My Sister Wants to Hire Me Pt. 03


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I stop fucking, "So far I am unable to keep a woman in my life, I haven't had enough time to dedicate to dating yet. It's been all work and school."

I continue the fucking, and Laura is screaming because she is having fun.

Laura shouts out, "I want a triple, come on, guys, fill me up."

I roll Laura over, so I am underneath. Her husband fills her mouth, and the other camera guy is much smaller, and he takes her ass with no lube. I can tell it bothers her, but she is so high on sex, she is taking it. I can feel the other guy, he is going much faster than me.

I tap him on the shoulder, he looks at me, I say, "This isn't a race, let her fucking enjoy this."

Now we all fuck an orifice and enjoy. Laura is so loose; she is almost no fun. I can use more length for her amusement, but for me, it's ok. I would rather have my sister any day. We pound her for about twenty minutes before the husband spews his load. That set the other guy, and me off. Laura screamed loud and then rolled over. She is still cuffed but otherwise looks like she is ready for dinner.

Sid shakes my hand, "Nice job, kid. Here are the two cameras, load the film into the same workstation, make a small movie, like for the internet. Let's preview how people like your stuff. I will upload it later, and we can see if your style is liked or not."

It takes me three hours to make a video, assemble it, and sound, then tag it, title it, add credits for the studio, and actors. It's ready to go. Sid and Laura watch it before we upload it. They didn't show any emotion, one way or the other. In her defense, Laura was tired. Sid wore her out.


11:00 the next day, I am dropped off at Sid's office, and their car is there with one suitcase. I have all my stuff, four suitcases. I am going home for a while, I think. Only getting a job will bring me back immediately. I found my video last night, and it got a lot of hits but only 50/50 reviews. That was disappointing.

We have a lovely flight home on their jet. Nothing unusual in the plane, we just talked about the business, and how they see me working out if they decide to hire me. They tell me that no matter what, they will think about it before they will choose. Since the lease was up on my townhome, I put everything in storage. I will be going home to mom, and dad tonight, and they will be thrilled to see me.

We pull up to Beth's house. It's a small suburban house. Nothing fancy but well maintained, cut grass, and a good neighborhood. The street is full of cars. I have a bad feeling about this. I see mom's and dad's cars on the street. FUCK! I don't want anyone here.

Sid, Laura, and I walk up to the door, and it opens without ringing the bell. Beth runs and jumps on me. Her legs wrap around me, and she kisses me. She realizes there are other people there. She smiles, puts her legs down, and then I introduce Beth to Sid, and Laura. We go inside, and there is a party going on.

My exact words are, "Beth, what the fuck."

Beth hugs me, and then introduces everyone. Mom, dad, Beth, Roger, Tammi, Tammi's boyfriend, their other friend from work, and her husband.

The entire living room has been adjusted, and two extra couches were brought in. We have plenty of seating, I am in a chair by myself, behind everyone. Beth has appetizers, soda, drinks, coffee, and iced tea for everyone. The windows are blocked to make it darker. It's a nice setup. Beth has a remote in hand, is standing in front, and makes an announcement.

Beth says loud enough for all to hear, "My friends had paid my brother Jim to film them in their own porno. They said it was an awesome experience. No sleaze, super professional, and their sex life has been off the wall for a year now. I heard that three times before I went to my brother.

"My sex life was winding down. Less often, less satisfaction, nothing new. I thought we needed a shot in the arm. I hired my brother. As you will see, I made the Point of View, and then rather than doing a standard porno, I wanted to do several categories from Literotica. He agreed.

"About every Wednesday, a courier dropped off a DVD with the weeks' mini-film to show progress. We all masturbated in the office at least once. Roger took me four to five times that night, and the next night. Two days later, more sex, and the following day, we end up doing that for twelve weeks. I am now pregnant!" Several cheers are shouted out.

"About two weeks ago, we get the final version. I want to tell you everything. I can't, I need to press play. Oh. Oh, yeah. There are blankets, pillows, and baby wipes for those of you that feel the need to fuck your significant other, right behind the couches, and on the side of the couches. , and now I ... enjoy everyone ... press ... thank you, Jim ... play!"

