My Mother-in-law Ch. 03 - Christmas

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Another story about my Mother-in-law.
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Another story about my mother-in-law.

I should explain that this story is about my mother-in-law from my second marriage. She was always wonderful to me. She called me "Son" and I called her Mom.

About a year after our marriage, my second wife informed me that she did not want to have sex very often, usually once a month. She claimed that it wasn't important to her; her schooling and her career were all that she needed to be happy. Consequently, I always had a bad case of "blue balls". Later on, I did divorce her but my mother-in-law kept in touch. She passed away several years ago. I miss her.

The Christmas holiday from college was finally here. My second wife, Sarah, and I traveled to her hometown to spend the time off with her family. I loved visiting them because my mother-in-law, Elsie, was wonderful to be around. I know that most men do not like their mother-in-law and probably with good reason; however, mine was delightful. She was 51, had a great shape and was quite attractive for her age.

My father-in-law, John, was older than his wife by quite a few years. The last 4 years or so, he has been very ill with several different conditions. Due to his poor health, he was only able to work part-time. When he was at home, he was either in bed or sitting in his lounger chair watching TV. He often would sleep in his chair all night as it was easier on him than the bed. Because he could not do anything around the house, I always took my tool kit with me on our visits so that I could repair things for my mother-in-law. Between our visits she would make a list of repairs needed. Christmas holidays from college are about 3 weeks long so I usually had plenty of time to get to all the items on her list.

If you read Chapter 1 of these stories, you know that my mother-in-law, Elsie, loved to watch porn movies. My old college roommate owned all the porn stores and theaters in Denver. When Elsie visited us, he gave me passes to his theaters so that I could take my mother-in-law to see the movies. He first sold hard core 8 mm movies in his stores, then later he sold VHS tapes. Movies on discs had just come out and he was putting them in all the "booths" in his bookstores using disc players/projector.

I asked him to loan me 4 or 5 porn movies on disc and also to loan me one of player/projector units. He knew how much my mother-in-law enjoyed going to his theaters during her last visit so was happy to loan me the movies over the Christmas holiday. I brought the movies and the projector with me to my mother-in-law's home so that she and I could have a porn party one or maybe two times over the three week visit.

When we arrived at her house, the first thing Elsie whispered to me during the welcome hug was, "Did you bring the movies?"

"Yes, Mom. Martin loaned me 4 of them. We can have a party while we am here," I replied.

"I told Phil (my wife's cousin) about the movies that I saw when I visited you. She wants to join us when you show the movies. I hope you don't mind," she said softly so only I could hear.

"I do not mind at all. I really like Phil and I think she will enjoy the movies," I said.


My wife and her father decided to have their own movie night. The cable TV had three religious movies during one evening before Christmas. As I recall they were those long epic movies with Charlton Heston. My wife and her Dad, both being very religious, planned to sit for 5 or 6 hours watching these shows. Those movies provided the opportunity for a movie night for Elsie, Phil and I to watch the porn movies that I had brought with me.


The morning of the big "movie day" arrived. After breakfast, I was repairing Elsie's kitchen faucet that was leaking. My wife was sitting at the kitchen table working on a crossword puzzle.

My mother-in-law said to my wife, "I am making popcorn for us tonight. Do you and your dad want me to make some for you as well?"

"No, I don't think Dad will want any, but maybe some for me. I really wish that my husband had not brought all those dirty films. Mom, do you really have to do this tonight? Wouldn't you rather watch these great films with us?' my wife said.

"No, daughter. You and your Dad can watch what you want, and we will watch what we want. Son, did I tell you that Phil will be joining us tonight. I hope that is alright with you." Elsie said and winked at me.

"Phil is coming to watch those filthy movies too! See what you have started, Jim. Corrupting my whole family!" my wife said.

"No one is corrupting anyone, Sarah! A movie cannot change what a person is," Elsie said.

My wife got up and went sulking into the living room to watch the TV.

"Son, do you want butter on the popcorn?" she asked me.

"Yes, please but we better have some napkins for our greasy fingers," I said.

"I bought a 12 pack of Coke for us also. I know that it is your favorite," she said.


