My New Personal Trainer Pt. 08

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Kira reflects on married life, and important choices.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/04/2022
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11 March

I've been a very bad Kira! It's been months since I last updated my diary. But with my wedding anniversary coming up - I can't believe it's been nearly a year!!! - I thought I should try both to look back a little and also take stock of my life. Which (spoiler!) is pretty fantastic!

Not too sure why I stopped doing the diary regularly, because it's not as if I don't have time. Especially since I got married, I haven't had to do much work around the house. I mean I still get to do some dusting every now and again. But I'm pretty sure that's only because Sir (Mr Icke that is, only I never call him that) likes to see me stretching up to reach high corners in my super cute maid's outfit! And it's the same with being his secretary. I'm not that good with filing or typing or anything. But he seems to like me sitting there crossing and uncrossing my legs, especially when I'm wearing my shortest skirt and sexiest stockings. Which somehow I always seem to be on secretary days. And of course I have what he calls my "special skills" under the desk ...

Anyway, I don't have much to do at home, and I'm usually at Mr Dance's club only a couple of days a week. I was kind of surprised when Sir let me keep working there after we so unexpectedly got married. I'm sure that he doesn't need all the money that Mr Dance is paying him, which probably explains why he hasn't asked for a pay rise, like some of the other girls there have. (Mind you, they have to get paid the money themselves, and make their own decisions on how to spend it, which just sounds awful.) I thought he might get a bit jealous of all the men there watching and touching me. (And, um, getting their cocks sucked too, whenever I conveniently forget the no touching rule!) Mind you, Sir doesn't seem to have any problems with me getting under the negotiating table and "sweetening the deal" with his business associates either. (And sometimes their personal assistants as well. Though I admit that's often me getting carried away, rather than acting strictly under instructions!)

Actually, I wonder if Sir has some kind of stake in the club. He certainly seems to have access to all their surveillance cameras, because I've found clips on his computer of all kinds of private scenes from the shows that I and the other girls put on. Happily, the ones he seems to watch most often tend to have me in them! So that's rather sweet.

Of course the best shows I do at the club are the special ones with Carla. It's funny, because I can't say we've ever been especially friendly. We're certainly nothing like as close as I am with Monique and Ashlee, or even some of the other girls from the class we all used to be in. In fact from what I can remember (which to be honest isn't much!), we used to compete with one another to be better at ... well, being girls. And possibly also the exercises. I think she was the first one of our group to get proper titties, and for a while I was very jealous of her. But then I got my own lovely bouncing boobies, and so advantage me!

I remember we had a terrible argument, the first time we were asked to do a special show in the upstairs room at the club, about who was going to fuck who. (Or as she put it, whom, because she speaks better than I.) In the end though, she had to lose, because whoever did the fucking had to be unlocked. And Mr Dance had Carla's key, somehow (she's always talked about having a master, and maybe that's him now?), whereas mine was with Joy. So I got to be fucked, yay! Mind you, Carla got her own back, because she stole my special pill that stops me getting all excited when I'm doing anything sexy. So that meant that all the pleasure I got from having her inside me kept on making my clitty try to get hard - only the cage wouldn't let me. It was ... what's that word? - excruciatory? excruciative? Something like that. Anyway, it hurt, but it was also ... kind of exciting, in a strange, weird, I don't want to do this often but I'll put up with it every now and again way. I know I cried a lot, even if it was a mixture of pleasure and pain, and that only made Carla fuck me even harder! She came twice without even stopping - and somehow, so did I!

We were such a hit that Mr Dance gets us to do a show like that every month. In the recent shows I've been tied up and chained in some weird positions, and with all kinds of strange gags and masks and clothing. But honestly, I don't mind, so long as Carla fucks me hard and leaves her delicious cummies as deep as possible inside me. What can I say, I'm a girl of simple pleasures ... I must admit, I was a bit worried though when Mr Dance paid to have Carla's clitty lengthened. Seriously, when she takes it out of her panties now, it's like she has an elephant's trunk swinging between her legs! She doesn't have a cage any more either, because there simply isn't one big enough. But I still managed to get all of it inside me the first time we did a show after her operation, even if I was half expecting it to go all the way up my throat and out of my mouth! I was a very proud Kira that night, I can tell you!

It's weird though that I can somehow put up with being turned on but still caged when Carla is fucking me, yet I really don't like it otherwise. I always make sure that when I'm doing anything else at the club I take my special softness pills - or what Joy calls "libido suppressants." (I like my name for them better.) I do sometimes think about what it might be like to get my clitty hard all the time. But it's not as if I'm not enjoying myself, when I'm making all those men happy. I mean, if I'm good at it, which I think I am, that's a reward in itself, right?

