My Mother, My Lover Ch. 05


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I couldn't say "no", and mum held on to my cock while I peed, directing the stream across her tits and down her stomach, making cooing noises as she did so. "Oh Jesse, I don't know what it is about that, but it makes me feel that I totally belong to you, and that gives me a great big warm feeling all through my body.

"So, kiss me, Mum," I demanded, and she obeyed with a hot, wet open-mouth kiss that set our tongues wrestling with each other and our hands grasping at our arms and bodies.

"Mum, in exchange for that experience, I've got something I'd like to try with you -- nothing too kinky and certainly not painful; just a bit unusual."

"Okay, honey, I'm game for anything -- once," and she laughed.

"Right, Mum, hold your hands up as far as they will go and clasp them together above your head." As she did so, I moved in and kissed her in the right armpit, working my tongue over her shaven skin.

"Ooh, Jesse, that's nice. I don't know that it would give me a complete orgasm, but it's certainly enjoyable, and we can add it to our list of fun and games. Now kiss me on the other side,"

I did, and she giggled. We dried each other, then dressed and headed downstairs. A short while later, we had just enjoyed a superb breakfast; Dee-Dee giggled that, "young lovers need to keep their strength up," when my eye caught an article in the paper which caused me to sit bolt upright.

"Oh my good lord," I exclaimed, "I wish I didn't believe it."

"Believe what, Jesse?" mum enquired, and I showed her the article. 'Prominent lawyer and family morals campaigner charged with having sex with minors and procuring minors for illegal purposes. Lawyer Denzel J Mason appeared in court today charged with fifteen counts associated with sexual activity with a minor.'

Mum screamed and her face turned a bright scarlet. "The stupid bloody fool. He's really fucked himself this time. I hope to god he gets everything he deserves, and I'm just glad I've changed my name."

As soon as the words left her mouth, mum turned to me with a look of horror on her face. "Oh Jesse, Jesse, my love, I'm so sorry, I didn't even think what this could do to you. Oh my love." With this, she threw her arms around me and kissed me feverishly. "Jesse, whatever happens, I'm always here for you, always. I love you so much, and I'll do anything I can to protect you."

Then, unexpectedly, Dee-Dee came over to me and did the same thing. She hugged me tightly and said, "I second everything your mother has said. I'm here for you too. You've been so good to me, both of you; you only have to ask."

"Thank you both," I said, more calmly than I really felt. "Your love is so strong I can almost taste it, and it'll give me strength to deal with any fallout from this miserable business." I kissed mum, then Dee-Dee for the first time, and her kiss was warm and sweet as she looked deep into my eyes.

As it turned out, there was practically no media interest in his family; I suspected that strings had been pulled at a fairly high level, and this was borne out in a wholly unexpected way some short time later. Late one afternoon, I had a phone call from someone calling himself George Branson, a lawyer for Mrs Lucy Mason.

Now Lucy Mason was my paternal grandmother, a formidable woman with whom I'd never had anything like a close relationship, and had seen only rarely. She had a reputation for being fierce and determined with connections in many places. Her word was law, and I was surprised when George Branson intoned, "You are requested to wait upon Mrs Mason at 3.30 pm next Friday."

"I ... I suppose so," I stammered, "do you know what for?" "No sir ("sir?' I queried to myself) I am simply instructed to request your presence. I believe you are aware of Mrs Mason's address?"

"Yeah, okay, I'll be there."

Mum was astonished at this turn of events. "I bet it's something to do with Denzel and his little peccadilloes," she commented. I just mumbled noncommittally and left it at that.

So on the Friday at the appointed time, I presented myself at the old Victorian mansion that was now mostly closed up, and served as the home of my paternal grandmother. A maid answered the door bell and I was ushered into my grandmother's presence. An elderly heavily built but rather gray man was also present. He introduced himself as George Branson, the family lawyer.

Lucy Mason was a small finely boned woman, now shrinking in on herself. She was riddled with cancer, and told me that her doctors had given her no more than six months to live. Even so, her strong and determined spirit showed through in her beady black eyes that shone with intelligence, insight and, perhaps unexpectedly, a good helping of humour.

"Hmm, Jesse, I hope you and your mother are keeping well?"

"Yes, we're both very fit, thank you; we're going to move into a house on the other side of town, I'm about half way through my studies, and mum is going to set up her own financial consultancy."

