My Second Hike with Gwen

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Follow up to "My Hiking Fantasy".
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Author's note: While it is not necessary to read the first installment of this series, "My Hiking Fantasy," it will provide an introduction to the characters and you will understand some of the inside humor. Many thanks go to "First of May" for editing help and inspiration. Hope you enjoy.

It had been over two weeks since Gwen and I met on a hike. We had been texting constantly, and collectively decided to self-quarantine for 14 days before we met again. This was mostly Gwen's idea. I was ready to get her outside and naked as soon as possible, especially before the weather turned too cold to have fun outdoors. Gwen, though, really missed kissing. She wanted to get rid of the stupid masks we were handicapped with the last time. Gwen also arranged for her recovering mother to spend a month with her sister in Chicago, so there were not any worries on that front. I did relish the idea of our first kiss.

The plans were made for a follow-up hike on a Tuesday after our quarantine. Tuesday, because the weather forecast looked like it would be a warm fall day, maybe the last one we would have. Also, because there should be few other people for us to run into. Our long two-week quarantine was made bearable by our constant texting and sometimes sexting. Gwen continued to surprise me with her candor, humor and especially her naked shower pictures. Camera phones are a great invention. Gwen confided that she had never done anything like that before. Outdoor sex with someone she just met, watching others, being watched, and having sex with a mask on were all firsts. Not only did the outdoor aspect turn her on, but Gwen said that being watched was something she couldn't stop thinking about. She masturbated every other day and took to leaving her drapes open in the hopes that maybe a neighbor would see. Lucky for me, I got to learn all about it in our sexy chats.

I drove into the trailhead parking area and was ecstatic to see Gwen's Subaru was already there. Two other vehicles were in the small parking lot: a red Toyota RAV4 and an old beat up pick-up. No, it was not the sexy young couple from two weeks ago, this one was mostly white with a green fender. They were already on the trail, so the parking lot was empty except for Gwen and me. I pulled in next to the Subaru. She got out and looked more beautiful than my two-week-old memory remembered. She had on a just tight enough blue tee shirt, tan hiking shorts that hugged her behind, and a floppy hat that covered her blonde hair. I met her around the back of my car, and I got the biggest smile I have ever seen. It was so nice to see her entire face.

We immediately hugged and shared our first kiss. Her lips were soft and tasted of strawberries. We started gently, just savoring the ability to touch lips and not have to navigate with masks on. Gwen's arms wrapped around me and pulled me tight. Her breasts mashed into my chest. I reached down to cup her ass and pull her as close as we could humanly get. It was like we were trying to merge into one being. It was then that the kissing became more urgent. She pressed her lips harder into mine and I felt her tongue probing for an opening. My lips parted to let in the intruder, and when our tongues touched it was electric. With open mouths our tongues traded dances, invading the others' space. Our lips pressed hard against each other. We were both breathing heavily through our noses, and finally I needed to come up for air.

I moved back just a bit and stared into her face. "Good Morning," I whispered. "It is so great to see you."

Gwen responded with, "If I had known you were such a good kisser, I would never have lasted for a 14- day quarantine!"

I nodded and dove in for another round of deep kissing. Our bodies sort of melted into each other. Her hands were on my head and back, urging me on. My hands were again on her ass, pulling her into my quickly hardening cock. It felt like we are teenagers again.

In our first kiss fog, we were startled when another car drove into the lot. It was a black Jeep Wrangler that pulled in and parked at the other end of the parking area. We disengaged from each other, except Gwen grabbed my hand and squeezed twice before letting go. Her face was still dominated by her huge smile and eyes you could lose yourself in. We went to the back of our respective cars and put on our hiking shoes, got the snacks and water in the backpacks, and I grabbed the trusty First Aid Kit. I am usually well prepared, so today I packed a soft lightweight blanket that I hoped would come in handy later.

When we had everything about ready, we looked up to see a stunning woman strolling across the parking lot like she owned the place. She was tall, must have been 6 foot, with jet black hair. Her body was incredibly fit. She had a well-proportioned chest behind a tight shirt that showed off all her curves. Her flat stomach emphasized the ample breasts. Her long legs were very muscular, and I guessed she was a high-level athlete of some kind. She smiled broadly as she approached us.

