My Sister, Kelly Ch. 09


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"I had resisted to that point, Harriet. I'd like to think I wouldn't have allowed the situation to escalate beyond petting."

"Ah, come on, Honey. You know incest is your favorite fantasy. I know about your cache of dirty stories on the subject. I admit I manipulated you, but I didn't tie you down so your daughter could jump your bones. No one forced you to join Janice in her bed. The situation was consensual. In fact, you were easy. Admit it."

Mel grimaced.

"Let me ask you this," Harriet said when he didn't respond. "Do you plan to have sex with Janice again? I know I do. Be honest, now."

He shook his head and grinned. "Yeah."

"And if I'm not mistaken, you thoroughly enjoyed watching Janice and me locked with our mouths on each other's pussies."

"Yeah." His grin broadened.

Harriet glanced. A prominent bulge had developed. She reached and fondled his hard-on over his pants.


Janice arrived from school and plunked down on a chair in the kitchen with Jennifer and Kelly. An attractive girl, Jennifer thought. The three of them chatted. Kelly told her sister her father had been informed about her problems with her ex.

"He wants to help, Sis," Kelly said. "He took the rest of the week off so he can be available for any help he can give us."

"Great. Ah, Jennifer, I need a minute alone with Kelly."

"Oh, no problem. I need to unpack anyway."

As Jennifer walked toward the master bedroom on the way to the guest room, she noticed the door was open and she heard Harriet speaking.

"Remember I told you Kelly shaved me."

What? Jennifer asked herself. She stopped and leaned against the wall. She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop, but Harriet's comment had stopped her in her tracks. She leaned against the wall and peeked into the room.

Jennifer saw Mel swallow and nod, giving his wife a silent affirmative answer to her question.

"Well, if I let you shave my pussy, what would you do when you were finished?"

"What do you mean?"

"Would you have licked it? Give your efforts a tongue test?"

"God, yes!"

"Well, so did Kelly."


"Yeah, my sentiments, exactly."

Yeah, mine, too, Jennifer thought. What a family! Kelly said she had already shared John with a woman. Was that woman Harriet? Surely not!

"So you've already had sex with Kelly?" Mel commented.

"Oh, yes, and I loved it, Mel!"

"Damn, that makes me hot!"

Me, too, Jennifer thought. She watched as Harriet unzipped her husband's pants and pulled out his hard cock. The young woman covered her mouth with a hand to smother her gasp, and her other hand traveled to the crotch of the shorts she wore.

Nice cock, Jennifer mused. Very nice! Her mouth watered as Harriet dipped her head and took the bulbous head of her husband's long shaft into her mouth.

Time for me to leave, Jennifer decided and reluctantly moved silently away from the open door to the guest room. She closed and locked the door behind her. Groaning, she continued to rub her pussy over her shorts and reached up under her t-shirt to pinch a nipple. She shivered with pleasure. I need a cock, she thought, and soon!

Opening her suitcase in an attempt to force her thoughts away from her neglected sexual needs, Jennifer pulled out the clothes she needed to hang and placed the other clothes into a dresser drawer Harriet had indicated earlier she could use. As she busied herself, her mental meanderings returned to sex and Kelly. Kelly's been a busy woman, she thought. Six days ago, she started an incestuous, sexual relationship with her brother, whom she claims to love, but sometime in the last few days she shared the sexy man with another woman, possibly her mother. In any case, Kelly has had sex with her mother. And she's offered to share the love of her life with me, and she wants me, as well. She's a round-heeled hussy, a bit of a slut, but I like her. And, yes, I want her. I've been curious about sex with another woman my whole life, but I've been such a stick-in-the-mud. I married a man and remained faithful, and he fucked around on me, but he was a sneak about it. Kelly isn't a sneak. She doesn't cheat. She shares.

As she reflected, images kept intruding: Mel's long, hard cock; Harriet's mouth descending on the shaft; Kelly shaving Harriet's pussy and then licking it. Jennifer shuddered with passion. In her mind's eye, Harriet became her, and Kelly was licking her pussy. She groaned and her hand snaked down inside her shorts and panties. She flicked her fingers over her clitoris.

Sighing, she popped the button on the shorts and peeled them off along with her wet panties, panties she would have to change before returning to the kitchen anyway. Falling back on the bed, she spread her legs and grabbed her cunt with both hands.

