My Sister Made Me Ch. 08


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The hostess smiled and winked at Sam after she'd sat the four guys in the booth vacated by the cowboy and his wife.

"Alrighty, sugar," one of the businessmen said as she came over to check on them and hand them the bill. "Thank you for taking care of us and you have a good night," one of them said, obviously the CEO or President; someone important at least.

"Thank you," she said, smiling and grabbing the bill and cash after they'd left. She quickly went over to Kara's section and gave her the bill. Kara thanked her then went back to flirting with the guests.

Her stomach still in knots, Sam went and checked on everyone else as two or three more of her tables cleared. After a few minutes, she knew she eventually had to go back and help Marley and his friends. Sighing and steeling herself, she briefly stopped at the first table with the two men that had come in.

"My friend doesn't believe that we can buy your top for an hour," the second guy said, smiling widely. "Is that still something that we can do?"

Sam smiled, swearing loudly and very unladylike inside. She really didn't want to take her top off at that moment, not with her classmates there.

"It's absolutely true," she said, playing up her response for the two men. "I'll let you have it for an hour for $100," she said, silently praying and begging that he didn't want to spend that much.

"Well then," the first guy said, smiling quietly, "We're almost done here, so how about $50 for thirty minutes," he said.

Sam grimaced internally again but forced a smile and nodded. "I can do that," she said. The man stood, smiling and went around to the back of her. She wondered for a second what he was doing until she felt his hands on the back of her top. She spun around quickly and shook her head. "Hands off, bad boy," she said, shaking her finger. "I'll let you have it, but you've got to give me the money first."

The man smirked and shrugged, pulling out a $50 dollar bill and handing it to her. Still swearing silently, Sam smiled again and untied the front of the top letting it spill away from her bra.

"Aww man," the first guy said. "Kimber never wears a bra."

Sam wasn't done yet though, and reached back, undoing her bra as well. She went over to the waitress area and stuffed her bra down in a corner, then went back, handing her top over to the man.

"Nice," the man said, smiling widely. "Those are definitely some grade A titties!"

Sam smiled, trying to avoid smacking the lech in the face and said a quiet "Thank you." She stood there for a moment and let the two men look, dreading turning around and facing Marley and the other guys.

Finally, having no other recourse but to accept her fate, she took a deep breath and turned.

The four faces, three of which she knew the names of, were all smiling widely and looking over at her.

She looked down and saw Marley looking up at her and trying his best not to look down at her breasts. A little part of her heart melted just then, and she smiled, rolling her eyes. He looked like he was straining not to look, though the other three guys were practically drooling over them. She found his reaction somehow disarming and a little relaxing and laughed.

"Jesus, Marley," she said. "You can look." She sighed, looking toward the ceiling for a moment before shaking her head at him. He looked down for all of three seconds and then back up, saying, "Nice!"

She smirked and shook her head. "Hi guys, welcome to Double D's. My name is Samantha and I'll be looking after you tonight."

"Goddamn," Murphy said, smiling widely and still staring at her breasts. She smirked and looked down and then back up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"They don't do tricks," she deadpanned, drawing a laugh. "What can I get you guys and don't say alcohol because I know you're not twenty-one."

Marley laughed and pointed at Kev, who looked a little disappointed.

"Dude, you're getting to see tits, let it go," the fourth guy said.

"Freddy, this is Samantha. She's in our History class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays," Marley said. "Sam, this is Freddy."

"Nice to meet you, Freddy," she said. "Drinks boys, I've got other tables." It came off as more impatient than she'd intended, but Sam was actually having a little fun despite the initial awkwardness of the whole situation.

The guys quickly ordered and Sam went to put in the drink order with Toni. She rounded the bar and then realized that Toni hadn't seen her like this yet.

"Holy shit!" Toni said, grinning widely. She lunged over the bar then and reached out, grabbing on to Sam's nipples and pulling.

"Ouch!" Sam said, holding her breasts as pain shot through them. She felt the thrum of something deeper though and forced the feeling back down. She looked up, glaring at Toni as she angrily gave her the order. "What the hell, Toni?" she asked, as her sister made the drinks. Nothing was forthcoming other than a wide grin from her sister though, and soon Toni had the four sodas made and slid them over to Sam on her tray.

Pausing briefly to cup her hands to her breasts again as the pain finally subsided, she picked up the tray and went back, dropping off the drinks for the guys. She made a round of her tables again and then checked on the men that had bought her top, spending a few minutes flirting with them and letting them get a look at what they'd purchased. She felt weird and found herself thinking back to when she was so innocent about things. She honestly wondered which version of herself she liked more.

"God, those are so damn perky," the first man said. "I really wish I could just squeeze it," he said.

She smirked and shook her head. "Sorry fellas, no touching."

He frowned but didn't press. "All kidding aside, you are a treasure to behold," he said. She smiled, despite her attempts not to and even blushed a little.