"I strongly approve of individual personal endeavour, Jesse, and although I would have hoped you would follow the family tradition and study law, my sources tell me that you're doing very well in psychology."

"Thank you, grandmother," I said, but wondered where all this was heading.

"Hmm, thanks are not needed but appreciated. Now, you must be wondering why I have invited you here. To cut a long story short, I am so disgusted with your father's behaviour that I have decided to alter my will. He will no longer be my residual legatee; I have decided to substitute your name in that position. As matters stand at present that will amount to something a little over three million dollars."

"Oh my god, grandmother, why ..."

She cut me off. "Please do not blaspheme, Jesse, although I understand your surprise."

"I'm sorry, grandmother, but what about Aunt Sophie and Aunt Georgia, surely they are in a better position than I?"

"Your concern does you credit, Jesse, but they are guaranteed substantial legacies. In any case, I am sufficiently old-fashioned to believe that inheritance needs to be in the male line. This is my decision, Jesse; all I would ask is that you take the time to visit me every so often. You seem like a very respectable and courteous young man."

"Yes," I thought to myself, "and one who regularly fucks the arse off his mother!" That little idiosyncrasy did not allow itself to intrude into our conversation.

"Grandmother, I can only say a deeply felt 'thank you' and of course I will visit as often as possible."

"Thanks are not necessary, my boy. You may be interested to know that I have made an arrangement with the editor of the morning paper -- we are old friends, and you will not be troubled by any prying journalists over your father's crimes. I should also say that the price of that silence was to permit his name to be published ahead of the trial. A difficult decision, but I felt the safety of my family to be more important than covering up a pervert's identity, even though he is my son."

I was lost for words, but again stammered out my thanks, and took the liberty of placing a light kiss on her old and withered cheek. Her smile was warm and accepting, and I left the house in a complete daze.

Returning home, I told mum and Dee-Dee the story. Mum was hysterical with laughter and Dee-Dee made a comment about "right guy in the right place at the right time."

In the event, the doctors over-estimated my grandmother's likely survival. About six weeks later I had a phone call from George Branson to say, in his euphemistic way, that she had "passed on to a better place." I was not entirely surprised; I had seen her a couple of times in the interim and she seemed to be fading fast.

I went to the funeral on a fine spring morning; mum offered to come with me, but she was quite half-hearted and she wasn't too upset when I talked her out of it. It was very much a family affair which gave me the opportunity to re-acquaint myself with my cousin Charlotte (universally known as Charlie), Aunt Sophie's daughter and Rebecca, Aunt Georgia's daughter. They were as unalike as it is possible for two people to be. Charlie was short, slim and quiet, with a very limited bodily development; in other words, she was flat and had very slim hips. She had short, mid brown hair, cut in a bob that framed her round face and in her own way, she was an attractive young woman. She looked serious and somewhat under pressure and wanted to talk to me about my side of the family and what we were doing.

Rebecca was a polar opposite. Quite tall with flaming red hair half way down her back, she had the sort of figure that men drool over -- she knew it and flaunted it mercilessly. She dressed in high fashion, even at the funeral, and was noisy, ebullient and happy -- even at the funeral. We talked briefly, or rather, she talked, mainly about herself, and I listened.

Subsequently, I discovered that the residual of my grandmother's will would amount to something like $3½ million, although it would take some time to wind up the estate. Many people, including mum wanted to know what I intended to do with all that loot. I hedged and talked about investing and saving for a rainy day, reassuring mum that this would make no difference to our relationship. I also suggested investing some, at least, of the money in her business, but she was quite clear that that wasn't necessary -- and gave me a kiss for my generosity.

Shortly after the funeral, we finally got our old home on the market; it was snapped up quickly by a developer at a price that I thought surprisingly high, but I had reckoned without mum's thorough research into the market and likely purchasers. We soon moved into the new house, now completely renovated, thanks in no small measure to Dee-Dee's energy and enthusiasm.

On our first night in the new house, mum and I engaged in a very energetic encounter. She grabbed me as I walked into the bedroom after a shower, with only a towel wrapped round my waist. The element of surprise allowed her to shove me onto the bed, although I didn't really fight very hard. She ripped away the towel as she did so, and as I landed on my back, she shimmied up between my legs, locked her hot lips around my cock and sucked me enthusiastically until I came hard into her soft sweet mouth, shouting with joy and triumph.