I do also find myself wondering what it would be like to be Daisy, my maid. She's hardly ever allowed to take her cage off, but she doesn't get the special softness pills either! So she spends a LOT of time with a painful clitty - including when Sir gets me to play with her. He likes to unlock me, then have a nice kiss and cuddle with Daisy, before getting me to fuck her with my clitty. I've done it a few times now, and it never feels quite right somehow - in my mind anyway. My clitty seems to like it well enough though, judging from all the cummies I tend to leave inside Daisy! Anyway, I do it because Sir asks me - or tells me, really, but I'm sure that if he asked me I'd still do what he said! Because, you know, that's what has to happen. Anyway, after he's watched us for a while, Sir likes to join in and puts his lovely old wrinkled cock inside me, which is what I've been wanting all along! So both of us get to come. And so does Daisy, only more painfully.

Mind you, those nights with Sir and me look a lot more fun than what happens to her otherwise. I don't think I'm supposed to know about it, but I can find the recordings on Sir's computer of what's going on when she isn't with me. It's usually down in the cellars and there's a lot of nasty looking equipment that she gets put in which makes my sessions with Carla look like a Disney animation! (The real ones, I mean, not the versions Sir seems to like watching. I'm pretty sure Elsa and Anna aren't supposed to touch each other that way ... or Sven for that matter.) Anyway, Daisy seems to spend a lot of time being teased and spanked and fucked, by an awful lot of people. Including old Mrs Dean, the housekeeper, which is always a bit of a surprise. And, you know, quite entertaining in its own way.

Anyway, I've tried asking Daisy about whether she really likes being treated the way she is, but she just doesn't seem to be able to talk about it. It's almost as if she's been hypnotised or something - if that's even possible! It's funny though, because the one thing that seems to be guaranteed to make her a bit agitated is when I wear my wedding dress - something Sir often asks me to do when the three of us are having fun together. (Well, fun for two of us anyway.) It's almost as if he's making some kind of point to her, especially when he tells me how wonderful I am at doing what I'm told, and that it makes me a perfect wife. Which, you know, is music to my ears! Though what it would have to do with Daisy, I really have no clue.

Still, we do seem to get along most of the time. Though I wish she'd stop trying to get me to follow her into the stable to play with the horses. Sir has strictly forbidden me to go in there, because the horses are far too big and would only hurt me. It's so sweet of him to be concerned for me that way, even though I'm sure I could learn to ride them if I really put my mind to it.

Anyway, getting back to Daisy, I do think she has a much tougher life than I do. Even though she seems to spend a lot of time cumming. You know, cage or no cage.

And talking of no cage, that brings me to my very best friends, Monique and Ashlee. because they don't have cages now at all! Mon hasn't had one for quite a while. It wasn't that she minded wearing a cage. And she was definitely happy to have her big sister Sandi taking responsibility for her, as her Trusted Person. But Sandi just wasn't comfortable with the idea of telling Mon what to do. She said she'd always desperately wanted to have a sister, and now she'd found one, she wanted them to be equals, not someone under her command like the troops in her army squad. That's strange by the way, because it seems to suggest Monique wasn't always her sister, somehow. I can't think how that can be, honestly, because they act like they've known one another for years. But then there's a lot I don't understand, so never mind!

Anyway, a few months ago Sandi took Mon's cage off and just threw it away, apparently. And they're certainly a lot more like equals now, because Mon has joined her sister in the army and they're living together. And they even, get this, share girlfriends! Apparently, they like nothing better than to "fuck the shit out of" the same girl, as Sandi so eloquently puts it. I gather Monique uses her clitty (which has always been pretty big, though nothing like Carla's new one), while Sandi loves strapping on her Big Surprise. They keep joking about spit roasts too, and how much they think I might like it, but why that kind of meal should be so funny, I'm not sure.

As for Ashlee, well, things are very different for her, because she now has a cunny! It was Megan who talked her into it, but I don't think she took a lot of persuading. Oh wait though, I haven't explained about her and Megan, have I? So, Ashlee used to have two mummies, Megan and Kate. After some of those times when I went round and played with them all, which I've written about before, Ashlee apparently got more and more interested in sleeping with Megan. Who's the mummy who isn't her real mummy, apparently. (It's all very confusing.) Eventually, the two of them decided to leave and go and live somewhere else. Poor Kate was devastated, apparently.