We heard her chuckle and say, "You folks might need to get a room instead of going on a hike."

Gwen and I both blushed and I responded, "Well, we haven't seen each other in over two weeks, and you may be right." And then looking directly at Gwen I said, "But we have all day, so let's hike first and then get a room."

Gwen laughed and said to the newcomer, "Who needs a room on a beautiful day like this? See you at the top."

She just shook her head, nodded at us, and took off toward the trail at a pace we would never be able to match. Her tight ass was a beautiful sight as she walked away. Gwen came over close, giggled and said, "Well, I guess getting caught is what we do, but she could catch me any time. Did you see that body? She was gorgeous."

I pulled her close for one more kiss. I whispered in her ear, "I didn't notice. I only have eyes, and other parts, for you."

She guffawed at that and remarked, "There is no way in hell anyone can not notice that woman."

As we were locking up the cars, we heard another vehicle approach. It was a mini school bus from the local private school. As soon as it stopped, out poured twenty 8th graders and two counselors. The noise level of twenty teenagers all talking to each other was a shock to the system. I could not believe my plans to get Gwen and I some alone time in the woods were being thwarted!

As the counselors rounded up the kids, I looked over to see a very dejected Gwen. I grabbed her hand and led her away from the trailhead to a field on our right. There was a path mowed along the edge.

"Let's let them get going before we start," I said as we wandered down the path in the field.

Gwen leaned into me as we walked hand in hand away from the kids. At the end of field there was a larger mowed area where the guy on the mower must turn around. When I looked back over the thigh high grass, I could see the last teenage straggler moving out of sight into the woods.

Just then I heard Gwen yell, and I saw a black snake moving away from us into the higher grass. Gwen swung her arm around my neck and jumped up onto my chest. She was still screaming. I instinctively reached my arms out to try catch and support her. My arms were under her legs, and her arms were around my neck, but the momentum of her jumping into me had us off balance. After some awkward attempts to steady us, we toppled over into the mowed grass. Her screams devolved into giggles, and we both started laughing uncontrollably.

I said, "It was just a snake, and your screaming scared it half to death!"

She lightly punched my chest and said, "But it was at least 10 feet long and had big fangs, and aren't you supposed to protect us women folk from critters like that?"

I pulled her to my chest and kissed her, deeply and passionately. She sat back up and shrugged her backpack off. Gwen gave a quick glance around for the snake. I guess she felt safe because she practically dove on top of me to continue the kissing. We lay in the mown area, practically hidden by the tall grass around us. The only way anyone could catch us was to walk literally on top of us.

Her kisses were exceptional. Her lips were so soft, and her tongue was all over mine. I was incredibly uncomfortable with my backpack still on, but I was not going to stop. Gwen's hand slowly drifted lower until she had it on my penis. She squeezed my cock and balls and felt my erection get bigger and harder through my shorts. Before I realized what was going on, Gwen had unbuckled my belt and was unzipping my fly. I touched her arm to stop her. This was not what I had planned. But just then, she plunged her hand into my shorts and her fingers wrapped around my cock. Her fingers squeezed me while she pulled up from the kiss.

She looked into my eyes and said, "Please let me enjoy your cock. I did not get to do that last time. And don't we need to let the kids get a big head start? Besides, by the looks of it, you need some release."

I blurted out, "Oh, yes, but help me get this stupid backpack off. It is killing me!"

Gwen helped me slough off my backpack and positioned it under my head and then she removed her hat and said, "Just lie back, relax and enjoy."

I leaned back as Gwen pulled my raging hard-on fully out of my shorts and leaned down to kiss it. She pushed my shorts down enough to get access to my balls. She slowly kept sliding her lips farther and farther down until she had 2/3 of my cock enveloped in her warm wet mouth. She held on to the base with one hand and cupped my balls with the other. This was heavenly.

My brain lost all track of where we were. Gwen slowly slid back up using her hand to steady my penis. This slow up and down motion coating my cock with saliva continued as her hand fondled my balls. I moaned my approval. Her tongue swirled around my head as she bobbed up and down in a smooth rhythm. I could feel that tingling I get in my balls and anus when I am nearing the point of no return.

