My Naughty Neighbour Ch. 12


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I watched her frown for a moment.

"Oh, I could hear someone yelling in Spanish. God, what a crazy bitch, speed through that neighbourhood. Don't want you to get killed. How're the kids? Oh, good. Well, hug 'em tonight when you see them, I miss you guys. Yeah, I'm keeping myself occupied. I visited Chinatown, the water tower, a little greasy diner and- oh, sorry, I understand. I'll give you all the boring details when I see you. Yep, love you too. Bye."

She ended the call and gave me a fixed look, sighing. "You're probably thinking what I'm thinking, he's outside his whore's apartment and that was her I heard yelling in the background."

I took her hands in mine and kissed them. She softened and smiled at me. "God, I wish I deserved you," she sighed. "I wish I could tell everyone how much I loved you."

She paused as she considered her statement and then used her phone again, bipping in a number and putting it to her ear, looking expectant.

"Elaine, hi," she said, smiling brightly. "How are you? Not drowning, are you? Good, good. Yes, we're fine. Look, I know you're probably working shortly, but would you have time to grab coffee with Michael and I? I promise, no pre-show shenanigans. I know, I'm disappointed too. Just coffee and conversation. Excellent. How long do you need?"

She smiled at me slyly. "Alright then, see you in fifteen."

Lynn hung up. "Well, there's one person I can confess my love to you about. We'll pick her up in fifteen minutes and take her for coffee in a little café not far from her work. Sound good?"

"Sounds great to me." I said easily, meaning it. I was looking forward to watching Lynn as she told Elaine our news. We drove over to her apartment slowly, discussing things we wanted to see the next time we came down to Chicago. The rain was still torrential as we pulled up to her place and saw the door to the building open. Elaine scampered out hastily, holding an oversized umbrella that was doing an admirable job of keeping her mostly dry. Lynn laughed as she hurried into the back, opened the sliding door and pulled Elaine inside out of the rain. They tumbled into the seats, laughing and hugging in delight. They greeted one another with a deep kiss and roving hands for several seconds, clearly forgetting the agreement over the phone to behave.

I shook my head and pulled out to drive us to the café we were supposed to go to. I heard them giggling and teasing one another in the back, the kissing and making out over, at least for now. I heard Elaine squeal and clap in delight before saying she was so happy for Lynn. I decided not to eavesdrop, even though they wouldn't care, and got us to our destination. The girls opened the door and dashed across the sidewalk ten feet to the café, laughing. I joined them and we entered, taking a round table. They seemed to know Elaine here, so we were served promptly. Café Noisette all around.

"So you really did it," Elaine breathed, beaming. "You admitted you're in love. Thank God, it was so obvious to anyone around you, y'know?"

Lynn nodded and squeezed my hand. "Yes. It's a pity it doesn't really solve anything, we can't be together ultimately, but it was such a weight off both of us to say the words."

"I'm sorry you feel like you can't, Lynn, you know I don't like your husband, but it is your choice and I'll respect it." Elaine said, nodding. "It's not like you moving on is gonna turn Kait into a crack hooker or make your son a serial killer. And from the sounds of it, Carter has his support network of Latina crazy."

Lynn giggled. "It's so crazy, El, you have no idea. As much as it hurts me, I'm kind of hoping he keeps it up, just to prolong his pain. It also gives me more justified time with Michael, of course."

"I ain't complaining about that, for sure." Elaine almost purred, looking at me and winking. "Pity you're only here for another few days."

"Oh, we'll be back, no doubt," Lynn assured her. "There's so many things we didn't have an opportunity to do."

"Well, as long as you have time for some poor stripper-girl trying to make her way through college." Elaine remarked, giving us the puppy dog eyes. A server brought over our beverages and smiled at us before walking away with a decided wiggle.

"Yeah, she and I fuck once in a while," remarked our companion as she took a sip of her Noisette. "You two'd have a good time with her."

"We'll keep that in mind for our next sojourn." Lynn concluded, smiling slyly. "But it is a pity this trip's ending so soon. Tomorrow we head back. It's been way too quick."

Lynn put down her drink as something occurred to her and she patted Elain's hand excitedly. "You should come with us to Chinatown so you can see me try on the dress they're making for me! Do you have time for that? It'll be tomorrow morning before we leave the city."

