My Sister Gets Her Way

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When “mind-games” become reality. A sequel story.
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Having been requested by several readers, this story is a sequel to "Mind-Games" and follows the characters as their lives change and they get older. You can read the above first or read this one as a stand-alone story.

The last five years seemed to have been a whirlwind of ever-changing circumstances for Lucy her life nowadays bearing no resemblance to what it had once been. Today was the first time she had seen her ex-husband Max since their divorce, embarrassingly he had turned up for their daughter's wedding with a female on his arm, one who was perhaps older than their daughter and younger than their son.

She had known that he was going to be there, he was the father of the bride after all, but the special effort Lucy had taken with her appearance had not been for him. Over the last couple of years, she had lost weight and toned up, at forty-eight, she now looked quite a few years younger.

Her escort for the day was her son Nathan and her special effort had been for him. She thought back to when they had first slept together, several months after his twentieth birthday. He had wooed her, leaving erotic stories on her computer, and then finally disclosing his true feelings. Initially, she had been shocked, but over time she had lowered her defences and allowed him in, firstly to her life and then to her body.

Lucy hadn't wanted to upstage her daughter Katie, it was her big day, and so had chosen carefully. The powder blue suit had been expensive but emphasised her figure perfectly, looking classy with its close-fitting cut and managing to show her as the beautiful woman she was. Nathans reaction when she had first worn it for his approval, had been what was required. He had carefully helped her out of it before throwing her to the bed as they made love.

It was the thing she put down to her youthful appearance. Her first years of marriage had been happy and fulfilling, but slowly her life had become mundane, and her husband had lost interest. Nathan had reawakened her, sex with him was exciting and his youthful exuberance had been the tonic she needed.

Lucy inspected her make-up in the mirror before heading back to the reception party, the meal was out of the way and speeches had been made, she could relax now and enjoy the evening.

Katie looked stunning in her wedding dress, her bump not yet showing. She and Benjy had dated for over two years and when she suddenly found herself pregnant, they had decided to name the day. She met her mother as she was about to re-enter the room.

'I notice dad keeps looking in your direction, you must be making him jealous,' she laughed. Katie had already had a touch too much to drink.

'Be careful how much more you drink. Remember, you are having a baby.' Lucy cautioned

Katie threw her arms around her mother's neck and hugged her. 'Are you happy mum, really happy?'

'Don't I look it, Katie? I promise you; I have never been happier.'

'And all down to our Nathan,' Katie whispered.

Lucy felt a sudden jolt as her stomach lurched. She stepped backwards and looked seriously at her daughter.

'C'mon mum, I'm not a child anymore. I know that you and Nathan have been having a relationship.'

Lucy was about to deny it, but her daughter continued speaking. 'I don't mind mum, it's nice to see you happy, and if Nathan makes you happy, who am I to say it's wrong...... though I was jealous for a while.

Lucy was gobsmacked, she knew her daughter had once made advances towards her brother, but Nathan had turned her down. She had no idea that her daughter knew what the two of them got up to.

Katie grinned, 'Whatever he's doing to you, it certainly seems to be working because you look gorgeous mum, and it is probably the reason dad keeps looking your way.

The two women were laughing together. For years Lucy thought she had managed to keep it a secret, now that the cat was out the bag with her daughter, it felt as if a weight had been lifted.

'I must go and pee,' Katie said. 'But if you ever get bored with Nathan...... I'll take him off your hands.'

With that parting shot, she was gone, heading towards the ladies. Lucy's heart was pounding, not because of the shock she had just experienced, but because someone as young and pretty as her daughter had been passed over in preference to herself.

Back in the room, her hand was suddenly grabbed. 'Come and dance with me,' Nathan mouthed over the volume of the music.

Lucy joined him on the dancefloor, she would have liked to have got closer, but it was still early and the smoochy music wouldn't come on until later. A couple of dances and then they began circulating the room, chatting with guests, thanking people for coming. To the casual observer, she and Nathan could have been a couple, most of them commenting that he had turned into a handsome young man. Lucy glanced in his direction often, her heart beating that little bit faster as she recognised that she was in love with him.

