My New Personal Trainer Pt. 04

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A sleepover, some challenging squats - and a job for Kira.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/04/2022
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19 November

A sensation today in class! Carla had been missing for the past two weeks. But she arrived this morning with a huge, swollen chest. Seriously, it looked like she'd stuffed two balloons into her top! When she took her titties out to show us, they looked exactly like women's boobs! We all wanted to touch them, and she let us, but she said to be careful because they were a bit tender. Mind you, that didn't stop her showing us a fun trick at the end of our class, when it was time to get everyone relaxed in the usual way. Instead of rubbing Ashlee's clitty with her hand, Carla used her new titties! She held the clitty in the gap between them and then rubbed them up and down. At first she found it a bit difficult, but Joy went and got some oil and rubbed it all over Carla's titties, so then it was easy to slide up and down. Ashlee produced ever such a lot of cream! I asked Monique if she could do that to me, because even though she's not as well developed now as Carla, I thought they might be big enough to fit around my clitty - and they were! It felt wonderful! And the best bit was getting to lick all my goo off Monique's perky titties and then popping it into her mouth to swallow. Such fun!

I heard Carla telling Joy afterwards that she'd had special injections, because her master ordered her to. (I think she said "master" anyway - maybe she means her teacher?) Carla had been a bit worried, but now she loved what she called her "great big assets." Joy said she was a very lucky girl! And talking to the other girls in the class afterwards, it seemed like everyone was very jealous of Carla, even though it would mean having to get much bigger bras and bumping into yourself when trying to do some of the exercises!

I have to admit it, I think I might like to look like that too! But I'm not sure Daddy would approve. He's such a big fan of my itty-bitty titties, as he likes to call them. There's no rush, but maybe I'll ask him about it sometimes.

20 November

I asked Daddy and he said my titties can be whatever size I like! In fact he said he would buy me a pair for Christmas, as big as I wanted! He's such a sweet man, I love him so much!

24 November

I was doing the housework today and putting Daddy's washing away. I've given up all that silly study, because I've decided that I'm learning everything I need to know right now through my training program. All that matters is pleasing Daddy - and Joy of course. So now I concentrate on making the house as nice as possible and cooking all his meals - when I'm not out shopping and spending all his money on new clothes and shoes and jewellery, of course! Anyway, I opened a drawer and found a photo of Daddy with a boy, about my age. He looked kind of familiar, though not very happy. Later on I asked Daddy who it was, and he said it was his stepson. When I asked what happened to him, all he would say was that the boy was a different person and much happier where he was today. He also made some joke about a magic frog turning the boy into a princess. He can be very strange sometimes! But I'm glad the boy is happy, whoever he is.

26 November

We had our final class today in the current format. Apparently next week we start a new routine. Joy tested us all in each of our exercises, then handed out some prizes to those who were best at each element. I won "best in heels," "sexiest legs" and also "best clitty rubber," so I was super excited! Monique took out "best makeup" and "girliest voice," while Ashlee got a special award for fastest progress. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Carla had the most outstanding figure and best curves. But I'm planning to give her a run for her money when I get my Christmas present!

During the class, we had some unexpected visitors: some men who Joy called her "investors" and who she said were there to see how her training program was coming along. She said to just ignore them and do what we usually do. I did at one stage hear some strange panting and grunting noises, especially when Carla was using her titties to rub Jen's clitty, but I did what I was told and didn't pay any attention to them. I noticed though at the end that some of them looked very sweaty, so maybe they'd been doing a workout as well.

27 November

I had quite the night last night - certainly not what I was expecting! After yesterday's class, all us girls went off to have a drink together and we had a great time, even though it seemed like we had to say no every two minutes to some boy wanting to get us drinks, or talk to us, or even give us their phone numbers! Weird! Anyway, we had a lovely time, and Monique, Ashlee and I decided we should carry on the fun at Monique's house and have a sleepover there. So after I telephoned Daddy to make sure he was happy with that, and Ashlee did the same with her mummies, we went round to Monique's.

When we got there, however, we found that Monique's sister Sandi was unexpectedly home for the weekend. Apparently she'd got a "leave pass," or something like that. I think I mentioned before that she does something in the military, though I'm not sure what. Anyway, that seemed to have spoiled our plans, because Ashlee and I were going to sleep in Sandi's bed. But Sandi insisted that we stay and have a party with her, because she'd been dying to meet the "hot chicks" Monique was always writing to her about.

Anyway, we ended up having a wonderful time. Sandi was so friendly and interested in us, When we met her she still had her military gear on, and didn't look very feminine at all. But Monique insisted that what she needed was a makeover, so we gave her one! She's not as pretty as her sister, and she has muscles in kind of the wrong places. But by the time we'd finished she looked a lot more glamorous. That made her cry, but it was a happy sort of crying, because she said this was why she'd always wanted a sister, and it was the first time they'd ever had the chance to be girls together.

