My Name Is Mud


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“Son of a bitch.” Now I was the one looking out the window at the other house. Until this moment I hadn’t really thought about what Lynne and Dave might be doing. Now I hoped that each was getting the best of the other. I had another one of those realizations. This wasn’t about teaching Jen how to suck Dave’s cock anymore; this was about freeing people to simply enjoy sex.

I turned to look at Jen. Her robe was partially open and I could clearly see the gentle slope of her breast all the way to her pink nipple. According to Dave, before Lynne and I had moved next door, Lynne had hardly been comfortable being naked in front of him. Now she sat before me with her breast exposed…completely comfortable.

Comfortable. That’s what I wanted for Jen. I wanted her to be comfortable with sex - any sex, all sex. An idea began to take shape, I needed to know more about what Jen wanted sexually.

“Well then, how about we see if we can raise your expectation of pleasure…” I moved Jen closer to the window and peeled her robe off. I sat down between her legs and slowly licked her to a knee trembling orgasm. I moved behind her and thrust into her wet cunt. As I fucked her I told her all of the things that Lynne might be doing to her husband. I noted which ones caused her to moan or her cunt to spasm.

I also asked her very specific questions about her sexual past. I pointedly asked her for information about her inner sex life and for any things that may have happened that she never told Dave about.

By the time I came in her I had a number of interesting possibilities to work with. We finished breakfast and then showered together. I fingered her for a while but didn’t make her cum. My deviously depraved mind was kicking into gear. This was going to be a fun-filled day…it was going to be a Jen-filled day…and I had every intention of being left absolute empty by the end of it day.

“Put that on.” ‘That’ was an off white sundress. “Cotton panties …no bra.” I was getting hard again. “Minimal make-up…hair in braids.” I was getting turned on as she got ready.

I swear she looked like she was 15.

“Let’s go for a drive.” It was a gorgeous summer day. According to the weather guy it was supposed to hot. If things went according to my predictions it was going to be way beyond hot.

We had hardly cleared the neighborhood when I asked her to show me her camel toe. It didn’t take a lot of convincing to get her dress pulled up and her cotton panties pulled tight. It took a little more convincing to get her to remove the panties in the car. She wouldn’t finger herself, so I did. I had her right at ‘don’t stop, don’t stop’ when we pulled into a busy parking lot. I drove to the far end and parked.

“Time for a little window shopping.” It took a while to coax her out of the car without any panties on. She insisted that she had never been in public without undies. But once we started walking she seemed to be enjoying herself. We walked along some not so interesting store fronts when I turned her towards a door and literally pushed her through. “Ever been to a sex toys shop? Welcome to Le Sex Shoppe Hot.”

“No I haven’t…oh…my…god. Ohmygod.”

I could smell her arousal. I could hear her softly panting breath. I felt her hand grip my arm tightly.

There before us, in a brightly lit room on open shelves and racks were every many of dress and dildo, vibrators and videos, oils, condoms and everything else.

“Everything from whips to whip cream.” I slowly walked Jen up and down the aisles. If she seemed to stop or look more directly at something I explained what it was or offered my best guess.

A nice looking Asian girl walked up to us. She was barely 5’ tall and wearing what looked like a Catholic girl’s school uniform with one notable exception. The long sleeve white blouse was unbuttoned and with the shirt tails tied beneath her breasts. Instead of a bra she was wrapped in some kind of white rope. Somehow the rope was able to flatten her left breast and squeeze and elongate her right one. The kicker was that both breasts were completely covered from view except for her nipples - and just her nipples. There wasn’t the slightest exposure of her areolas, just her nipples - both of which were pierced with small gold barbells.

“Please allow me to serve you.” The girl’s voice was soft and submissive with just a trace of a French accent; it sounded as if you would be doing her a great favor in asking her to do something. When she spoke I noticed that her tongue was pierced.

“Do you have any other piercings?” Lynne’s voice was low and throaty.

