My Only Talent Ch. 17


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She had just about finished washing everything, and was now rubbing him dry with a towel.

"You know the old saying about nice guys finishing last, Dwight?"

By now he knew he was not really expected to speak.

"Well, I think they should finish first and last! And I am not attracted to bad boys like some girls; I am attracted to nice guys! Is it hot in here, Dwight?"

She slowly and deliberately took off her blouse and skirt, revealing her amazingly tight little body barely contained in some lime green panties and a matching bra. Dwight began to respond, involuntarily.

"Dr. Weltschmerz says you have absolutely no nerve problems, Dwight, but I wanted to make sure, okay?"

Again there was no need for Dwight to talk. He was having a little trouble catching his breath, anyway. She walked right over to him, looked him right the eye, and slowly slipped her bra off. He did his best to maintain eye contact, but eventually he just had to look down.

"Your vision seems to be fine, Dwight!"

She put one hand on the top of his thigh, scratching it gently with a fingernail toward his groin. He felt his groin twitch and his butt muscles clinch.

"Spinal responses seem normal."

He had to lift his head up the slight bit that he could to watch her as her face seemed to dip down below the edge of his cast, and he felt her warmth breath on his lower abdomen, and trending down. He jumped to attention.

"Circulatory responses seem fine!" she said happily. He felt one hand cup his balls, and the other touch his cock.

"In fact, Dwight, I'd say your circulatory response is very impressive!"

Dwight could not believe this was happening to him. Maybe he was actually was fatally wounded in the fall, and this was one of those near death dreams he had read about. He also felt a little déjà vu, having spent so much time watching Suzanne with raging hard on. But he felt no guilt. After all, it was completely involuntary on his part, not that he wouldn't have enthusiastically volunteered for this duty!

"Dwight, you have seen me with Robbie, and you know I love him. In fact you have seen all of my 'proclivities' on display shall we say? But there is this one thing Robbie just won't do for me. He won't let me tie him up and just have my way with him. You, on the other hand, are just sort of ready and waiting for me, aren't you?"

She laughed, and then he felt her tongue ever so gently touch his dick. This had to be a dream.

She laughed again. "I am a bit of tease, aren't I, Dwight?"

She dipped her head down even lower and began kissing his leg in mid thigh, just where his cast stopped. She slowly worked her way to his buttock, and then bit it, pretty hard. A shock ran through him.

She moved up and nibbled his earlobe. "You know that I am, shall we say, an 'earthy' girl, eh, Dwight? So when the time comes that you just can't hold back, don't hold back. Okay? Especially the first time!"

Dwight was still trying to process that, when she stood back a little bit and slowly removed her panties, and did an abbreviated version of her stretching routine for him. She moved around to the top of his bed and kissed him, sweetly, on the lips.

"It's a little different live versus on video, isn't it?"

God was it ever. She was a tease, and an absolute genius at it. Dwight never thought he could get this excited. He almost wished he could get a photo, because he was certain his erection was the biggest he had ever had. But not so big that she couldn't do absolutely amazing things to it, complete with the sexiest narration he could imagine.

"Dwight, that is really nice. I think it was Mae West that said 'a hard man is good to find' and she knew the story, didn't she?"

She was very thorough, and seemed to be systematically cataloging his response to everything her amazing mouth did to him. Soon she developed a routine that was steadily carrying him beyond the point of no return. He strained his neck forward as much as he could, and could see the top of her head at the apogee of her bobbing motion, possible the sexiest thing he had ever imagined, much less experienced. But soon it was pushed to a distant second place, as she tilted her face up and made eye contact with him, with a warm smile in her dark eyes.

Dwight lost it then, knew he was only a spectator, as he felt a tremor pass through his body like an elastic wave in an earthquake. She riveted him with her gaze, and he fought the natural instinct to throw his head back, because he did not want to break eye contact with her for even one millisecond.

Her mouth broke contact with him for just a second, and she riveted him with her eyes, saying "Don't hold back, Dwight!" and the she took just the tip of him into her mouth, and hummed! Dwight almost passed out, but he luckily stayed conscious enough to experience every delicious instant. She smiled, she hummed, she sucked and twisted, her eyes never leaving his, with an expression on her face like someone was telling her a fun story. Dwight fought to avoid swooning as her cheeks hollowed and the suction increased, and he found he had nothing left to give her. He certainly would if he could.

She smacked her lips, a sound that burrowed right down into Dwight's solar plexus. He could not breathe, and his pulse pounded in his ears. "You are pretty damn tasty for a secret hero, Dwight!" and then she applied her lips again. Dwight had always been envious of Robbie's observed ability to stay hard even after this olive skinned goddess had so completely drained him. But then awareness dawned, as Suzanne held her mouth and lips fixed and did some amazing trick with her lungs and diaphragm, rapidly pulsing his cock back and back and forth over about half an inch of distance. Suddenly he was hard as he had ever been, again. It wasn't Robbie, it was her, and Dwight could do it too. What a confidence builder.

