My Sister, the Prick-Tease Ch. 03

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Johnny finally explodes his pearly gloop over his seductive sister.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/14/2020
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After the weird but arousing evening, during which older brother Johnny had agreed to abstain from masturbation for two whole days, so that he could demonstrate to his curious sister a fully loaded male orgasm, the normal morning household routine felt decidedly odd. They were both eating breakfast with their parents at the kitchen table. Johnny was trying not to catch Jenni's eye but she was glaring at him, squinting suspiciously like a meerkat who's spotted an approaching cobra.

"Has he done something to annoy you?" Their mother asked, noticing her daughter giving her son the evil eye.

"Not yet," Jenni replied, "At least, I don't think so."

Johnny bit his toast and gazed out of the window.

"Johnny, you know that biology project?" Jenni toyed with her glass of juice, "The one you weren't supposed to finish yet? Did you... finish it anyway?"

"Um, no, not yet." Johnny wondered why she was bringing this up here, now, in front of THEM!?!?

"Are you sure?" Jenni elongated each word.

"Since when did you care about Johnny's studies?" Their father was looking at them both. Everyone seemed suspicious of everyone else this morning.

"Gah! I can't win. You moan when I'm friendly, you moan when I'm not. Fine! I don't care." Jenni pouted.

"Okay, okay, let's get through breakfast without a row, shall we?" Their mother left to finish getting ready for work, a minute later their father wandered off too. Left alone, Jenni grabbed Johnny's right hand and held it up to her nose. Very carefully she smelled his palm, investigating. She dropped it with contempt.

"You prick!" Jenni punched her brother on the arm.

"Ow. What?"

"You did it. And without me!"

"No, no I haven't."

"Then why does your hand smell of dick!?" Jenni is whispering but very loudly.


"Don't shhhh me, you bastard. You promised."

"Look, I haven't... finished."


"I mean, I played with it a little. Just a normal, everyday waking-up wank. You can't expect a man to not touch himself at all! I bet you played with yours, didn't you?"

"Nevermind about me." Jenni looked at him like he was trying to sell her a second-hand car.

"Really!" Johnny smiled, "I have barely tugged on it."

"You haven't..."

"Spunked? No. It's all still there, swimming around in my balls, okay?"

"How do I know you're not fibbing."

"Why would I?"

"Duhr. 'Cause you're a boy?"

"And girls don't lie?"

Their mother walked back in, ready to leave for work. She noticed her children were sitting in silence.

"You've had a row, haven't you? I knew it. You two'll be the death of me, I swear."

"I said I'd help Jenni with something, but she doesn't believe I'll, er, um, come through with it. She just naturally assumes I'm going to let her down."

"Like all men." Jenni played along.

"Well," their mother pondered as she gathered her stuff together, "What motivation have you given him to make him keep to his word?"

"Motivation?" Jenni looked puzzled.

"What does HE get out it?"

Jenni and Johnny looked at each other.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch, my girl."

Their father entered and chipped in, "You don't get nothing for nothing. Come on you lot, let's get going." They each grabbed their bags and coats and headed out.


Jenni and Johnny are sitting on the back seat of the family car on the journey into the city. Jenni pulls out her workpad, turns to a new page, writes and then shows her brother: 'What DO you want as motivation?'

Johnny grins and writes: 'What do you want to give me?'

Jenni writes: 'Not THAT.'

Johnny rolls his eyes and writes: 'I wasn't asking for that.'

They watch out of their windows for a minute then Johnny takes the pad again and writes: 'I WANT to do this. You don't have to offer me anything more.'

Jenni writes: 'I don't believe you'll be able to hold out for two days.'

Johnny can't argue with that. He writes: 'I am a horny little bastard, it will be horrendously difficult.'

Jenni bites the end of her pen for a few moments then writes: 'I'll wear this pair of panties for the whole of the two days. If you can do this thing for me, they're yours. My gift to you."

Johnny's eyes were wide with excitement. Covertly, Jenni adjusted her position in her seat and allowed her dress to ride up showing her tanned graceful thigh leading up to her tight cotton panties in pastel pink.

Johnny took the pad and scrawled in large letters: 'D E A L!'


When they were dropped off at the community college, Jenni took Johnny aside, out of view of everyone passing by.

"You know you can't tell ANYONE about this, right?" She stipulated, poking him in the chest.

"I know, I know, I'm not a fuckin' moron."

"I'm sorry, it's just... I'm already gunna be mercilessly

teased about... what happened before, you know?"

