My Mom the Cowgirl MILF Pt. 01

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Using the help of the internet Ken seduces his sexy mother.
14.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/11/2021
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Warning, this story has some graphic nature. If you don't want to read it skip two paragraphs when you see this (Warning) it wont effect the plot, and you'll still get the idea of what's going on.

Nineteen, single, part way through a trade my father picked for me and my parents have just announced their divorce over dinner. Did I mention our new country home still smells like new paint?

My sister Ellaine burst out. "Does this affect me going to university?"

I turned my head towards her and said, "Wow you're a bitch."

"Hey!" Dad said.

My mother gave me a smile and took my hand. "Sister or not, what did I teach you?"

I nodded my head. "Sorry, just shocked is all."

"Me too. I'm sorry." Ellaine said.

I looked Ellaine in the eyes and rubbed her on the shoulder and back. She had picked up riding horses, like mom did. It was both my mother and her lifelong desire to move to the country. So even though she was my younger sister I did have to watch my step or I could lose a tooth or get a broken nose. The other reason was my fathers dream shop and giant yard.

"I'll be staying here, your father will be moving back into the old house back in town. But, you two are free to stay anywhere you want." Mom said.

Dad cleared his throat. "I will still be coming out here to work on the trucks and manage shipping. But I will likely spend more time on the road."

"That way the horses can stay here. I'm also staying on as a bookkeeper and part time with the company, plus my sales job back at the dealership." Mom said.

"That's right, we're not tearing up the company or houses, or you guys. We just drifted apart as husband and wife. But I still respect your mother very much and we're still friends, we'll work together and we still have you two." Dad said.

I cleared my throat and stood up. "I need some air." I rushed for the balcony outside and looked out over the fresh landscaping and dark fields.

Lights from the small town lit up the distant landscape. It was my mothers dream location, overlooking the small town my father had built a trucking company in.

Mom snuck up on me in thought and startled me, it gave her a smile to know she had spooked me. We said nothing, she just put her hand on my back and looked out into the darkness with me.

Mom worked at a car dealership taking messages and booking appointments. Her boss had an old school outlook to the role of the secretary. They must be pleasant, beautiful and female, they could be brainless just as long as they fit the first three traits. Mom had four traits going for her. Some of the women complained about him, but mom made as much as the sales people did, working as a front desk greeter. On the side she always had makeup and health businesses, which she did well at too.

Sally was her name. An innocent, polite and respected woman within the community. Brunette hair with a few greys showing. Which only added to her mature beauty. Her fair skin was soft and well cared for. Years of riding horses gave her a figure any woman would die for. Thick thighs, round ass and a flat stomach. Ellaine wasn't far off either, looking at her it was probably like looking back in time.

Amazing mother, always there, always supportive. I loved her very much and so did my friends. The literal soccer mom, and football mom when it came to car pooling. She hated sports, but she was always at my games cheering us on. We were also the most popular car pool van.

Dad was a truck driver, we owned four rigs. He drove one on long hauls for crossing borders and the other 3 drivers did a combination of long and short hauls. It's also the reason my name is Ken. A fact my mother found years later when I was about 10, wow did she flip out when she learnt that one.

But my fixation with mom began when I was 15 and still living at the house in town. The internet had died, they said the cables were cut and would take several days to fix due to the heavy rain. 15, no porn, no 'older brothers magazines', and no outdoor sports, that was hell. On top of it, Ellaine, my little sister pestered me to play non stop giving me no privacy.

Hunter, our Labrador, had broken free and was running around the front street. Playing a big game of 'catch me if you can' in the puddles and mud. Finally after what felt like half an hour of chasing Hunter around, mom returned home.

She wore a dark pencil skirt, with a white blouse. Her brunette hair was tied in a bun and she wore heels. Hunter was her dog and he ran straight for her. It took 3 neighbors, myself, Ellaine and my mom 15 minutes to get Hunter into the backyard. By the end, mom was barefoot, soaking wet and her hair a tangled mess with strands hanging down her face. But she was laughing the whole time.