We ended up putting some music on and having a bit of a dance. But mostly we just sat and chatted. She kept giving us glasses of this clear liquid, with a strange taste and a bit of a burn as it went down my throat. But it made me feel all warm inside, and then things kind of got - floaty? Hazy? Something like that. But very giggly too! Sandi seemed to be drinking a lot of whatever it was, and the more she drank, the friendlier she got. She got each of us to sit on her lap and cuddled us. Though somehow the cuddles were different with Ashlee and me, compared to Monique, who she kept calling "my beautiful little sister."

Anyway, it was eventually time to go to bed, and Sandi insisted there was plenty of room for three, so Ashlee and I said goodnight to Monique and joined her. We didn't have any pyjamas with us, but Sandi said we didn't need clothes, and that sleeping in the nuddy would be fine. I hadn't done that before, but it was nice and - kind of exciting! We didn't get a lot of sleep though, because Sandi kept wanting to kiss us, and Ashlee and I were quite keen on kissing each other too! It was funny, because Sandi's kisses were kind of like Daddy's, even though she was wearing lipstick and she was softer (and a lot less bristly!) than Daddy.

Then we started playing with each other's titties. Sandi's were barely bigger than mine, and Ashlee's are tiny. But all our nipples got really hard, especially when we started licking and sucking them! Sandi started moaning and trembling when we did that to her, which is when it occurred to me to ask if she'd like us to rub her cunny. I figured that if Ashlee's mummies liked that, she might as well. And I was right! She had ever such a lot of orgasms and it took ages to tire her out enough that we could get some sleep. But it was lovely to fall asleep curled up between Ashlee and Sandi. I've decided I like sleeping with girls, even if nothing beats being held by my lovely strong Daddy!

29 November

Joy visited our house today, partly to drop off our new workout outfit, but also to talk to Daddy about what she called "an exciting opportunity" for me. The two of them went off to discuss it while I tried on the outfit. It's very - how should I put it? - skimpy. Yes, that's it. There was a pink crop top that just about covered my titties, but showed plenty of cleavage (or at least what cleavage I currently have). It also had the word "Daddy" printed across it in white. Then a short and matching pink skirt with a black trim. A tiny white thong that would hold my clitty in for about two seconds and covered almost nothing of my button. Thigh-high white socks with black hoops at the top. And high-heeled pink ankle boots.

I loved it!

When Daddy saw me in it, he nearly had a choking fit! But he clearly liked it and I thought he said something to Joy about giving her a bonus, but I wasn't sure what that meant. Anyway, Joy agreed that I was "super hot," which is just what a girl wants to hear from her two favourite people in the whole wide world! Joy also said that there was an opportunity to go work for a very nice man. I would have a trial, and if that worked out, I would be working at least one day a week, and sometimes in the evenings. In return the man would pay Daddy some money, to compensate him for my not being able to do housework on those days. Daddy said that if I wanted to give it a try, it was fine with him. It sounds very interesting, so I'm going to be a big girl and give it a go!

1 December

I had my job trial today and it went really well! Even though at one stage I thought I'd done the wrong thing, apparently it was all good after all and I'll be back there next week!

Daddy dropped me off at this big old house in a very posh part of town. I was met by a very nice older lady, Mrs Dean, who's apparently a "house keeper," whatever that is. Maybe she owns the house. Anyway, she introduced me to a fairly old man called Mr Icke, who I recognised as one of the investors who came to watch our class last week! I asked him if he'd enjoyed our exercises and he said he had. In fact he said he was so impressed with me that he decided on the spot to give me a job. I was a bit puzzled by that, because I'm not sure how doing my exercises could help him at all, but I wasn't going to argue! Anyway, he said Mrs Dean would show me what to do.

So the first thing Mrs Dean showed me was the special clothes I had to wear. They were very strange. There was a black and white dress that was kind of - frothy. It was made of satin, I'm pretty sure, mostly black, with short, puffed sleeves, but a white trim, and patches of white lace attached to the front. But the really weird thing was the short skirt, because underneath there was all this fluffy white material that sort of pushed the skirt up and out. A bit like a tutu, only not quite. To complete the outfit, I was given black satin panties, black fishnet stockings with white lace tops, and black shoes with the highest heels I'd ever seen. There was also a bit of black and white lace to go round my neck - I think it's called a choker? - and a matching headpiece, attached to a headband.

I must say, I especially liked the stockings! It's pretty warm where we live, and our home doesn't have great air conditioning, so I don't often wear hose of any sort - except as an occasional treat for Daddy. But I really liked the way they clung to my legs, and I felt very sexy strutting around in my heels!

