My Sensuous Aunt Madge Ch. 02


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"I I not know if you wanted a bubble bath or not and I did not wish to awaken you too soon by asking you. If you wish to have a bubble bath, I will attend to that now, Sir," Talana said to me with her voice quivering slightly.

"No, my little one, you have done well," I said and swatted her sharply on her bare buttocks.

"Mmmmm, Sir, thank you I love the sting of your hand on my bare behind," she giggled.

She knelt beside the tub to begin bathing me but I stopped her and told her to get in with me. Her face lit up like a little girl who had just received a pony for her birthday and she scrambled into the tub as if she expected me to change my mind.

"Lay back, Talana, and tell me of you conversation with my mother and you may also speak freely about anything you choose, at this time," I told her.

"Thank you, Sir. This girl is grateful for this opportunity," she replied.

"I telephoned Marsha as you instructed me to do and she and Daniel will be here this coming weekend. Marsha told me they had wanted to come sooner but decided to wait until we extended an invitation. I am sure Daniel made her wait. Please don't be upset with me for saying this but my sister is almost as submissive as I am she is just much better at concealing it. Your father, Daniel, is a master at making her feel that she is in control while he quietly makes her yield to his wishes," Talana told me.

While this revelation did not totally surprise me, I was somewhat taken aback that my aunt recognized it. Few people realized how powerful my dad's personality really was. Somehow, he reminded me of mild mannered Clark Kent on the outside while he was actually Superman on the inside. My mom was his perfect counterpart, Lois Lane, who always seemed in control when Clark Kent was around but always got herself into trouble and had to be rescued by Superman. Yes, I had grown up in a comic book family. Grandpa was the newspaper editor, Perry White, and Aunt Madge was Lana Lane. I hated it but I guess that made me Jimmy Olsen. I laughed at myself over that thought.

Talana broke my thoughts by saying, "Just in case you are wondering, no, your dad and I have never had an intimate relationship. Daniel is not a cheater and I would never attempt to seduce him though I do admit that had he ever touched me I would have probably melted into his arms. You are just like him in so many ways except your dominance and power is much more obvious."

"Did you mention our relationship to Mom," I asked her.

"No, Sir, I felt it would not please you if I did," she replied.

I smiled at her and told her she had done well and I was very pleased. I decided I would call my father. I was reasonably sure he would understand and not get too involved but I needed to give him, at least, a "headsup" as to what to expect. I would send Talana to the store and call Dad while he was at work. That way neither of he nor I would have to deal with either of the girls as we talked. Not that it really mattered.

"Talana, you have pleased me well today and I wish to reward for it. What would you like as a reward," I asked her?

"Please spank me, Sir," she replied quickly.

"A spanking is punishment and you have done nothing for which you should be punished," I told her.

She was silent for a few seconds and then sat up in the tub, giggled and slapped my face. Not hard as if she was angry but hard enough to get my attention.

I laughed and said, "For that, you worthless slut, you deserve a very severe spanking and you will get one," I said to her with a grin.

"Oh please, Sir, I'm sorry. Please don't spank your naughty girl," she said with a mocking and obviously fake moan.

"Get out of this tub, dry yourself off and get you slutty little ass in the bedroom now. Move bitch," I said with a growl which was just as fake as her moan.

She got up, dried herself and as she opened the door to go into the bedroom she looked me squarely in the eyes and said, "I love you, Master."

I knew at that moment and with absolute certainty that if she did not love me no one ever would.

When I walked into the bedroom, I saw her on her knees beside the bed. Her head was bowed and her arms were stretched outward and upward toward me. My belt lay across her upturned palms.

I walked slowly over to her, grasped a handful of her beautiful silky auburn colored hair and raised her face to look at her. There were genuine tears flowing down her cheeks and with a very weak and trembling voice she sobbed, "This unworthy slave is so sorry, Master. She totally forgot her place and grievously disrespected you. She is ready to take the harshest and most severe punishment you can give her."

We both knew that punishment would have been for me to ignore her completely. She had told me she was a pain slut and now she was practically daring me to make her prove it. I had originally planned to turn her across my knee and spank her soundly with the palm of my hand but she had changed the rules.

'Fine, if she wants a merciless spanking with a belt, she will surely get one,' I thought to myself. At that moment, I wished I had a camel tail whip which I knew would draw blood.

"Get on your belly on the bed and spread your arms and legs," I ordered her.

When she had done so, I went to her dresser and opened the drawer which contained her stockings. I grabbed two old well worn pairs of stockings and secured her arms and legs to the posts of the bed. I got a wash cloth from the bathroom and stuffed it into her mouth to gag her screams. I fully inteneded to make her scream and I did not want the neighbors to hear her.

