My Sister's Keeper Pt. 01

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Kev's sister is assaulted. Secrets are revealed.
10.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/03/2016
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– Author's Note: This is a 2-part, NSFW, 18+ story. It includes Incest and other sexual content. Synopsis: Kevin's sister is assaulted. His attempts to discover the reason leads him on a of life-changing journey. Thank you. –


There is no way in hell you're going to be able to comprehend what is going on, if I don't give you a little background first. My name is Kevin – Kev for short. I'm 19 years old, and finally out on my own after getting a job, working hard during high school, and saving up enough that I could finally get my own place. All kids go through that, so there is nothing special about my own experience.

I was desperate to accomplish this, because – to be brutally honest – my family's a fucking mess! My stepfather's a piece of shit who has put our family through hell. Darren was okay when he was sober, earning a decent wage to keep a roof over our head and food on the table. But, the second he got home and started drinking, our life became a hell of his making.

Only 14 when he married our mom, I was already a large, physical specimen from all my workouts for sports and so on. Plus, I had my teenage, growing spurt into adulthood much earlier than the other boys my age. No one ever messed with me. In return, I never bothered them. Darren was a wimpy guy that knew if he fucked with me, I would have snapped him in two without breaking a sweat. He avoided any kind of confrontation with me.

Right from the start, it was apparent that this guy was a real prick. He treated mom like a slave, and she just took it. Within a short time, she started drinking a lot – probably as a way to escape. When I tried to pry any information out of her, she just said everything was fine and not to worry.

My sister, Suzie – or Suz, as I called her – was another story. When he came around, she was just going on 16. Not long afterward, she began to withdraw and didn't stick around the house very much ... always off somewhere with her friends doing 'stuff'. We had never been close, so talking about personal things was not in our nature. I did try a couple of times to get her to open up, but she was just like mom and sloughed off my questions.

Suz had a job at a local clothing store, which she seemed to enjoy. The minute she turned 18, she moved into a girlfriend's place. We didn't see much of her after that, just an occasional short visit of an hour, at the most.

It was about the time I became a high school freshman, that I started hearing the rumors. They all revolved around my sister being a real slut. The further I got in school, the more the stories of her sexual activities came to the surface. They dealt with drinking, parties and my sister doing anything and everything, with anyone and everyone, at anytime or anyplace. Seems that my sister was the school whore who could be had for a drink or a song.

No one would ever say anything directly to my face, for fear of having the shit beat out of them. However, the gossip I would overhear – when kids didn't realize I was within earshot – was relentless. I never had a reason to doubt it. I just did my best to ignore it.

About the time I had found my new apartment, Suz and I talked on the phone. She seemed happy that I was out on my own and asked me how our mother was – explaining that they were fighting, and she hadn't talked to her recently. When I told her nothing had changed, she sounded sad. We both made a promise to get together soon to have dinner, or something similar.

That was a couple of weeks ago, and we still hadn't hooked up yet. Then I got the call ...


The female on the other end of the line claimed to be an intern at our local hospital. My sister had asked her to call me. Suzie had been discovered by an elderly couple at a rest stop just outside town. She was incoherent, bloody and pretty drunk after they were able to revive her. When Suz implored them to not get the police involved, they drove her to the hospital.

While she did let the nurses treat her cuts and bruises, she told them if they called the police, she was leaving and they couldn't stop her. The intern was finally able to convince her that she needed to call someone, so she gave in. That's why I was on the phone.

Without hesitation, I told the intern I was on my way. Twenty minutes later, I walked into Suz's hospital room and was shocked to see my sister's bandage-covered face. I could only see one eye, the other hidden beneath the gauze. She was already dressed in her regular clothes – a pair of holey jeans, and a tank top under an unbuttoned shirt. Lying on the bed, apparently dozing, when she heard me call her name, her eye fluttered open. Her lower lip was cut and swollen. Also, I could see some bruising on her cheek and neck.

As she struggled to sit up, it was obvious she had been badly beaten. "Kev! Please, get me outta here ... take me home!" The nurse's timing couldn't have been any better, as she entered the room pushing a wheelchair. It was the same lady that had directed me to my sister's room upon my arrival. They had already handled all the discharge formalities before I had arrived. Regardless, Suz still had to exit in a wheelchair. We helped her into the chair before I headed out to bring my car around to the entrance.