The DVD starts with a loop of Roger fucking Beth. From there, the menu allows you to pick any section or to watch the whole movie. At the end is a compilation of the teases we watched on Wednesdays. Beth presses "Entire Movie." It starts with the POV, and they start playing one after the other. There is a lot of shouting, screaming, laughing, and "Oh my."

At the halfway, Beth stops the movie, "BATHROOM BREAK! One here, one in the master, and one between the other two bedrooms." She takes off running for the master bedroom. Roger is hot on her heels.

Mom comes to me to talk, dad follows.

Sid takes dads hand, and looks at mom, "Can dad come out a play, I want to DP my wife?" Mom pushes dad at them.

Mom bends towards me, "He has been drooling over her all night. Personally, Beth is way hotter."

Mom is now talking to me normally, "This is nothing like the porno's I remember. This is like artwork. I love how you picked up on the conflict in their marriage. The style and music aren't cheesy, I think people will like this once they get used to it. You're my son, I would tell you that no matter what. However, I want you to know that I really do feel that way. I am shocked and amazed. My panties are wet, and I bet by the end, everyone will need relief."

Dad and Sid are in Laura, dad chose her pussy. I take her mouth, and she gets my load quickly. That mouth is very talented. Now that the women are back, and Sid and dad fucked Laura, we sit back down. Laura and Sid don't bother with clothes. Roger has his hands under Beth's shirt, and dad has his hand on mom's thigh. I can't see anyone else.

Beth hits play again, and we continue. Laura is stroking dad's cock, mom knocks her hand away, and she continues stroking dad's cock. Roger is hugging Beth. The music video surprises everyone. When that finishes, Beth stops the movie.

Beth says with a smile on her face, "Jim told us we were wrong, we knew better. If you saw the original footage, there was no chemistry, no magic, I wanted to toss the whole episode. Jim said he had an idea and to trust him. We did, and as you saw, that was amazing."

Laura adds, "That isn't something I have seen before. I could tell by looking at the film that it sucked. It was clear he did not help with the script. I really liked where you took it, that takes a unique eye and lots of skill."

The movie continues until the end where they hold each other, and it fades to black with them kissing. The lights come on, and everyone is clapping, whistling, and wanting to hug me. Roger grabs Beth, and they run off to their room.

Its dad that says to the room, "They just spent two hours on film fucking each other in all kinds of ways, and now they are bashful, and won't fuck in front of us? Weird."

Sid and Laura are on the floor again. Mom grabs dad. Tammi and her boyfriend go at it, and the other lady from work and her husband decide to fuck as well.

I yell out to everyone, "Slow down. It's not a race."

I then go run to the master bedroom, and barge in, they are fucking, "Everyone else is out front fucking, they want a live performance. Come on!"

Roger drags a screaming Beth, he runs with her to lead the group.

Roger runs in, and yells, "Look what I found!"

Beth is yelling, "Put me down!"

I start a chant of "Beth!" Roger is a man possessed; he is fucking the hell out of Beth. She is on the verge of an orgasm. I tap Roger's shoulder, "Slow down, big boy. Let her enjoy it like the others."

Beth screams out, "Fuck you, Jim! I was on the cusp of my orgasm!"

I am the odd man out; I have nobody to fuck.

Sid calls me over and looks at his wife's ass. Laura wiggles her tiny ass. I grab the lube. Sid had Laura in Cowgirl, she bent forward, and I pulled up from behind. As my cock comes out, several females moan. I think one was MY OWN MOM!

With each inch into her asshole, Laura grunts progressively louder until the entire thing is up into her body. Now I start a slow long fucking that she deserves. Sid moans. It really feels incredible having two monster cocks sliding within a woman. Laura is the first to orgasm, she is embarrassed. A porn star should last much longer. All the men speed up, and within twenty minutes, we have all climaxed.