She popped him out and smacked her lips again, said "You know, Dwight, it is very important that you not leave any DNA evidence here!" and giggled again, and then moved up and kissed him on the lips sweetly. He might have been squeamish about this before, but she had so thoroughly devoured him that there was not even an aftertaste of his come on her lips. That actually wouldn't have mattered to him anyway, trapped in a body cast or not.

"Time for a little more nerve testing Dwight, specifically, I want you to flex your genioglossus. Dwight remembered that from anatomy he studied to locate the pressure points and nerve striking points he had learned for first aid and martial arts training. He stuck his tongue out as far as he could.

"Good! Now left, right, up, down, repeat! Left, right, up, down, repeat!"

She put a foot on the head of the bed, stepped up over him, and slowly, tantalizingly lowered her glorious pussy onto his face. It was even better than he had imagined. The visual cues alone were enough to completely enchant him, as his eyes feasted on her supple legs, trimmed bush, and protruding and glistening pussy lips. But the smell was like catnip to a Manx, and the unconscious messages of the pheromones took him away on a hormonal cloud of excitement and lust. He just lost himself in it, total racial and spinal memory time. He was transformed into lust without sentience, and desire without end. He was not sure how long it lasted. He did notice that she began to flex the muscles in her legs, and quivered a little bit. That was magical. Suddenly her tasty flow increased slightly and changed a little bit in oiliness, and he heard her sneeze.

He wanted that again. He redoubled his efforts, and began sucking and biting gently in addition to the tongue motion. Soon she sneezed again, and another glorious wave of juice fell on him. Suddenly she stood up in the bed, kissed him again, tasting her own slippery juices on his face, and then turned around and lower herself onto him from the other direction. She put more and more weight on him, and he realized he needed to plan his breathing carefully. She just frankly and roughly began fucking his face with her pussy, mashing her pubic bone against his teeth and lips. She had two more orgasms, and he was a little light headed and now had a fat lip, just like he always got in hand to hand drills. He would wear this one with pride, though, and probably smile every time he got a fat lip in the future.

She disengaged herself again, and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Sorry about your lip, Dwight. I did get carried away a little bit!" She adopted a funny, hoarse southern accent he did not recognize "You should put some ice on that!"

She kissed his face very gently a few more times, and then spoke right in his ear. "Dwight, I am going to fuck you now!"

She climbed back over him on the bed, took a step onto the rails, and grabbed the hooks hanging from the lift attached to his ceiling, lifting herself over him like a beautiful and muscular spider. She eyed his huge body cast, and looked happily at his still maximum erection, and then positioned her legs almost perpendicular to his. She squatted slowly, checking her aim, and was soon paused right above him. His neck was sore from all that tongue protrusion, so he decided to 'lay back and enjoy it', as he seemed to remember some previous governor of Texas had advised.

And enjoy it he did. Suzanne had leg muscles and balance like he had never seen, and he suddenly pictured his cock as Kagel exerciser, and she was one very advanced athlete. She really did just fuck him, with muscular control he could not explain, but could certainly enjoy. He was surprised and delighted by his staying power this second time around, and his confidence got another boost as he felt another burst of wetness and heard her intoxicating little sneeze. She stopped for a moment, and then sighed contentedly. Dwight certainly hoped she wasn't planning on stopping already.

She lifted herself off of him and his eyes popped open and he must have looked worried - he felt like a warm little puppy suddenly forced out into the cold. She stepped off of the bed, and said "Don't worry, Dwight!" and then took him into her mouth again. He thought he was still a long time from coming, but she quickly wore down his resistance, and he realized he was right on the brink, when she slipped a wet finger just slightly into his behind and he went off like a rocket into her mouth. He discovered he really liked earthy girls, as she drained him of everything he had, and he reached a level of both contentment and confidence he had never before thought possible. After some fine cuddling, she gave him a sweet kiss and then played with his nipples. He never knew he liked that, but he certainly did now.

He was spent in his release and just watched as she stood and reversed her moves and got her clothes back on. She kissed him on the check and said, "I know this is usually your line Dwight, but none of this ever happened, okay?" Then he heard the click clack of her heels on the floor, and heard the door close.