Her fingers became Mel's long cock. She moaned with pleasure as she imagined the throbbing shaft sliding inside her. She arranged an imaginative tableau to her liking. She sat on Mel's cock with her back to his chest with her cunt splayed and available, and Kelly's tongue descending to lick the base of her father's cock and up onto her pussy. Then Kelly became Harriet, and Mel became John, and as long as her imagination was running wild, voluptuous Janice became involved, too.

With three fingers from one hand plunging in and out of her wet cunt, the fingers from her other hand flashed faster and faster over her clitoris. She moaned and whispered names, told each of them what to do with her.

"Fuck me with your long cock, Mel," she whispered. "Suck on my clit, Kelly. "John..."

In her mind she fucked them all. When she climaxed, Mel was in her cunt; John was in her mouth, and Kelly was licking her cunt while Jenny finger fucked Harriet and Janice's juicy pussies as they sucked on her tits.

Jennifer's orgasmic shudders had lessened, jerking her body only sporadically, when the knock sounded at the door.

"Yes?" Jennifer croaked, her throat dry from gasping. She gently extricated the fingers inside her cunt and wiped them dry on the inside of her thigh.

"John has arrived and needs to speak with you," Kelly said behind the door.

"Okay, give me a few minutes. I fell asleep."



"Thanks, Dad. Kelly and I really appreciate your attitude," John said as Jennifer entered the kitchen. Without enough chairs, Kelly rose and gave her chair to Jennifer and plopped onto her brother's lap. She wrapped her arms around the young man's neck and gave him a quick kiss, and then grinning mischievously, she glanced furtively towards her father. The man shrugged and ultimately returned his daughter's smile.

With everyone present, John outlined his morning: his meeting with Elmer, the meetings with the photographers, and the offer Chuck had made to obtain the date-rape drugs. He concluded with his idea about using Jenny as a lure for both men.

"What do you think, Jenny?" John asked.

Jenny grinned. "In for a pound, etcetera. I'm your girl, John." Jenny glanced at Kelly to see if the woman had picked up on the double entendre. Kelly grinned and stuck her tongue out - but just a little.

"Great," John said. "Now we need to put you close to Peter so you can meet him. The goal of the meeting is to make a tentative date with him for Saturday night. Tell him you'll call him and meet with him if possible. On Saturday after we have Jim under our control, you can call Peter and have him meet you in the adjoining room. Although, you'll need to meet with him alone that night, for the meeting today or tonight, I don't want you to be alone with him, so the accidental meeting should take place in a public environment, like a bar or park, and one of us must be able to observe you with him at all times."

"I'll take the job," Mel said, "but I don't know what he looks like."

"I'll show you in a minute on your computer, Dad. He's prominently displayed in the video with Mary. Also, Bob compiled dossiers on both Jim and Peter. I've a copy I can let you use. Frankly I was shocked by the vast amount of detailed information Bob was able to gather from the Internet about each of the men." He bent, pulled out a thick file from his briefcase and handed it to his father. "His driver's license photo is included in the file, Dad, plus such things as home address, work address, telephone numbers, and the like. You and Jenny will need to stake out his work place and follow him when he leaves. If he goes into a bar or another location that will allow Jenny to bump into him, follow him, Jenny, and then you follow Jenny, Dad." He turned to Jenny. "The goal this afternoon and tonight is to have a brief, I emphasize brief, meeting with him, get him panting after your nubile body, get his phone number and leave. Okay?"

Jenny shrugged. "I'll do my best. It's been a long time since I allowed myself to be picked up, but..."

Kelly chuckled. "You'll do fine, Jenny."

"Dad, if Peter meets Jim, you'll need to make yourself scarce. Set up a signal between you and Jenny if this happens and the two of you get out of wherever you are as fast as you can. If Jim sees you, the entire plan will be in jeopardy."

"Understood, Son," Mel said.

"Well, I'll need to change clothes," Jenny said. "How should I dress?"

"You're a business woman from out of town," John answered. "Be sexy but don't look like a tramp. You can act a bit sluttish with him during the meeting, but don't overdue it."

"Okay, I have the perfect outfit."


Mel drove through a parking lot adjacent to the office building where Peter and Jim worked.

"According to Peter's dossier, he drives a blue Ford Taurus, license plate XTM 347," Mel said reading a note he had made before they left the house.

"There's a blue Taurus," Jenny said and pointed.

They drove by. "And the plate number matches."