I make the next announcement, "Sid, and Laura, you mentioned wanting to go home. You are more than welcome to join us. Anyone that wants to come, I would like to treat everyone to dinner."

Dad is amazed, "You just graduated college, how can you offer to pay. If we go to a reasonable place, I will pay."

I smile, "Dad, for two years, every week I did three POV movies at $2,000 each, and then two pornos at $5,000 each. That's $1.2 million. I have $250,000 in the bank. I rented a townhome, paid for school, bought tons of cameras, computers, software, etc. The rest I invested. I can afford to pay for dinner."


After a marvelous dinner, we are all sipping a nice wine and talking.

Laura asks me point blank, "It should be obvious we liked the movie, and we like your potential. It's also obvious that everyone else told you no. So, my question to you is how do I make you an offer?"

I am amazed when Beth spoke up.

Beth has a sly smile on her face, one we have all seen many times now, "Oh, I should think it's pretty obvious. As you have heard, my brother is a good businessman and is used to being paid well. He is honest and discrete. I think Roger, and I would add honest and loyal as well. He could have taken me from Roger easily. You all saw that inner movie. Yet, he stayed a true professional.

"What you want to know is what do we pay him. You could low ball him, and he will take it." Roger wants to speak up, but she gives him the "no, no, no," finger. Continuing, "However, in a year from now when he gets his first award, and people come looking for him, you will get a two-week notice. Now, on the other hand, you blow him away, he doesn't even talk to those people.

"I sense he likes you two. You treat him well, upfront, and he will be a loyal employee for life. He has money, he wants more. However, he isn't ruled by that. Being able to express himself will keep him happy. Or, you make a ton of money for a year, and then your competitor does for decades. Your call."

Sid and Laura are speechless, they were not expecting that at all.

Chapter 14 - I Win

Three months later ...

I did get the job and an above-average salary for the industry. I have more money than I need, and the work is amazing. I am slowly building a name for myself. People like the style, they want to work with me. Actors want to try the new style, and it makes our company stand out.

Part of my income is based on profit sharing. Smart thinking on their part. I have had a pair of flops, but they were received well by the critics. A couple has been average. A dozen have been huge hits. My name is known throughout the industry, and people are trying to copy my style. Every company wants a new young stud director.

Some of these guys are modeled after me but go in different directions to make their own thing. People love my POV's. I am using the best equipment, the best software, and have assembled a great crew that I like to use. They know what I want, and they are often doing things before I even ask.

The super-rich come in for private movies. I use the same setup; external hard disk and my systems are never on the internet. Closed system means no hacking. I keep the hardware under lock, and key now, and we use rooms with no windows, and a closed set for those days.

Sid and Laura show up to offer help and are always willing to get on camera, but these people only want their spouses. We make huge money on these shoots. We hardly need to do anything else. My sets have come a long way from Beth bringing in a picture, and a plant. I use a real bed, beautiful sheets, and comforter, they look classy, not like a cheap set on the back of a truck.

I have met a lot of famous people from the business world and the entertainment industry. The one part of my life that continues to suffer is my love life. I direct, edit, star, help edit scripts. I am up late at night, checking the work that others do. I don't have time for a family.

My phone rings, it's Laura. It's funny, it's always Laura that calls me, and is always the first to make sure people are snapping when I ask for something. She is like my mother!

I answer, "Hey, Laura, it's late, what's up?"

There is noise in the background like she is in a car.

Laura is happy when she answers, "I just picked up a new client at the airport. We are on our way over now. This is a freebie; she is a friend of mine. She is dying to meet you."

I sigh, it's late, I am annoyed, "Ok, bring her by. I still have clothes on. We can talk for a while before I kick you out."

Laura asks, "How long?" I can't hear the reply. She now says to me, "We are in a limo, the driver says thirteen minutes. No alcohol, soda only. Seen you soon. Bye."

This really annoys me. I hate it when they call me late at night, right after they have sex, and have an idea. Or they bring friends by to see me. They have brought new women by for me to test, those were friendly visits.

