My Mother, My Lover Ch. 04


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"Oh god, Carole, you have no idea what this does to me. I feel I'm going to burst. Lick me and suck me, you gorgeous slut. Mmm, aargh, yes, yes, yes, more, more, more ..."

Her tongue continued to swirl around my cock, stimulating electrifying sensations that drove me closer and closer to climax. Carole could clearly sense this, and changed her rhythm, keeping to soft, gentle sucking to hold me just at the down side of orgasm.

"Aargh, you prick tease, I need to cum so much. I'm begging you, please don't keep me just on the edge. Please, please, please let me go and push me over."

Carole moved away very briefly and laughed, and evil chuckle. "Now it's my turn. Mummy's little boy will cum when I allow him to and not before," and resumed just holding my cock in her warm, wet mouth.

I tried desperately to force my cock into her and fuck her mouth, but Carole realised what I was trying to do and kept teasing and toying with me, thoroughly enjoying herself. She eventually pulled away again with another evil chuckle. "You can cum only if you beg me and call me 'mistress'."

I knew I was in a no win situation; I wasn't going to stop the game, because, if truth be told, I was enjoying it too much.

"Ooh, okay. Please, mistress, please, I'm begging you from the heart of my bottom, please make me cum." With that, she worked her tongue vigorously around my cock sucking hard, her cheeks becoming concave with the suction. That was enough. The muscles at the base of my cock and in my abdomen tensed almost painfully and my balls tightened as my cum boiled and flooded up through my cock. With a scream of ecstasy, I emptied my load into her mouth, a load that I couldn't ever remember having been so copious. Carole took it all and swallowed several times, then licked me gently until I was empty and exhausted.

She looked up at me and smiled, this time a smile of genuine love and devotion. She scooted up the bed and rested her head on my chest. "You're not mad at me for turning the tables, are you?" she sounded a bit hesitant.

"Turn about is fair play, and anyway, how could I possibly be mad about something that I enjoyed so much from someone I love so much? You continue to surprise me with your expertise, and I'm willing to learn anything you can teach me, Carole, lover, sub, bitch, slut, mum."

"Mmm yes, I do seem to have a lot of different roles, don't I? I enjoy them all so much, and I enjoy you so much, and I love you so much, Jesse."

We lay quietly together for a while, kissing, caressing and just loving each other, and murmuring words of love and lust.

By this time, it was evening, and Carole eventually got up and dressed in jeans and a tee, saying, "I think we need to eat -- how about we order a pizza or something -- I really don't feel like cooking."

"Pizza works for me, gorgeous," I said, jumping out of bed and giving her a light smack across the tight jeans covering her beautiful butt. "That's for teasing me, you minx."

Carole laughed, blew me a raspberry and left for the kitchen.

I was up early the following morning, but mum was up before me, eating breakfast, looking coolly graceful and dressed for work. "Oh good, I'm glad I caught you, Jesse. Can we have a quick chat?"

"Sure, Mum, what's on you mind?"

"First and foremost, thank you so much for yesterday. Being a doggie and you eating me out was absolutely what I needed. I didn't need to be Carole Mason any more; I could just give myself to you and feel safe doing it, so I could completely empty my mind. Giving you the blowjob was great fun too, but it also let me know that I was okay and I could please my man. I slept on all this, and I came to two decisions overnight; I've been chewing these over for some time, now I know I'm right."

"Okay, Mum, what's going to happen?"

"First, I've decided to quit my job and start my own little business as an independent financial advisor, using the internet to do so."

"Good for you, Mum, whatever makes you happy. I know that you've been getting pretty disillusioned at work, and I reckon this will be just what you need. It should go without saying that I'll do anything I can to help."

"Thanks, honey, I really appreciate that, but the second thing may not be so easy for you. I've decided to revert to my maiden name and be known as Carole McIntyre in future. I don't expect you to change but I hope you won't be too upset."

"No, Mum, this is your decision and I completely understand why you would want to change, and I'll support you doing so. All the same, I think I will stay with the name I was born with -- not because I'm particularly proud of my father's behaviour, but because that is how I've always been known."