"I've already apologised for that."

She placed her hand on his chest, feeling his beating heart. They smiled at each other, a shared moment of intimacy before the day ahead they'd spend pretending to hate each other.

"Look, Jen, just remind them how much I literally detest you and your Barbie doll bimbo buddies. And that this idea of me perving you up must come from their own depraved, in-bred minds because it sure as hell ain't coming from yours or mine."

"That's actually pretty good."

"Yeah, well, I'm not a dim as you think I am."

Jenni looked up at the sky.

"It looks like it's going to be another hot day. I think maybe these knickers are a size too small because they're rilly rilly tight," she fidgeted like she was uncomfortable, "I bet they're gunna get preeeeetty sticky before too long. By the end of the day... I can't imagine what state they'll be in." Jenni was smiling innocently.

"You bitch," Johnny glowered, "You fucking bitch."

About halfway through the day, Johnny received a message on his phone: 'IT'S YOUR BREAK SOON. ARE YOU GOING TO BE A GOOD BOY?'

Johnny looked around the classroom. Usually the sight of Amelia Binette, who sat in front of his desk and was in the habit of leaning forwards to reveal her curvaceous bottom clad in skin-tight lycra pants, would get things stirring down below; couple this with the delectable Mrs Addison, who's teaching style was friendly and informal and involved spending large amounts of the two hour period leaning back against her desk to address the class, allowing anyone interested a fine view of her shapely legs encased in deliciously smooth black pantyhose and Johnny's hormones would be bouncing off the walls, demanding that he remedy the situation with a quick 'five knuckle shuffle' in the restroom.

He, however, wanted to be a good boy. He wanted to resist these urges that typically lead to him whacking one out on a cold toilet seat in a smelly cubicle. He knew he had something special on the horizon. Maybe once in a lifetime. He pictured his sexy sister reaching up under her short dress and slowly peeling her pink panties down her long, elegant legs and got lost in a reverie for a good ten minutes.

He wanted to put on such a spectacular testicular show that his sister couldn't fail to be impressed and would want to repeat the experience again. And again. And again. And who knows where that could lead? He knew he had to pull out all the stops so he was determined to be deaf to his balls who were clamouring to be emptied.


Mrs Addison chided him amiably to put his phone away. He went back to gazing longingly at Amelia's shapely posterior for the rest of the lesson. During break-time Johnny was sat outside on some concrete steps while his friends smoked illicitly. His phone pinged: 'YOU WERE RIGHT, THIS MORNING I DID PLAY WITH MYSELF, I WAS THINKING OF MY BIG BROTHER. MY PANTIES ARE SOOOOOOO DIRTY RIGHT NOW. I HOPE YOU THINK THEY'RE WORTH WAITING FOR.'

Johnny was smirking at his phone when another message appeared: 'YOUR PRIZE' and what followed was a dark, slightly fuzzy photo of Jenni's thighs open enough to reveal her pink cotton crotch with a definite wet spot at the centre. Johnny's face lit up as he pictured her performing this hurried secret act in the classroom.

"Hey, wazzat?" One of Johnny's friends was looking over his shoulder, "Who's sending you photos of their cooze?"

"It's just porn." Johnny casually hid the phone in his pocket.

"Gizzalook," his friend insisted. Johnny told him to go find his own porno and then returned to his dirty daydream.

Luckily Johnny's and Jenni's lesson times did not coincide, so there was no chance of bumping into each other and having to pretend a mutual loathing. Throughout the day Johnny could feel his phone vibrating, meaning more messages, but he wasn't able to find any alone time to look at them safely. After college he and his friends caught the bus together and then walked together to his house; at this point they left him but before he could check his phone his mother pulled up on to the drive, parked and asked him to help carry some packages into the house.

About an hour later he finally got a chance to hide in his room and check his phone. He was disappointed to find they were all just texts. No more naughty pics.

Jenni had wondered why he hadn't replied. Then she thought she'd gone too far and offended him. Her next text suggested that maybe she hadn't gone far enough in the photo. Then her texts became hostile. His disinterest infuriated her. The last message was really insulting; basically Johnny was just a whiny, pathetic pervert whose only ever girlfriend would be his own right hand.

Johnny was sat pondering the wild changing tones of the messages when his door burst open and his bedroom was filled with the red-faced, panting presence of his sister. She tried to speak but bent over with her hands on her thighs and breathed hard. She flopped on to his bed and leaned back on her elbows.