The ride home was quiet except for her giving me directions to her place, since I had never been there before.

Once inside her nice apartment, I could tell she was extremely tired. I helped her to her bedroom. As I turned to leave, she begged me to stay the night, saying I could sleep in the other bedroom, but to please not leave her alone right now ... she would feel safer if she knew I was there.

I agreed, even though I was curious where her roommate was. I kissed her on the forehead and went to the other bedroom.


I was almost asleep when I heard the creak of the bedroom door. "Kev? You awake?"

Groggily, I replied, "Yeah." She closed the door behind her, and shuffled the short distance to the bed. Backlit by the dim moonlight flooding in from the window, I could see the silhouette of her body through the flimsy material of a knee-length nightie.

Her raspy voice asked, "Can I sleep with you? I don't wanna be alone right now!" Her pleading tone sounded desperate. There was no way I could say no, after all she had been through.

"Sure," I answered. As she lifted my covers and began to crawl under them, I scooted over as far as I could. The bed was only a full, so there wasn't much room.

"Hold me please," She snuggled against my side, her head wedging against my shoulder, with her arm across my chest and a leg on top of mine. Her body felt hot and sweaty. I had forgotten that I only had my boxers on, becoming painfully aware of her bare skin against mine. Shrugging off the thoughts, I put my arm across her as she squirmed to get as close as possible.

When she had finally gotten comfortable, she told me in a whisper, "Thanks ... now I feel safe."

As I got accustomed to her body heat and her warm breath against my chest, I gave her a squeeze. "Good ... " I bent my head down and kissed her on the forehead which drew a heavy sigh from her.

I don't know how much time had passed. I had definitely nodded off when I felt her moving against me. Her leg shifted upward where her thigh came into contact with my flaccid dick. She was also fingering my chest hair ever so softly. I shifted my lower body to try and break the contact with my groin area, hoping she wasn't doing it on purpose.

"Youu-mus' hate me." Her words were slurred from her condition, the smell of booze still heavy in the air.

Even though I was pretty sure what she was referring to, I wanted to be positive. "I don't hate you! Why would I?"

"'Cuz ... I'mma sluttt!" Her thigh slid back in contact with my cock, but I don't believe she was even aware of it ... she had to be too drunk to notice. "I'm-m shur' ya heard all about yer slut sis in school. I'd fuck anyone just for the fuckkkk uv it. That's what ever-reee one told ya ... right?" Her blunt declaration had caught me flat-footed. I tried to think of how to answer her. "Suzziee da sluttt ... wuz my name."

"No one ever said it to my face. I would have smashed them if they had." She had to have heard the anger in my voice.

"Butt-t-t – ya heard it! And ... it was truu-uhhh. I wuzz-za slut." She went right to the point, her hand clamping over my filling flesh. "I wanted this-s-s-! ... Coccckkkk! An ... I didn't care how I gott-it." Her fingers wrapped me through the thin material of my briefs, tugging on me from base to tip. "Big ones ... lil ones ... fat ones ... thin ones! Didn't matter. Cock wuz cocckkk. I wanted them all!"

I had to slow her down. Taking hold of her hand, I removed it, bringing it up to my chest again. "Suz, sweetie ... you need to get some sleep." She groaned a complaint at being stopped. "We can talk about this tomorrow. Okay, sis?"

She giggled weirdly. "Just a quick suck? Just a quick lick-a-yerrr cockk-sickle? Then ... I'll go ta sleep!" She raised her head to look at me with a pout, her bottom lip exaggeratedly pushed forward.

I tried to keep the mood light. "Nope! You're gonna regret this in the morning! Now ... gooo-tooo-sleep!"

She laid her head back down on my chest, her fingers back in my chest hair again. I could barely hear her final words as she took a big sigh, "I'll nev-errr regret cock. Luvvvvv-it!"

"Sleep!" I admonished with another peck on her head. Within a minute I could feel her slip into dreamland, her soft and steady breathing announcing her departure.