"Good, unless he left with someone else, he's still here." Mel found a parking stall at the back of the parking lot in some shade. He killed the engine and opened the windows. No other cars were parked anywhere close to them. "Perfect. We can see his car and the exit from the building from here." He opened the car door, removed his suit jacket and took off his tie. After arranging them in the back seat, he sat back behind the wheel. "I thought I might as well be comfortable. The work day doesn't end for about an hour, so we might have a bit of a wait."

Jennifer grinned, hiked up her skirt and waved it to get air between her legs. She noticed Mel watched her with avid attention. Smiling inwardly, she decided to tease the man a little. "I need to strip down a little myself. Would you mind if I removed my pantyhose? I'd be much cooler, and..."

"Not at all. If we get too uncomfortable, we'll run the air conditioner from time to time."

She didn't ask him to turn his head, and he watched as she raised her butt off the seat and flipped up her short dress so she could reach the top of her pantyhose. She pushed the hose slowly down off her hips giving the man a good view of her legs all the way up to her waist. While pushing off her pantyhose, she also pushed her panties down a little, exposing the top of her pubic bush, which the man could see if he were watching, and she knew he was watching. She let her dress puddle around her waist as she raised one leg and peeled the hose away very slowly. She then did the same to the other leg.

Mel chuckled. "You'll do. Peter doesn't have a chance. You have gorgeous legs, Jenny."

"Thanks." She sighed. "Ah, bare legs are so much more comfortable." Once again she used her dress to fan her legs.

"Should I start the air conditioner?" Mel asked.

Jenny smiled. "No, I'm fine. If I get uncomfortable, I'll let you know. I don't need to look too fresh when I meet Peter anyway. After all, the meeting will be at the end of a work day."

The pair sat silently for about a minute. "How do you feel about Kelly and John?" Jenny finally asked. She had decided a titillating conversation would help pass the time.

Mel swung his head quickly to her. "I didn't know you knew. When...?"

"I noticed from the time I first saw the two of them together. They're in love, and it's obvious. You didn't answer my question."

He pursed his lips. "I found out about them after you. Harriet told me when she dragged me from the kitchen this afternoon, so my thoughts haven't fully gelled yet. I was shocked, at first."

Jenny grinned. "I bet. Let me ask you another way. What is your attitude about incest?"

Mel cleared his throat. "I was taught, like most everyone, that incest was wrong."

"I didn't ask you what you were taught, Mel. I asked how you felt about it. Some folks, no let me amend that, many folks would consider Kelly and John seriously perverted. Many believe incest is a despicable sin. Do you agree with these folks, or not?"

He shook his head. "No, I think incest can be very wrong, can in fact be most vile, especially if force or prepubescent children are involved, but...well, no one forced Kelly and John to feel or act the way they do, and they are consenting adults. They are my children, Jenny, and I love them. From what I understand, they've both ignored the love they felt for each other for years, and finally circumstances brought them together. Love doesn't follow reason all the time. I worry about them, though. I worry their incestuous relationship will cause them a lot of grief."

"Yes, if they try to live as man and wife, and they will, they won't be able to hide the fact they are brother and sister from everyone, and someone will eventually blow the whistle on them. Some people just can't abide the fact that someone is happier than they are."

"True. What's your attitude about incest?"

She shrugged. "Like you said, between consenting adults, I have no problem with it. Actually, I'd probably expand that a bit to include consenting teenagers, but then I've been accused of being a free thinker a few times."

Mel studied her. "Have you had an incestuous experience?" He laughed nervously. "If the question is too personal, just tell me to mind my own business."

Jenny laughed. "Your question is definitely personal, but I'll answer it anyway. Yes, when I was young I had sex with a male cousin. What about you?" She wondered why she had qualified the cousin as a male. Probably because I'm considering sex with a female, she reasoned.

"Yes, an aunt when I was a teenager."

"Ah, the older woman teaches the boy."

He blushed. "Yes, sort of."

"Did she abuse you, force you in any way?"

"No. I was a very willing participant."

"Ooh, sexy. One of my fantasies has been to teach a good-looking hunk of young manhood all about sex. I don't think I ever will, but exploring the possibilities in my mind turns me on."

She squirmed in her seat. Her goal had been achieved. The conversation had certainly become titillating. She peeked at Mel's crotch and smiled when she noted evidence of his arousal, too. Jenny glanced at her wristwatch and with forty minutes to wait decided to push the issue a little.

"Was your aunt your first?"


"Likewise with my cousin." She waved the hem of her dress again.