Up until her divorce, he'd had a girlfriend, Milly. Lucy had always told him that he needed to keep the relationship going or at least find another girlfriend. She knew in a way what the future held, she was over twenty years older than her son, and a time would come when she was an old woman, no longer desirable. She didn't want him to be lonely when that happened, she wanted him to have a family of his own by then.

When Max left her, there had been no sadness, why would there be, by then she had been sleeping with Nathan regularly. Their relationship had just kind of evolved after that, Milly one of the casualties who fell by the wayside.

Nowadays, Lucy saw Nathan more like her partner, her lover, rather than her son. After today, with her daughter's wedding and the house to themselves, he would now share her bed each night.

Katie had been up to her room in the hotel and changed, the taxi would be here shortly to whisk her and Benjy to the airport and off on their honeymoon. When she came back down, she managed to attract her brother's attention as she motioned him to join her outside. The cooler air was welcome after the heat of the party, Katie moving into the shadows and waiting for her brother to appear.

When he did, his face was split with a huge grin as he joined her, and she pulled him around the side of the building. 'Look at you,' he laughed, 'all grown up and married...... and by the way, beautiful.'

Katie became serious for a moment; she had waited years and was determined to do this. 'You take care of mum Nathan, and I don't just mean in bed!' She'd had to giggle at his face, for a moment he had looked just like her mother, and just like her, he was about to try and deny it.

'I know Nathan. I have done, for quite a while. The two of you made it so obvious, the perfect couple,' she laughed.

'I only want one thing now, something I wanted many years ago when we stood around a similar corner. I'd like you to kiss me, please.'

Nathan was taken aback for a moment, remembering that previous encounter. Back then, it was one of the things he had set out to do, bed both his mother and sister. But when it had come down to it, he had chosen his mother and his sister had been refused.

Katie's arms went around his neck as she inched forwards, her face drawing nearer to his, and then his arms were around her waist and his mouth was touching hers. She melted into the embrace, feeling his tongue slide across her lips, her mouth opening so that he could explore. She was pressing herself against him, excitement and arousal controlling her body as she felt the bulge that was now pressing against her mound.

She had to stop it now she realised, all she had wanted was a kiss, a kiss from the brother she adored. If she let this go on much longer, then she would do more than kiss him, she would remove her knickers, open her legs, and invite him into her warm moist centre.

'Right, I'd better find my husband,' Katie said breathlessly, as together they went back inside.

By the time the evening drew to a close, both Lucy and Nathan were tipsy and threw caution to the wind as they met on the dancefloor. His sister had surprised him, her kiss arousing, and now that he had his mother in his arms, he did not attempt to disguise what was going on down below as he pressed his erection against her.

Lucy whispered in his ear, trying her best to act like his mother but wanting nothing more than to be thrown to the floor and fucked. 'When we get home...... I want you to shag me...... and then shag me again. Tonight, you don't have to disappear, from now on, we can sleep together every night.'

Nathan was having to make an effort, with the heat of the dancefloor and the proximity of his mother, it would have been all so easy to fondle her breasts or cup her buttocks and pull her harder against his throbbing member. They had talked previously about staying overnight at the hotel, but that would have meant exercising caution. Their home was only a taxi ride away and behind closed doors, tonight they could fuck openly and with no repercussions.

They were the last to leave, Katie and Benjy had gone earlier, and Max had left without saying a word.

He closed their front door behind them as Lucy kicked her shoes off and made a dash for the stairs, Nathan pinching her bottom as she laughed at his antics. She'd had her legs crossed in the taxi, dying to pee, and the bathroom was going to be her first port of call. She didn't bother closing the door, her son standing in the opening as he watched her raise her skirt and display her stockings and suspenders before dropping her knickers and pissing.

Once upon a time, this scenario would have been embarrassing, now, she had no inhibitions about him watching her, his eyes alive with desire and the bulge in his pants jerking periodically.

