My Neighbor Ch. 4


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When he was clean, I looked up at my black stud, batted my eyes coyly and asked, "Are you going to whip me now, Oh Great Black Cock, or did my worthless white pussy satisfy your Most Exalted High Horniness?"

"Don't be a smart ass white bitch, or I just might do that very thing," but he was smiling as he answered. I was certain that he had enjoyed himself just as much as I had, and for the moment at least, this black giant was quite as sexually sated as I was. On the other side of the room Dottie was still astride Peter's lap looking well fucked and pleased with herself, and Peter..., well Peter was sitting there grinning like a big happy bare assed bear squeezing a tit in each hand.

The men were hungry, after their exertions. Dottie and I, still naked with our leashes hanging down between our tits, were sent scurrying into the kitchen to fix breakfast. It was our chance to compare notes, but as we scrambled eggs and buttered bread for toast, Dottie not only refused to answer my questions, she wouldn't even look me in the eye. I refused to stop asking her what she was doing here, however, and eventually I began to break though her wall of guilty silence.

"Does dad know about this?" she finally asked. It was natural that she wanted to know whether my husband, her father, was aware that I had become Peter Carr's slut.

"No, of course not," I answered. "How about Fred? I asked, inquiring about her husband.

"Oh yes, he knows. In fact, he's why I'm here. The sun was hardly up this morning when the son of a bitch put this collar around my neck and drove me over here naked as a jay bird. He sends me to Harvey like this whenever that big black bastard in there gets horny for a white woman."

My daughter in law's tone was bitter as she went on to say, "Harvey has a 'lease' on my white yuppie ass, or at least that is the way Fred puts it."

"What in the world..." I started to ask, but with that first unhappy revelation, the dam of Dottie's emotions overflowed and tears ran down her cheeks. "Please," she begged me, "Its a long story and we don't have much time. Anyway, I can't deal with it right now. Maybe later! Yes, later I will explain! I want to explain because I need you to understand. No, hell, that's not quite right. More than anybody, It's ME who needs to understand what is happening here!"

"Hurry up in there! Harvey and I are God damned hungry," came Peter's command from the front room. I cut my questions short as Dottie and I hastened to feed our men and save our backsides from a beating. Minutes later we were kneeling at their sides while they enjoyed a their grits and eggs. Dottie and I didn't get any. Peter said they would have something for us to eat when they were finished.

It wasn't hard to figure out what our breakfast was to be Even as they ate, their hands were roaming over our bodies, pinching our nipples and fingering our pussies. As soon as the last of the toast disappeared, Dottie and I were on our knees working for our breakfast, bobbing our heads, sliding our lips up and down over a pair of rock hard dicks. Dottie dined on the white meat while I sucked away on twelve inches of the dark stuff. After ten minutes or so of our best cock worship we were each rewarded with gobs of creamy protein that I'm sure was a nourishing breakfast even if a bit salty.

With their pricks made soft and useless once more you might think that Dottie and I would be allowed to rest, but no, Harvey wanted a lesbian show. "Great idea," Peter agreed, "I've never seen a woman eat her step mother's pussy before. Let's have these two bitches show us some 69 action."

I could see we had no choice, and I was quick to lay down and spread my legs. Dottie didn't hesitate either as she stepped over my head and laid down her body over mine, her legs spread, her pussy in my face. Her head dropped between my legs, and her tongue probing my cunt was my signal to reciprocate in kind.

If forcing Dottie and I to have lesbian sex was meant to shame and humiliate us, it didn't work. I can't speak for Dottie, but I am suddenly too much the slut to be ashamed of eating my step daughter's cunt. To the contrary, I enjoyed immensely having Dottie's tongue deep in my slit and the taste of her pussy in my mouth was certainly not unpleasant. Indeed it was a highly erotic fantasy that I could not have enjoyed under 'normal' circumstances.

Within minutes I began to orgasm repeatedly. Women have a personal understanding about where and how the pussy should be licked, and Dottie's tongue was too expert on my clit not to have had previous experience. God but she was good! Almost as good as a man's cock. I could not help myself from closing my knees tightly against her ears to hold her head firmly at work on my inflamed and swollen slit.