What really did it though was her blouse, it had come free from her skirt, and the white fabric clung to her body exposing a wonderful tantalizing hourglass figure. Beneath it I grew curious of her bra and its thin lace fabric. For a minute she bent over and struggled with putting his collar back on. I stared at the two thin black straps that rode above her skirt along her hips. It was a minute that was burned into my memory. How those straps creased her flesh and rode high up on her hip bones.

At that age it was an instant boner, to my embarrassment one she eventually noticed. Once we got inside the cool rain had another effect. I learnt first hand why wet tee shirts were white. I could see everything, the fabric of her bra, how it cut across her breasts, just above her nipples, which stuck out proud in the cool air. They were sharp like two frozen peas stuck in her shirt. 'Mom, Ken has an erection again' is another horrifying memory of that moment.

That night in the shower I came within a minute thinking of those straps and nipples. After falling asleep I dreamt of her, bent over, her heart shaped ass and tapered waist bent over the back of the couch. In my dream I pulled her skirt up and fucked her from behind. It was so vivid I woke up confused as to why I was in bed with a wet spot.

I found myself trying harder at football and soccer. Before that I played football for two reasons, dad and cheerleaders. I wasn't a great player, but neither was my team. By senior year most of the other guys played to impress the cheerleaders and their friends. I was playing to impress my mother.

When I was seventeen she caught me in their room looking through her lingerie drawer. I lied and claimed I was trying to find a condom for a party that weekend. I got a lecture about treating women right. Then to my surprise she got me one and asked if I knew how to use it. I told her no, and she gave me three more and said practice. In a moment of Idiocy I said "Can you show me?" With a smirk. She smiled, shook her head and slapped me on the arm. "You wish." It was my first sexual flirtation with her.

It was a memorable party, I stood in the corner feeling awkward as fuck, talking with close friends when they wandered by, then went home. Mom was still awake, nervously she asked how it went. I gave the condom back to her with a shy smile and shrug. She gave me a thin smile and to my surprise hugged me. I dry humped a pillow wearing one of the other condoms that night using the memory of her warm body. She admitted to me she didn't want to be so close minded like her own parents and wanted us to always be open with each other.

By eighteen I had become a good player, not a star player but good enough to be noticed by Ellaine's friends. I had also gained a reputation for being flirty at school, charming and polite with a hot body. I had been practicing with mom and it was paying off in dividends. She had fine tuned me to talk with girls, no tight clothes, nothing flashy, no ass hat flaunty moves.

"Don't rely on your hair or muscles, don't swagger around like a peacock. Just smile and talk with them politely and for god sakes listen to them."

I don't know if she wrote that down, but she said it word for word each time she told me.

I only attended parties to worry my mother and have a late night chat. In reality I was a closet nerd. She would give me a condom each time. In turn I returned it, until one night I didn't. She greeted me like normal and just assumed I would exchange it back. We stood in the living room until she laughed and covered her mouth. She cried a little and my heart broke, afterwards we talked about it. Mom gave me another lecture about sticking by her. But turned out I was the trophy fuck, and mom was pissed.

She had stepped up to sales by then, and when she found out the girl's parents were buying a new vehicle she poured everything on them. Later she bragged to me about how much she hosed them for in a high pressure sale.

I started my welding apprenticeship a year before we moved to the countryside. The reason was so dad could expand and mom could be closer to her horses. We moved in a month ago and here we are, staring out into the darkness together.

It took time, but after the initial shock cooled down, they were right. Little changed, mom still stayed in the country house and when dad returned from long hauls he worked in the big new shop and returned to the town house.

The problem with working at the place you live is you never get out. I had plenty of social time, with old truck drivers and mechanics, but not with people my age. I went for months without seeing anyone new out in the country.

That isolation brought back the dreams of my mother, bent over like when I was a teenager. The tight riding jeans, her long hair flowing behind her. But the one thing that haunted me, was those two thin black straps riding up above her skirt.

By the time Ellaine moved out to university, dad was full time on the road and I had the big new shop to myself. Along with all the chores of feeding horses, who I didn't ride. Most of my day was spent cleaning the shop, welding up trailers and ordering parts for the guys.