She was gone when I awoke. The smell of coffee drifted to my nostrils, pulling me out of bed, into my clothes and to the kitchen. As I poured myself a cup, she appeared, rising from behind the back of the nearby sofa where she must have been lying down.

Her voice was rough sounding, "Morn-ning." She had removed her face bandage, the hurt eye still swollen shut with heavy, purple bruising surrounding it, then trailing down her cheek to her jaw line. Her bottom lip was also puffy, which may have accounted for her speaking problems. Her light-brown, shoulder length hair was messy and obscuring much of her face. "How big an ass did I make of myself last night?" she asked.

I took a long sip of my coffee, then made my way to her. She coiled up in the corner of the sofa, wearing a raggedy, blue, mid-thigh robe which she tugged modestly over her legs as I sat down on the opposite end from her. "Don't know what you're talking about," I lied with a blank look.

"That's bullshit ... and we both know it," she retorted, reaching for her cup on the coffee table. She took a gulp, then continued, "I recall some kind of rant about cocks, and me being a slut, while I grabbed and played with yours. I'm sorry for that, but the booze and the whole night made me do it. I'm sorry, Kev ... really – really sorry!" The side of her face that wasn't bruised, had a bright-red blush on it.

"No worries, Suz. You were a little drunk, if I recall." I took another chug of my wake-up juice.

She took another as well, then went on, "I don't remember exactly how much I had, but it was a lot. I was out of control!"

"You don't need to explain. I'm just glad you're okay, sis."

"I want to explain! – but, maybe later when my brain's not so fuzzy." She grimaced as if in pain. "Soo-o-o, you finally have your own place now. How do you like it?"

"It's okay. Not much to look at, and pretty small. But, at least it's mine."

"How much are you paying for it?" It felt like she was fishing for something.

"Too much – $400. Why?"

"Are you locked into a lease?" She was fishing, for sure.


Her smile looked wacky with her face all messed up. "How'd ya like to save a bunch?" She didn't wait for me to answer. "My roommate split to her boyfriend's, and I could let ya move in with me for ... say ... $250?"

My mind shifted into high gear. This place was twice as nice as mine, and it was already furnished. I just had some crappy shit that I had scrounged up. While I thought of all the good things about this place, she must have taken my silence as a reason to sell me some more. "It would really help me out, because it's tough on me right now. Plus, we could get to know each other again – I've been a bitch about that, but I had my reasons."

"I bet I know why – the same ones as why I had to leave ... a prick named Darren and mom's drinkin'," I replied.

"That was part of it. What do you say? It would sure help me out!"

I smiled at her. "Sure. I'd love that." She clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"You can move in right away. My rent ain't due for a couple a weeks, so we can square up later."

"Great, 'cuz I need to give my landlord notice." It dawned on me the hour was getting on. "Crap! What time is it?" She pointed at a clock on the wall that read 7:30. "I have to get to work, sis."

"Oh, right! Can you move in today – just grab some personal things and come back after work?" She had a needy expression, so I agreed and chugged down the last of my coffee before rushing out to work. Her mood was extremely improved as she watched me leave.


The last thing I expected, when she opened the door, was the heavenly smell of food. Goes to show you how much I knew about her. Mom had always done the cooking, so the idea of Suz being a cook had not occurred to me.

She was all bubbly and bouncy as she proclaimed, "Dinner will be ready shortly." With a laugh, she pointed at my tattered suitcase and the garbage bag full of stuff that I was hauling. "Fancy luggage! Get unpacked and I'll call you when it's on the table." She hustled back to the kitchen while I went to the bedroom to settle in.

Twenty minutes later she hollered to, "Come get it!" It wasn't anything fancy, just a delicious pasta dish with a nice salad. I was famished, so she chuckled when I devoured it rapidly, while she just toyed with her meal. She was probably still in some pain, although her face looked much better. The swollen eye was starting to open, a small portion on her eyeball visible while her lower lip was much improved. If it wasn't for the discoloration, it looked almost normal.

Sipping on a glass of wine, she watched me eat with an amused look. She started clearing the table and told me to stick my dishes in the sink when I was done. "There's some beers in the frig if you want one. Join me on the sofa when you're done, okay?" Grabbing her bottle of wine, she went to sit down while I finished up.