Dottie responded to the efforts of my mouth as well. Her hips began to undulate against my face, forcing my tongue deeper and deeper into her love hole. I could hear her muffled moan from between my clasping legs, and I believe that orgasms were every bit as real as my own. Neither of us had douched since we had been fucked earlier in the morning, and along with Dottie's juices came the strong flavor of Peter's cum. I'm sure that Dottie recognized Harvey's jism in me as well.

We weren't allowed to continue for long, however. Our men wanted to see us orgasm, of course, but not to have too good a time. After they pulled us apart, we were told to dress. We were going for a ride somewhere but we weren't told where. I stuffed myself back into that too small T-shirt and too small red shorts, while Dottie put on a bikini top and a pair of short shorts she kept at Harvey's place to use on those rare occasions when clothes were necessary there.

As the men led us to Peter's car by our leashes, Peter announced, "Harvey and I are driving over to Cleveland to see the Browns play this afternoon. You two will wait for us at my house. I'm giving a little party this evening and the caterers will be there about four. Let them in and help them set up the bar and buffet. You can take the leashes off but, stay dressed as you are and leave the collars on. That ought to give the caterers a thrill.

Except for helping with the party set up, you have the day to yourselves. If you want a swim, you won't need a swim suit. Go in bare butt. The caterers will enjoy that too. I'm sure the two of you have a lot to talk about. Harvey and I will be back about six and we'll be using your lovely bodies this evening so be showered, douched, and perfumed by the time we get back.

With that we were dropped off in front of Peter's house and our two studs drove off to their football game. I fixed us a couple of stiff drinks before Dottie and I stripped off our tops and settled down by the pool to get some sun. For a long time neither of us said anything, each waiting for the other to be the first to bring up the topic that weighed so heavily on our minds..., how the hell did we each get into in this fix?

Time ticked by as we lay in the warm fall sun, quietly lost in our own thoughts. Dottie waited me out. It was well after lunch before I finally gave in and asked, "Well..., you want to talk about it now?"

She began to cry a little, and there was a catch in her voice from time to time as she told me this story:


"Fred and I hadn't been doing very well for the last couple of years. It wasn't something I could put my finger on exactly, but we certainly weren't lovers anymore. He wasn't abusive or anything like that. He was, well, when he wasn't angry with me, he was just sort of indifferent. I was busy with the children and he was tied up with his business. I thought he might have a mistress on the side, but I couldn't be sure. We hadn't made love in months, and I was crawling the walls I was so horny."

"One evening I went to a neighborhood ladies card party at Margie Swenson's house. Margie is divorced and something of a free spirit. The party and the liquor loosened our hostess's tongue, and she told us that lately she had been getting "the dark meat." She said it was the best fuck she ever had. She was clearly please with her sexy find. She even bragged that her Negro paramour was coming by later that same evening to 'breed her,' as she put it. She said she could hardly wait."

"Well, I'd had way too much to drink, and I was curious to meet this 'great Moor' as Margie called him. In fairness, I suppose I was also titillated with my mental image of a fair skinned Swedish blond Margie on her back and squirming with the kinky haired head of a black stud between her knees eating her cunt. Anyway, I didn't leave when everyone else went home. I wanted to see this modern day Iago for myself. Maybe I should have gone on home. Staying was the either the greatest mistake of my life, or an epiphany. I'm just not sure which."

"Ralph, that was Margie's black boy friend, was every bit the awesome stud she had said. Short hair, clean shaven, bulging with muscles, about six foot two, 190 pounds or so, and handsome as a movie star. He wasn't even real black, only a kind of coffee-with-cream colored. The three of us sat around a while talking, and I had still more to drink. After almost an hour or so I decided that I was a third wheel and started to go. Margie insisted that I stay. She said she could see how horny I was, and that she would lend Ralph to me for a good time. She said that after Ralph had 'taken the edge off,' we could have a three way. Ralph, she assured me, was man enough to satisfy us both, and maybe a couple other women as well."

"Well, I was half drunk, and I needed to get laid in the worst way. I must have hesitated all of two seconds before I grabbed Ralph by the hand and led him off to the bedroom. He was everything Margie said he would be. He fondled my tits and cunt as he stripped my clothes off, and then when he was naked too, he knelt beside me on the bed and let me play with the longest pecker I had ever seen. Funny thing, Ralph's prick was black as crude oil, much darker that his skin generally. I have since noticed that's true of a lot of Negro men, their cocks are often blacker than they are."

