantastic. Like a loving warm velvety glove, it tugged at my shaft tenderly. Filling me with so many unexplained feelings and emotions.

This is what the old me wanted for so long. To have sex with her. Watching her riding me on my bed.

But...this feels wrong. I LITERALLY just spent two years of my life trying to convince myself that I didn't love my mom this way. I should push her off me and tell her so...but this feels so good!

My hands grab at her waist, only for her to push my hands towards her ass. Does mom want me to squeeze it?

"I mean very word when I say this," I said, "when I complete college and get a good paying job, I'll take care of you."

"Is that some kind of proposal?" she asked leaning over my face smirking, "Because it sorta feels like it was sweetie."

"You can take it as that if you wish," I said, "I'm serious."

Why did I just say that? Why did zi tell her I wanted to take care of her? Why am I even allowing this to happen?

Mom looks at me with concern and...pity.

"I know you mean every word sweetie," she said, "but you do realize that by the time you did achieve that goal, George and I would've been married for god knows how long and it would be considered cheating. I can't do that."

She then sighs and stops moving for a second, as if contemplating whether to dismount me or not.

"So THIS isn't considered cheating then?" I countered, "You're literally having sex with me right now. Me! You're own son."

She leans her face close to mine and places her lips against my ear.

"But isn't this what you wanted in the first place?" she whispered, "You may be my son, but I see you as a man right now."

"What the fuck is she saying?" I thought to myself.

"You do realize that I spent the last two years convincing myself that I didn't love you like that," I told her, "That what I felt was inappropriate feelings that would faze out once I get a girlfriend."