"Yummy," she laughed, "what a way to christen the bed in its new home."

"Aggressive little tart, aren't you?" I laughed in return, slapping her briskly on each cheek. Carole squealed with delight, but her squeals turned to moans of ecstasy as I in turn threw her on her back and ate her pussy with similar enthusiasm. As my tongue stroked and my teeth nibbled her clit, those moans turned to an outright scream as her orgasm tried to blow her apart.

A day or two later, mum approached me in a rather hesitant way, unusual for her. "Jesse, honey, I'm a bit worried about Dee-Dee. She's such a sweetie, and I don't want her to get too, well, ... 'lonesome' if you get my drift. Could you have a chat with her and perhaps ... well, let her know that you care about her?"

"Oh my god, Mum, are you trying to pimp Dee-Dee for me? Has she dropped any hints to you?"

Mum blushed. "I hardly think that's how I meant it, Jesse, but yes I suppose that's the effect, even though she's said nothing to me. Would you be really offended?"

I chuckled. "Not me, I'm a normal young man with my full complement of raging male hormones, besides which, Dee-Dee certainly isn't hard on the eye. What concerns me, though, is how you will take this if, shall we say, I'm successful. Won't you be dreadfully jealous?"

"No, honey, Dee-Dee is my sister, and I love her very much. If you're prepared to share your favours, I could accept her more than anyone else at all. Besides," and here mum gave a sexy chuckle, "I thought guys really got off on threesomes -- not that I'm making any promises, you understand, but still ...," and she let any further comments hang in the air.

A little later that day I came upon Dee-Dee taking a break in the lounge room. "Hi Jesse," she chirruped happily, "how're they hanging?" Dee-Dee had always been prone to some quite direct expressions but she was so genuine that no-one ever took offense.

"Pretty good, thanks, Dee-Dee," and I sat next to her on the couch and slipped my arm round her shoulder, pulling her gently towards me, preparing for an exploratory kiss.

Dee-Dee pulled away from me and stood up. "Please, Jesse, don't do that," she said in a strained and uncomfortable voice.

"Dee-Dee, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be impertinent and I didn't realise that you found me repellent."

Dee-Dee's smile was a little more reassuring, but there was still an aura of embarrassment about her. "Jesse, you don't understand. If things were other than they are, I would be fighting Carole tooth and nail for your affections. You see, the truth is, I'm gay."

I looked at her for a few seconds, marshalling my thoughts, then went over to her and held her in a bear hug. "Dee-Dee, I still think of you as a wonderful, loving and very attractive woman. On the other hand, I do honour your sexual identity, and I'm just sorry that I tried to make a pass at you that you neither needed nor wanted. Mind you, you might have let us know about this earlier."

"Thank you, Jesse, of all the guys I know, you are at the top of my 'hunky list'. I just wasn't sure how you and your mum would react to this news. I also ought to be honest with you about my break-up with Frank. I realised a few years ago that I was a lesbian, but I hid it from him, successfully at first, but that became increasingly difficult. Eventually it all came out into the open; he called me some horrible names and made some revolting accusations, then threw me out. That's really how I cam to arrive on your doorstep."

"Dee-Dee just remember, you're family and we love you very much. You don't ever have to be afraid to tell us anything. Now, may I kiss you please?"

She laughed. "Knowing what you do, you still want to kiss me?" I nodded positively, and she grabbed my head and delivered a warm, loving but completely non-sexual kiss straight onto my mouth.

At just that point, mum came into the lounge. "Oh my," she gasped, "I'm so sorry; I didn't realise that you were enjoying each other so much. I'll just go and ...."

Dee-Dee and I broke into peals of laughter, having to support each other as we gradually recovered control. "Mum, come over here and sit with us on the couch," I told her, and she found a place between Dee-Dee on one side and me on the other. We both schmoozed up close to mum so that she was sandwiched quite tightly between us. Dee-Dee ran a finger down mum's arm (she was wearing a sleeveless top) and I leaned across and nibbled her ear.

"Well, you see, Carole," Dee-Dee began, "Jesse and I ... would you like to tell the story, Jesse?" Then Dee-Dee stroked mum's tit gently and burst out laughing as she cried, "Tat!" I stroked mum's other breast and pinched her nipple through the soft material of her top.