"Anyway, Ralph sucked on my nipples, and when he had them good and erect, he bit down ever so gently on those tender nubs. I went crazy. My pussy was sopping wet and I begged him to stick his cock in me. I had never begged a man to fuck me before, but then I have never been fucked like that before either. I never even knew it was possible for any woman to be fucked like that. I must have orgasmed a dozen times or more."

'I stayed until almost dawn, and for the whole night Ralph, that human fuck machine, stuck it to Margie and I over and over again, sometimes one at a time, sometimes all three of us together in a big knot of milk chocolate and white flesh. When he needed to rest, Margie and I would eat each other's cunts. I had never tried sex with another woman before, but I enjoyed having Margie's tongue in my slit, and admit that I found licking her's to be pretty sexy too. Ralph recovered quickly watching the show we put on. When he was ready, Margie and I would suck him hard so that he could service us again..., and again. "

"I showered before I went home, and quiet as a mouse I slipped into bed with Fred while he was still sound asleep. He must have missed me sometime during the night, however, because at breakfast he asked me what time I got home. I could tell he was a little suspicious. I told him that I had too much to drink while playing cards, and I thought it was safer to sleep it off at Margie's house rather than trying to drive home drunk. I don't know if Fred believed me or not. He seemed satisfied, but there was an undertone of skepticism in his voice."

"Right then I didn't really care. I wanted more of Ralph's big cock, or at least more of one just like it, whatever the price. I just didn't know at the time the price would be so high. Anyway, beginning that next day, I was slipping back over to Margie's house every chance I got. I wasn't the only one either. Just as she had done for me, Margie let Susan Collier and Mary Kaplan have a free dose of Ralph's black tranquilizer for horny white housewives. Like me, Susan and Mary were coming back regularly for more of what Ralph had for us.

"Four sexed up white women got to be too much even for Ralph, and he started to bring a couple of his friends along to help him satisfy the all the hot cunts in his harem of oversexed honky housewives. That's how I met Harvey. Good God, for a woman as sex starved as I was, that foot long sex tool of Harvey's was something to dream about. Pretty soon I wasn't even being discrete. For about six weeks there, Ralph, Harvey, and various other ghetto studs were servicing my pussy four or five days every week, and every time by a cock 10 inches or more long. It was heaven. For the first time in my life I was getting all the sex I needed."

"But then Fred found out. I suspect one of Margie's other friends tipped him off, or maybe I was just acting too strangely, too happy. Anyway he hired a private detective who managed to photograph Harvey and two other nigs gang banging me in every hole I've got with what totaled about a yard of black cock. Fred brought his lawyer home with him one evening and confronted me with my sins in living color. Fred said he wanted a divorce. Worse, his lawyer said that once the judge saw the pictures of me fucking three niggers, I would for sure loose custody of my children. He said I probably wouldn't even get visitation privileges. I didn't care about the divorce, but I hadn't even considered that Fred might take my kids away from me."

"I couldn't stand the thought of that. Fortunately I knew Fred's weakness. He's the cheapest bastard that ever lived. I reminded him that a divorce would cost him a lot of money, and if it got out about my 'indiscretion', he would not only be a laughing stock, his business was sure to suffer. On that on top of all that he would have to replace me with an expensive nanny and housekeeper.

As an alternative to a divorce, I offered to become his unpaid slave, sexual and otherwise. I would cook and wash and clean and look after the kids during the day, and at night he could use me as his personal whore. After all, I'm just as pretty, and I have just as good a body, as the pros I knew he paid from time to time to entertain his clients. "

"I pleaded with him to let me stay and raise my kids. I promised I would do anything, even let him sell my pussy on the street, if that was what he wanted, if only he would let me be with my children. Fred never could resist a bargain. He agreed to keep me as his whore and nominal wife, and I took him as my pimp and nominal husband."