The girl took Jen by the hand and led her around a counter I followed. The girl placed a thin pad on the countertop and climbed up and sat on it. She sat with her back straight, knees together (her skirt right at the top of her knees) and ankles crossed.

I leaned in behind Jen, “I think you’re supposed to look for yourself.”

As Jen started to push the girls skirt up, the girls hands came down and covered Jen’s hands. She pushed Jens hands to her knees and patted them once. Then the girl folded the bottom 4” of her skirt up and smoothed it in place. She pulled Jen’s hands to her skirt.

Jen began to fold the skirt in the same methodical way; fold and smooth, fold and smooth. The material of the girl’s skirt slowly folded up to her thigh until the last fold had it at her hips - she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

The girls held the folded material in her hands and uncrossed her ankles. Jen’s hands trailed down the girls legs until she reached her knees. As Jen pushed the girls knees slowly apart it was apparent that the girl was smooth (Whether she was shaved, lasered or naturally hairless remained to be determined) and she had other piercings.

With her knees apart the smooth taper of her pelvis rose softly at her mons and then split into her cuntal lips and clitoral hood. The hood had three piercings (two barbells, one above the other and a large ring around her clit.) Her outer labia had two small rings each. When she lifted her legs you could see her inner labia were also pierced!)

The girls pulled up on her clitoral hood and revealed that her clit appeared to be bound or clamped by a very small ring. You could just see that her clit was slightly larger then the ring itself.

“The clit ring isn’t a piercing. Once you’ve determined the right size ring. It’s placed over your clit and then your clit is stimulated to arousal. When your clit swells the ring is held in place and keeps your clit swollen. I have orgasms all day long.

“We don’t do piercings here, but if you wanted to be sized for a clit ring that doesn’t take long at all.” The girl lowered her legs and climbed off the counter top.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. I placed two one hundred dollar bills in the girl’s hand. I turned to Jen and kissed her on the lips (her mouth lips).

“I’m gonna get a cup of coffee and read the paper, I’ll be back in about an hour. Don’t spend it all on one dildo.”

I was only able to stay away for 45 minutes before I had to see what was going on. I wasn’t disappointed as I surveyed the collection of dildos, vibrators, lubes, oils, handcuffs(!), buttplugs, nipple clamps spread across the counter. We left with a very full bag.


“I’m starved. That was…I never realized…God, I can’t wait to take Dave there. When we get home I’ll make a list and then we can…what are you doing?”

“The market is right here.”

“I can’t go in there like this. No bra - no panties. I know the cashiers and the checkers here. I might see someone I know. They’ll…”

“They’ll think you look amazing. And unless you’re planning on blowing me, or someone else while were here there really isn’t any big deal.”

The sliding doors closed behind us. “Oh the air-conditioning feels great.”

“Yes and the air-conditioning looks great on you too.”

“Ohmigod, my nipples!”

Thus began the Great Shopping Adventure. The cool air and the material of her sundress conspired to put on a nipple display of memorable proportions. It looked like her nipples were trying to escape right through her dress. Just about every man in the store, whether employed or just shopping somehow managed to walk past Jen at least three times. Jen hardly noticed. Let’s just say her attention was elsewhere.

It seems that our dear adventurous Jennifer had decided to try out a clit ring. All of this walking was taking a terrible toll on her. Her poor clit was being stimulated constantly as she walked. She somehow managed to walk through a number of minor orgasms by moving very slowly with her legs a bit apart. A side benefit (strictly from my point of view) was that she was literally dripping down her legs.

But then she saw a woman she knew and she ran for cover. The rapid thigh movement and mental stimulation sent her right over the top and she had a huge orgasm. I literally had to hold her up until it passed. We headed for the check-out line. The young girl at the register kept sniffing the air and licking her lips. I’m sure that if asked she would have been more then happy to joins us later. Perhaps another time.

I drove back to her house and Jen asked that we park Dave’s car in the garage. I was only too happy to comply. I was going down on Jen before the garage door was down. The poor girl was wracked by orgasms. I took her cotton panties out of my pocket and wiped off her thighs and cunt - she was soaking wet. Then I fucked her right in the passenger seat of Dave’s car. I used her panties again to clean her up and then stashed the panties under the driver’s seat.