'No point in pulling them back up,' Nathan laughed, 'they will be off again the minute we are in your room.'

'It's your room as well now,' Lucy said as she wiped her fanny, the touch alone sending shivers through her body.

In the bedroom, he had given her a chance to remove and hang up the expensive suit as he disposed of his clothing, Lucy watching his cock bounce as he advanced on her. She had already removed her panties, her bra disappearing quickly as Nathan hoisted her and laid her on the bed. Their mouths came together and immediately she felt her arousal mounting. He was a delight to kiss, his mouth seemed to promise so much, and his hands had started their customary exploration as they caressed her neck and worked their way down to her breasts.

His cock jerked against her, and Lucy moaned, his fingers teasing her nipples as he rolled them between finger and thumb. He had never been one just to jump her, unlike her husband, even when it had to be a quicky. Nathan always wanted the time to arouse her properly before they fucked. His hand continued to move, over her ribcage and across her belly, resting for a moment on top of her pubic bone as his fingertips stroked the bare flesh there. It had been a moment of madness one night, Nathan suggesting that he shave her and Lucy saying that she would if he did. Since then, they had both continued to de-hair, Lucy enjoying the way it made his cock look even bigger.

There was a sharp intake of breath, Nathans's fingers had reached her pussy and she felt one slide between her labia. The anticipation was electrifying and then she broke away from his mouth as she cried with delight, the digit penetrating her cunt. Her hand grabbed his cock, she was desperate now, pumping her fist up and down as she tossed his off.

Sex with Nathan was like a fairground ride, you soared and plummeted, and it took your breath away. Sometimes it started slow and then finished at breakneck speed, other times it was a reversal. It filled Lucy with fear and delight, often screaming constantly as he took her to heights she had never achieved previously. But her son was always in control, bringing her to that point where her body was filled with sheer ecstasy and afterwards, she was always eager to try it again. His fingers had brought her to the point of no return, his body casting a shadow as it reared over her, his cock expanding her passage with each thrust. Her tits bounced and wobbled, Nathan, watching them intently until his head descended and he took her teats into his warm mouth.

And then Lucy was floating, the sheer pleasure surging through her body and nerves taking her to a realm where exploding colours and contentment awaited.

It had all started with the erotic stories that Nathan had left on her computer. His assumption even though she did not know it still, was that once hooked, she would return to them repeatedly. He had used them to introduce the idea of incest to her and her brain had done the rest, even now, she still enjoyed reading them and the relationships between those fictitious mothers and sons.

She had become a regular on the site, seeking out stories herself and from there she had taken the step and started corresponding with other readers. She was committing incest with her son and as such, it gave her great insight. She was the lucky one, it was happening to her, and Lucy was enjoying every minute of it. It did create a problem though, there was no one she could ever tell about it, to friends, family and anyone who knew her, it must always remain a secret.

Online and behind a fictitious profile she could talk about her feelings. Yes, she had to change names, locations, and anything that could betray her anonymity, but it still left her free to describe and tell of the things she had done and was doing.

Amina was one such correspondence. Lucy never asked where she was located but guessed it was somewhere on the other side of the world. It had started as general chit chat, each of the women slowly disclosing bits about their lives.

She was perhaps five years older than Lucy, maybe in her early fifties and had a problem, depending on how you looked at it. She had been reading incest stories and just like Lucy, her mind was now full of thoughts about her son. Despite being married and with a hot wife, her son was leaving these stories lying around for her to read and Amina was reaching the stage where she was wondering what she did next. It felt wrong, but at the same time, exciting.

Her circumstances were similar to Lucy's, married for many years and a husband who never noticed her anymore. Suddenly there was a young man, making his intentions fairly obvious and despite it being her son, Amina was enjoying the sudden attention.

Lucy typed a reply, offering words of wisdom but always leaving it up to the other woman to make the decision. As she had said previously, 'Once you cross the line there is no turning back.'

