My Mom, My Love


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I felt her as I bottomed out, feeling the similar sensations this time as I had earlier. Only this time, it wasn't my hand and that hardened spot on the wheel that rocked me.

She looked at me, I could see love and hope again in her beautiful brown eyes. That was my trigger, not just the heat that was built between us, but her eyes.

I gained enough breath to tell her I loved her and shot a load twice as big as before. I collapsed down over her, and she put her arms around my neck, clasping her hands to hold me.

It wasn't long before my softness slid from her body.

I was sad it was over, but relieved that I finally was with her the way I wanted to be. I stayed atop of her for a little longer, she still clasped around me. I heard her cry. God, why did she always cry?

I kissed her trail of tears away and slowly slid to her side. She let go then, and looked away. I pushed her hair from her shoulder and cuddled against her.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

"I don't know Bo. I'm happy, but I'm so confused right now."

Hoping to ease her tension I whispered softly in her ear, "Why are you confused?"

"Because you are my son. But you are the only man I love." she looked at me, she was so beautiful to me in that moment.

"I love you. You are such a beautiful woman." I propped up on my elbow, "I want to be the only man in your life." I stroked her cheek and drifted to her side, holding her close to me. "I thought it was pretty slick how you played me there."

"I didn't play you, I thought you were your father at first. Then when I realized that it was you, I didn't want you to stop." she shied away, "it's been so long, and it felt so good."

"I'm glad mom. I'm glad you're happy."

"I'm scared Bowen. I'm happy, but scared. This isn't natural."

"Who says?" I pointed at my limp member, "Felt damn natural to me. God you were so tight!"

She smiled. "I've never been with a woman who felt this way. Your perfect."

"I'm far from perfect." she moved her hand from my chest and touched her scars on her face and side.

"Yes mom. You are perfect. And you always will be in my eyes."

"Thank you baby." she cuddled against me, "are you staying tonight?"

"Right here with you." I kissed her lightly.

"It's going to be a bit awkward if Arron comes in here."

"Na, he's sleeping hard. I checked on him already."

"How do we explain all this to him if we get caught?"

"We won't, unless we get caught. And then, I'll worry about it." I moved away from her a bit so I could see her face better. "Mom, I'm thinking about moving back in. Do you think that would be alright with you?"

Her face lit up like the stars, "Oh Bo. Yes!"

"I'll take the room next to yours, the one that shares the bathroom."

"Oh. ok."

"Don't start crying again, it's only for show. I can't exactly move into your room and explain that to Arron."

"Yeah, your right."

"But when I'm home, I'll be right here in bed with you Angel."

"I'm sorry Bowen, my emotional state is so confused lately. I don't even know what brought this on. I mean, my screwed up emotions."

"You've been through so much over the last twenty-five years. I would expect you to break down now and again." I felt a pent up of emotions myself began to explode, something I wanted to tell her for so long but never knew how until now.

"Mom, I suffered so much when I saw you hurt. I've worked my ass of to try and make up for everything that you were denied."

"You didn't have to."

"Yes, I did. Especially after Arron came."

"You gave me, Lauron, and him life. It's the least I can do to give you something back."

"I had you, that was all I ever needed Bowen."

she looked at me, her eyes smiled, "Don't get me wrong, I love all of you deeply. But baby, from the first moment they handed you to me and I held you, you were all I ever needed. We had survived so much together already. You were so strong. I held together because of you. Now look at you, holding me together."

"I love you. Not just as my mom either. As the beautiful, strong, venerable, loving person who you are." I gathered her to me. "I'm never letting go of you. I don't care if it is wrong. You are my beauty, my lover, my life."

"Oh Bowen. I love you." I love it when she smiles. I kissed her lightly and snuggled her close.

"So, I can move my stuff back in?"

"You could have moved back in even with out this. You know that."

"I know."

"When do you want to move back?"

"I'll gather up some of my stuff and start bringing it a little at a time. I have to work the graveyard shifts for the next week, so I don't know how much time I'll have with you." I know she saw the regret on my face.

"It's ok. We'll just have to work something else out, maybe in the mornings after Arron leaves for school. If you not to tired."

"That sounds good."

"Do you need help packing and moving?"

"If you're around Angel, I won't get much work done."

She giggled, "If you're around, I won't get much sleep."