Mum jumped up, threw her arms round me and gave me one of her special long, hot, wet sloppy kisses. "Thank you so much, sweetie -- your support is so important to me." She pulled out her compact and looked at herself in the mirror. "Now look what you've done to me you naughty boy - you've smudged all my lipstick," she laughed. "If I were you, I'd go wash my face -- your uni mates might want to know who you've been kissing to get all that lipstick around your mouth." She giggled again and glided out of the room, a picture of elegance.

It was only after our relationship was consummated that I had come to realise how tactile my mother was. She loved being stroked and caressed, and through a delightful process of trial and error, I learned the location of her most erogenous zones, apart from the obvious. Oddly enough, she enjoyed having me kiss her armpits, her feet, the soft skin on the inside of her upper arms, and her ears, including the area behind her ears and down her neck were also favourites. This attention did not automatically result in hot, steamy sex, but often enough it did.

I set up a plan to play on Mum's sensitivity in this regard, as well as providing her with what could become a sensory overload. Mum arrived home from work and looked pretty worn. "So, how's every little thing going, Mum?" I asked innocently.

"Oh god, honey, it's been a tough day, and I could do with relaxing for a while."

"I see, Mum; I think I have just the thing for you. First, though, tell me, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, honey. You should know that by now; why do you ask?"

"Ah, well, Mum, this is a little different. I want you to strip until you are completely naked. I'm going to handcuff you to the top of the bed and cuff your ankles to the bottom of the bed so that you can't move, and I'm going to blindfold you. Still trust me?"

"Oh, I see -- that is a bit different." She looked at me steadily for a minute or so and said, "Okay," but not without some hesitation.

I gave her fifteen minutes to prepare, stripped down to my boxers and went to her room. Mum was lying in the centre of the bed, trembling slightly.

"Mum, I swear that I will not hurt you, but don't forget, you can always 'turnip' me."

"Mmm, okay, let's get on with this, whatever it is."

I fastened her wrists with fur-lined cuffs and gave similar treatment to her ankles. I slipped a towel under her arse ("Mum, if you cum, we don't want a big wet patch in the middle of the bed"), and fixed a blindfold over her eyes. When I was sure she couldn't see, I slipped on not one but two chinchilla massage mitts and prepared to give her the massage of a lifetime.

I started stroking her breasts from her shoulders down to her stomach, and as I did so, her nipples became rigidly erect in world record time. At the same time she made a cross between a gasp and a squeal and shook at the sensation.

"Oh my god, Jesse, what are you doing. I've never felt anything like this before ... ooh, ... aah, yes, please, whatever it is it feels so intense and so luxurious. I want MORE."

"More is exactly what you shall get, you sensual woman. I shall enjoy seeing and hearing you writhe and scream with pleasure." Now, I stroked upwards from her stomach, lingering over her tits, working round them in gentle circles. Her response was somewhere between a moan and a scream which continued as I worked up her chest then down each side of her body to her hips and stroked across the sides of her arse.

"Uurgh ... oh god ... Jesse ... oh god ... oh fuck ... Jesse," she groaned, trembling and thrashing to the extent that the cuffs allowed. "Oh you don't know ... this is just unbelievable ... oh my god ... oh Jesse."

I worked my way down the outside of her legs to her feet, accompanied by gasps and moans of delight. The coup de grace came when I stroked up inside her legs, over the soft skin just below her pussy. Caroline screamed with delight and as if taken by a sudden seizure, her body went quite rigid and she shook and screamed as an epic orgasm thundered through her whole body.

"Mmm, gorgeous girl, you seemed to enjoy that -- but I haven't finished with you yet. I want to play your body as if it was a superb musical instrument," I told her with an evil chuckle.

"Oh Jesse, nothing could be as good as that. I can't think what else your devious mind may have cooked up, but I'm almost having another orgasm just thinking about it," she murmured in a soft, husky voice.

I reached down and picked up a radio controlled combination vibrator and clit stimulator. I stroked the first two fingers of my right hand along her saturated pussy lips and garnered a quantity of her juices to lubricate the vibrator.

"Now, Carole, my dearest love, this is a vibrator," I told her, sliding it into her wet, pulsing cunt, with the stimulator snug against her clit.

"Oh fuck, Jesse, what are you going to ...."

Her question ended in a scream as I turned on the vibrator, setting it to a medium pulse to start with. Carole thrashed against her restraints, calling my name over and over, and alternating that by calling to god. She whimpered and moaned as the pressure of the vibrations in her cunt grew, taking over her whole body in a surging tide of lustful, ecstatic frenzy.

