My Parents Warned Me Ch. 01


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"Yes to both questions. One of his nicknames came from his Latin America missions. They call him Loco down there."

"Okay. So, just how do meet all these people?'

"Good Ole Southern Boy Network. How do you like the meal?"

"Superb as usual. And thanks Dad, for everything."

"You're always welcome son."


Since my supper meeting with my Dad, I stopped calling Darcy. After a few days, she actually called me, and apologized for not calling me back. She said that she had been very busy at work. Then, she asked me how I was doing. I asked her why she even bothered to ask, and that her true focus should be on her boss Chad. I hung up. That's when the phone blitz began as she called and e-mailed me repeatedly over the next two days, but I ignored all of them.

On the third morning after I last talked to her, she flew home and found that her house key didn't work and that I wasn't home. I was staying at my parents' house.

There were again a series of frantic calls which I ignored until the 10th call.

"Henry honey, I can't get into the house. Where are you? Is everything okay?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"Darcy, I loved you. Now, I hope you get everything you want in life. Go back to Boston. I'll come to see you tomorrow, and we'll talk at your place. Until then, I have nothing to say. Good-bye!" I said in emotionless voice and hung-up on her again.

My neighbor reported that Darcy was crying as she drove away in a rental car. That same afternoon, I was on a plane to Boston. The plan was now in motion.

After picking up my rental car, I drove to her apartment. The lights were off when I knocked on the door to the apartment that I had paid rent for her. As I walked away, an elderly neighbor asked me what I was doing in front of Darcy's door. I told the old woman that I was Darcy's husband and that I was here to give my wife a surprise visit.

"You're her husband? I thought that the short, skinny guy was her husband the way they hugged and kissed. Well, they left in a limo an hour ago. She was dressed up like some kind of trashy girl. I overheard that short fellow tell the chauffeur to drive them to the Nile Club."

"Thank you."

"No need, young man. I never liked that Darcy and that slimy stuck-up friend of her anyways. You're here to surprise her, but I think the surprise is on you. That slimy guy has been over to see your wife a few times a week, and he's stayed overnight too. I am sorry to tell you all that," the old woman said sadly. I thanked her again and left not telling her that I already knew Darcy was a cheating slut.

35 minutes later, I stood watching Chad and Darcy on the dance floor having a good time, or so it would appear. Chad would put his hand on Darcy's ass or breasts, but she would push him off. Her resistance to him was not surprising to me since I had been cold to her and also been avoiding her. It was too late to save her virtue. She was a lying, cheating wife. She and her boyfriend were going to crash and burn. I decided that we were done. Not just for my well-being, but also for those poor people that were caught up in Gen1's web of lies.

Chad and Darcy went to their booth where they had a heated argument which I could make out due to the club's background noise. Then, she slapped him and gathered her things as I moved quickly to them. She stood up, yelled something to Chad, turned around, and bumped into me. Her eyes grew wide in shock and fear.

"Hello my dear wife, I missed you at your apartment. Fortunately, your neighbor told me where you are, and even what you have been up to," I said with a heated edge.

"Honey...Henry, please let's leave here so we can talk about this privately," she begged as she began to tear up.

"Leave Chad by himself? No. He must be here to discuss events: past, present, and future. I certainly don't want to talk at that den of iniquity that is your apartment. Here is a good place as any as there is so much for the three of us to discuss. Now sit down. I insist," I said with a surprisingly calm voice as I gently pushed her back into her seat.

I sat across from them with an amused look on my face as I noticed the look on Chad's face which changed from surprise to a smirk. The arrogant jerk didn't know what was about to happen to him and his girlfriend.

"My name is Chadwick. Only my friends call me Chad. So what now, you dumb ass jock. Are you going to beat me up again?" he sneered.

"Again? Don't know what you're talking about. I've never seen you before in my life. I'm actually here about my soon-to-be ex-wife and Gen 1 too. Oh and I'm not dumb. My college GPA was 3.9 even while playing football."