I felt really bad, because if I hadn't started kissing and cuddling Ashlee in front of Megan, I'm not sure she would have got the idea to do the same. After I heard about the news, I eventually plucked up the courage to go and see Kate to apologise. It was funny, because it was only while I was consoling Kate that I realised I was a bit unhappy too. I mean, I do like living with Sir and doing what I'm told. And I get to be fucked by Carla. And I can fuck Daisy. And give blowjobs to the men at the club. And a lot of Sir's associates as well. But even so, there's a part of me that would really, really, really like to have Ashlee as a girlfriend, not just a regular friend. So it occurred to me that I might just be a teensy bit jealous of Megan! When I said that to Kate, it somehow made her feel better, and we ended up having a lot to drink and spent the night together. I was all caged up, but I could still lick her cunny. And after the fifth orgasm she said she was starting to forgive me! I visit her once a month or so now, just to stay in touch. The last time I was there, I met her new girlfriend, Felicity, who's even younger than Ashlee. (For some reason Kate seemed to want me to pass that news on to Megan when I next saw her.) Felicity was really sweet - and her cunny tasted that way too! Because, you know, it would have been impolite to say no when Kate asked for a threesome.

Anyway, Ashlee eventually decided that if she was going to live with Megan, and possibly even marry her at some point (though I don't think the divorce from Kate has yet happened), she should get a "real cunny." Because apparently Megan isn't interested in being fucked. Not with a cock, not with a clitty, not even with a Big Surprise. But she does like putting her fingers inside her girlfriend, and Ashlee's "backdoor pussy" (as she calls it) is apparently both too tight and not at all in the right place. Anyway, that of course meant that Ashlee had to ask me, because I'm the one who has her key. I must admit I did for just one brief moment think about saying no, so that I could have Ashlee to myself. But I knew that wasn't going to happen - and besides, I really wanted Ashlee to be happy. And when it became clear that it really was what she wanted, and not just something to please Megan, I really had to agree.

I must admit, I have thought about getting a cunny myself. But then I'd have to take off my cage as well, and I'm pretty sure Sir wouldn't allow that. I know Mon and Ashlee talk about how nice it is to be free. But I think I'm free as well - free to do exactly what I'm told! It's not as if I'm a slave or anything.

So anyway, Ashlee has had the operation, and I gather it went well, but it's going to be a little while yet before her new cunny is ready to be played with. Which gives me time to make a difficult decision. Because Ashlee has asked if I'll be the first person to "give it a test drive." By which I assume she means stick my clitty in it! I must admit, I do kind of like the idea of being her First Ever. But, as I think I've said, I'm not actually that keen on fucking. And I'm not totally convinced that Ashlee really wants it either. I think she might just be trying to say thank you for giving my permission. On the other hand, I know one person who's keen on the idea. Monique's already said that she'd fuck Ashlee "in a heartbeat." She even wanted to talk me into "trying a DP" with her - though why she thinks I need a display picture, I have no idea. It's not as if I'm on social media or anything.

Anyway, I may need to talk to Joy about what to do about Ashlee. I'm sure she'll give me good advice, just as she does about everything. It's like the way she told me not to tell Sir about the spare key she's kept for my cage. Or the things we get up to in our training sessions, which include ... You know, I can't actually recall what those things are just now? But I'm sure they're very enjoyable and totally safe. Because I have to trust my personal trainer. It's like a little voice keeps telling me that, and it's totally right!

It's strange though, because one thing I do kind of remember was finding a scrapbook round at Joy's place. I couldn't make sense of a lot of it, because there were a lot of photos of boys who looked vaguely familiar. Including one that could even have been me! You know, if I didn't have my lovely long hair and my pretty makeup and all. It's amazing how you can get those accidental resemblances. Actually, that must be the explanation - Joy must have been on the lookout for doublegangers (is that what they're called?) of some of her students. I'm not so sure though about the oldest photos in the scrapbook. I think they showed Sir, when he was a bit younger, holding the hand of a boy who was the spitting image of Joy herself! She's never really talked about her family, but I think this must have been her brother - maybe even a twin. I wonder what he's doing now?

I did also sneak into one of Joy's group classes one time, just to see what she was doing with them. To my surprise, the whole group was made up of young men! And here I was thinking she only worked with us girls! I asked her about it, and she said that at the start of each course it was generally just boys, but typically it was girls who finished. It seems strange that all the boys tend to leave, and then these girls just show up to take their place, but there you go.

Mind you, I said I thought there were probably lots of boys who'd be much happier as girls. She laughed at that and said that was probably true. It's such a pity there isn't a training program for that ...


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fantastic great stories and if ever gets into another series maybe she can get a cunny and then move on to somebody else at least sir let her go and maybe gets with her daddy again or even Joy just a thought

teacherbrowncteacherbrownc10 months ago

It’s over? What about the horses in the stable? I feel like Joy has secret plans.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think it would be very nice to learn about Joys’ personal stories of how she became who she is.

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