"Yes, oh god, yes, so good, so fucking good, oh Jesse, you devil, what are you doing to me? What have I done to deserve so much pleasure? Oh my god, please don't let this stop."

I gradually turned up the vibrations and Carole shook and moaned, losing all control and making incoherent sounds of passion as she surged through a series of small preliminary orgasms. She was surrendering to the rapture of the sensations generated in her brain, radiating from her cunt.

With the vibrations turned close to maximum, Carole burst into a frenzy of screams and tears of bliss, her whole body shaking and trembling. With that, she let go completely screaming my name at the top of her voice as a giant orgasm took control of her whole body.

I turned the vibrator down to its lowest level for a short time to allow her to come down from the mountain peak where she had seen eternity. She shook and whimpered but gradually calmed and I stopped the vibrator and removed it completely. I quickly removed the restraints from her wrists and ankles, took off the blindfold and wrapped her in my arms.

Her eyes were misted with tears, but they sparkled with a hidden joy.

"Jesse, oh Jesse, my dearest Jesse, please just hold me close and let me feel your love wash over me." She kissed me, soft and sweet, strangely, perhaps, with almost no sexual intent, but with an overflowing love, even amounting to adoration. "You mean everything to me, Jesse, and I want you so much, although right at the moment my poor overworked pussy wants to beg a raincheck from you."

"Mmm, of course, gorgeous. I have the usual prescription for you; a hot bath with soothing bath oils, and a good night's sleep. I read somewhere that someone said that the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. This guy went on to say, 'I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep and there are no words for that.' So we will sleep tonight, with the emphasis on sleep and see what tomorrow brings."

Carole favoured me with a brilliant smile and disappeared into the bathroom.

The alarm woke me next morning; it was a work day for mum but I didn't have any commitment before an 11.30 tutorial. I heard her finish her morning ablutions and she came out of the bathroom in all the glory of her beautiful naked body.

"Oh, I'm sorry I woke you, honey, but I need to go and do battle with the departmental demons this morning."

"That's okay, mum," I said rolling onto my side and propping myself on my elbow, looking at her with a lascivious grin on my face.

"They reckon that men's brains are in their dicks," she laughed. "It isn't as if you've never seen me naked before."

"The truth of the matter is that you are so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off you. Remember that 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty, -- that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know'."

"Oh very smooth," mum laughed again. "If you're going to quote nineteenth century poets at me, try this one, 'The magic of the tongue is the most dangerous of all spells'."

"Mmm, now how many ways can you interpret that!"

"Oh, go back to sleep and stop trying to seduce me," she said with a smile in her voice.

"I will, when you've gone, but I've told you before, I love to watch you dressing. It is so sensuous. I think that, in many ways, you look more desirable in clothes than when you're naked. They add a touch of hidden mystery -- that's why I'm so keen on taking glamour photos of you."

"Jesse, you really are a hopeless case -- I'm glad to say! Okay, lay there and ogle me while I get dressed."

Which I did, making suggestive comments while she did so. It really was a strip in reverse, and watching Carole slide her hose on and smooth them up her slender, lovely legs was enough to reinforce my morning woody.

I gave her a loud wolf-whistle as she finished and left the room, turning and blowing me a kiss as she went.

The early part of the day proceeded according to plan. Around 3.00 pm, I was sitting at the kitchen table studying and drinking coffee when mum burst into the room with an excited look on her face. "Grab your camera and come with me, honey," she demanded and I knew better than to argue. We headed for her BMW, and we took off.

"Okay, Mum, what's it all about?"

"Jesse, I think I've found the perfect place for us to move to. It's about an hour away on the other side of town -- an old farmhouse on about 2 acres of land. Needs some work, but I think it will be perfect."

We arrived at the location eventually, a semi-rural area but with development starting to creep towards it. I was astonished when I saw the house. 'Needs some work' was a gross understatement. The grounds were overgrown and the building looked as if it hadn't seen a paintbrush for many decades.

"Yes, I know, honey, it looks pretty dreadful, but I've had a builder I know do a preliminary site report, and he says that the fabric is in surprisingly good condition. No salt damp, no white ants; it's a deceased estate and given that it will need a complete renovation, the asking price is really rather low."