"Yeah and mine was 4.6 so you are still dumb. But that's not why you're here. You want to confirm what you suspected to be true, and that would be your wife might be having an affair. Yes, it is true. I have been her lover since the month after you both went steady your junior year in high school. Yeah, that is right. I've been fucking you girl for years, and she loved it. Big muscle-bound ape like you couldn't keep your woman satisfied in bed so she went to me. Hurts don't it, you being a long-term cuckold! Oooo, Mr. Pro-Bowl got cuckolded. That should be big news tomorrow morning," Chad said before he broke into a hysterical laugh.

"Actually, you and Darcy will be the big headline tomorrow," I said with a chuckle. He looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Oh no! Oh no! This can't be happening! Please Henry, it's not like you think. Please let me explain!" she pleaded as cried.

"Shut up slut, I'm talking to Chad. Now Chadlicker, why all this? Why did you destroy my love and marriage to Darcy? I've never seen you before in my life," I said. It perplexed me, and I had to have an answer before I could get peace and move on with my life.

"Don't call me that name. My real name is Chadwick!" he said furiously.

He pulled out a picture and laid it on the table. It was a old picture of a high school freshman. The small kid had acne and nerd eyeglasses.

"Is this you? If so, I still don't get the reason for your actions."

"It is me. When I was a freshman I was walking from gym glass. I had humiliated again. Those assholes pulled my shorts down again in front of everyone. I was walking to my next class crying when you and five other football apes approached me on the sidewalk. My head was down, and I bumped into you guys. You jerks picked me up and dropped into the trashcan, then walked away laughing about it. That's when I went from humiliated to angry. I devoted myself to getting revenge on you even to the point of trying to get your slut pregnant with my baby. The bitch kept up with birth control. Too bad!" he said with a crazed look on his face.

"What? You mean to tell you destroyed me my marriage over something that happened years ago? Why revenge on just me?" I was baffled.

"You were the team captain, the BMOC, the future pro football star, and you loved that slut Darcy. I had to maximize the blast yield. Yeah, I beat you, Mr. Superstar. This is Revenge of the Nerds on steroids!" he howled in laughter so loud everyone in the club was staring at us.

"Please stop Chad! No more! I can't take it anymore! I love Henry! I love Henry!" Darcy sobbed uncontrollably to the point I though she was going to hyperventilate.

"Okay Chadwick, that's enough. I apologize to you with my utmost sincerity for what I did to you back in high school. It was mean and uncalled for. I always try to become a better person, and I am now on the boards of directors for an anti-bullying foundation," I paused to take a deep breath. Chad gloated by saying 'Yes' over and over again.

"Those being said Chadlicker, please explain to me about Gen1 and their overseas testing for this miracle vaccine. What did those poor people do to you and Darcy that warranted their increased health problems and even deaths?" I said with a touch of sadness in my voice. Chad's gloat turned into a frown while Darcy put her hands to her face and she started to mumble something.

"How do you know about that? Oh, I see. My whore assistant must have leaked something. Well, it does not matter. You're a dumb jock, and I already won. The testing won't end for another year. The vaccine is a failure. I mean seriously, people believed that in a vaccine that protects against all forms of cancer and even cures them? Gen1 got tens of millions of dollars from investors from all over the world, or should I say I got the bucks. Darcy did help so I cut her in for 5%. All we had to do was keep the experiments going. Sure, the test subjects suffered, but you have to break a few eggs to make progress, right?

"Well Chadlicker, I give up. You beat me, and Darcy is yours," I smiled as I pulled out a white handkerchief and began to wave it.

Darcy screamed, "No, I love and want to be with you Henry!"

"However, there are other parties that you will now have to deal with," I chuckled.

A group of people walked up to our booth, and they flashed badges and I.D..

"Chadwick Malman, you are served. This packet contains a lawsuit for Alienation of Affection," said a young blond process server who then handed him another packet, "And this packet is a lawsuit on behalf of the test subjects. Have a nice evening."

"Darcy Heller, you are served with divorce papers," a poorly-dressed fat man said as he handed Darcy a packet.

"Chadwick Malman and Darcy Heller, my name is Special Agent Thomas Jones of the FBI. I have warrants for your arrests. Also, I was told to inform you that an officer of the SEC will be visiting with you next week with a criminal complaint. Please stand up and put your hands behind your back."