When I joined her, I could see she was heavy in thought. I guess we were gonna have that talk she had postponed. She was curled back in the same corner as last time. Now, she had on rather sedate clothing, a simple pair of levi's and a short-sleeved, high-necked, light-blue, t-shirt. The only non-modest thing about it was its tightness and sheerness. Her medium-sized breasts were firmly encased with her large nipples distinctly outlined under the thin fabric, where the dark-brown areolae were also visible.

She had taken some time to style her hair back to normal, the light-brown curls falling in a gentle cascade of waves over her shoulders. For the first time I could see the light-purple bruising on her arms from the elbow up to where it disappeared beneath her top. Whatever had happened to her, had been very physical. I wondered if she would ever tell me about it, but I wasn't going to press her to do so.

She must have noticed my gaze. "I'm bruised all over. Looks like hell, doesn't it!" She ran her fingers casually down the discoloration as she spoke.

I got the impression she wanted to say more, so I asked, "Want to tell me what happened?"

She had a confused look for a moment. "Maybe in a bit ... if you still want to know. But first, I want to tell you a few other things." She stared at me, her good, light-green eye studying mine for permission. I nodded slowly, deciding to let her open up at her own pace.

She took a sip of wine, then began, "I spent all day doing some deep, soul-searching. I need to make some changes in my life before I fall off the edge and can't get back. I've kept so much shit bottled up, that if I don't let it out, I think I'll explode." She paused and checked to see if I seemed willing to listen to her, or if I was about to bolt.

For the first time since we were kids, I felt like we might actually have a chance to really get to know each other. There was no way I was going to lose this chance. "Listen, Suz. I know we've never been very close, but I've always wanted to be there for you. I guess I never let you know that. I'm sure as hell not going to say no to you now."

She made a wry smile. "You may regret this." It was time for another sip of wine. I took her cue and had a chug of beer. Staring at her drink, she asked, "Do you know what a nympho is? I don't mean just a girl with a high sexual drive, but a real one."

She surprised me with the directness of the question. She had just described the only definition I was familiar with. "I guess not," I confessed. She saw my confused expression.

"A woman with an uncontrollable or excessive sexual drive." She had a sad look as she told me her problem. "That's what your sister is – a nympho ... a sexual pervert ... an out-of-control sex junkie." Her confession called for another chug of courage as she emptied her glass. After pouring some more, she went on, " All the shit you've heard about me was true. I've lost count of the number of guys who've fucked me ... the number of times I've woken up in a strange place with strange men around me, not knowing what I did – or who I did. Suz, the nympho – that's me!"

She finally turned to look at me, a quizzical expression painted on her face. I don't know what she was expecting. Sure, I was surprised. But, not by her disclosure ... more by the frankness with which she had poured out her pain to me. A nympho wasn't the Suzie I knew. That wasn't the sister I had played with and grew up with. If she had expected me to run out screaming from her admission, then she was dead wrong.

"Say something, please," she begged.

"Look ... " I wasn't quite sure how to explain my feelings to her. "If you think because some people say bad things about you because of what you've done ... if you think – " I was messing it all up. "Let me start again." I took a drink and reformed my thoughts. "What I care about is what just happened to you." I scooted closer to her on the couch and touched the bruises on her arm. "Maybe you'll tell me how you got these, so I can track down who did it and kick their asses – or rip their dicks off. If not, then I just want to make sure it doesn't happen again. That's what I care about!" It was the most I had ever told her about how much I cared for her. For fear of not being able to express how I felt, I had been looking at her arm the whole time.

Her fingers slipped under my chin to lift my face up. There were tiny tears leaking from her good eye and trailing down her cheek. Before I knew what was happening, she had my neck wrapped with her arms, her cheek against mine. I could feel the wetness of her tears, then the convulsions of her body as she cried, her small whimpers mixed with her heated breath in my ear. I put my arms around her back and held her tight while she let her emotions flood out. We stayed like that for several minutes until she seemed to have finally let it all out.

I loosened my grip as she pulled back, stopping when her hands were clamped on the back of my neck and her arms straight so she could look at me. "I don't think I've ever told you, but ... I love you, Kev."