My Mother, My Lover Ch. 06


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I went to bed later, but it was a bad night. Carole was restless, and this worsened as the night wore on, culminating in a dreadful nightmare. She thrashed around in the bed, crying and moaning, and I couldn't comfort her. Eventually she screamed at the top of her voice, jerked upright, drenched in perspiration, eyes open and staring, gibbering about her father. I held her and attempted to calm her, and eventually the storm passed and she dropped into a heavy sleep.

I was up early next morning and joined Dee-Dee and Charlie in the kitchen. "Is Carole alright? I heard her screaming last night," Charlie asked and I thought for a minute.

"I'm not sure, Charlie; Dee-Dee, what can you tell me about your father, please?"

"Hmm," Dee-Dee looked troubled. "Oh well, it's too late to worry about hiding the truth now. The fact is that he was a brute and a bully, and I think he sent our mother to an early grave; not only that, he never understood the needs of children. Harsh is an understatement—Donny was the only one who was ever able to stand up to him, and being the youngest, I was relatively unaffected. But Carole came in for all the punishment and she was often thrashed savagely with his belt for silly little mishaps. He never attempted anything sexual but he seemed to live by a rule that said that mistakes will not be tolerated and you must get punished hard to make you realise the error of your ways. Not that it ever worked, and I think that may have been the reason she jumped at the chance to get pregnant by Denzel. It was more to get away from our father than any genuine love for her husband."

"I see," I speculated. "It seems as if that message has been buried inside her and this partial meltdown has triggered a whole bunch of negative stuff associated with her father. Now it will depend on what way Carole goes, but I for one will do everything in my power to help her through this."

Dee-Dee and Charlie were enthusiastically supportive in their responses, but we had to wait for Carole to see how she was faring this morning. We didn't have to wait long before she appeared. Carole entered the room with her hair in a ponytail, wearing only jeans and a tee shirt and, I suspected, no underwear as her erect nipples were showing clearly through the tee. Her face was pale and set, and she walked over to me and immediately dropped to the ground and kissed my feet.

"Master," she intoned in a tight voice suggesting she was only just keeping herself under control. "Please, master, I need you to punish me. I have done a very bad thing and I need to be disciplined."

I was a little surprised that she should be so public; Dee-Dee and Charlie were clearly astonished.

"Carole, are you sure you know what you're asking? We have forgiven you for what happened, why do you want to take this further?" I asked gently, knowing what her answer would be.

"Oh master, I know you have all forgiven me and I am eternally grateful, even though I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I can't forgive myself without being punished for my sins."

I wasn't surprised at this. "Very well, go straight to the bedroom, remove all your clothing, sit in the upright wooden chair and wait for me there while I decide on your punishment."

"Yes master," she said and getting to her feet, left the room.

Charlie and Dee-Dee looked worried. "Jesse, what are you going to do?" Charlie queried.

"Just exactly what she asked. I'm going to punish her."

"Yes, but how?" Charlie persisted.

"Well, it must be sufficiently rigorous that Carole understands that it is a punishment but not so hard that she will be seriously harmed."

"I hope you know what you're doing, Jesse," Dee-Dee added, as I left the room feeling none too certain myself.

In the bedroom, Carole was sitting demurely on the chair, knees together and arms crossed across her chest. "Master, how am I to be punished? I so much need to eradicate the demon that has taken residence in my soul."

I looked sharply at Carole to make sure she wasn't playing some sort of game, but there was no suggestion of any deception in her face. "First, Carole, I want you to tell me your safe word, and I want you to promise that you will use it if the punishment becomes too much for you to take."

"Oh master, the word is 'turnip' but I shall not use it. This is so important to me and I trust you with every fibre of my being. Please discipline me," she finished with a gasp.

"Very well, slut. I am going to shackle your wrists and ankles, although first, put this towel on the seat just in case you find your punishment, well, shall we say, too stimulating." So saying I went to my toy cupboard and fetched a pair of fur-lined cuffs which I fastened to her ankles, then to the chair legs. In doing so, I exposed her beautiful, freshly shaven pussy, looking pink, delicious and decidedly edible. I had to almost physically restrain myself—to become engaged with her pussy at this time would have quite destroyed the effect I was aiming at.