"Thank you," she said, smiling sweetly. Something in her was pushing her though, and she heard herself say, "Okay, one little squeeze. Just be gentle because my sister just yanked on my darn nipples at the bar."

"What the hell did I just say?" she thought frantically.

The guy turned and looked at her inquisitively, hopefully. She smiled and nodded, still wondering who or what was controlling her body. The guy grinned and looked over at his buddy, then looked around. No one seemed to be looking, so he reached up and gently cupped her breasts with both hands. The flesh contorted under his fingers and he lifted and dropped, then squeezed them again. Finally, he cupped them and let them fall. Seemingly satisfied, he grinned and winked at her.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" she asked.

The first man smiled and shook his head. "No thanks honey," he said. "You were a dream."

She smiled and disappeared around the corner for a second, then returned and set his check on the table. He handed her a wad of cash in return and handed her a business card. "Let me know if you ever need anything."

He smiled and turned, but she stopped him. "Top?" she said.

He snapped his fingers. "Oh right!" he said. "Sorry!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out her top, then handed it to her.

"Thank you!" she said, smiling. Quickly sliding it back on, she tied it in the front and felt a little better when she went back around to check on the guys.

Marley looked up as she came over and frowned. "Shit, she put her top on," he said.

Sam giggled and shrugged. "$100 dollars for an hour is the price, guys," she said. The guys grumbled and she snickered. "Don't worry, you dirty perverts. I'm sure there are some rich guys out there. Poor broke college guys," she said, playfully sticking out her bottom lip.

They laughed and shook their heads as she scooted Marley over to sit down next to him.

"So how long you been doing this?" Kev asked. She smirked, seeing him staring at her cleavage.

"It's okay to look," she said, seeing him look away when she noticed. "That's why we wear these," she assured him. She couldn't believe that she was the one saying the words as she heard them. He smiled and looked down at her cleavage made more ample by the cut of the cloth. "I've been here about three months," she said, smiling. "I've only had to take my top off this one time. I'm covering for another girl."

They nodded and pressed her with more questions about her job. "It's really just a typical job," she said, "except I'm wearing skimpy clothes," she added.

"Well shit, I'm hooked," Murphy said. "I'll definitely have to bring all my dates here," he said with a wide grin.

"Yeah," she said. "I'm sure that will go over well."

Marley grinned and nudged her as the other guys started talking. She smiled and looked at him, seeing how pretty and deep blue his eyes were. "What does your boyfriend think about you working here."

She grinned, shrugging. "He's oblivious, remember?" she replied. "I told him that boyfriends aren't allowed in while we're working."

"Is that true?" Kev asked. Sam shrugged.

"I'm not exactly sure," she said. "I doubt it."

"But he's been in here before to eat, right?" he asked.

She nodded, still smiling.

"And he hasn't put two and two together?" he prompted.

She shook her head, then shrugged. "He's just living in his own world, I guess," she said.

"You know," Marley, said, smiling a crooked grin at her, "a crafty girlfriend could get away with a lot with a boyfriend like that," he said.

She smirked and shook her head at him. "You're trouble," she said, sliding out of the seat. Marley stopped her though, and squeezed her thigh, winking. She winked back, her heart fluttering, and slid from the booth. Eager to turn the conversation away from Keith, she snapped her fingers. "Ooo!" she said, spinning around. "What do you guys think about my hair?"

She wiggled her head and sent her sloppy knot spinning. "It is too goofy looking or is it sexy?"

"Definitely sexy!" the four of them said, a little too loudly. She laughed and winked, turning on her heel and seeing Kara at the entrance.

"I just came to check on my girl," she said smiling.

"I'm... I'm good," Sam said, grinning. "Making a lot on tips and someone bought the top for thirty minutes," she said.

Kara smiled. "I know, I saw," she said. "Congratulations!"

Sam grinned, and went back to flirting with her tables. It wasn't long until a new group of people came in and filled the long table in the middle of the room, as well as the table that the first two men had vacated. Before long, someone else had purchased her top, and she was $100 dollars richer. She smiled, seeing a table full of men and women as she handed the man her top and started to get drink orders. Each order was seemingly punctuated with a compliment about her body or her hair, or how nice and pretty she looked.

By the end, she was practically glowing. She made her way over to the guys again and slid in beside Marley, who immediately put his hand on her thigh. She smirked and shook her head at him, but didn't move it away for some reason, though she couldn't be sure why.

"Your lucky night," she said, smiling at them as they ate. Conversation for the next minute or so was punctuated by long stares at her breasts. Marley looked repeatedly, but he was too busy flirting and concentrating on massaging that one spot on her leg meaningfully to pay attention. She quietly wished that he'd just look at her boobs, though she really didn't mind the attention. She just wished that he knew that it couldn't go anywhere, at least not until she'd decided what to do about Keith. He smiled at her and she smirked, sliding out of the booth.