A few minutes later, a tall, dark, and thin young lady walked in wearing a white lab coat. She smiled at Dwight, and when he realized how pretty she was, he smiled back, and wondered if she could smell sex on him. "My name is Carmencita Escalante. I will be supervising your rehab. We'll be leaving here in about 30 minutes. At the rehabilitation hospital, you will be known by your cover identify as Nando Longomonto, the totally spoiled and utterly useless twenty five year old only child and son of the biggest asshole ever extant on the Texas real estate scene, and that's really saying something!"

She began checking his vital sign monitor and reading the latest entries on his medical chart. "We will limit your contact with the outside world, and even I don't know your real name, Nando, but Dr. Weltschmerz recommended me as your personal full time rehab counselor, and I have just signed the most complete yet confusing non disclosure agreement I ever heard of. I just finished my PhD at Texas State, and I can get you back to peak performance faster than anyone else can. I use some new and controversial techniques, and you will have to devote yourself to working hard and accepting a good deal of pain, but we will succeed, and that will be your reward. I'll be back in about ten minutes to supervise your transport."

They had stopped giving Dwight the 'happy juice' as Robbie termed it, but he was still on a natural high from the 'Suzanne juice' and nothing bothered him as they wheeled him down to an ambulance and they left the hospital ER entrance and went under the Interstate and then a few blocks north and then turned east. They entered a freeway, turned south, and soon were zipping along at what seemed like 80 mph or more. Dwight turned his neck to look out the window, and to his left he caught a glance of the tower and grandstands for the Circuit of the Americas. Missed the race, but at least I saw the track, he thought. After that there was little or nothing he recognized as familiar. About an hour later, they turned off onto a state highway, passed a couple of small town municipal airports, one with a surprising number of corporate jets parked on the tarmac, and then into the business district of a small town. He smelled smoked BBQ and something else not so pleasant -- sort of sulphurous but not at all acidic.

He asked the ambulance attendant what that smell was. "That's the smell of sweet crude, Mr. Longomonto. There are quite a few old oil wells still in production around here, and what they pump has pretty high sulfur content." By this time they had pulled under the awning of a small hospital with a white roof.

Dwight would get accommodated to the smell quickly, and but Carmencita never let him get comfortable with anything else. She looked like a cheerleader, but she was actually a slave driving, pitiless drill sergeant and professional sadist. She left him sore and just to point of breaking into tears for four hours each morning, gave him a 60 minute break for lunch, and then tortured him for another four hours every afternoon for six days a week. His arms made a full recovery well before his legs, and she was especially unrelenting about making him use the arm bike until his heart rate got way up there, and stayed there a while. He ate all the food he could get his hands on at breakfast, lunch and dinner, surfed the web and did a few agency online correspondence classes after dinner, and slept like a log from 10 PM to 6 AM every day. He had mostly pleasant dreams, usually about his college girlfriend or Suzanne Pliskin, and sometimes both of them at once. Occasionally in his dreams, as Dwight fell toward the pavement Pavel would step aside gracefully like a matador and Dwight would hit the sidewalk and then Pavel would calmly shoot Robbie and Dwight both in the head. But for the most part he was so tired and pissed off at Carmencita that he barely noticed how fast his rehab was progressing, or the warm and fuzzy looks she was giving him when he almost passed out every day from the unrelenting effort he was making. He didn't realize that she was developing quite a crush on her mysterious patient.


I made it back to campus from the hospital just in time to take my last exams, and there were no surprises -- I was pretty sure I had aced them all. Suzanne was already on her way to spend Thanksgiving with Mike's family and visit the burn hospital daily, which was very tough duty. Lara took off for Dallas to her dad's house early this morning, and Millie was already on her way to Houston, and hopefully very much chastised for her defiance of me. I was tired, hungry and suddenly lonely. Kevin was back in the dorm room doing another all night cram session for his last midterm exam tomorrow. I waited for the supper line to open, sitting on a couch in the lounge just outside the dining hall, watching the steady flow of people heading out for home. I smiled and said hello to a few people I knew, and as soon as the line opened I went in to slake my thirst and blunt my hunger pangs. Lots of people were already gone and I had a clear shot at the victuals, and all was right with my stomach for the first time in a while. By 7 PM I was upstairs, and did most of my packing for the trip home tomorrow. Kevin sometimes muttered and tapped his fingers while he studied, but nothing could bother me, and by 10 PM I was asleep and I slept like a baby all the way through until morning.

I woke early as Kevin was leaving for his exams and wished him luck and Happy Thankgiving. I put on my running shorts and a sweater, and hit the track, running hard until I got a big time runner's high, and then sprinting three laps instead of one. My heart pounded as I did my cool down laps, and then hit the showers. Downstairs in the dining hall, they had a just two brunch lines going, but I got eggs, bacon and pancakes lathered in syrup rocking in fine style. I had two pieces of pie for dessert, and stuffed my shirt pocket with some sugar envelopes for the trip, and went upstairs to finalize my packing. I was out on the benches in front of the dorm by 11:30, and several other students were there waiting for their rides to show up, and the major topic of conversation was the party they had seen on TMZ.