Then COVID happened and along came the lockdowns, class rooms closed, and people just hunkered down. Mom worked from home and the drivers ran non stop so the shop most often sat empty. Three day routes became a week and border crossings became a paperwork nightmare heaping on more time.

I hardly noticed the lockdowns, but mom on the other hand. She did not take it well. At first she enjoyed the break, but after a month she began to clean and clean and clean.

I watched mom scurry around the house with a broom. She leaned forward over the banister to reach out further onto the wall where a spider had made its web. She wore a white tee shirt that was too short and pulled out from her jeans. The pale pink skin of her stomach stretched out and disappeared into a taunting open shirt from below. If only I had been down stairs. My dream of her wearing a skirt flashed back in my memory. By instinct I reached out and took her by the hips.

Her wide eyes stared back at me and snapped me out of it.

"You're creeping me out leaning over the railing like that." I said.

She smiled at me, took my arm and leaned even further out past the rail. I strained to pull back and keep her from falling over the side. She swung the broom at the cobweb and swung herself back into my arms.

She smiled at me, "Got it."

I kept her in my arms as I looked out the big windows into the afternoon sun. "Nice day for a ride."

She stepped away and kept sweeping the clean floors. "I've been riding every day this week." She shrugged.

"I'll join you." I said.

She stopped and looked up at me with a suspicious smile. "You hate riding."

"Yeah, but you love it, we'll talk, enjoy the day, it'll be a riding date with a picnic. I'll just ignore the part where I'm on a horse instead of a chair. Plus I'm done with all my work, twice over." I said.

She was quick to take me up on my offer, she had dad's horse saddled and ready before I could pack sandwiches and meet her at the barn. She loved it, she had a giant smile leading the two horses to me. We talked about before the lockdowns, when it would be over and the new business she was thinking of getting into. Another health supplement sales business, she really just did it for socializing.

"Why don't you sell lingerie, or swimsuits or something else. You used to sew all the time?" I said. "Hell you could make them, sell them and model them yourself."

She scoffed at me and said, "Yeah a 43 year old lingerie model doing a start up business making lingerie."

"Not interested in swimsuits? lingerie alone is great too." I joked.

She rolled her eyes and shrugged it off with a smile.

"You could be right, maybe your sewing isn't good enough, maybe you should just do the modeling." I smiled.

"Okay that's enough." she beamed a smile and looked around the woods. "Besides I had enough troubles keeping you out of my lingerie drawer, how would I keep you out of my sewing room."

My heart missed one beat and sunk into my chest so low it felt like I'd been punched. "With great difficulty." I said and laughed it off.

She adjusted herself in the saddle and looked at me with a disapproving sideways glance. But her smirk said otherwise. We rode for another five minutes sharing little smiles and glances before she spoke again.

"You really think I could model my own line of lingerie?" She said.

I did a double take of her. "Are you really contemplating this? I was just throwing out ideas to keep you busy, you're going crazy in the house."

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. For two minutes the only sounds we made were the sounds of horse hoofs, leather saddles squeaking and flies buzzed around our heads.

I was thinking it more than I meant to say it, but it came out. "You're the most beautiful woman in town, with gorgeous eyes, and a bright smile that makes my day every time I see it. Yeah, you could, and don't just take my word for it, ask your primarily young male client list at the dealership." I said.

She laughed out loud and leaned forward on her horn.

"I think all of my friends have bought a vehicle off of you because of soccer and football carpooling." I added.

I was reminded why I hated riding, flies, mosquitoes and my balls were beginning to ache from binding in the saddle. She spurred her horse and took off in a canter. Riding just wasn't my thing, of course without urging dad's horse, he took off after mom. It isn't the speed that's frightening, it's the repeated bouncing off the saddle I hated. A half mile later mom let up and waited for me to catch up.

She had a bead of sweat on her forehead and a slight rise in breathing. Me, my ass, legs, and back burned and my balls were slowly being squeezed to death.

"All those weights aren't helping you now is it?" she laughed.

I raised my ass up off the saddle and leaned hard on the horn giving myself relief. "Now you sound like dad and his buddies."

We set up there on a small hill, a few farms and acreages in view. To my surprise she pulled out a bottle of wine and poured two tin cups and handed one to me.