Turning, she went around the room and looked in on her tables, smiling and flirting as she could. When she came back around to the guys, she smiled and started to take their empty plates away.

"I wish we could stay longer," Marley said, "But the guys wanna go catch a movie."

She smiled. "Have some popcorn for me," she said, grinning. She smiled as the guys all stared again, complimenting her as they left. She took the bill, the wad of money and went to cash it out. They'd left her a pretty substantial tip for a group of college guys, and she shook her head in amusement.

The rest of the evening went really well, and she had her top purchased for most of the rest of the evening. When the big group of people left, it had been at least an hour and a half and she was startled as someone called her name.

Turning, she looked at the group and saw a man that she knew she should recognize. Her heart started pounding and she frantically wondered if this was a friend of her parent's or a former teacher or something.

"You're Samantha, right?" the man asked. He was standing beside a pretty woman that looked like the girl from her school that had graduated the year before. What was her name? she wondered. "Brie?" That was it. Brie Logan.

She suddenly recognized who it was and smiled widely. "Mr. and Mrs. Logan!" she said sweetly, quietly panicking underneath. "It's so good to see you!"

Mrs. Logan smiled and could obviously tell that she was near panic. "Don't worry, gorgeous," she said. "We're not going to tell your folks."

Mr. Logan smiled. "You are so damn gorgeous," he said, reaching up and gently cupping one of her breasts. She was stunned, too stunned to push his hand away, and after all, this was Ken Logan, a family friend! The logic had her befuddled for a minute, and she finally regained her senses as Cindy Logan slapped her husband's hand away.

"Leave those luscious peaches alone, you lech," she said, shaking her head. "I'm sorry darling," she whispered to Sam. "He's just too much of a flirt."

Sam still felt too stunned to speak.

"I can't believe you work here," Cindy said. "It's so impressive!" She smiled and leaned in, whispering. "We really enjoyed the show, honey."

Sam smiled, finally able to react. "Th...thanks!" she said. "Sorry, I just didn't expect to see anyone here that I knew."

"Oh, I don't think you'll have to worry about your folks finding you here, sweetheart," Cindy said. "You just took us by surprise. Alex always said that you were the most well-behaved of her siblings."

Sam smiled, but then glanced over at the rest of the room, searching for anyone else that might know her through the Logan's.

"This is our swinger group, gorgeous," Cindy said, her voice dripping with sultriness. "No one else here will recognize you."

Sam, finally able to relax a little, smiled and nodded. "It's... it was good to see you guys again!"

Cindy giggled and leaned in to whisper again, but then surprised her with a kiss on the cheek. "You take care sweetheart. I've got to go take care of Mr. Logan."

Ken smiled and waved, pulling his wife with him and walking toward the hallway. "We'll see you soon, I hope," he said, grinning widely. Sam raised an eyebrow when she saw him grip his wife's rear very roughly and squeeze. Cindy didn't protest at all before Sam lost sight of them around the corner, headed to the exit doors.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt like running and grabbing her top, almost like her parents were around the corner. She forced herself to focus on her tables though, and the rest of the night seemed to fly by.

The rest of the night she was torn up inside and felt like she was on the verge of tears again. Mrs. Logan had assured her that her secret was safe, so why was she worried? She sighed as she finished cleaning up her section and went to go count out. After closing, she got home a little later than normal and chalked that up to being so distracted.

She thought about stopping and talking to Alex, but as she moved to softly knock on the door, she heard quiet moans. Not wanting to bother Alex in the middle of what she was obviously doing to herself, she turned and fidgeted her way to her room. Sitting on the bed, she played the night over again in her head. She felt like something had flipped inside of her. All throughout the day, she was confident and sure of herself. She felt happy and alive!

Now, one scare had sent her back to being the tender little flower that had been so easily convinced to suck off a Pastor in his office. She wiped a single tear from her eye and stripped down to her panties, realizing she left her bra at work.

Turning, she slid in bed and halfheartedly pulled the sheet over herself. Unable to fight them off, tears started flowing as she lay there in the darkness. Eventually, Samantha was able to cry herself to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Hedonism island

You’ve asked about artists a number of times so I thought you might do well to check into the works from silkstockinglover. She uses is a wonderful artist. Check one night on hedonism island. She has started to use this person and the results are pretty spectacular.

And actually some illustrations would be very helpful in your work because you have a lot of characters and they are sometimes hard to keep separate in my mind. And for the most part pretty luscious.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 4 years ago

read this soon as it came out but forgot to comment. just wanna say keep it going as i love your writing especially JTSOU.

MickyShyMickyShyover 4 years ago
I'm so invested!

Discovered this story yesterday and had to binge read it. Absolutely loving the characters and the way they're being developed, it's really hooked me in. Can't wait til the next chapter comes out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Swinging your two stories

I see how you're mergering your two great stories. I can't wait to see how intertwine them and which direction they go. I can't wait for the fun to begin. Thanks for all yoir hard work in writing them.

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