For her wrists, I produced a lightweight spreader bar with cuffs already attached. This sat behind her neck and I locked her wrists to it, which had the effect of pushing her chest forward and highlighting her equally delectable breasts. During the whole process of shackling my little pet, she had gasped and whimpered in anticipation, partly from excitement but at least equally from apprehension.

"Now, slut, you are locked into position and cannot move from the chair."

"No, master, but what will you do with me?"

"Well slut, next I intend to bind your tits to engorge them and make them much more sensitive."

Carole gasped and moaned, "Oh god, master, I've never ... oh god."

I picked up a long piece of soft cotton rope and looped an end around her chest and tied it off at the back. Then I passed the rope around her body again, then twice around her right breast. The rope then looped around her shoulders under the spreader bar and twice around her left breast, finishing with two passes around the whole of her breast, again looping up around her shoulders. I had to be particularly careful that the rope was not so tight that it would completely cut off circulation, but tight enough to increase the sensitivity of her tits and nipples substantially.

During these preparations, Carole became increasingly wound-up, gasping, whimpering and jerking against her bonds. When I was finished, I bent and ran my tongue across her swollen nipples and she squealed; much more so when I bit gently into them. "Oh master, oh master, oh my god, what are you doing to me, I never realised ... oh master, what will happen to me?"

I moved away from Carole briefly, going again to my toy cupboard, then back to my bound beauty.

"Well, well, slut, look what I've found."

Oh god, oh god, oh god—the ... the flogger," Carole's voice cracked and she croaked out her fears and forebodings.

"That's right, slut, now, beg me to flog your superb super-sensitive tits."

"Oh master, I don't know, I'm not sure I can take this, oh master, please, please tell me what to do."

"I've already told you slut, now BEG ME for your punishment," I shouted at her.

This was the moment of reckoning. If I was right, Carole would obey me and her demon would be banished. But if she opted out via the safe word, she might never come to terms with her past. I think she realised that, and looked at me with total trust almost amounting to reverence.

"Please master, I beg you, please use the flogger on my breasts. Please hurt me and purify my soul. Please!"

I first drew the tails of the flogger slowly and lightly across her tits, making her gasp at the unexpected sensation, then with a light flick of my wrist, struck her puffy nipples. The effect was dramatic and immediate. Carole screamed and twitched as the soft suede strips struck her breasts. She writhed against the restraints and her head shook making her pony tail fly in all directions. Her screams were punctuated by loud, deep moans as the flogging continued.

I could soon see that something interesting was happening, and I stopped the flogging briefly and wiped my finger across her pussy. It was soaking wet and flowing with her juices; this treatment was creating a rising climax for Carole, and I put my finger into her mouth. She licked and sucked it voraciously.

"So, the naughty little slut is getting off on her punishment, is she?" I asked.

"Oh master, I am really sorry but I can't control myself. I'm so surprised, but this is getting me worked up and the glorious hot sensation in my tits is transmitting itself straight to my cunt. Oh please don't stop, give me more, master."

I resumed the flogging but realised that it would be dangerous to continue indefinitely. Besides, the little rolling orgasms that clearly showed through her moans and gasps needed to be transmuted into one glorious, earth-shattering climax.

Carole moaned her disappointment when I stopped the flogging, but then screamed at the top of her voice when I introduced the vibrator/clit stimulator into her pussy. She jumped and bucked her butt into the air in an effort to maximise the pleasure, which was steadily building. Then for the coup de grace, I removed the vibrator, causing another moan of disappointment, but the scream returned when I got down on my knees and licked along her oozing pussy from her puckered arsehole to her throbbing clit.

I inserted first one, then two fingers into her sopping cunt while I rolled her clit with my lips, then bit gently into it. I knew then that the end was not far off. Carole's screams turned into an almost continuous ululation, punctuated by a torrent of meaningless words until she shouted as loudly as she could, "I'm cumming, oh my god, I'm cumming." Her scream was so loud, it hurt my ears, then she shook violently and went completely rigid as her orgasm thundered through her whole body, radiating from her cunt in a fierce flame of release.

As her scream quieted, Carole slumped forward, unconscious in the chair. I quickly released all the shackles and cut away the rope with blunt ended scissors. I picked up her limp body and placed it gently on the bed, then massaged her tits, using a soothing lotion to help restore circulation.