Which was just as well, because that's pretty well all Mr Icke had me do! I was given a long stick with feathers on the end and asked to dust all around the house - usually in whichever room Mr Icke was working or reading. Plus I helped Mrs Dean serve morning tea and lunch and afternoon tea as well (they sure have a lot of meals in that house, though Mr Icke never seemed to eat very much). But I also spent quite a bit of time just relaxing on a couch. Every now and again, Mr Icke would come and conduct a "uniform check." He was especially keen to ensure my stockings were smooth and straight and kept running his hands over them to check.

Towards the end of my shift, I thought I'd got into big trouble. Mr Icke said that I'd been "very inefficient" with my dusting and that I must be punished for it. He put me over his knees, pulled down my panties, and used his hand to give me the biggest spanking I can remember. Well, actually, the only one I can remember. And it hurt! Like, a lot! I really cried, not just because my bottom was so sore, but because I was worried I'd lost my chance at a job. But Mr Icke dried my tears and then he asked Mrs Dean to bring a nice soothing lotion, which he very kindly rubbed all over my sore bottom (and also my clitty as well, though I'm not sure why, because it wasn't hurting at all).

Then he asked me if I could give him a nice rub as well, and I said I'd be happy to. I thought he meant his bottom, but he unzipped his pants and got his wrinkly old cock out. It was all hard and throbbing, just like Daddy's gets. I did think for a minute whether it was something I should do. But then I remembered Joy telling me it was okay to play with a cock as long as I liked the man in question and wanted to make him happy. Well I didn't know Mr Icke very well, but he seemed nice enough - and even though he'd just spanked me, I'm sure he wouldn't have done that unless I'd done something wrong. And I definitely wanted to make him happy! So I rubbed his cock while he stroked my legs and kept saying "Oh, sweet Kira!," over and over. I do love hearing my name! When his cream came out, I didn't have any tissues, so I made sure I caught in all my mouth and licked him clean. He seemed very impressed by that! So anyway, it seems I now have a regular job - even if it seems a rather strange arrangement.

2 December

Our first of the new classes and also the first chance to see everyone in the new outfits. The girls looked great! Some of the new stretching exercises were really challenging. Joy says she wants us to be flexible enough to put our legs behind our ears and even lick our own clitties! Monique of course has an unfair advantage there, because she has the longest clitty! But Jen was the one who came closest, and now we're all keen to see if we can manage it.

Despite that all anyone wanted to talk about afterwards was one particular new exercise. It involved doing squats, but instead of just lowering our butts to the floor, we had to sit down on this strange pole, which went - get this! - into our butthole! And as if that wasn't hard enough, the pole was slim at the top but got thicker towards the bottom! Kind of like a gigantic carrot. It was also marked with measurements.

Ashlee was the first to try and it was clearly very uncomfortable for her, even though Joy made it easier by covering the pole with some sort of gel, so it could slip inside more easily. But she managed to get a couple of inches down the pole, and then a little further as she started squatting down and up it. She got a big round of applause for being so game!

When it was my turn, I thought it would be easy to get the tip inside, because it was pretty small. But it was harder than I thought! It was kind of like puncturing a seal, and I had to press quite hard before it kind of popped in. After that it felt - not painful, just very strange! The more I pushed down it, the more it felt like I wanted to - well, not sure I should say, even in a private journal! But that. In the end, I couldn't get too far. I was just too uncomfortable. I also noticed that my clitty didn't seem to like it and went all limp, whereas with some of the other girls, they got really hard. Ashlee said there this one spot inside that felt really good. But most of us didn't feel that.

According to the notes Joy took of how many squats I'd done and how far down the pole I got, I was one of the worst in the class. I'm clearly going to need to do some practice at home! I'm not sure what with right now, but I'm sure I'll be able to find something.

Anyway, we finished the class with a new challenge, which was to see if we could make each other shoot our cream using only our mouths. It's not easy, I can tell you! At one point I thought I heard Joy encourage me to "suck harder," but when I tried holding Ashlee's clitty still in my mouth and sucking really hard to see if I could draw out her goo, it didn't work - and Ashlee clearly didn't enjoy how it felt. So that left me puzzled. Jen was the only one who managed to succeed, but only by moving her head back and forward really quickly, which looked exhausting! The rest of us just used our hands in the end. Joy said that she would teach us how to do it properly, and we would soon be able to "eat beef with the best of them." She does use some strange language!

In this case I'm really not sure how useful a skill this might be. But maybe I'll find a use for it!

To be continued ...

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yfnspyfnspover 1 year ago

New skills! Marketable skills, too.

Jennifer182Jennifer182over 1 year ago

Another great Chapter, ty Zenna

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