"My name is Archibald Roseman of the State Department. I am informing you that we have received criminal extradition requests from Nigeria and India. I will be interviewing the two of you soon," the official said without emotion.

"And I was wearing a wire. Everything we said was recorded," I said with relish.

As they cuffed Chad and Darcy, I felt a sense of relief, sadness, and joy all at the same time. As they led Chadlicker away, he threatened me.

"This isn't over, Heller! You think you won? Bullshit! I'll get you. I have money. I know people. You'll die! You hear! You're dead!"

"Adios Chadlicker! Send me a postcard from whatever hole you're living in," I said with a laugh.

As Darcy was passed by me, she looked horrible.

"Henry, I am so sorry. I love you...sooooo sorrryyy..." she said as she passed out. I leaped to her side and held her in my arms.


Darcy lay unconscious for 22 hours. The doctor said she had a panic attack and hyperventilated. She also probably had an emotional and mental collapse. I stayed by her hospital bed.

" love," I heard her weakened voice. She was awake now. Now came the moment that I dreaded which was the cutting of our marital and emotional ties.

"Hey Darcy. How are you doing? Should I get the doctor?" I said with concern.

"No. I-I am so sorry for everything. I hurt you and destroyed us. You probably want the whole story, right?" She softly said, and I nodded.

Darcy told me what happened, and I grew more upset as she told her story. When she was a junior in high school, she was passing all of her classes with top grades except the Algebra 2 class where she was barely surviving. She needed straight A's is she was to get a full scholarship. Her dream was to help people by pursuing a degree in Genetic Engineering. Enter Chad who was a classmate and offered to tutor her. Chad was a brainy kid who was the favorite of his Math and Science teachers. All he asked in return was a little kissing and hugging. They spent a lot of time together. Finally she took the final exam and got a C. She was depressed, and cried into Chad's shoulder. He said he was a student aide for the Math Department and could change her grade, illegally of course. The price was giving him sex twice a week during the summer. She refused to give up her pussy cherry, so he had to be content with her hands, mouth, and ass. He made her say things like how much she loved him and fake orgasms, and say how good of a lover he was. That's when her moral compass went bad until now.

He graduated that summer, but not before he blackmailed her into more future sex. The bastard had also taped their sexual liaisons with his face blurred, and threatened to expose her fake math grade and her sexual activity. He owned her, and she knew it.

She continued on.

"It wasn't all that bad being blackmailed into sex. There was a weird thrill to having secret forced sex with the school dork. I mean what if people found out. That was a dark feeling that I enjoyed somewhat. Maybe the attraction was that we were both highly intelligent and liked Science. Still, the guilt and the embarrassment were so overwhelming that I tried to block it out. I couldn't turn to anybody for help. When we went on dates, they were my refuge from reality, and I loved how treated me, and how you made me feel. I fell in love with you. Then we went to different colleges. I was lonely. The guys at my school were only interested in having sex with a cheerleader, and they didn't care about me as a person. I broke up with my fourth college boyfriend and changed schools."

She took a sip of water.

"Then we met again and went steady. Then Chad called out of the blue one day at the start of my senior year. He said could get me into the doctoral program at M.I.T. with a scholarship. I also would get a paid internship of $65,000 a year at Gen1. Once the vaccine was completed, we would make billions and be history book famous! You wouldn't have to play football anymore and we could just kick back and have kids."

Darcy frowned.

"All I had to do was be his cheerleader girlfriend at different events, help him in the lab, and have sex with him. But it turned out to be more than that. That's what whore is, right? She takes money for sex. I gave into his lust and money and potential fame, and I ended up being his whore. He used me sexually, but I never gave him my cherry. I saved it for you. During my senior year, I went flew twice a month to Chad so I could service him. At first, it was a kind of a thrill to be doing dirty without being caught even though I hated him. After a short while, the thrill went away. It was just sex. No love. No ring. No orgasms."

Darcy was now crying.