Carole regained consciousness and looked up at me with an expression of love, gratitude and acceptance, but as I moved to take the scrunchie from her pony tail, she said, "Please, master, not yet; I haven't finished yet. I still have to humiliate myself in front of Dee-Dee and Charlie."

"Oh Carole, my love, are you sure? They've completely forgiven you; you don't need to put yourself through that as well."

"Master, I don't think you understand. I know they have forgiven me, and I am so thankful, but the problem is, I haven't forgiven myself. For that, I must humble myself in their presence to show them and myself that I am truly ashamed of what I did."

"Are you sure that this is what you need?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes, master, I've never been so certain of anything; this is all I need to complete my cleansing, although I'm not sure exactly what I need to do."

"I see -- well, I need to speak to Dee-Dee and Charlie about this and brief them about what to expect. In my absence, go to the toy cupboard, put on your knee pads, get out the collar and chain and find the vibrating butt plug with the tail attached."

"Oh god, yes, master, that will be perfect. Oh please master, I beg you, let me do it that way."

"Mmm, yes, bitch, some begging will certainly be required," and with that I left the room to find the others. I explained to Dee-Dee and Charlie what was about to happen in general terms.

"Look, guys, you may find this quite bizarre and very uncomfortable—not in a physical sense but in the sense of being able to accept that this is what Carole needs to do. Please let this play out as she needs it to happen and don't try to prevent it. That might spoil the whole outcome."

"Okay, Jesse—you seem to know what you're doing." Charlie seemed rather uncertain, and Dee-Dee just sat with a worried expression on her face.

I returned to the bedroom where Carole had already put on the kneepads, fastened the collar round her neck and attached the chain. "Master, I'm sorry, but I couldn't fit the butt plug."

"Never mind, bitch, it will be my pleasure to slide it into your beautiful arse." And so saying, I lubricated the plug generously and stroked her smooth, velvety cheeks. Then, pushing them apart, I rotated the plug slowly and made it disappear into Carole's arsehole.

When I turned on the vibrator, she screamed quietly and sobbed with excitement at the sensation. "Oh master, thank you that feels so good. Now I must humble myself before Dee-Dee and Charlie."

"Yes. I shall refer to you as 'bitch'. You may not speak, except to say to Charlie, 'Mistress, please forgive this miserable bitch. I am totally ashamed and I beg your forgiveness for what I did to you.' When you do so, you are to sit back with your butt resting on your legs and hold your arms out parallel to the ground as if you are a dog, begging. When you have done that to Charlie, you must then move in front of Dee-Dee and do the same for her. Do you understand?"

"Oh yes, master, I understand and I want to thank you for being so generous and allowing me to do this."

"Hmm, very well, bitch, now come this way," and I led Carole on her hands and knees into the lounge.

Both Dee-Dee and Charlie gasped in horror and/or dismay as we entered, but Carole moved straight to Charlie, sat up and repeated her plea exactly as I had told her. Charlie's face was tight and only just under control, but she said to Carole, "Of course I forgive you, you lovely puppy," and so saying, she stroked Carole's hair and ran her fingers gently behind her ears.

Carole's next action astonished me as well as Charlie, for she took Charlie's hands into hers and licked them, one by one, looking deep into Charlie's eyes with an expression of humility and gratitude. Charlie turned away to hide her tears.

Carole then moved to Dee-Dee and repeated the formula. Dee-Dee burst into tears and could barely gasp out her forgiveness, but Carole's response was even more surprising. She bent to the floor and licked Dee-Dee's bare feet, then looked lovingly into her eyes and kissed the tears as they flowed down Dee-Dee's face.

Carole then turned and looked at me, and we left the lounge, returning to the bedroom. Rather unexpectedly, Carole herself took the scrunchie off her hair and removed the collar and chain and the butt plug.

"I know a good little bitch is never supposed to do that, but ... Jesse, I'm FREE—the demon has gone and I'm whole again."

Here I jumped in both physically and verbally. I held her in my arms and said, "Carole, my beautiful Carole, my lovely mother, lover, mistress and everything else. I love you so much and I'm so grateful that you've come through this ordeal."