I sighed and said, "I can't describe how good that feels, I am warning you now I will be coming soon."

I looked down to see her head bobbing, now faster, and her hand stroking in unison. What a gorgeous sight. I could feel my balls start to tighten and it seemed, so could she. Gwen looked up at me just as her hand pulled my balls away from my body, stretching them farther and farther, right at the edge of too far. That was all I could take as I shot my load into her mouth. I was groaning and moaning and speaking some unintelligible word like utterances. My body went tense as I came and came. Then I relaxed into a puddle on the grass. Gwen pulled her lips off my softening cock and smiled.

"I have wanted to do that for the last 2 weeks!" Gwen exclaimed as she slowly stroked my now half erect cock. "You have such a beautiful cock; I can't get enough."

This was not how I planned the day, but improvisation can be a wonderful thing.

After a few minutes to recover, we put all my manly parts back into my shorts and grabbed our backpacks. In a few short minutes we were in the woods headed up hill. My mind was racing with what just happened. Gwen was leading, and I enjoyed the view of her firm ass in her tight hiking shorts.

This trail was an easier hike than the last one, with only three short steep parts. We were hiking on a well-worn path through the forest. A stream burbled to our right as we walked. It made our walk more scenic, with the moss-covered rocky bed quite picturesque whenever it meandered close to the trail. Being fall, the leaves were mostly off the trees, as the peak colors were 2-3 weeks ago. That made for a soft leaf-strewn cornucopia of burnt orange and deep red on the ground. The trail wound its way steadily up the mountain with many switchbacks to keep it from being too steep.

After a mile and half, we had worked up a little sweat and stopped for a water break. Our conversation had been constant on the way up. Gwen was so easy to talk to. We went through all the normal topics: her work, her kids, my upcoming retirement plans, my kids, and how her mother was not happy at her sisters. It was amazing, we still had anything to talk about with all the texting we had done over the last two weeks. Gwen sat on a big rock right next to me and leaned into my shoulder while she drank. I looked over at her and saw some sweat just darkening her shirt under her breasts.

As she finished drinking, I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. I reached out to feel her breast, held it, weighed it in my hand. She sighed and kissed a little deeper. That only lasted a brief few seconds before Gwen broke off the kiss, stood up and said, "Your turn to lead. You know why."

I laughed and said, "Well, I am fine with you staring at my ass, but please watch your step. You have been known to be a little clumsy when distracted." Gwen swatted my bottom as I walked by.

We got through the steep parts, only slightly out of breath, and before we knew it, we were one short boulder scramble from the top. There we met three women, soccer mom types, in their designer yoga pants, coming down.

We exchanged good mornings and as they passed, I said to Gwen, "RAV4."

She laughed so loud the women turned around to look at us. I just smiled and waved as I worked my way over the boulders. It took Gwen a minute to control her laughter and then she followed me up the rocks. There were plenty of ways to navigate and, unfortunately for me, Gwen did not need any boosting to make it up and over.

We emerged on the mountain top with great views to the north and east. The autumn sky was a deep blue with just a few fluffy cumulus clouds. The normally serene setting was awash with teenagers. They were seemingly everywhere. But the good news was, the counselors were trying to herd them up and start back down the trail. I took Gwen's hand and led her over to the north view where we found a rock outcropping to sit on. Out came our snacks and water while we enjoyed the pretty view but not the din of the teenagers.

Thankfully, within about ten minutes the kids started down the trail and I scanned the rest of the peak. I saw a younger guy in cut off blue jeans, his tee shirt off and used as a pillow, soaking up the sun on the other side of the opening.

Before I could say anything, Gwen pointed and said, "Definitely, the pick-up." We both got big smiles and started laughing.

I commented, "This is one trip where my car guessing game was too easy."

As I continued my scan of the great view, I saw the stunning black-haired woman sitting with her back to us, gazing out at the eastern view. I then saw the younger guy get up, stretch, and wander over to her. We saw the nods of heads as they acknowledged each other, and they had a quick conversation. He put on his tee shirt and walked back to the trail with his head down looking dejected and we guessed, rejected.