She looked forward to Amina's replies. Getting the feeling that the woman wanted to go farther but currently lacked the courage. Ultimately, it was not Lucy's place to tell anyone to go ahead with such a relationship, she didn't want the feeling of responsibility if anything went wrong.

Clicking the send button, she closed her emails and shut off the computer before going upstairs and getting ready for work. She was still in her old job, her wages plus the settlement from her divorce coupled with what Nathan earned meant they were reasonably comfortable. Dressed and ready, she headed out, Katie suddenly springing to mind. Another week and they would return from their honeymoon, the house they had bought only a couple of miles away.

At the accountants he worked for, Nathan glanced out the window as he finished his afternoon coffee, his mind wandering for five minutes as he took his break. Just like his mother, his sister Katie popped into his head even if it was for different reasons. He had been happily settled with his mother for the last five years, even though it had not been possible to have the kind of relationship he desired. Milly no longer disturbed his thoughts; he had felt mean at the time but had recognised that they were going nowhere.

What was troubling him was the kiss he had received from Katie. As much as he loved his mum, it had kick-started something as he remembered how different it had felt. It was simply a kiss, and he knew nothing of the conversation between her and his mum, but he'd had to admit to himself that if it had lasted much longer, he wouldn't have been able to restrain his hands and would have fucked her that evening, despite it being her wedding day.

Lucy and Nathan usually arrived home at the same time, working together as they got the evening meal ready and then chatted about their day. She had never mentioned the conversation with her daughter, and he had never mentioned the kiss to her, fearing that she would see him as doing the same as his father and cheating.

After tea, she spent an hour reading on her tablet, while Nathan watched the news after clearing the pots away.

The story hadn't been completely what she had expected, the synopsis had talked about incest between a mother and son, but currently, the son was involved with his sister. When the mother had caught them in bed together one day, there had been the usual dialogue of disbelief and shock before the story turned in a different direction as the three of them ended up in bed together.

Lucy couldn't understand why she found it arousing. Never in her life had she considered or thought about another woman and especially in a sexual way. When she was young, she'd had lots of female friends, the people she worked with were mainly women, not one of them had ever been thought of as a potential lover or partner.

Surprisingly, Lucy's first thoughts were about Nathans former girlfriend Milly. Closing her eyes for a moment, she tried to picture the young woman, it had been a while and the image was hazy. She tried to imagine her naked, laid on a bed as her son fucked her, but it left her cold. Seemingly, it was something about the story which intrigued her.

The following night, Lucy purposefully looked for a similar tale, reading another that involved a daughter seducing her mother and then her brother before it ended with a threesome. Again, she found herself aroused by it and yet the thought of having sex with another female did nothing to excite her.

In bed that night, she asked Nathan to read it, her son soon displaying his arousal as the sheets covering him tented.

'Why am I finding them arousing?' she asked him.

'I've no idea, Lucy. Have you ever had thoughts about another woman? Is there a female you can think of that turns you on?'

She shook her head. Thinking about any other woman left her lifeless, but the moment she read the story she could imagine herself as the mother doing things with the daughter.

Nathan saw it as a bit of fun, teasing her mercilessly. They were already naked, her son passing the tablet back to her and Lucy shutting it down and putting it on her bedside table. She retaliated in kind as they settled down, using the story to make suggestions to him.

'Would you find it exciting, watching me caress another woman's tits or going down and eating her pussy.' It was obvious to Lucy that he would because his erection was pushing against her thigh as his hand went to her breasts.

It was Nathan that brought up the name, for no other reason than it was someone who could have caught them. 'What would you do if Katie walked in now?' His fingers twisted and pulled at her nipples. 'Do you think she would be shocked and disgusted, the sight of her brother in bed with her mother?'

Lucy closed her eyes, imagining Katie standing in the doorway. She knew her daughter would not be shocked. She already knew what they were doing. She had also commented that she would be interested in Nathan if Lucy ever decided to relinquish him.

His fingers had reached her fanny, Lucy's legs opening wider as she felt them sink into her flesh. Nathan was continuing to tease her, his words painting pictures in her mind.