She looked at me with a warm and enticing smile on her face. "Just you wait, big boy; I'm going to make it the biggest project of my life to show you just how grateful I am."

"Mmm, I can hardly wait -- but first we'd better have a chat with the others—I think they may be a bit confused."

"Okay, honey," she said, "you start the conversation and I'll be out shortly when I've fixed my face—you know how it is with us girls!"

I wandered into the lounge and was promptly set upon by Charlie and Dee-Dee. "Jesse, how could you." Dee-Dee was first into the attack. "Poor Carole, making her perform like that. I felt so sorry for her." Charlie wasn't far behind. "Jesse, that was unforgiveable. I don't know how you were able to force Carole to do those things but you ought to be ashamed of yourself."

This diatribe went of for some time, getting progressively more heated, when they were stopped by a voice from the doorway. Carole had "fixed her face" and was dressed in skin tight jeans and an undersized tee shirt which clearly showed her proud nipples. She was wearing four inch sling back heels and she sashayed slowly across to the chair in which I was sitting.

"Shall I show you girls just exactly what I think of Jesse and what he did to me?"

"Yes, that would be a VERY good idea," Dee-Dee and Charlie chorused almost simultaneously.

Carole looked at me and grinned, then sat on my lap and ground her body into me trying to get as close as she possibly could. Then she took my head in her hands and kissed me in a way I had never been kissed before. She swept her tongue under mine and then seemed to try to perform a tonsillectomy with her tongue. Our lips stroked each other's with a sensuous persistence that was almost better than sex (almost!) and our mouths seemed to be welded together in a soft, warm, sweet union. All the time, Carole cooed, purred and made meaningless, breathy sounds of passion and lust.

Eventually, we broke, gasping. As we did so, I heard Dee-Dee say to Charlie, "I think we may have got this wrong."

Carole laughed. "Guys, it was never a question of what Jesse did TO me, but one of what he did FOR me. If you want to get some idea of how I feel about all this, take what you have just seen and multiply it by ten. You may then just catch a glimpse of the foothills of how I really feel about this big ape."

She continued, "Now if you will excuse us for a short while, there is something I want to say to Jesse in private." Carole grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair then led me out of the room, turning to wink at Dee-Dee and Charlie as she did so.

We went straight to the bedroom where she threw off her clothes in double quick time, then pushed me onto the bed and pulled off first my shoes and socks, then my shirt and jeans, leaving only my boxers. All this in silence

Carole looked at me with an expression so hot that it should have burned holes through me. When she did speak, she was brief and to the point. "I am going to suck your cock like it's never been sucked before. In fact, I aim to suck your balls through your cock like sucking a golf ball through a hosepipe. This is just a start, now let's get rid of those silly boxers," and so saying, she ripped my boxers off and threw them onto the floor.

By now, I was very hard and my cock was starting to throb. "Mmm, somebody likes the idea of his mummy sucking his cock." With that, Carole slid up the bed, pushing my legs apart, and started to use her tongue on the soft, sensitive skin at the inside of my legs, just below my balls. This had a very positive effect on the rigidity index of my cock, which was greatly increased again when she lapped round my balls, covering them with her saliva.

Then she went to work on my cock, licking slowly up the sides and concentrating on the soft, sensitive skin on the underside below the helmet. I could only groan and gasp at the delicious sensations she was creating, and I grabbed her head to hold her mouth close to me. Carole shook her head, just saying, "Later, my love," and returned to completely bathe my cock with her warm, succulent mouth. Then she slid my cock slowly into her mouth, working over it with her tongue as she did so, and took it completely into her throat in a slow motion deep throat. I could feel her throat muscles working along my cock in an almost indescribable tight embrace that sent my lust fuelled nerve endings into overdrive.

Carole moved away slightly to breathe more easily and I trickled my fingers into her ears, making her giggle. "Enjoying yourself, you dissolute sex fiend, forcing your mummy to do these depraved things to you?"

"Yes, my own gorgeous nympho, I am somewhere close to the gates of heaven. Now get your sweet lips back onto my cock or I'll die of frustration."

Carole allowed her laughter to disappear into a deep sexy gurgle as she again deep throated me, working the whole of her throat, her mouth and her tongue over my by now super-sensitive cock.