When Dave got in his car Monday morning - phew!

We had a nice lunch and went out by the pool to cool off. We talked about the mornings shopping expedition and I asked what she’s bought at the sex toys shop. She just said that I’d have to be patient and that didn’t I get enough of a thrill in the grocery store anyway? (I had, and then some!)

Jen kept chatting away and then suddenly stopped. “What caused that?” She was pointing directly at my fresh erection. She hadn’t been talking about sex and I wasn’t even looking at her at the time. I was thinking about her though, I shared my thoughts.

“I was thinking about that day. I was thinking about when I had you in the pool and I was inside you.”

Jen rolled onto her side and looked at me intently. “What about it?”

“I was just thinking. You and Lynne were prepared for Dave and I to get frisky with each other’s woman. Lynne clearly had Dave all lined up and ready to go. You had me in the pool with my cock inside you, and yet you said ‘no’ when I tried to fuck you. Why? Were you having second thoughts?”

“Second thoughts? No, not really second thoughts…deeper thoughts. I was ready for you to fuck me, I mean; I wasn’t actually resisting you, was I? The plan was for whatever did happen to happen in front of everyone else. If there were problems later, at least we would all have known what’d happened.”

“So when I suggested we clean off and then went further you wanted it in front of Lynne and Dave. If we had gone back…”

“No, that’s not it. I was OK with fucking in the pool. That was another thing I wanted to do with Dave, and we have done it many times since then. I was ready to be fucked…” Jen sat up and took hold of my hand, “…it was what I wasn’t ready for….”

Jen stood and pulled me with her. We walked down the steps of the pool and entered the cool waters. She walked us right to that spot and turned around, her back to the wall. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

“I’m ready now.”

I pushed my cock into her. I paused and flexed it once.

She shook her head, “…make love to me…”

I did.

Just when you think it’s all over. You reach the end and find out how really finished you are.

I’m an asshole.

I feel like shit.

I am one fucked up shit.

I had it all figured out. I knew what was what. I knew how this was supposed to go.

It should’ve been all out of my system. It should have been over.

Been there - done that.
The End.

I got another beer. Not that the beer was helping me to think more clearly - far from it. Clear thinking wasn’t even in the same time-space continuum that I was occupying.

I walked back to the bedroom and peered in from the door. She looked like an angel. Her face was so peaceful, so trouble free. I realized that I had never seen Jen sleeping before - not even last night. Too dark. Or this morning, she got up before me.

God she was beautiful.

And I knew that I loved her more then ever.

Which was not part of the plan!

I was supposed to be fucking her deliriously. I had big plans to do just that. I had planned on plying her cunt with dildos and vibrators. I was going to tie her to the bed and ravish her. I was going to lube up her ass and fuck her to ecstasy and back again.

Now…now I just wanted to hold her, to be with her, to listen to her voice. I just wanted to love her for the rest of my life.

It only took four words.

Four words.

Four fucking words. Four!

“…make love to me…”

And we did.

In the pool.

In her bed.

And then again in her bed.

I walked back into her kitchen and gazed across the dark space towards my house.


“Maybe later, I’m pretty worn out lover.”

I turned to see Jen framed in the doorway. Her hair was all over the place and couldn’t have looked sexier. The residue of our affection was flakey dry on her thighs, still sticky in her pubic hair. I don’t think I’d ever seen anything more beautiful. I turned away from her.

Soft arms encircled me. I felt the twin points of her nipples press into my back. She kissed me between my shoulder blades.

“Come back to bed.”

I didn’t have to be asked twice.

We made love a third time in her bad and fell fast asleep.

In the morning she was leaning over her bathroom counter. I slide in behind her and pressed my cock into her butt.

“No. No more. We have to be at the Riverside Café in an hour.”

“No more? You couldn’t get enough last night or this morning.

“Please Jeff. We’ll be meeting Lynne and Dave soon.”