"Pewf!" She gasped. He could see damp patches of perspiration soaked into her tight-fitting gym gear. She looked exquisitely soiled.

Then the answer clicked into place. She's just as desperate as you are to make this happen. His dark, primitive lizard brain began whispering unkind ideas: 'She wants it. The slut. Make her beg. Make her earn your precious jism. Nail the bitch.' Hey, his more gallant self argued, she's not a bitch, she's my little sister. The lizard brain countered: 'Whatever, wimp. You won't get any pussy with that attitude!'

"I was just reading your highly complimentary messages." He swivelled in his computer chair with a suave nonchalance.

"Where," pant, "Why," pant, gasp, "Didn't y-"

"Why didn't I reply? Because, dearest sis, I haven't been alone all day. My friends very nearly saw the photo you sent. I didn't want to take the chance of them seeing anything else."

Jenni stood up. "Okay," she relented, "that's actually very nice of you, I hadn't thought of that."

"I wanted to protect you."

"Okay, I get it." She waved him quiet, "Very good. I get it. It was dumb." She began a series of lunges and stretches.

"Whatcha doing?" Johnny asked, ogling.

"You have to warm down. You can't just stop dead or you'll get cramps. You'd know this if you did anything remotely athletic. I ran all the way from the leisure centre."

"Why?" Johnny knew, but he had the idea he could exploit this further.

"I was just thinking you'd... I was picturing you... at it." She mimed a masturbating fist.

"That's about six miles, isn't it?"

Jenni nodded, still breathing hard, "Do you have any water? So hot!"

"I'll get you some." Johnny left. When he returned with a tall glass of iced water he had a cunning look in his eyes.

"You really want this, don't you?"

"I said so, didn't I?" She grabbed the water and guzzled.

"I don't mean the drink. I mean the other thing."

"Yes. Well, maybe. Not really. What's your point?"

"It's just that, the law of supply and demand, the basis of any capitalist negotiation, suggests that I can now ask for a higher price."

"What the hell're you on about?" Jenni finished her drink. "What more could I possibly give you?"

"You could... be involved? Physically, I mean."

Jenni paced the room. She put down her glass. She wasn't dumb. She knew what game he was playing.

"What if I just back out of the deal?"

"Ah, you've already shown your hand. Now I know how much it means to you, I have, what's the... leverage for better terms."

"This is harsh, Johnny. I thought we were, y'know, friends now."

"Hey," Johnny shrugged, "business is business."

"Christ on a bike." Jenni wiped her forearm across her soaked face. She paced some more. He loved watching her tits jiggle as she walked.

"My hand." She stated.

"Your hand?"

"My hand will be 'involved', nothing else."

"Agreed." Johnny could not contain the smirk that spread across his face. Jenni went to leave.

"Hold on," Johnny said, a second thought had occurred to him, "you haven't trusted me at all. Can I trust you? How do I know..."

"How do you know what?" Jenni waited by the door.

"That you're still wearing them."

"Whatcha wanna do? You want me to show you??"

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not a monster. You were happy to send me a photo of your panties earlier."

"I regret that now. You're gunna delete that fucking photo."

'Not before I've saved it on to my laptop, I won't.' Johnny didn't say.

Jenni cleared her throat then said, "Lock your door."

At the door, Johnny paused, "How will we explain that we're locked in my bedroom, if Mom comes looking for us?"

"It'll be easier to explain than her walking in to find you examining my underwear!"

"Good point." He clicked the lock.

"Anyway I'm sure Mom won't jump to conclusions, we're not all filthy deviants like you."

Johnny stood next to his extremely moist sister.

"Just a quick flash," she cautioned, "Don't want you getting over-excited."

"No. Absolutely."

Jenni hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her elasticated leggings and pushed them down her tanned, toned thighs.

Johnny dropped to his knees and gazed in awe at the object of his desire.

"You know?" Jenni said, looking down at him, seeing the wonder in his eyes like a small boy on Christmas morning, "I really don't get your fascination with girl smells."


"It's a pity you can't come into our changing rooms after gymnastic practice, there're about twenty sweating stinking girls just like me in there."

"Thank you, you've just given me my next fantasy." His face was imperceptibly closer to her filthy knickers.

"A fantasy you WON'T be thinking about tonight, right??"

"I can't promise not to think about it, Jen."

"But you won't... spank the monkey?"

"I don't think anyone actually calls it that."