That afternoon my mother-in-law and I started preparing our "movie theater". Mom suggested that we show the movies in the front bedroom because it was bigger. (They only had two bedrooms). She put lots of pillows on top of the bed so that we could be comfortable when we leaned against the headboard. I taped aluminum foil over the windows. Elsie brought me a full-sized bed sheet that I am certain that she had just ironed because there were no wrinkles anywhere! She also handed me a small jar of thumbtacks. She and I put the sheet up on the wall opposite of the bed. I stretched it tight so that it was perfectly flat. There was a shelf about 3 feet above the bed headboard that had mostly religious figures on it. I moved them around to make room for the projector. I loaded a movie disc into the project and turned it on using the remote controller. I used the zoom feature to project the movie to fill the "screen". I stacked the rest of the discs on the bedside table.


That evening after dinner, my wife was sitting in Elsie's recliner and her Dad was in his. They were all settled in and the first movie had just started. My father-in-law, John, had the TV volume turned up because he was deaf and would not wear a hearing aid. Elsie brought a large bowl of popcorn to my wife.

"There are some diet Cokes for you in the refrigerator if you get thirsty," my mother-in-law said.

"Thanks, Mom," my wife said.

"Honey, if you get sleepy, go use my bed. Don't worry about your Dad. He will sleep in that chair all night. I don't know how late we will be up so you can sleep in my bed. If it isn't too late, I will wake you up and get you into your bed with your hubby. OK?" Elsie said.

"OK, Mom. Sure I can do that." my wife answered.

My mother-in-law started moving stuff into our "movie theater". She had a big bowl of popcorn and three smaller bowls, a stack of napkins and three bath towels.

"What are the towels for, Mom?" I asked.

She quietly replied, "Remember when I peed at the movies? Well, I am not taking a chance tonight. One for me, one for Phil and one for you, just in case you have to have a 'release'," she said with a big smile as she put the towels on the bed where each of us would sit.

"Son, I have told Phil all about the movies we saw when I visited you. I know that she really is looking forward to tonight," Elsie said.

"Did you tell her about you sitting on my lap too?" I asked.

"No, I think that is a secret for just you and I," she said.

"I wasn't sure to what extent you had told her, Mom. It will be our little secret," I said.

"Son, Phil did tell me all about you 'fixing her headlights'. I just wanted you to know that I know all about it. Phil and I have always shared secrets over the years. I am closer to her than my own daughter. I am OK with what you did for her because she really needed a sexual release. I bring this up because I don't know what will happen tonight," Elsie said.

"I guess we will just see what happens and deal with it," I said.

Next she brought in a tray of cold cans of Coke. About then, Phil came to the house. I went to greet her at the front door.

"Let me have your coat. I will put it on the couch as we are using the bed tonight as our movie seating. Go on in and get settled," I said.

She gave me a big hug and a big smile. Phil crawled up on the bed and built a "nest" for herself using some of the pillows.

I got on the bed next to Phil (Mom insisted that I be in the middle) and fired up the projector. I could run it from the remote controller which made for a better movie experience.

My mother-in-law gave each of us a cloth napkin, a Coke and a bowl of popcorn. Then she closed the bedroom door, turned off the lights and crawled on the bed next to me. All three of us were sitting on the bed with our backs to the headboard. I started the first porn movie of the night.

While the movie was playing, I looked over at Phil several times to see what her reaction was. She was staring intently at the screen and seemed to be enjoying it. I also checked my mother-in-law. She had pulled her dress up to about mid-thigh and had her right hand under her dress.

The first movie lasted about 2 hours. It was a good one but had fairly tame sex in it -- just mild sucking and fucking. When it was finished, I said, "OK, everyone take a bathroom turn while I put on another movie."

My mother-in-law got off the bed and turned on the lights. "Does anyone need another Coke? I can bring it back after I take a potty break," she asked..

Both Phil and I said yes. Elsie opened the door and headed to the bathroom. We could hear the TV because the volume was so loud. At least my wife and her father could not hear our movies.

I noticed that Phil's face was flushed.

"Well, Phil, what do you think about seeing your first porn movie?" I asked.