“Then just say it - say the words. You said them last night. Say them again. Say them in the light of day.”

“Jeff, I’m a married woman. I’m married to Dave. I love Dave.”

“Please just...please.”

“I’m sorry Jeff. I can’t.”

I was fucked. I was in love - just not with the right woman.

When we reached the café Lynne knew as soon as she saw me. Her mouth was smiling - nothing else was.

I pulled the tape across the top of the box. I looked at the address and just shook my head.

“How do I look?”

Lynne looked great. She was wearing a DKNY suit. The skirt was short, but then Lynne’s legs were incredible. She bussed my cheek and surveyed the boxes.

“All packed?”

“Yes and fabulous. I mean, fabulous and yes.”

I felt a tightening in my stomach as I looked at the soon to be empty house. It had been a hell of a year - and now it was over. “You know that I wish you the best Lynne. I’m sorry things didn’t work out like we’d planned. I guess I pretty much fucked up four lives.”

“Oh Jeffery - don’t do this to yourself. Yeah we had some lows, but we had some highs too. We had some great times together, don’t ever forget that. I’m really very happy about moving to California - it’ll be exciting out there with all the loonys.”

“And Dave is certainly not your fault. What happened with him was inevitable, sooner or later he was going to discover the wonderful world of pussy. Once his eyes were open no zipper could hold him back.”

I just nodded my head and heaved a tremendous sigh.

“Give her time. She just needs time. I know that she loves you very much, you know it too. Right? It’s gonna take some time is all.”

I nodded again.

“And I will always love you very much too. Maybe I’ll get lucky out there and find a guy who looks at me the way you look at Jen.”

A horn honked outside - her taxi was here.

Lynne stood right before me. “This is good-bye.” She kissed my on my left cheek. “This is good luck.” She kissed me on my right cheek. “This is wishing you the best.” She kissed my on my lips.

She opened the door and walked through until only her fingers were visible…then she came back in. She had a really strange expression on her face.

“I think I deserve a little respect before I go.”

I must have looked a little bewildered. She snapped me into action.

“I SAID RESPECT, JEFFERY. I DESERVE SOME RESPECT HERE - NOW! On the floor, hands to your sides, feet together. Good boy.”

Lynne stood astride my chest. Unrepentant pervert that I was I could see pretty far up her thighs but not quite far enough to see what color panties she was wearing - if she was wearing panties. And then it hit me. This is how it all began. Right here just like this.

“What’s my name bitch?”

I just smiled. I realized that I would always love Lynne and always be there for her.

“Don’t you smile at me you little bitch. What’s my name? What’s my fucking name?”

“I don’t know. My name is Jennifer…” I nearly knocked Lynne over as I swept Jen into my arms.

Lynne gave us both a hug and walked down to the waiting taxi and her new life in California.

She came back for the wedding.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Jeffery went in to break up the marriage between Dave and Jen in the first place. Should have been put down like a lame horse!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
It was Lynne's stupidity

not Jeff's, that did for all of them.

Why? How?

She told Dave to lick her instead of telling him to lick Jen while she told him what to do.

Madness for all involved.

Lynne will never find anyone to really love her till she stops her juvenile attitude to life.

In particular feeling love and concern for another person, as Jeffery did for Jen never ever needs physical expression.

It took years before I found that whenever I noticed another woman's beauty my wife got really insecure, not knowing that it was the same as when she looked at other peoples things. You can think 'nice' it doesn't mean you have any intention of taking it.

If Dave & Lynne had learned to listen and talk about sex it would never have gone wrong for them.

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago
thank god u finished it!

Somehow I figured this was where u were going with this, not the whole convoluted adolescence thing but the rest was close to expectations. Goes to show how amazingly well you had painted the characters in the first (and incomplete) version of this story. Great work. Lynne was always the most growed-up and loving, yet least romantic one of the lot. Jen's terrific too. And Dave, well Dave's the least developed character of the bunch. He came across as a typical young man: horny, clueless, and insatiable.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
damn good story

just sorry it took me so long to find it.

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