"What about the hot chocolate?" I said.

"What are you twelve?" She said and took a sip from her cup.

She sat next to me on the blanket and gazed off in the distance.

"You know you didn't have to stick with lingerie, you could have mentioned table clothes and custom napkins." I said.

She took a sip of wine and smiled into reflection on top of the wine. "You led the question when you asked it in hopes you could see me wearing lingerie."

I gave her a smile "Hmm a little, I figured you'd look a little strange modeling tablecloths." I raised my eyebrows to her. "The napkins on the other hand."

She let the cup down and covered her mouth with her hand. After swallowing hard she gave me a coy smile. I left it at that and we enjoyed our afternoon. I was amazed that she rode everyday and could still walk. Her and my sister, it was the reason I had to get used to locker room banter about both my sister and mothers legs.

By the time we got home, cleaned the horses and got back inside the house the sun was setting. I nearly had to crawl up the stairs to the shower. I turned it to high heat and hung on to the glass door and wall. The steaming hot water flowed over my back and aching balls.

A knock came at the door and mom stepped inside. I could look right at her in the half frosted glass. The middle section was frosted but the upper and lower thirds were clear. She wore a white towel and her hair was soaked.

"Hey it's just me, did I leave a dryer in here?" She said, She looked around the counter then to me staring at her.

The sight of her bare skin across her back, legs and shoulders caused the blood to flow to my cock. In seconds it raised up and pointed straight out. The sudden rush caused it to ache and I wanted to stroke it once or twice to help relieve the pressure.

She smiled and said. "That's what happens when you don't ride for over a year."

I nodded my head and smiled at her.

Mom gave me a wink and a smile. "It would be great if you toughened up, football star, I'd love it if we could go riding again next week."

She took a step closer and looked into the shower. I covered my erection and gave her a sideways grin. "Mom."

"What, nothing I haven't seen before, I was just going to say if you're stiff I can work it out." she said.

I stared longer than I should have, before I figured out she was talking about my muscles. "Oh, yeah I'll be fine, I've been hitting the weights pretty hard lately, this is nothing." I straightened up and put my hands back up on the top of the glass like it was nothing. But it took effort to raise them up that high.

She smiled and looked inside as much as she could. "Mmm, I see." She turned around and bent forward to look under the vanity. Her towel lifted up exposing the very bottom of her glutes and stretched her hamstrings and calves. The damp towel tightened around her narrow waist and toned back. It was the most skin I had ever seen her show off. The fact that her slit was just hidden from sight but so close made it more of a mystery.

Like jumping into cold water I inhaled deeply and my hips bucked forward. The tip of my penis bumped the glass. Before she turned around I regained my composure and stepped back. She gave me a weak smile, flicked her wet hair from her side and held up a hair dryer.

"Found it." She stood up, plugged it in and wiped the mirror.

"Oh my god she's not leaving." I thought to myself.

She hummed to herself as she dried her hair on the other side of a half inch pane of glass, next to her naked son with a raging hard on. The mirror could look in on the bath and from time to time we shared a quick glance. The longer it happened the more comfortable we both became with it. By the time she finished I had washed my body and hair. Between the two I stroked my cock several times, the thought even thrilled me. She unplugged the hair dryer and we smiled at one another before she left.

I looked to the counter and imagined fucking her right there on the vanity as she bent over. It took minutes for me to deal with my erection. My lust was sated and I hurried to my room with a towel around my waist.

I logged on to my laptop and typed in the search bar.

'I want to have sex with my own mother, help'

"Tell her how I feel and see if she feels the same way? Fuck that." I whispered.

I continued to read a number of popular sites, before I decided to make my own post.

I made an account and logged into a room for such questions.


Dear readers.

I keep having dreams of my mother. Is it normal? I have had them since I was 15. It started when I first saw her thong riding over her skirt in the rain. At first it was just the idea of womens lingerie on an actual woman. But I started dreaming about her. It got better, but now she and my father got divorced. It's not like I picture having children or settling down, I just can't help getting hard ons when I see more than the usual skin with her. She is a beautiful woman, fit and young for a mom, I think, she's 42 43?