"Jerkin' the gherkin, strangling the bishop, whatever. You won't whack off?"

"I'll give it my best shot. Can I...?"

"Can you what?"

Johnny very gently and slowly, fully expecting a hard smack across his chops at any moment, pressed his nose into the warm, damp pastel pink cotton that was barely covering her sticky hot cunt.

Jenni's voice was dark and hoarse, "You promise you won't?"

"I promise." Johnny's voice sounded distant, coming as it did all the way down from seventh heaven.

Jenni reached down, hesitated, then carefully used one finger to pull her cotton gusset to one side, exposing her slightly parted lips.

Johnny was psychotically stunned. His limbs froze but somewhere inside him a mechanical sergeant-major commanded his motor-functions: 'Tongue out. Face forwards. Aaaaaaaaand, wait for it, wait for it, aaaaand LICK!'

Jenni gasped as she felt her brother's tongue slide up into her. Johnny resisted, but only just, throwing her on to the bed and devouring her utterly. He licked up to her hooded jellybean and felt her whole body convulse in reaction. Her hands rested on his head, she wanted to pull his mouth harder on to her ...

Footsteps on the stairs!



Jenni yanked up her yoga pants, unlocked the door and had vanished before Johnny could even register what had happened.

"Looking for something?" His mom's voice seemed to reach his ears from another dimension. She was standing in his doorway, watching him.


"What're kneeling there for? Lost something?"

Johnny focused, licked his sticky lips and regained control of his befuddled mind.

"Er, yeah, I guess."

He heard his mother walk away and into the bathroom. He got up off his knees and sat on his bed. It would be the work of a Hercules to not rub his raging hard-on but, heroically, he resisted. If anyone deserved a medal for resisting urges, he thought, it was him. He heard his sister and his mother talking in the hall and he walked over to his open door.

Jenni was wrapped in a bath towel and holding her bag of seventy-thousand shampoos and unguents. She noticed Johnny emerge from his room, looking dopey.

"Oh Mom, Johnny was just telling me how he's missed sitting with you and watching your quizzes. They're on tonight aren't they?"

"Yes!" Their mother looked delighted, "Awww John, that'd be marvelous. We haven't done that in ages. I'll go buzz some popcorn. This'll be fun." They watched her disappear down the stairs then Johnny turned to his triumphant sister.

"That was harsh."

"Hey business is business. Just protecting my investment. I can't watch over you while I'm in the shower, can I?"

Johnny was just about to argue when his mother's voice called up, "Come on Johnny. It's starting!"

Jenni closed the bathroom door, leaving her grumbling brother to trudge downstairs.


A few hours later, Johnny was leaning in the doorway of Jenni's bedroom, watching her prance around to pop music with her headphones on. She effused a healthy ambiance, looking freshly scrubbed and smelling of tropical fruits. Her nightie had a cartoon rabbit on the front that made her look so innocent. She spun while dancing and noticed her audience. She danced over, grinning, and took off her headphones.

"Did you have a nice time with Mom?"

"Yeah yeah, well played," he clapped slowly, "It wasn't too bad until Dad came home and grumped up the atmosphere."

"Yeah, he tends to do that doesn't he? Huh, men!"

Johnny put his arms around her waist.

"Are we so awful?" He slid his hands down until each of his palms were filled with a smooth, round, warm, bare buttock. Wait a cotton-picking minute! Bare!? He lifted up her nightie to reveal her nudity.


"Now," Jenni calmly prised his hands off her nightie and smoothed down the hem, "For reasons of personal feminine hygiene, my vagina needed a break from those whiffy knickers." She took his hands and helped them find her bumcheeks again. "Are you going to give a hard time?"

"That's a loaded question."

Jenni leaned her happy face closer, she spoke low and soft, "I would kiss you, but you smell like my dirty cunt." She let him go and unplugged her headphones, carefully coiling up the wire in just the right place. The pop music jangled out of her phone speaker.

"Speaking of which," she continued, "You know when we do... the thing?"

"You mean when you give me a hand-job?"

"Yes. I want you clean, and deodourised, and talced, and none of this dirty nonsense you're so obsessed with."

"I can do that."

"So now the only question is, how can I keep an eye on you tonight?"

"Unless you're planning to sleep with me, I..." He let this unexpected idea hang in the air.

"You could spend the evening with me?" She pointed to some exercise books laid out on her bed, "I am studying for a test that you did last year. You could help me out."

"Fuck that!" Johnny held up his hands, "I ain't studying."