"I liked it. I had no idea what it looked like to have sex. I knew about all the positions but it was interesting to actually see people doing them. I knew about blow jobs but had no idea exactly how it was done. The movie helped to clarify a lot of issues for me," she said.

"Did the movie turn you on at all?" I asked.

"Oh yes. I was tempted to put my hand in my pants a couple of times, but I didn't know what Aunt Elsie would think," she said.

"I don't think it would bother her at all. Please feel free to enjoy yourself," I said.

Elsie returned with some Cokes. I crawled off the bed and said, "Phil, if you start to the bathroom now, I will be done by the time you get there."

She rolled off the bed and grabbed her crutch. I hurried to the bath room and peed. The break gave me a chance to move my dick straight up so that I was ready in case I got hard during the second movie. As soon as I opened the bathroom door, Phil was there ready to use the bathroom next. On my way back to the front bedroom, my wife did not even notice that we moved through the living room. She and her Dad were riveted to the TV.

When we were settled back on the bed, the door closed and the lights turned off, I said, "The first movie was a 'soft one' just to get us started. I did not want to offend Phil in case she did not like this type of movie. This next movie has more sexual action and features a lot of anal sex -- just saying. Everyone ready?"

They shook their head yes so I started the movie. After about 15 minutes or so, I looked over at Phil. She was intently watching and I noticed that her face was flushed. I then looked over at Elsie. She had both hands under her dress and I could see a lot of movement there. As for me, I was hard as a rock and my dick was pointed straight up. I had unbuttoned my pants to allow my dick to push above my pants and over my belly button.

There was a scene where a cute blonde was taking anal sex but it was painful and she was quite vocal about it. I heard Phil moan rather loudly. I looked over and she had one hand in her pants. I decided to help her so I rolled onto my side and pulled her hand from her pants. I then pushed my hand inside of her slacks. She always wore elastic-topped slacks which made it easier to get my hand inside. She had planned to play with herself this evening because she had no panties on. I found her mound easily and her pubic hair was very wet. I parted her lips with my finger and started massaging around the perimeter of her vagina. She put her hand on the outside of her slacks and pushed down on my hand. I took this as a signal to push my finger into her vagina. It slipped in easily as she was very wet inside. She moaned quite loudly. I curled my finger toward the top of her vagina and found her G spot. Her body jumped as I touched it. I heard her say softly, "Oh God!"

She watched the movie as I massaged her. I noticed that her breathing changed to panting so I knew an orgasm was coming. She clutched the bedspread firmly with both hands and threw her head back. I could see that her eyes were closed. She was moaning and then her whole body shook. I kept up my movements even though she was coming down from her orgasm.

"God that was intense! Never felt that before," Phil said softly.

I continued massaging her G spot. I felt her body tense up again. Here comes the second orgasm on the heels of the first one.

"Oh shit! Another one! Oh God!" she said.

Again she grabbed the bedspread, threw her head back and clamped her legs together. This time she was a little more vocal during her orgasm.

When she relaxed, I removed my hand and returned to my sitting position. I wiped my hand on my towel and looked over at Elsie. She had moved down on the bed so that she could watch Phil and I.

As Elsie moved back to her sitting position against the headboard, she leaned over and whispered in my ear, "She really needed that. You are very nice to help her!"

"Are you OK with all of this, Mom?" I asked Elsie.

"You know it is or else we would not be here. I love these movies. This one is so very good that I had to touch myself a little," she explained. "Maybe the next intense scene I might need a little help too."

"Just let me know when," I said and I put my right hand half way up on her thigh.

A little later on in the movie, there was a very erotic anal scene. I felt Elsie grab my hand on her thigh and move it under her skirt to her hairy pussy. I could tell that she was excited because her thick pubic hair was very wet. I slipped down on the bed so that I was laying down next to her hips and legs. I inserted two fingers into her vagina and started stroking in and out. After several minutes, she began moving her hips with my stroking. Several minutes later, she began panting and pushed her hips up off the bed. She made some soft groans so I knew that she had an orgasm. I continued my movements until she grabbed my hand, so I held my fingers still.

"Thank you," Elsie said softly.

Phil was watching the movies so intently that she did not notice Elsie and I.

After several more minutes, the movie was showing another intense anal scene.