"Pity it won't be ready while you still have time here, but I'd love to come along," Elaine said, nodding. "I wasn't about to let you leave without a final goodbye."

Lynn smiled slyly. "Don't worry, there's plenty of room in the back of the van for proper goodbyes."

We were in a remote corner of the café and Elaine listened intently as Lynn recounted in great detail the history of her love affair with me, from its accidental beginning, through its barely restrained early period to the discovery of Carter's infidelity and the blossoming of the full-blown affair. Naturally, her account was very graphic in terms of sordid sexual details. Elaine listened rapt, only stopping the narrative to ask a question or two. I only chimed in when Lynn asked for my perspective or to lend a witticism, mostly unasked for.

"You're so lucky that you're bigger than Godzilla," Elaine said, giving me a dry look. "Pretty sure your sense of humour wouldv'e gotten you killed by now, otherwise."

I knew she didn't mean it, but my quips were often an opportunity or set-up for someone to reply in this manner. After all, a sense of humour is only as good as the reaction it engineers from the listener, and sometimes that reaction is agonized regret at the exposure.

Sitting in a café in Chicago during a thunderstorm, accompanied by the woman I loved and a really hot stripper, I realized life was pretty damn good at that moment.


We had dropped off Elaine back at her apartment, but not before she and Lynn indulged in a quick makeout session in the back of the van, the stripper-girl sitting in Lynn's lap while they swallowed one another's tongues hungrily. Finally, Elaine said her goodbyes until the following morning and we were on our way. Lynn joined me up front, reapplying her lipstick after Elaine had sucked most of it off.

"So where now?" she asked as she gazed into the little compact mirror while tracing the lipstick around her mouth expertly. "We're gonna need candles and massage oils and stuff for tonight."

"My thoughts exactly," I replied as I drove. "I looked up a store that should have what we need, it seems to cater to the 'lovers in love' concept."

"Well, it sounds like us to a T, so let's check it out, chief," she said cheerfully, putting the mirror away. "I await your pleasure."

It took us nearly half an hour to reach the store, due to the driving rain and flooded streets, but not surprisingly we had the place virtually to ourselves upon arrival, since few people were crazy enough to go out in these conditions if they didn't need to."

"We're gonna need a fucking ark to get home at this rate," she remarked as we dashed to the store through the deluge. "How many strippers, lingerie store attendants and cute bellhops do you think we'll be able to fit in it?"

It was not a large store, but it certainly had everything we could possibly need for tonight. It mostly catered to romance, like candles, mood music, massage oils or edible body paints and so on, with a small, subtle corner dedicated to toys and videos. Sensual lingerie took up another corner, but they were advertising and selling romance, not trysts.

I bought lots of candles, sneaking in a few scented ones, along with some CD's that I thought would please her. We found some massage oils in scents we each liked and added those to the purchase. A quick dash back to the van and we were on our way.

"We'll need to start thinking about supper soon, my love," Lynn stated, smiling at me. "Got anything in mind?"

"It's a romantic evening, it's only mid-afternoon, why don't we find a historical Italian place to eat?" I suggested. "Some place Capone might've gone after crying like a little girl at the opera."

We located the perfect place on Monroe St and sped back to the hotel to get changed while Lynn called and made sure they'd have a table for us. We dropped off our purchases, got dressed in casual but chic clothing and headed out again. The front desk staff waved and chuckled at us, saying we seemed to be the busiest couple in Chicago. For two people who did nothing but fuck, it was an odd observation, admittedly.

It was a cozy, narrow restaurant in warm Mediterranean colours and the music was soothing and old world Italian. The wine glasses were big and the food wonderful. Lynn's eyes shone as she looked at me across our table. Men were wandering around, singing in Italian while playing either one of those little squeezebox accordians or a violin.

"It's like that scene out of Lady And The Tramp," she giggled, taking another sip of wine. "Got any meatballs you wanna roll my way?"

We talked and quietly confessed our love for one another, never tiring of hearing it. Eventually, having gone through two bottles of wine, it was time to head back. Lynn was a little tipsy, but I was fine to drive and got us back without difficulty. I escorted her up to the room and lock the door behind us. She was standing in the middle of the big main room, looking at me expectantly. I walked up to her and took her into my arms, kissing her deeply and passionately. She moaned in deep contentment as I held her.