"Not a problem with that. You'll just sleep when I do. The rest of the time, when I'm not at work, and were not busy with other things, well be making love."

"Oh listen to my horny lover."

God it was good to see her smile and listen to her laugh.

"How about I wake you up in a few hours and we try this again?"

"Umm, sounds perfect." she pushed into me and kissed me. I met her lips and tenderly kissed her back. I knew she was tired, I could hear it in her voice. And I wasn't too far from being exhausted. After such hot sex, expelling my load twice in one night, and emotional overload, I was bent. She must have sensed it too.

"You know the bed is very wet, we may need to get a towel to sleep on."

"Got it covered." I slipped from her arms and the bed and got a towel, she had moved so I could spread it underneath where she lay. The faint light of the room exposed a huge wet spot that the two of us left. If we had a waterbed, I would have sworn it sprung a leak. I crawled back in next to her and kissed her.

"Go to sleep Angel. I'll wake you up for another round after I recover." I laughed.

"Um-hum. We'll see baby." she kissed my cheek before rolling away. She has to sleep on her left side because she doesn't breathe well on her right since her ribs were broken. She looked back over her shoulder at me, I was getting comfortable against her again.

"Bowen, baby."


"Thank you. I love you so much."

"Um, Angel, Thank you." I kissed her shoulder and then her lips, "I love you."

"Good night baby."

"Good night Angel."

It wasn't long before she slept. I was sure she slept soundly because I had worn her out, but maybe, just maybe, it was because I was there beside her.

I lay thinking about my next course of action, moving in, what to do with my place, and if we got caught, what to say. 'Don't cross that bridge until you get to it Bo.'

I stroked her hair again and slowly drifted off with her in my arms. It was the best night of my life. I knew there were more to come.

I woke the next morning alone, still in her bed. The smell of breakfast in the air. I knew that she had been up for awhile and that Arron was probably already gone. I left the warmth of the bed after taking in the smells of her pillows. Umm, they smelled almost as good as she did. Her scent left behind after our sexual liaison lingered in the depths of the sheets as well.

I slipped on my briefs and wandered through the house to the kitchen. She must have heard me coming, because she turned towards me.

"Good Morning Bo."

"Hey mom."

"Sleep well?"

I walked up to her and took her in my arms, "Better than I have in a long time Angel."

My lips found hers and we softly kissed. I felt no need to be abrupt or heated, I just wanted her to be comfortable and feel the depths of my love and desire for her. The kiss slowly ended and she lay against my chest holding tightly to me.

"I'm still a bit unnerved about what happened between us. Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of it, but..."

"But, no buts. The decision is mutual, and no ones business but ours mom."

I could feel her relax a little more as she spoke, "Funny, I was wondering how we were going to be able to go places like a couple instead of mom and son."

"There are a lot of places in this town, and other places out of town, besides, unless there's some heavy public petting," I winked at her, "I don't think they will ever notice anything we do."

"It's been so long since I actually went on a 'real date' I wouldn't know how to act."

"Don't worry. Friday night will be fine." I lifted her chin and kissed her, "I have a surprise for you, so pick out the sexiest outfit you have, and expect a night you haven't had in years."

She giggled, "The sexiest outfit that I have is a negligee and fuzzy slippers."

"Well then, we'll have to do something about that. Since I don't have to be into work until seven, what do you say we go down town and find you something."

"I don't know Bo. I'm, I mean, it's been a while since I picked something out that wasn't business attire or jeans."

"That, my beauty, is about to change." I kissed her deeply and held her close. The phone rang taking her away from me and I rummaged around the cabinet for the coffee. She didn't drink it, but I did. She kept it around for me, and when I wanted it, I made it.

She came blowing back into the kitchen, and grabbed something from her purse, mumbling to who ever it was on the other end. She scribbled something quickly on the paper and hung up the phone.

"Bo, do you think we can manage the shopping trip and me doing a little work while we're out?"

"I guess so, why, what's going on?"

"I need to drop off the finalized paper work for that consultation I did a few weeks back, the want to sign it off. When they do, that means I get that contract."

"That's great mom! Something worth celebrating."

"Yeah. I just hope they don't change their mind before I get there."

"They won't." I walked back to her, pushing her hair from her face, "How long before you will be ready to go?"

"About thirty minutes or so, I still have to shower."

Shower, umm, that sounds like fun. I cracked a sly smile, "Is there any rush to get there?"