I lifted her hips and shoved pillow beneath them. I wrapped the belt around my hand raised my arm into the air then with all the strength I could muster I lashed the belt down across the beautiful and perfect globes of her naked ass. Her body wrenched violently from the force of the bow and the pain she felt. I saw a long crimson welt across the cheeks of her bare buttocks and I lashed her repeatedly counting each one aloud. When I reached a count of 10 lashes, I stopped whipping her.

The cheeks of her lovely ass bore the welts in crimson stripes from the severe whipping I had given her. Her body was shaking due her sobbing which was brought on by the agonizing pain I knew must have been wracking through her body. In a moment of weakness, I untied her and releasing her from her bonds. I also removed the wash cloth I had stuffed into her mouth and I lay down beside her and held her tenderly in my arms.

Now that the ordeal had ended I wished it had never happened. Talana nestled herself firmly into my arms and finally when her sobbing had reduced to sniffles she looked into my eyes and said with a very weak smile, "Thank you, Sir. Have you punished this girl sufficiently for her most foolish act?"

"Do you feel you have been sufficiently punished, Talana," I asked her.

"Only your feelings matter, Sir," she said quietly.

"Then yes, you have been punished and that is the end of it," I replied.

"Thank you, Sir. May I please kiss you," she asked shyly?

"Yes, Talana, you may kiss me," I responded.

Yes gave me a surprisingly warm, tender and lingering kiss which made me know she was mine in every way. I could hardly believe how well she had borne the pain I had administered upon her beautiful body. I had whipped her with almost savage brutality.

"Wait here, Talana, I will be right back," I told her.

"Yes, Sir. I will wait," she replied.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the medicine cabinet and found a bottle of Solarcaine lotion. I hoped the lidocaine analgesic it contained would help to ease the stinging and soothe the burning pain which I was certain Talana was still felling.

When I returned to sit beside Talana and gently applied the soothing lotion to the soft cheeks of her now highly enflamed ass, she cooed, "Oh, Master, your worthless slut does not deserve such treatment. She should have to endure the pain for being so disrespectful to you."

"Shut up, girl, I know what is best for you," I told her as I continued to gently massage the lotion onto her burning flesh.

"Now lie here and try to sleep. I need to sit and think about the best way to handle Mom and Dad when they come to visit us," I said as I leaned down to kiss her.

"Yes, Master, and thank you, Sir," this girl could use a nap but she wishes more to serve and please you," Talana replied.

"Talana, right now you can best serve and please me by doing as I tell you or would you prefer to feel the thrashing of the belt again?" I asked her adding, "I shall return after a while and give you the pleasure I told earlier you would receive for pleasing so well today."

She wisely chose to close her eyes and remain silent as I got up from the bed and left the bedroom. I did need some time alone to think about dealing with my parents before I awakened Talana to give her the sexual release which I was sure she badly needed.

I walked down the hallway to my old room and decided to lie down while I thought things through and tried to mentally bring everything into some sort of order. I set my alarm clock for two hours in case I fell asleep as I did want to be sure Talana and I did not sleep too long.

Since Talana had called Mom earlier during the day, I thought it would be a good idea for me to call Dad now rather than wait until tomorrow. I did not know exactly what Talana and mom had discussed but I did not want dad to be blind sided by mom about the invitation for them to come here and visit us when he got home from work later today.

When I called dad, Stella his secretary, put my call through to him without hesitation. I had met Stella on several occasions. She was young, hot and very friendly. When it came to shielding my dad from wasteful calls and office visitors who did not have an appointment, Stella was the "lion at the gate." Stella knew Dad would always take my calls since I never called him at the office unless it was important and something required his immediate attention. While this could not actually be considered as urgent situation, I would not have to explain the purpose for my call to Stella.

When Dad answered phone, we explained pleasantries and then, of course, he wanted to know how Aunt Madge and I were getting along. I told him the truth. We had been practically inseparable from the day I arrived and we were becoming closer each day. Naturally, at that time, I did not give him any specific details of how intimate we made become.

But...Dad was always extremely intuitive and asked me directly, "Are you sleeping with her?"

I hesitated but there was no point in lying since the relationship between Aunt Madge and me was the reason we were inviting Mom and Dad to visit us. "Dad," I began to explain, "yes, we are sleeping together and our relationship is moving rapidly forward. This is very difficult for me to explain to you since you never discussed such things with me. Talana, I mean Aunt Madge, is a very subservient woman and..."

Dad interrupted me in mid sentence by saying, "Damn! Michael, in less than a month you know more about her true nature than her idiot ex-husband, Bob, even suspected during the entire 12 years they were married. Madge is not merely subservient, she is a true submissive who is literally burning with desire to be dominated and controlled. What was you called her, Tala...?"

"Talana, I gave her a new name," I replied wondering just how much Dad actually knew about all of this.