Nora showed up a few minutes later. She looked exhausted. "I'm finally finished! 21 semester hours have passed by under the bow, Captain!" She saluted sloppily and yawned.

"Have you had breakfast this morning?"

"Yes sir, Captain Sir, and I have a CLIFbar just in case!" I gave her a hug, listening carefully but only getting hints of her suppressed little Suzie signal bubbles.

Alley Shitty turned up just about on time, which was unusual for her. The big suburban had a few more road dings than I remembered plus an ESU bumper sticker, and a KKG parking decal. There was a guy in the front seat with Alley, and he looked like one of the pledges I had seen at the PIG lake house. I put my stuff and Nora's in the back, and we got in the middle row of seats, leaving one more row clear behind us. My first thought was to get as much separation from Alley's irritating voice as I could, but I could then hear my mother's voice saying "That's rude, Robbie!" Alley introduced her other passenger at Jay Kincaid, and I made further introductions all around. Jay was from Waxahachie, and we were dropping him off before continuing on to the 'Metroplex' of Dallas and Fort Worth.

I had never heard any Suzie signals for me from Alley, as back in high school I could usually only hear the honking maximum signals like Suzie Packard herself sent. But Alley had always chased me incessantly and given all the 'normal' signs of attraction. I expected to hear something from her now but there was a very moderate to weak signal for me. In fact, were it not for my rapidly increasing sensitivity over the last few days, I might not have detected it at all. There was no signal for Jay, or Nora, for that matter. There was a little light conversation as we got on the Interstate, and we soon established that Jay was in fact a Phi Iota Gamma pledge, that Alley Shitty had been in the Econ 101 class that Nora graded for, and thus knew both Nora and Suzanne, but that Nora did not know her exam grade yet. I knew that Suzanne would be grading the essay questions while she stayed with Mike's parents.

The conversation wound down, and Alley assured us that she had a big hot mug of Starbucks and would stay awake, and encouraged us to sleep if we wanted to. Nora immediately settled into my shoulder and closed her eyes, which felt amazingly good to me. I was a little nervous about Alley's driving, so I stayed awake, but Jay soon began to snore gently. I noticed Alley looking back in the rear view mirror at Nora asleep on my shoulder with a bemused expression. I heard Nora's breathing stabilize and knew she was now sound asleep. And then I got a shock. I had never been around Nora when she was asleep, but I suddenly realized that her ability to so effectively suppress of her Suzie signals must require her to be conscious, because her signal was now clear and unimpeded, and I could sense everything she was sending and had stored, including her 'black box' sexual history. I felt a bit like a peeping Tom, but I could not look away from an opportunity like this. I figured that by the time we dropped Jay off in Waxahachie, I might know the truth about Nora's feelings for me, and for Suzanne. I just hoped nothing woke her up before then. I might really have something to be thankful for this year!

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Smartest1Smartest110 months ago

Sorry to say, but as intrigued I am with the story, I feel Dwight not quite right on here.

Or, perhaps, paving the way to write Suzanne out.

As for rob, his (weak) personality makes me giving this a 4. He s not a dominant at all.

NursesNursesabout 1 year ago

It's a great story. And for those who think Robby should get a medal, why? He didn't even disarm the guy. Instead he put himself in a position where the true hero had to suffer terrible body injury to save him. The true hero got a reward better than a medal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fucking Crushed It

It was refreshing seeing Suzanne fuck Dwight.

Kept this from being one of those boring 'no refractory time' has no desire, e on though the one with limits cam chase whatever he wants, while also not keeping e everyone informed.

Clearly she was NOT fucking over the story hero as Robbie told him Suzanne had something for him. The dweeb hero broke his body to save the story hero, so it's not unreasonable that they both felt he deserved it. Plus Suzanne had already shown her true colors with the German couple and being oblivious to their plight so she could get her two dick and big dick jam on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

fucking ruined it

Why the fuck did you have to make Suzanne fuck Dwight?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Pure Cunt Classic

Fucking over the story hero by fucking the dweeb hero, paid income and $100 Mil education to take on the job of being a shadow hero, and made his calling worth zero by having a cunt without morals or loyalty take advantage of him without any qualms for the emotional damage she'd be doing to the story hero she has claimed to "love", with no prior discussion or mention of intention, let alone post deed disclosure. You killed my interest in reading any more about Suzanne and have come very close to ceasing my further interest in this fairy tale you can't seem to create a conclusion for.

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