I pulled back from the kiss and smiled into her angelic face. "Do you want me to make love to you before or after your pampering?"

She giggled and made a show of considering. "Best leave it til later, making love to you really wipes me out."

Lynn clapped her hands twice and the lights dimmed, followed by waving her hand in the direction of the sophisticated sound system and soft music came on. We danced slowly around the room, looking into one another's eyes. Nothing needed to be said, we could see how in love we were. I'd never felt anything like it before. Thrilling, exciting and yet deeply fulfilling, it was almost like a completion of my being.

I took her by the hand and walked her slowly to the large bed. She sat and I slipped her shirt off, leaving her clad in her lacy bra. Her large, lovely breasts beckoned to me, but I resisted. I made her stand, unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them down. She was now wearing only her matching bra and thong panties. She waited while I got soft, plush towels for her to lay down on her stomach. She stretched out languidly, sighing dreamily. I retrieved the massage oils and other small goodies before kneeling next to her. I unhooked her bra and slipped it off her. Lynn giggled and raised her hips slightly as I pulled her panties off next, exposing her beautiful behind.

I put the music I'd bough on the small player on the credenza and then drizzled oil onto my hands before starting to massage her shoulders and neck firmly but gently. I could feel her almost melting under my touch.

"Mmmmm, why is polyandry illegal?" she sighed. "You have the touch of a god..."

I worked my fingers into her tender flesh and down her shoulders and over the blades, pressing in and making little circles with the pads of my thumbs. I stared almost stupidly at her perfect skin, rapt. How could this divine creature be in love with me? I massaged down her spine and then pressed on her sides and she groaned and stretched her legs, flexing her toes. It obviously felt pretty darn good.

I pressed into her lower back and she groaned again. "Gnnnnn, you're gonna make me pee myself from relaxing. Well, maybe not, but God, I totally could..."

I reverently massaged her wonderful ass cheeks, squeezing them as I massaged in circles, pulling them apart and treating myself to the sight of her glistening, pink pussy. I moved my fingers slowly inward toward her core as I massaged, avoiding touching her netherlips but coming agonizingly close, caressing the delicate ridge of flesh running from her womanhood to her little knot. She shivered in pleasure, yearning for more but knowing this was just the build-up to our lovemaking. We had plenty of time.

Down her long, supple legs I went slowly, pressing into the exquisite muscles, turning her to an almost jelly-like state. I kneaded her calves and picked up her leg gently, bending it at the knee, I kissed at the blade of her foot and her ankle, nibbling the skin and she gasped lightly and groaned. I massaged and squeezed each of her toes before moving around and going up her other leg slowly, back to her hips.

Silently, I stood and removed my own clothing before straddling her, both of us now naked. She hummed in pleasure as she felt my weight on the back of her thighs, my cock resting against her ass cheeks. With my fingernails, I grazed the thin skin of her lower back, pulling at it gently.

"Mmmmm, that makes me wet and horny," she purred. "Nice trick."

I finally allowed her to turn over and she smiled up at me lovingly, coyly covering her nipples with her hands and winking at me. I was kneeling over her stomach so I could reach her neck and shoulders easily.

"I am so in love with you, Lynn." I said gently as I put more oil on my hands and began massaging her neck and shoulders again.

"Mmmmmm, feeling's mutual, Michael..." she sighed. Lynn lay still while I moved my hands over her lush breasts, massaging in gentle circles. She smiled as I moved down to her abdomen and hips, sidling my body backwards slowly. She moaned as I pressed my thumbs into the soft skin above her mound and then around to her hips and thighs. Sitting on her shins, I massaged her legs, smiling as I noticed her pussylips were glistening with desire.

"My turn to take care of you, my love." Lynn purred as I moved off her. She allowed me to lay on my stomach on the bed and then drizzled oil on my back. I felt her ease her body onto the bed and then her breasts and torso pressing against me

"I've always wanted to give a massage like this," she whispered as she slithered her incredible breasts along my body, from my shoulders and neck down to my feet. She took hold of my foot and rubbed against them sensuously. I could feel her nipples poking into my skin. Her slippery hands pressed deep into the soles and then she squirmed her way back up, teasing my ass cheeks with her breasts.