"Shall I turn on the air conditioner?"

"Maybe you should. I don't know if it's the air temperature or our conversation, but I'm feeling a" She waved her hand across her face and batted her eyelashes.

Mel swallowed, turned the key, started the car and closed the windows. He turned the air conditioner to its highest settings.

Jenny turned to face her companion, raised one leg up onto the seat, which pulled the hem of her dress to her waist. To retain a semblance of modesty, she pushed the dress between her legs to cover her panties. "Ah, much better," she gushed. She watched as he eyed her legs. "Tell me about your aunt, Mel. Was she attractive?"

"Very. She had sexy legs, like you."

"Why thank you, Mel. I'm glad you like my legs because it's too warm to keep them covered."

"My aunt's legs felt like silk to my hands, especially her inner thighs."

Jenny grinned. "Mel! Are you saying you want to feel my legs?"

"Ah, no...I...damn!" he stammered.

She laughed gaily. "Mel, I'd be happy to let you compare my inner thighs to your aunt's, but be honest. Is your memory of the touch still so strong you can actually make a comparison?" She took his hand and placed it on the knee she had raised to the seat.

"I don't know. Maybe." His hand remained at rest.

"Go ahead, Mel. Slide your hand up my leg. I'm a little sticky, so they won't feel silky, but I've been told they're soft and smooth."

Mel gulped and his hand traveled up her thigh a few inches and returned to her knee. "Very nice," he said, his voice cracking a bit. He cleared his throat. "Very nice, indeed."

"Well, how does the feel my legs compare with your aunt's?"

"Very favorably," Mel said and slid his hand back up her thigh, this time a few inches closer to her dress - and her pussy.

Damn, another pair of panties soaked. I'll need to borrow Harriet's washing machine if this keeps up, Jenny thought. She wondered how far to take her tease. She remembered the sight of his long, hard cock just before it disappeared from sight into his wife's mouth. She considered fucking him but worried if she had sex with Mel she would hurt Harriet and knew she wouldn't take the tease much further for that reason.

"Have you cheated on Harriet during your marriage, Mel?"

He jerked his hand away and blushed. Jenny watched as he struggled with her question. Finally he smiled and said, "Now that's none of your business."

Jenny laughed merrily. "Touché!" She took his hand and placed it over her cunt. "You can play, Mel, but I won't fuck you. I wouldn't hurt Harriet for the world, and if we play, you have to keep what we do between the two of us. Okay?"

His eyes widened, and he swallowed and nodded. "Okay."

Jenny felt pressure as his hand rubbed her pussy. She pulled her dress out of the way and let it settle over his hand, a hand that discovered a wet pair of panties. She pulled his hand tighter to her cunt and sat up a little. She reached and rubbed his erection over his trousers.

"Nice," she said and then giggled. "I feel like a teenager making out in a car. I haven't made out in a car for years."

"Me, neither. It's fun," Mel said and grinned.

She felt his fingers slip under the leg band of her panties and rub through the crease of her cunt. With a moan, she fumbled with his belt and unzipped his trousers.

"Do you remember the first time you made out in a car?" she asked as she snaked her hand inside his open pants and felt his hard cock.

"Yeah. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Though, we've done more already than I did that night."

Jenny chuckled. "Yeah, me, too. But I remember another time, a time I let the boy finger fuck me until I came on his fingers, like I'm going to do with you if you keep rubbing my clit like you're doing."

"And I remember the first time a girl gave me a hand job, and I squirted semen all over myself, the girl and the car." He laughed. "Like I'm going to do again if you continue to jack me off like you are."

"Ah, but we're older and wiser. You have a handkerchief, don't you?"


"Good, pull it out and push your pants down a little. I'll pull off my panties. They're too wet to wear now, anyway. You can come in your handkerchief. Let's relive a few sexy moments from our youth."

A minute later, Mel remarked, "You have a beautiful pussy, Jenny, and it seems to be very responsive."

"I can say the same about your cock." She increased the speed of her strokes. "So long and hard. I sure would like to fuck you, but...what would Harriet say if you asked her if you could fuck me?"

"I don't know. You're staying with us tonight. Let's ask her."

"Yeah, let's. I want you inside me, Mel. I've had to exercise all the will power I have to resist sliding over onto your lap and sinking my cunt down over your cock." She felt her eyes roll back in her head as she envisioned his cock sliding in her. She shivered with the thought. "I'm close, Mel. You have talented fingers."