"No, just as long as I'm there before noon."

I looked at the clock, it was only 7:30, plenty of time.

"Why are you in a rush?" she bent away from me, a curious smile creased her lips.

"No, no, not at all. I just have to get a shower myself, and find a clean shirt."

"You have some clothes in the back closet, if they still fit."

"Good, I'll go see." by then my coffee was finished.

She kissed me and hurried to the shower.

Umm, the shower, I wonder if she had ever been made love to in the shower.

When I was younger, sometimes I would sneak in to watch her. I always wondered if she knew I was there. There were times when I would walk in on purpose and see her naked, or stare before I said anything.

She wasn't ashamed of trekking around naked in front of me either. And she did that in front of my brother too every now and again. Yeah, I could feel myself getting hard again. Shower, mom, yeah. I looked down to see my hardness sticking out of my underwear, after her I went.

I watched her for a bit, as she rinsed out her hair. The shower was easy to access because the door slid sideways and you could easily step inside.

"Oh, Bo, you scared me." she looked down at my naked hardness, "OH BOWEN!"

I just smiled. "What do you think you're going to do with... OH!"

I picked up her leg and forced myself deep inside her, pinning her to the wall of the shower. I put my had against the wall for leverage and rocked her body hard against mine. She clawed into my shoulders and forced herself deep onto me. Her moans were delicious and loud. She rode me like a maiden on a stallion.

"Oh yes, oh god. OH!" was about all she could say as I forcefully pumped her. I didn't want to just fuck her, but god, I wanted to push hard inside of her and fill my lust for her in that moment.

She clung hard to my neck and pushed her breast into my chest, flattening them against me. I felt the fleshy mounds jiggle against me and it turned me on. If I could have only managed to get my mouth on one with out dropping her.

I slid my hand up to where her ass met her thigh and moved her so I could penetrate her as deep as my erection would allow. It was like opening the gates to the Mississippi river during flood season when I did, because mom let go of every last drop of juice that lubricated her vaginal walls. It was hotter than the water we played under.

"Oh God BOWEN. OH GOD!" She panted and moaned, growling my name.

"FUCK MOM! FUCK! God that's so fucking hot, I'm gonna come deep in your hot hole!" I looked into her piercing eyes, oh fuck her eyes, her soul was written there, I saw the woman's soul that moment, she wanted me more than ever, and I let loose in her.

"AHHH YESSS!" I hissed, shooting a hot load off into her, feeling her quiver under my pressure. She threw her head back and let loose her own heat down my legs. I could still feel my cock pulsing inside of her sugar walls and lunged into her, not letting a drop escape.

We both were breathing hard, and I had to let her go before I collapsed. She fell into my arms, still panting. I held her quietly, letting the water cool us down. I felt her shaking, trying to gain her strength back. I ran my hand up her body and to her face, coaxing her to look up at me, she smiled.

"No one has ever taken me like that. Oh, god, that was marvelous!"

All I could do was smile and kiss her. All I wanted to do was take her back to that bed and sleep.

Never in my sexual lifetime had I had a woman that would tire me out like she did. The force of the love between us, and the heat of the sexual moments, were more than I had ever experienced. I was glad it was with her. It made me love her more.

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bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 2 years ago

"My Mom, My Love Ch. 01:" - Forty-one Year Old Twice Divorced Mother Of Three, Jeana McCally (sp?) and Twenty-three Year Old Son, Bowen Scott.

Oh, crap. I was unable to finish reading the story over the past week, the full, I'm starting over, just to keep the details current and fresh in my mind as I read onward.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 2 years ago

"My Mom, My Love Ch. 01:" - I'll postpone my comments until after I've perused Chapter 02.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I really didn't get to far into this after she was forced to marry an abusive asshole that was rich but got nothing in the divorce.then kept finding the worst guys possible every time

DarkStar4473DarkStar4473about 8 years ago
So good so far!

I glad that they finally got together and that Bowen is moving back in so they can be together! I thank you and my fiancee thanks you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a beautiful story!

Jeana has been through a lot, but now she will get the loving she needs, and deserves. I see a lot of new video games in Aaron's future, he'll need to spend a lot of nights staying with his friends. During the day when he's in school, Bo can stop by for an hour or so, quite often. They love each other so much, they just can't get enough of each others bodies!!

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