Finally, she turned me over and straddled me, smiling down at me devilishly before beginning to squirm her breasts over my torso, even going so far as to massage my face with them. I loved the feeling of her soft skin against me and she slowly made her way down my now slippery form. Her bosom enveloped my cock and she spent as much time as she thought necessary making sure I was swelling rapidly. She teased my legs and feet again before coming back up, her slippery pussy resting against my hard shaft while she looked down at me, her eyes shining.

"Our last night to make love in Chicago," she said softly, perhaps a hint of regret in her voice. "I wish this little getaway never had to end."

I reached up and caressed her cheek gently and she closed her eyes at my touch. "We'll be back," I told her, meaning it. I couldn't imagine not doing this again. "And we'll make love as often as we possibly can."

She nodded and stepped off the bed, pulling me to my feet. Hand-in-hand, we walked back into the expansive main room and headed for the jacuzzi. She stepped in gracefully while I brought over the champagne and joined her in the churning, warm water. She sidled into me and sighed contentedly.

"It's funny," she murmured, looking at the fizzing champagne in her glass. "No one would ever believe that you had no intention of making me fall in love with you this week, but I believe you whole-heartedly. I believe it every bit as readily as I am in love with you, which I know to be true."

I nodded in response. "I never had a chance, Lynn. I was doomed the moment I laid eyes on you, I'm pretty sure."

She nodded and was silent for several moments before turning her head to look into my eyes. "Did you... do you really wish we could be married, Michael?"

I nodded.

"Yeah," she said distantly, turning her head to look out the huge window that overlooked the city. "I wish we could too..."

The moment passed and she smiled and clambered into my lap. She reached under the water and found my still-hard cock, lining it up with her pussy and sighing in pleasure as she sank down slowly onto it. When I was in to the hilt, she smiled at me lovingly.

"I tried not to love you," she whispered, her hands gently caressing the back of my head and neck. "What you do to me..."

We kissed deeply and lovingly as she squirmed and writhed slowly on my lap, my cock moving inside her. Bound to one another like this, we felt complete and limitless. I cannot begin to describe the places that making love to Lynn took me, mere words could never do it justice. We weren't fucking, we were making love, souls entwining around one another in an eternal love.

Her sapphire eyes shone as she gazed into mine, laying her soul bare before me. She withheld nothing and I was lost in her depths as we made love. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, our emotional and spiritual lovemaking every bit as intense as the physical. Our bodies moved in a sinuous, sensual rhythm we both wished would never end.

Kissing and whispering to one another, we gripped one another tight, bodies shuddering and arching as we came together. Lynn cried out as my cum inundated her pussy, squeezing me tight and milking my cock hungrily. We churned and writhed in ecstasy, with Lynn cumming many times until she collapsed against me, panting and exhausted. I held her close, never wanting to let go. Ever.

"My love..." she finally said softly, lifting her head and smiling at me angelically. "I absolutely would marry you."

We held one another a while longer before getting out of the tub and moving back to the bed. We kissed and made love again, more like husband and wife than star-crossed lovers, but neither of us gave any thought to that. Right now our universe consisted of only one another.

The real world could wait until tomorrow.

Author's Notes: Well, unfortunately for our happy couple, they must head home, meaning they must go back to secret meetings and illicit trysts with one another. Work is slowing down (finally), so hopefully I'll be able to keep things going here more smoothly. Not a lot to say, things are pretty self-explanatory at this point. So I'll just proof-read this, submit it and go to bed.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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BushidoMikeBushidoMike6 months ago

Elaine is Eileen?

BobossweetnessfreakBobossweetnessfreakover 6 years ago

I'm confused as to why she "has" to make her marriage work. Carter is cheating on would she ever trust him again? And how does she know this is the first (and for that matter the last) time? If I were Lynn, I'd tell him to go live with his secretary and divorce him. I'm all for making a marriage work (I've been married for decades) but if he ever cheated on me, he'd be history. I'd never be able to trust him again. I'm also a sucker for happy endings and I think Michael would be a much happier ending than Carter ever would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

We need mooooooore

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Is the redhead daughter going to join them at one point?, perhaps to be part of the relationship and help her decide to leave Carter since she also seems to suspect of him.

No1holywoodNo1holywoodover 7 years ago

Please keep them coming.

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