Phil said, "Could we stop the movie? I want to ask a question."

I paused the movie and both Elsie and I looked at Phil.

Phil asked, "I never knew about anal sex. Do people really do this?"

"In the old days, it was often used for birth control. In some countries, it is the main sexual activity. I think a lot of men in the US want to do it because it is something 'forbidden' in our culture," I explained.

"I have heard that some of the Italian men like to do that with their mistresses," Elsie said. "Probably because their wives would not do it. John and I never did it, but then we never did anything but the Missionary position."

"From what I am seeing, it appears that it is painful. So why do it?" Phil asked.

"It really does not have to be painful if done properly. You have to use a good lubricant and go very slowly. In fact, many women find considerable enjoyment doing it," I explained.

"Have you ever done it?" Phil asked me.

"Yes, a few times before I was married to Sarah. Obviously, she and I do not do it," I said.

"What does it feel like?" Phil asked.

"I have been told by women that it feels very full -- maybe just like before a bowel movement. A couple of women told me that it is very sensual and sexy. The feeling I get differs with different partners. With some women, it feels like an open space inside so the only place I can get any feeling is right at the anus ring. With others there is a tight feeling like a glove on my dick."

"Really? Can the woman have an orgasm doing it?" Phil asked.

"There are a lot of erogenous sensors around the anus, in fact, more than around our lips. Some women experience orgasms doing anal sex and other just enjoy the feeling. I know that if I am careful, sometimes I can stimulate the G spot by controlling the angle of my penis as I stroke in and out," I explained.

"It seems to me, that anal sex could be quite dirty," Elsie said.

"In the movies, they make the actresses have an enema prior to filming. Women who do it with their husbands usually do a Fleet enema prior to going to bed. For me, I usually wear a condom," I said.

"I cannot help but wonder what it would feel like," Phil said.

"If you would trust me, I can show you what it would feel like without us actually doing it," I said. "Would that be OK with you, Mom?"

"I would like to see this," Elsie said.

"I need to get a couple of things, if I can get off the bed," I said.

Elsie got up from the bed and I crawled off. I went to my suitcase in the closet. I returned with a small bag that I like to call my "fuck kit". I had Elsie get back on the bed so that she could watch. Next, I had Phil move down on the bed so that she was lying flat on her back.

"Phil, pull you pants down below your knees and then roll onto your stomach," I said.

Phil hesitated a second or two but when she looked at Elsie, she was given an OK nod. Phil pulled her pants down to mid-calf and then put her hands over her crotch. Then she rolled onto her stomach. She had a cute bubble butt. I like her body a lot because it isn't at all like my wife's body. Phil had little body hair compared to my wife.

Elsie moved over on the bed closer to Phil so that she could see exactly what was happening. I knelt down on the floor beside the bed and opened my kit. I put on a pair of surgical gloves and opened a tube of lube.

"This may be cold but it will quickly warm up," I said.

Putting a dab of lube on my index finger, I started to rub the lube on Phil's anus. I noticed right away that she was not hairy around her anus -- unusual for being an Italian. I spent a minute or so just drawing circles on her hole. I heard her moaning softly.

"How does this feel?" I asked.

"That feels really good and it is really turning me on," Phil answered.

"When lovers intend to have anal sex, the man usually does this with his tongue but only after the woman has cleaned the area," I said. "The secret to making anal sex enjoyable is lubrication."

I squeezed some more lube on my finger and began to work it into Phil's anus. I finally pushed my finger inside but only up to the first joint. I repeated several times and then stopped.

"How does this feel?" I asked.

"It is a very sexual feeling. I can't really describe it but it really turns me on," Phil answered.

"Are you ready to feel an anal penetration?" I asked.

"I guess so. Just don't hurt me." Phil said.

I massaged the exterior of the anus for a few seconds and then slowly inserted my finger all the way into her.

"You OK?" I asked.

"Yes. It feels good but I feel full like I need to poop," she said.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"No it doesn't. I like the feeling," Phil said.

I slowly pulled my finger almost out and then slowly started stroking back and forth. I kept stroking but very slowly. I used my other hand to massage her ass cheeks. I heard Phil moan.