When a woman says she wants to be a porn star, what that means is that she likes sex. Some are naturals for porn, some are terrible. Most are pretty enough. It's more testing to see what we can do to them, and do we think they can take being naked, fucked often, fucked roughly, and by big cocks. Many are willing if they made it this far, but we need to make sure.

My doorbell rings. Oh shit, I zoned out. I rush to my door, turn the lights on, and open the door. A very pregnant Beth rushes me and squeezes me hard. A blushing Sid, and Laura are behind her. When Beth finishes with me, I squeeze the hell out of Sid, and Laura with my hugs. I have tears in my eyes. Beth needs to sit down; she looks worried and shy.

The first thing Beth says is, "I am divorced. Rogers's little friend is also pregnant. I don't want to live with mom, and dad again. Even though this isn't your child, can I live with you? I don't ..."

She stops and is crying. I quickly move to her side. Her hair is a mess, I take a strand, and put it behind her ear, so it's out of her face. She smiles at me.

I raise her chin with a finger, 'I bought this huge house with the hope that someday I might need it for a wife and children. I don't think love is in my future, maybe it's big enough for my sister and her children."

Laura gets up and sits next to me. She holds my hands. She has a tear in her eye.

Laura says to me, "I hope you realize by now that Sid, and I see you as a son, not just an employee. We love you. I have been working on a script for a while now. Yes, my first one, I was inspired. I know this young man that is special. He has a problem; he has a character flaw. He puts work, school, family, everything before his own happiness.

"This lug nut is so dense; he doesn't see the love of a woman near him." Laura kisses me. Laura? "This woman is married to a man she loves very much." She holds Sid's hands tight. "However, the man had an affair with a woman in the office, and she got pregnant. The man now wants to divorce the woman he is married to, and having a baby with." What the hell, this sounds like Roger and Beth. I am so confused.

Laura can see the confusion in my eyes, she smiles big as she says, "I saw your movie. I know a dog when I see one. I kept in touch with Beth. When the opportunity came up, I flew her out here. She has no idea you love her very much. Everyone else, including Roger, knew. They sold their asset, paid their debts, then Roger gave her the $13.27 that was leftover."

"You and Kim have different last names, nobody will know. Oh, by the way. Roger may have had 250 shots to get Beth pregnant, one of your three did the deed. He must be shooting blanks. When Roger figured that out, he had a test done, and he isn't the father of the other baby either. She dumped him."

I sit stunned. What? How? Why me? I am going to be a daddy. They found me a wife, my sister. I turn to Beth, kiss her on the lips, and then hug her long, and hard. The tears are streaming down my face.

Laura stands up, grabs Sid's hand, he stands up, and she says, "It's late, we are going home. I don't want to see you until Monday. Take care of this woman, she is amazing."

They let themselves out.

Beth says to me, "I love you more than anything. However." Oh no, here it comes. "I NEED to pee, and I need some sleep. It's been a long day, and the flight wore me out. I crossed three time zones. I am sorry I didn't tell you anything. I didn't want to weigh you down with a family."

Shocked, I hold Beth again, "You have no idea how much I love you, and how hard it was to leave you with Roger. He was your husband. I suspected I loved you more. You just seemed so happy with him."

Beth hugs me back, "He was only good when he was fucking me. You fuck me better, and I want you all the time. I NEED the washroom."

I smile and guide her to my room, I tell her, "Yes, dear." Two words have never made me as happy.

The end.

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DukeByFallDukeByFall3 months ago

Great story, but needs an epilogue.

Sohioslim78Sohioslim7811 months ago

Needs one more chapter

Trucker1492Trucker149212 months ago

Loved this story hopefully you will add one more chapter to this with how their life continues and ends. Amazing story and awesome heartfelt emotions and plot.

linnearlinnearabout 3 years ago
Always Special

This gets better every time I read it, it is one of those stories that never gets old.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
How did he get the GF pregnant?

I the story and the series but if he’s shooting blanks how did he get the GF pregnant? I guess Roger has a surprise coming too.

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