"Then...then we graduated and got married. The bastard made me fuck him two days before our wedding. Later, I got admitted to M.I.T. I worked at Gen1 after classes. He put me to working with him on the vaccine, but after months of work and trials, we realized it would never work. Yet Chad kept taking money from investors and falsifying reports and data. I wanted to help people, not hurt them. I never knew what the real results were of the field testing since he supervised that on his own. I wanted to go to the authorities, but he threatened to expose me, and pointed out that my marriage would be over. Then, yesterday, you showed up. As soon as I saw you, I knew the lies and deceptions were over. I was scared, but relieved at that."

"He would be correct, Darcy. Our marriage is over. I loved and trusted you. Why didn't you come to me with all this? Didn't you trust my love for you? Okay, I could have forgiven you for cheating on me in high school. But, I can't forgive almost six years after that."

"Please Henry, I love you so much. Can't you forgive me please!" she begged.

"I forgive you Darcy for what you did, but our love and trust are ashes."

"So our fairy tale marriage is gone. The football star and the cheer captain are ashes," she said bitterly as tears flowed freely down her face.

"Fairy tales are for little kids, and we are surrounded by the dark reality of adulthood. I will pay for your lawyer fees for the criminal and divorce cases. I am pursuing a Fault Divorce based on Adultery and Criminal Actions. I plan to seek an annulment from the church based on lies and deception. I am giving you the house, your car, and a one-time alimony payment of $80,000. Keep the rings or pawn them off. I strongly suggest you take the deal. A kind of a deal has been worked out before last. If you plead guilty and testify against Chad, you will serve only one year in prison instead of the 15 plus years. Again, I recommend you take the deal."

As I stood up, I put on my coat.

"For what it's worth, I loved you Darcy. I still do maybe. You definitely disgust me. My parents tried to warn me about cheerleaders, actresses, and models. You were all three. I hope Mom and Dad don't tell me 'I told you so!' I don't ever want to see or talk to you again. I wish you the very best for the future. Good bye!"

As I walked out, she cried loudly. She might have tried to wave good-bye, but I doubt it. Her left arm was hooked up to an I.V. and her right wrist was police handcuffed to the side rail.

It finally got to me later as I was driving to the airport. I stopped along the way at a Catholic Church, and went inside. As I sat in a pew, I broke down and cried. Over the months, my parents, siblings, and friends were there for me always.


The press mostly ignored my personal troubles. Maybe being a popular athlete does help sometimes. My emotional and mental state was in a dark place. I had gone from Darcy and me starting a family to divorce.

For the next six years, I focused intensely on football. I became a conference MVP, made the pro bowl a few times, got a new contract totaling $3.8 million a year, and got my law degree during the off seasons. My specialty was Entertainments and Sports. I wanted to be an agent after I retired.

What about Darcy and Chadlicker?

Darcy became a witness for the prosecution, then served one year in Federal prison. Her testimony was never used since Chad posted one million dollar bail and disappeared to who knows where. I asked Dad to contact Mr. Deswine in order to track Chalicker down. I wasn't done with that bastard.

Later, my Dad told me that when the inmates found out that Darcy was a cheerleader and college girl, and what crimes she had committed, and that she cheated on her husband who was a player on their favorite team, they gave her a bad beating. She finished her time in the prison hospital and solitary. I felt bad and drove to the prison, but she refused to see me.

As for my love life, pro athletes do attract a lot of available females, both single and married. I avoided the married ones. Darcy was always in my head. Cheating Sucks!

Then on the day of my 29th birthday, it was serendipity when I met a woman who would change my life. She made me believe that it was possible to find a good, virtuous woman. Her name was Melody Mae Cooper.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Was getting into the flow of the story and then you "killed the buzz" with politics. I bailed. We get enough of that BS in the real world!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Writing quality about what you'd expect from a poorly educated Trumpeteer.

RanDog025RanDog0255 months ago

Good story! Thanks 5 BIG ASS STARS!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This story was interesting and sad at the same time. I can't believe he gave her so much ad the end. So that is not a BTB at all. She cheated on him and used the excuse that she was being blackmail. If she loved her husband, she would have told him right away. I agree with the disappointment of him, not doing something earlier after all those red flags. The only other thing that doesn't seem right , it the all the negative comments and yet the story has over a 4 star rating, which mean people liked it. That doesn't' make sense.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Weird story. Didn't make sense.

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