Dad laughed at my reply and asked, "Michael, what is it that you want me to do?"

"Well, I had Talana call Mom today and invite the two of us to visit us this weekend. I know Mom may go ballistic when she sees what is actually transpiring between Aunt Madge and me so I am giving you a 'headsup' about it. I am not asking you to take my side in this but I am asking you to try to remain as neutral as possible. I think I can handle Mom but you know how she can be," I told him.

Dad chuckled and said, "You're on the right track and I'm sure you will handle the situation quite well. If you have Talana, as you now call Madge, under control and she stands with you on this, your mother will put up a good fight but she will crumble in the end and, yes, I will remain neutral. This is your show and thanks for the ringside seat. I assure you mother and I will be there. I wouldn't miss this for the world. I just wish Grandpa was still around so he could see it, too. He both loved and respected you more than you realize."

"One thing, Michael, be very careful in how you deal with Madge, I mean Talana. She is a wonderful girl but she is also very fragile. Try not to crush her emotionally," Dad told me.

"I understand and thanks, Dad, I knew I count on you. I won't let you down," I said.

"I'm not actually backing you up on this but I'm not going to condemn you for it either. This is your life and you only go through it once. There is no round trip ticket. Talana may be older than you but 14 years is only a little more than the difference in the ages of your mother and me. You know she is 5 years old than me. Her being your aunt is the only thing that complicates it. Follow you instincts and be prepared for unexpected events along the way," my dad stated frankly.

"That sounds like something Grandpa might have said," I told him.

Dad laughed and told me Grandpa had said much the same thing to him throughout his life including when he decided to ask Mom to marry him.

"Where is Talana now," my dad asked me? "She is sleeping. She was very naughty and disrespectful to me today and I had to punish her. I'm afraid I may have gotten a little overzealous in the process," I replied.

"You didn't hurt her did you," Dad asked?

"More than I would have liked, but she's not upset and she'll be okay. She deliberately slapped me will full knowledge that I would punish her severely. She even got on her knees and presented me with a belt to use. She's a pain slut, Dad," I told him.

He laughed loudly and said, "I always thought she was. Bob was such a fool thinking some little coed airhead was better than his bombshell wife. Hell! Stella, my secretary, is young, hot, beautiful and sexy but she'll never be half the woman your mother is and no, I have not slept with Stella, but I'm almost certain you could have."

His last comment surprised me but I let it drop.

"Well, Dad, I'll let you get back to work. Thanks for listening to me," I told Dad.

He chuckled and said, "Enjoy your girl."

"I am enjoying her every day. Good bye, Dad," I said.

I heard him say, "Goodbye, Michael," as I hung up the phone.

I lay back on the bed thinking my conversation with my dad had actually gone even better than I thought it would. I had been reasonably sure Dad would be OK about everything but I was not expecting him to have such keen insight about it. He knew Talana was submissive and had suggested that Mom might be somewhat similar when he said she would crumble in the end.

I heard a slight noise and looked toward my open door. Talana was standing there still naked and just looking at me. I smiled when I noticed she had painted a large red heart on her shaven public mound.

"Come here, Talana," I commanded.

She walked slowly over to me stopping when she reached the bed to kneel beside it. I looked at her and said, "Come lay beside me."

She straightened up and as she lay down beside me she winced. Obviously, her lovely ass was still stinging from the belt whipping I have given her earlier.

"Are you alright," I asked her.

"Yes, Sir and may I speak freely," she asked?

"Certainly," I replied.

"I'm more than alright, Sir. Yes, my ass feels like it is on fire but the feeling is exquisite. I managed to get your Uncle Bob to spank me a few times but his spankings were 'wusses' compared to what you did. I am sure I could have cum if you had let me rub my clit while you flayed my ass with the belt." Talana confessed and continued by asking, "Are you still planning to give me pleasure later?"

"Yes, Talana, I am as long as you continue to please me," I answered.

I trailed my fingers down her back and across her still flaming hot ass cheeks. She winced as I slipped my fingers along the welts.

"I love you, Sir," She said with a tiny, shy voice.

"I know you do," I replied.

"Can we make love now, Sir? My body is aching for you," Talana pleaded.

"Have patience, little one. We have lots of time. Calm yourself and have patience," I whispered softly and released a warm and gentle breath into her ear.

...Readers: Talana and I ask that you, too, have patience and please follow us to Chapter 3. If you care to...

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goofypgoofypover 1 year ago

Interesting twist, wondering if any sensuality will come.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago

You lost me at

"Strip Bitch!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapter.

OG4UOG4Ualmost 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks Hotbobbie

Chapter 03 should be online in a few days. Still writing Chapter 04.

HotbobbieHotbobbiealmost 7 years ago

A good story. We are looking forward to chapter 3.

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