As the kids trudged out of sight, the noise level subsided to a more normal quiet. We could now hear the gentle breeze rustling the leaves, a bird chirping in the distance, the chittering of a squirrel in the adjacent trees. This was what the top of the mountain experience should be. We were thoroughly enjoying the deep blue of the sky, the sudden quiet, and each other, holding hands while we snacked. We sat close together so our shoulders and thighs touched. Again, it was like being a teenager (older than 8th graders) and not being able to get close enough to the person you like.

While this was very pleasant and wonderful, I still had other ideas of some fun Gwen and I could have. I reached my arm around her, leaned over to nibble on her neck and then whispered in her ear, "I would like to return the favor you provided in the field. I know a spot not far from here."

She melted into me and said, "Please. I am so horny."

We rather hastily stuffed our snacks and water back into our knapsacks and walked hand in hand over the peak, past the only person left. She looked up when we approached and smiled.

She said, "Wow, you made it. The way you two were going at it in the parking lot, I would have guessed you would have skipped the hike for more intimate exercise. Not that I would blame you; it is a beautiful day for outdoor sex."

I quickly said, "Yes, it is." and led Gwen by the hand to the edge of the mountain clearing. As I glanced over my shoulder, I gave the woman a quick smile and a wink.

There was an overgrown trail here that we pushed through, down a ravine and up to a second less visited summit. Just past this summit was a grove of pine trees. In the right side of this grove was a small clearing with great views to the east but enclosed by trees on all other sides. No one could see us unless they were on the opposite mountain with powerful binoculars.

I got out my blanket and spread it on top of the pine needles. Gwen obviously understood my intentions. As I looked up from spreading the blanket, she had already shed her tee shirt and was pulling her sports bra over her head. As she cupped her tits in her hands and massaged them, my cock was stirring. We settled on the blanket and were surprised how the pine needles underneath made this an extremely comfortable spot.

I kissed her again gently, probing with my tongue to just touch and flick at her tongue. I reached down to touch her left breast and when I found the nipple, it was rock hard.

Gwen uttered a loud sigh and said, "Your hands feel so great on my tits."

I moved my head down to lick and nibble her neck and then into the valley between her beautiful breasts. I used my tongue to lick the slightly salty sweat in that valley before moving to take her nipple in my mouth. I teased the hard nub with my tongue while fondling the other breast with my left hand.

A sort-of mewing sound emanated from Gwen. She said, "Oh My, your tongue knows just what I like. YES!"

As I moved to take the other nipple into my hot wet mouth, my hand went to Gwen's waist and unsnapped the button on her shorts. I lowered the zipper to reach in and feel her cotton underwear and then lower still to feel that it was wet through.

I kissed my way down her very sexy belly to the top of her panties. I could already take in her aroma. It was intoxicating. I pulled on the shorts to move them down, and Gwen assisted by lifting up to get them over her hips. I pushed the shorts and panties down to her ankles so she could spread her legs, and I positioned myself between her shapely thighs.

I softly said," You are so beautiful. I love to look at you from this angle and I cannot wait to taste you, to make you squirm."

Gwen just moaned loudly as I licked my way up one leg and down the other, teasing her by not licking where she wanted me to. But the intense smell of her arousal and her vocal sighs urged me to get my first taste.

I spread her outer lips with my thumbs and used my tongue to lick her from bottom to top. I licked back down again, over, and over, savoring her sweet musky taste. I stuck my tongue out and pushed into her pussy as far as I could go. Gwen's odor had filled my nostrils and I loved it. I wanted more and more.

Gwen started to moan in time with my tongue lashing. Her vocal grunts, and sighs were loud enough to be heard a fair distance away.

I used my tongue as a mini cock to explore all the areas I could reach. Her hands gripped my head and pulled me closer. I needed a breath, so I slid up to where my nose could inhale while my mouth enveloped her clit.

She bucked up against me as my mouth sucked on her engorged clit. My tongue lashed out at her hard nub, running circles around it. Gwen's breathing was getting ragged and she was really moaning loudly, sure signs her orgasm was near. I inserted two fingers into her pussy just as I sucked hard on her clit. That was the bit that put her over the edge. Gwen's body tensed up and a copious flow came over my fingers.