"Mainly land value, I guess," I ventured. "Why not just run a bulldozer through it and start again?"

"Oh no, Jesse, let me show you round inside." Mum had obviously been here before.

"Look, Mum, this is your money, your agreement. If this is what you want, you don't have to sell me on the deal."

"Jesse Mason," mum was closer to angry with me than I think I'd ever seen her. "Just listen to me, young man. This is for us, for you and me, but if you really don't like it, we'll walk away and nothing more will be said. All I ask is that you please give the house a chance to sell itself to you."

"Okay, Mum," I grinned, "that's the least I can do."

Mum led me in into the single storey building, down a large hallway into what was obviously the main living room, high ceiling, open fireplace and in spite of its rather dilapidated look, it had a warmth and sense of welcome that quite surprised me. Two large bedrooms and a bathroom opened off the main hallway with a dining room and huge kitchen at the rear. A more recent renovation had added a laundry and two more rooms, and there was a garage and sheds outside.

Unexpectedly, I started to warm to the house. It would probably cost an arm and a leg to renovate it properly, but once done, it could be the ideal place for mum and me to settle into.

"So, what do you think, Jesse?" Mum was trying to suppress her excitement but not succeeding too well.

"Okay, Mum, you've sold me -- or the house has sold itself. Where do we go from here?"

At this, and wholly to my amazement, Mum's face fell and it looked as if she was about to burst into tears. "Jesse, there's something I've needed to talk to you about ever since your 21st birthday, but I've been too afraid to do so."

I kept silent, knowing that anything I said would jeopardise the struggle that mum was obviously having with whatever it was that was eating at her.

"Oh god, honey, please forgive me, but I'm so scared. You are sixteen years younger than me and I'm afraid that one day, perhaps soon, you will meet a young woman who will flutter her eyelashes at you, beguile you into a relationship and you will want to marry and have children and so leave me. The idea of that happening terrifies me."

"Hmm, I see. Yes, Mum, I expect that will happen."

She looked absolutely desolate. Her shoulders slumped and her head fell forward with tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes.

"It will happen at exactly the same time that you meet a handsome guy, a year or two older than you -- perhaps my girlfriend's father. He'll have crisp, wavy dark hair, just starting to go grey at the temples and piercing blue eyes with deeply etched laughter lines around the corners. He'll be a professional guy, perhaps a doctor -- please god, not another lawyer. He will sweep you off your feet and provide you with all the social life and mutually satisfying activities that you want -- and the sex will be astounding."

Mum looked at me with an indescribable expression on her face. "You sneaky, cunning little bastard," she yelled but then burst out laughing. "I ... you ... I'd never ..."

"I'd never, either, Mum. I just want to grow old with you and love you for the rest of our lives. I don't give a rat's hat about any mythical girlfriend -- she doesn't and won't exist, so please put that out of your mind, and if you're prepared to put your handsome suitor out of your mind, you can come here and give me one of your famous hot, wet, sloppy kisses."

She shimmied across to me trying to display the ultimate in sexual allure. She succeeded, and I wrapped my arms around her as she caressed me with her body. Her kiss was nothing short of full scale oral seduction as her mouth worked against mine with her tongue exploring every inch of my mouth and her hands held my face close against her. As we kissed, she made small soft noises into my mouth and pressed her mound firmly against my growing erection.

Mum gasped and cooed as we broke from the kiss. "Now let that be a lesson to you, you naughty boy. If you tease your mummy, that's the sort of punishment you'll get." She sashayed away from me and giggled, the more so when I caught her a satisfying swat across her curvaceous rear encased in her tight business skirt.

A few days later, I went with mum to a negotiation with the seller's agent for the property. I'd never seen her in business mode before, and I was completely blown away by the experience. As we got into the car to drive home, I turned to mum and said, "Mum, you were truly amazing. I've never seen such total control, such complete professionalism in my life. You were awesome in there and had that guy eating out of your hand."

"Thank you, honey, but that's my job. I'm completely focussed in those sorts of situations, and I had all the facts at my fingertips. After that, it's just a case of being clear, concise, complete and convincing -- and I sound just like I'm presenting to a business seminar, don't I? In the end, we got what we wanted at our price." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and we returned home.