"Fred wasn't long in cashing the blank check I had given him. I had been right. He did have a mistress, and that very night he brought his bleached blond tramp home with him. To keep up appearances she hasn't moved in yet, but she comes over after the kids have gone to bed and she sleeps with my husband in my bed until dawn two or three times a week. Fred insists that I stay in the room with them while he fucks her. He makes me sleep on the floor unless I am 'invited' to help them have sex. Then I am 'privileged' to suck Fred's cock until its good and hard, and then I am 'allowed' to slide it into his slut's shaved pussy for him."

"I can't imagine where Fred found this bitch. She's got a good body, but she's not very pretty, and she's about half dyke. Boy, does she ever like me to eat her cunt, almost as much as she likes to eat mine. Another of her favorites is to stick me from behind with a strap-on dildo while I am on my hands and knees sucking on Fred's prick."

"Fred abuses me even worse than his whore does, I guess he's still trying to get even with me for fucking black men. Anyway, he must stay up nights thinking of dirty thing for me to do. When his whore isn't around to amuse him, and sometimes even when she is, he ties my hands behind my back, and then he bends me over an arm of our couch. With my feet spread on the floor, my face in the cushions, and my rear end up in the air, he takes his belt to my ass and thighs to warm me up for a butt fucking. After he cums in my ass, I have get on my knees with my hands still tied behind me, and suck him until he is hard again. Then it's back over the couch arm for seconds on my stretched ass hole. "

"Another of his favorites is to lay his whore on her on her side with one leg up so that he can fuck her sidesaddle. Then I have to put my head between her spread legs where I can lick them both while he pumps her pussy. When they finish, I clean them, cunt and cock, with my mouth and tongue."

"A plaything for his bed, however, is not the only way I serve my loving spouse and pimp. A week after we made our 'arrangement,' Fred brought home three executives from a company interested in buying a office building he has been trying to sell for two years. Fred's a good salesman. He knew that it would take something special to sell that turkey, and what could he offer that was more special than a piece of his wife's ass? Arranging for a reluctant customer to bang some hired whore is a routine in big time real estate deals, but a chance to fuck the shit out of the respectable wife of a the broker, now that was indeed something rare and tempting. "

"Fred insisted that I play part to the hilt. I had to greet our guests dressed in an absurd French maid costume consisting of spike heels, frilly black stockings, a bra two sizes two small for my tits, and a scandalously short skirt with no panties. Fred is never embarrassed by anything that might make him a buck. Right off the bat he introduced me to these strangers as his wife, and even managed to casually show them our wedding picture so there could be no doubt about who I really was. Then he made me lift my skirt and show our guests my bare pussy."

"While their eyes were bugging out of their heads, Fred fed them some wild shit about me being a nymphomaniac who had to have regular injections of cock. He said that he ordinarily kept me away from people we knew, but I happened to see our guests at his office, and ever since I had been begging him to let me fuck them. With a perfectly straight face he said that he had refused at first, but because he loved me, he had finally given in and agreed to make me his gift to them.

"The lying bastard went on to protest how he hated himself for doing this, and apologized for putting them on the spot. He guaranteed, however, that I was a 'great piece of ass'. He even said he would consider it a personal favor if they would please fuck me so hard that I wouldn't need any more strange cock for a while.'

"And that is how my husband officially turned me into a whore. A great actor and liar my husband. He even cried real tears while he spread all this bullshit around."

"Our guests looked a little shocked at first, but It didn't take very long for them to take Fred up on his offer. By the time I was serving the second round of drinks they began to sample my charms with their hands. With three strangers fondling my thighs and tits, I began to get hot too, and when the boldest of them dipped his finger into my cunt, he found me dripping wet. By the time I served dinner, they had my tits out of my bra, and my skirt tucked up into my belt, front and back, so that my pussy and ass were on permanent display. During desert, at my dear husband's suggestion, I crawled under the table and sucked on one cock after another while they ate their ice cream."

"After dinner, Fred had another bright idea. While our guests were having coffee and cigars, I sat on floor with my legs spread and put on a show with a vibrator. My first fuck of the evening came shortly thereafter when one of them pulled me onto his lap, shoved his face into my tits, and buried his long hard cock in my pussy. Things went downhill from there into a gang bang with me as the bangee. I took cocks in my mouth, in my pussy, and in my ass, and once, in all three holes at the same time. I must have been a success as a prostitute because Fred's guests bought that white elephant of a building. "