Mum squirmed and burst out, "What on earth are you two doing? It's not that I don't find this arousing, but how come Dee-Dee is involved?"

"Well, you see, Mum, I expressed concern that you might be jealous if I succeeded in seducing Dee-Dee. The truth is that I am much more likely to be jealous because Dee-Dee has just told me that she's gay."

Mum spun round to look at her sister who had a broad smile on her face. "S'right, big sister. I only really came out about a year ago, and it's one of the main reasons for my break-up with Frank."

"Oh Dee-Dee, why didn't you tell me. I have no problem with this at all -- I just want you to be happy, and if that's how you are happy, more power to you."

"Hmm," I muttered almost to myself. "I may possibly be about to make a total fool of myself, but do you remember when we were looking at the boundaries of our D/s relationship, Mum? I asked you if you would be prepared to have sex with another woman, and you said, yes, if it is someone who you find attractive."

Mum murmured a rather uncertain, "Yes."

"So tell me, Mum, do you find Dee-Dee attractive?"

Before she could answer, Dee-Dee cried out, "Are you suggesting that I should have sex with my sister?" and as I nodded the affirmative, she shouted, "Oh god, that is so hot. I've had fantasies of Carole for a long time -- I think that might be one of the things that helped me to recognise that I am a lesbian. Please, Carole, please love me."

Mum appeared shell-shocked and looked at me with a multitude of questions in her eyes. "Jesse, how would you feel about this? Would you be able to cope with the idea of your lover being with someone else?"

"If it was another guy, Mum, I think I'd be very upset. This is different, and I love you both, even if it is in different ways. Don't forget though that one of the rules is, I get to watch! I've just got to hope that you don't prefer that to being with me."

"I doubt it very much, my darling Jesse. Come here and kiss me, and we'll make preparations for a big production number this evening." Mum was now clear and committed to this adventure. Her kiss was warm and sweet and lingering, and she took my hand and stroked it across her tits. "We'll commandeer our room, but you must promise to stay in the chair, Jesse, and not try to join in. If you agree, we'll see you at 8.30," and she looked across at Dee-Dee who gave a brief nod. I agreed -- this sounded like lots of fun for an unabashed voyeur.

At 8.30, I tapped on the bedroom door and was greeted with, "Come in, come in, whoever you are," accompanied by a warm, chocolatey chuckle.

Dee-Dee was dressed in a pink baby-doll nightdress that barely reached half way down her butt, a matching pink thong -- and nothing else. She had matching pink lipstick and understated makeup and was sucking a lollipop, with an expression aimed at an impression of a little girl that she didn't quite achieve. Nevertheless, I had a great deal of difficulty in restraining myself -- if I hadn't known Dee-Dee was gay, I might well have jumped her bones there and then.

On the other hand, I had even more difficulty restraining myself from grabbing mum. She wore a black silk chemise that clung to her and emphasised her captivating curves. She also wore five inch heels but nothing else, except unusually dark makeup and nail polish that added a mysterious, enigmatic quality to her overt sexuality.

I clearly showed my enthusiasm, for she was quick to remind me, "Control yourself, Jesse, this is girls' night and it is a privilege for you to be here at all!" Mum was clear about the rules and wanted me to know it, but I could hear the laughter in her voice. Then Dee-Dee played up to this; "Oh please sir, help me. This wicked lady wants to do naughty things to me and for me to do them to her. Please save me, sir -- and I'll do naughty things for you," although she rather spoiled the effect by starting to giggle.

"Oh dear me, my child, I am unable to intervene. You must just put yourself in the lady's hands and trust that she will be good to you." This caused bursts of laughter from both of them and as Carole stepped out of her heels, they fell into each other's arms and kissed passionately.

I made myself comfortable and prepared to enjoy the show.

The warmth and tenderness between the two sisters was immediately apparent as they kissed deeply and passionately. "Dee-Dee, my sweet, you will have to help me -- I've never been with a woman before, and I'm not really sure what to do."

"Carole, don't give it another thought," Dee-Dee responded. "Just follow your instincts; we love each other and whatever happens will be fantastic."

They caressed each other gently and smiled and murmured with pleasure and anticipation. Dee-Dee looked at Carole mischievously. "Time for some action, sweetie -- lose the nightie."